
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

you like to make people ANGRY huh little piece of shit man peter claudio??


Ask your fag of a landlord who gives you free rent while you run his drughole what I found out today.


Maybe the stupid loser does not know.

Mr. Peter Claudio: PIECE OF SHIT who does what he is TOLD.

And would steal your mother from her grave ....

Interesting how they all got new tags. LMFAO.

You people are very slow learners.

Dear Angela

What IS IT with you and what's her face on bay and the other one on ... the street up from wisconsin and your history of violent black gang members?? (oh and I got the connection to Ober with all of them but you .. is it just an off-the-hook thing like it is with claudio??) Cause I know when Ober comes after MY family unless we shove him back under his rock with high-dollar attorneys, yknow ... none of us GIVE HEAD. So ... just tell me .. I ain't got time to ponder it.

I love how your like ... what? Ninth ? hubby is willing (like Christine Breen) to transport a minor for sex acts. Just sayin ..... And clearly it's interesting how Davey's "mom" ?? scoots out conveniently from her trash-strewn crackdump of gang assholes. Nice folks. Actually even little tiny shitty man claudio is a step above, I think.... I wouldn't define as love how he raises his kids but .. yknow ... it's a step better. In his case I think he just doesn't know any better and in your case maybe it's the white trash thang? Don't know. I can't imagine what attracts you hos to VIOLENT black men. Black men that's one thing but each one of you it's the carrying concealed weapon thang. Then once Ober has ya on the hook .... thereyahave it. Same with Scotty Louis Gonzalez..... and you are there surrounded by fire stations. And your own kid calls herself a whore. That's fucking sad. On meds, off meds... mom too busy with whatever else .... some people sacrifice and do without and some spread their legs and welcome it in .... (lol) Nothing personal. You're the slut who came out after MY family which is my license to drive it right up your ass whenever I feel like it with words.

It's endearing as fuck the way y'all whore out your kids.

BTW, I'm picking up a lot ... she ain't all that close trained.


Do you know Tina Chevalier? One infers you are close ...

Everyone fucks up once in awhile but climbing up other people to correct your fuckups .... you just chose the wrong one to climb. I'm on to your kid and she's a tramp and didn't fall far from the tree.

For once in her life she'll be treated like a lady.

Here's hoping one day you will have that experience.


FOUR !! Car wrecks today !! LMAO

Seriously, how many people had four car wrecks and one major clusterfuck of police people in their path today?

Everyone?? Not just me?

And the firemen racing back and forth and forth and back and cops pulling out in front of you with their headlights off on a dark hwy.

Just checking. Maybe that shit was happening to everyone all along and I was left out and now I've joined the crowd.


Please. Feel free to send me the shit I want.

And carry on destroying cars ....

And racing about on MY TAX DOLLAR.

What losers.


It doesn't always feel like stalking anymore. It's sorta back to me kinda just going ... lookie !! There's the parade of SHIT.

And so effective.

Speaking of shit, Mr. Claudio is hiding again.


Roar away with your bad selves

But there is nothing you can do ... you are currently in violation of the law.

Please comply or I will have no choice but to make a citizen's arrest.


It's highly improper .......

you are covering up someone's actions ILLEGALLY.

I'm sure there's a boatload of charges in there.....

Monday, November 29, 2010

you people are so scary


Stand up and be counted, piece of shit.

You're one of the ones who ADDICTS CHILDREN.

A few of whom I happen to know.

What, was the interviewee Ellen busy this morning or coming later?

Now fuck off .....

From your fine (LOL) house and cars .. it's easy to see you're the one profits from the sales.


You had big aspirations in life.

A frigging dump in the middle of meth/crack heaven in this hood you think you lord it over people in.



The other foot is falling.

If it catches you under it well that's too fucking bad.

Should have stayed away from him.

And kept your slut away from me.

What a lying nasty slut you raised.

Her and the fireman's nephew a match spawned in hell.

Murderers and sluts.

It's reallllly hard to care what anyone LIKE you thinks of me.

And so ... having once again inserted your ... self. We can just lay what lands at your doorstep.

At least part of it.

I'm not afraid of you.

It's not because you're not dangerous, stupid, scary, ugly assholes.

It's that I'm aiming for you.


With every piece of paper I'm about to bury the whole fuck lot of you goddamn assholes in.


and, STOP calling me Shirley

Awwwww, one of the handsomest men alive passed away today.

Handsome, brilliant, funny and ... loved.

I saw Airplane and laughed. And again. And laughed. Like finally after watching it five times or so over the years I thought I had ALL the spoofs. But I didn't.

High-brow humor takes a bit of time.

Too bad his tv shows never got off the ground. People just can't pay enough attention .. which gave us Naked Gun.

I say he died too young.

I don't like when I read about someone who really brought pleasure. And he did.

Lots of people laughed their butts off at Leslie Nielsen.

He guaranteed a GOOD time .... I wish I had seen his one man show.

Two regrets. I'd have liked to have seen Bea Arther's as well. (and wanda .. but wanda still kickin)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

LWL 271 How did Firemen GET so stupid??

I think it's the inbreeding.

Certainly it could be the meth fumes.

OR it could be all that time they spend trying to manipulate and intimidate others at a level most people wouldn't fall for on the wrestling mat.

Guys?? and Hos? Do I HAVE to tell you how many times this asshole you fake-wrecked right on the corner there has been documented stalking me??

Cheap shots by ignorant thugs.

Nice video of the losers with the car-wreck threats again.

What else ya got?? That one's ALL PLAYED OUT.

Mr. Claudio you tiny piece of shit man with your stalking whore of a wife .. seriously get a fucking life. It's NOT that I dislike thugs who grunt and raise their children like pigs... while they fuck with our cars, animals and property. Okay, maybe it IS. But certainly I do not speak thug. But I hate to see you waste your pathetic fucking life with no response so some days I take pity so you can earn your free rent and electric (NOPE that ain't goin away) What are you trying to tell me? My wife smokes and in order to keep her in cigarettes I cart meth and shit around in these big ass cases like a musician. OR: did someone actually have to listen to that fucking redundant hypno shit? LMAO.

Hope it's you