
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Using Victims to STEAL LAND and Spring Hill FIRE DEPT THEFT

How close is this house to the fire dept???? They pulled this shit all through pasco and LEO neighborhood. AND HERE. AND OTHER PLACES. The water bills around here were for about 1000.00 NO SHUT OFF OF SERVICE. NO SHUT OFF. I started noticing some things and figured it was the usual fuckers who are all related up to the firemen. One day my SO said ... what do you think they are using all that water for??? And, of course I had always believed they are using it to manufacture meth .. BUT for some reason OUT OF MY MOUTH CAME, " I THINK THEY ARE USING IT TO CREATE SINKHOLES"

Up until THAT MOMENT I had NO IDEA that whatever part of your mind arrives at the final answer had collected enough data. You process a great deal as you sleep and when SO asked I had placed that question on the back burner MONTHS back but it was still processing, bubbling and steeping. NOT A WEEK LATER a sinkhole opened up in the road in front of the VA directly across from the USF medical teaching college. Hmmmm (one block from site)

ANyway .. so I think that I was off on the MERE CITIZEN participation ... THIS could only go on with the duplicity of several factions. ALL GOVMINT RELATED. The firemen have SO MUCH FREE TIME. They have the guy RIGHT THERE with all the drilling tools... they haev ALL THE CAPABILITY. Maybe they're NOT using THEIR PRIVATE WATER HYDRANT to create sink holes and maybe they are. There were very odd doings around here before I mentioned that. (burned your boy yesterday huh?? STOP LISTENING TO ME !!!)

Anyway ... assuming it was meth manufacture I blew it off. Code of silence: Ya don't rat out drug dealers. Let the cops do their jobs. L M F A O. I don't give a F what they do with their water. I just happened to notice it figuring out WHAT PIG was F'ING with my family...

So... I hope these folks don't live close to a fire station and I think that would be worth checking in to for ALL past sinkholes because the Tampa Fireman's nephew who liked to plant stupid threats DID mention once that he was working with a guy to fix sinkholes.. hmmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. After the people are FORCED TO MOVE in comes a fireman's family to HOME RESCUE EVERYTHING.


USING the family of victims of a plane crash that's SUSPICIOUS in the FIRST PLACE to steal land that likely has been in families for GENERATIONS.

Makes one wonder if that was THE PURPOSE of the ODD flight plan. NO REMNANTS of anything ever found here.

Do we actually SERIOUSLY BELIEVE a frigging plane VAPORIZED????? SERIOUSLY.



They are trying to remove the sanctity these folks had enjoyed. Probably one of the last pristine sections they couldn't find another way in.

Sorry if you find me cold. Come peer through my eyes for awhile. My focus is art, beauty and love and seeing FILTH, HATE, THEFT and MURDER all the time and sifting through for the easiest to prove and/or point out quickly ... is not what I really planned to do with ANY of my time.\\



Especially what the park's guy says:
"But with few exceptions, these negotiations have been unsuccessful," said the statement.

Landowners dispute that negotiations have taken place and say they are disappointed at the turn of events.

The seven property owners own about 500 acres still needed for what will ultimately be a $58 million, 2,200-acre permanent memorial and national park at the crash site near Shanksville, about 60 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

"We always prefer to get that land from a willing seller. And sometimes you can just not come to an agreement on certain things," park service spokesman Phil Sheridan said.

"Basically, at this point, we have not been able to acquire all the land we need," he said.

Even with willing sellers, Sheridan said title questions, liens and other claims can arise that would have to be worked out and could delay the project.

"We had a group of people who took some very heroic actions. It's just fitting and right that we get this done in time for the 10th anniversary," he said.

The next step will be for the U.S. Justice Department to file a complaint in federal court. A court would have to decide the matter and would set a value on the land.

Two owners account for about 420 acres the park service plans to condemn, including Svonavec Inc. — which owns 275 acres, including the impact site where 40 passengers and crew died. About 150 acres are owned by a family that operates a scrap yard.

Most of rest of the land to be condemned are small parcels, two of which include cabins.

Tony Kordell said the park service visited him late Friday afternoon and made him an offer for his 150 acres. He declined to give the price, but said his attorney requested the appraisal used to determine the value on Monday.

He's not gotten that appraisal, he said Thursday. On Wednesday, he was told the park service would condemn the land.

The property Kordell owns includes the scrap yard, which must be relocated and he said cost to move the business also hasn't been determined. The property includes where the visitor center, parking lot and park walkways will be placed, he said.

"We've been working with (the park service) all along. We've given them rights to come on the property" to do planning, he said.

"All it's going to do is cost a huge amount of money for attorneys," he said.

Randall Musser owns about 62 acres that the park service wants to acquire.

"They apologized about the way it's come together, but what's sad is they had all these years to put this together and they haven't," he said.

Musser served on the committee that helped establish the park's boundaries and said landowners were promised in 2002 that eminent domain would not be used.

WHAT A MASONIC DICK. THe parks dept are a bunch of NAZI THIEVES. Especially in Tampa, DC and now Pennsylvania. ASSHOLES>



Oh and firemen I'm so sorry but YOU are the ones harboring CHILD PORNOGRAPHERS or setting people up. Threatening other people. AND WHEN ONE OF YOU GOES IN THE NET YOU GET MAD AT ME ABOUT IT AND PUT BAD ELECTRICAL FIRE SMELLS AROUND MY HOUSE???? Cause there's hardly anyone left here .. you and paperthin and the wannabe on the corner and the rest of the heathen that your friends dragged in .

Screw you.


As a brief aside(if this was proof it's just not good enough ... unless I can see the traces and THE RIDE ... I have no way of knowing and this is why there are so many troubled marriages ... men don't know what to do so they flail around)

Anyway today we have a quick look at Adam Dinofsky, Tampa Firefighter... Child Pornographer .. MAYBE.
See post two doors down ... five counts of kiddy porn .. some weed. The kiddy porn charges are third degree felonies. WHY such minor infractions but still PUNISHED FOR LIFE??

But, remember how in the past I Have spoken of how firefighter's charges disappear??

NOT ALL OF THEM. Karl Staat's were left aboard. He is enemy number one of the tampa fire dept in some factions. BUT that hasn't stopped the rest of his family from participating in apparent property theft and gang behaviour over Cornelius, Beacon way.


OH and lately on the way home there has been a fire (or the hint theeof) EVERY NIGHT. That's NOT ENOUGH FOR THEM. Maybe they are afraid the WHOLE CHILD PORN RING will be exposed. THe little trafficker's uncle and krewe must be at work last night because they roared around the block which of course, just makes me laugh BUT THEN the air was filled with the scent of electrical fire for awhile. They are STILL TRYING TO TERRORZE MY FAMILY. Apparently the biker doesn't like it that I uncovered his toad connection and yada yada blah blah blah....

OR the child porn thang ... (truthfully it could be ANY NUMBER of things) ... seems one Adam .. Dofinsky's very public matter of CHILD PORN is being kept VERY PRIVATE.

No record of WHO he is or who his attorney is (are WE paying for HIS ATTORNEY ????????) what charges he actually faces AND/OR if the same state's attorney/cum defense lawyer last week cum judge WANNABE the week before you get my drift will be 'prosecuting' him.


THE PUBLIC SHOULD ALSO KNOW WHO THE JUDGES ARE. Because as you may remember (back to this) I've talked before about the firefighter's charges DISAPPEARING. MAYBE NOT. MAYBE they are redacted !!!!! Like fucking Naxi Germany. For all intents and purposes they have their OWN judicial system ALL UNDER COVER.

SO if the SAME JUDGE is letting all these freaks off the hook and that's what it looks like. WHAT stops them from committing crimes APLENTY or indeed ENCOURAGES THEM to go right out and do what the fuck they want.



Charlie Crist .. YOU FIX THIS, brother.

Gambling will run us all over .. we ALL KNOW THAT. Fix THIS.

These guys are FRIGGING GANGSTERS in many cases and NOW they have a FREE BOATRIDE through the judicial system.

And, many of them are unattracitve.

While that's not a crime how would YOU like them following YOU around???????


They should be held to a HIGHER STANDARD OF PUBLIC SCRUTINY not have their actions HIDDEN.

They are public servants whose actions have been sanctified by the people they helped SHOVE INTO PUBLIC OFFICE.

Yes, that includes you probably.


Fix it.


I think people should know what their public freaks are up to.

Most here in Tampa are UP TO very sinister behavior.

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Blanks and Charges

Okay, tell me if this sounds mercenary. I'm leaving out names and identities for now, and even some words to protect those who frankly don't deserve protection but having never been a RAT (like some) I just don't feel good about spilling people's filthy sides of their lives onto the WWW...

However -- (you knew this was coming, right??) -- I'm willing to disclose same for a fee. In fact, I'm going to disclose some of this in a book which will definitely be for sale very soon but if you'd like to know if your name or some similar aspect that identifies your smarmy and illegal acts towards me and my family have been mentioned I'd be happy to negotiate a fee with you. For the record, save your pennies if I've known you longer than thirty years. Out of respect for you and your family I'll leave your names out. Out of respect for you and your family I have remained silent. Apparently this same respect was not inbred in you. That's a pity but you and yours are safe with me. The ones who took it upon themselves to do your bidding against an innocent family are wide open just like they've left MY family wide open. Herewith I refer to my extended family and network many of whom are currently suffering at your hands. Be on notice.

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008
Blast Off's Huggy Bear Pic Challenge

A Nation in DISTRESS

A Nation in DISTRESS


In my living room watching;
but I am not laughing ....

..... risk something, take back what's yours
say something that you know they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before ....
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day

In their living room laughing like,

"what did he say?"

Fight the Good Fight

" .... courage is humankind's cardinal virtue, because ''it makes all other virtues possible."
Reverend William Sloane Coffin

......" And I dare you to ask for a lot, I dare you to hold fast to your ideals and to expound them as publicly and as fearlessly as Martin Luther King and Bill Coffin and Betty Friedan and those dozens of grandmothers arrested a few weeks ago for protesting the war in Iraq."

Francine du Plessix Gray


MainSTREAMMedia=Bush Propaganda Machine

vox dictionary
Never Mistake Kindness for Weakness
I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires. Kahlil Gibran

Sept15 button
Every man dies.

Not every man really lives.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...... Martin Luther King, Jr.
[PDA - Progressive Democrats of America - Stand Up. Take Action. Vote.]

Vox Talk

Contrary to popular belief:

Patience is NOT a virtue.

It is concentrated strength.
"The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service."

- Albert Einstein
"Only those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly" – Robert Kennedy
"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation…want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Frederick Douglass, 1857
Tis nobler to lose honor to save the lives of men than it is to gain honor by taking them.

~David Borenstein

You cannot win a War on Terrorism. It’s like having a war on jealousy.

~David Cross

Blog Roll Me ~~~



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Fight Child Protective Services False Accusations

Fighting Child Protective Services False Accusations
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I was born a citizen of the world and have remained such but along with that: I'm a long time Tampa resident. Mixed bag at that as I've seen life here from nearly all angles and while somewhere in there I became slightly indoctrinated, I'm not too proud of the way people have taken over this city and run it with an iron fist for all but some. This city is working hard on creating just two classes. Thems and them dont's and they are working hard to shove some families down into the gutter for reasons known only to them. Some might be as petty as jealousy, some might be politically motivated, some might just be stupid and all are wrong. I want to believe we can get better but that would entail some stuff that I have no control over. I only can control myself and my reactions to what occurs.

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Addendum: Please check back to older posts as I am constantly updating them as I have more time to delve into the interesting subjects. I thought that comments were automatically enabled. I apologize for the inability to comment. I was able to comment but that's because I'm the author (duh) Now, everyone can comment. It's a free for all. Hey, as well, if you'd like to publish to this blog it'd be cool if you were like-minded but if you're not that's okay too -- just email me and I'll add your email to the list of publishers to this blog. Tampas Back Door Ways (OR)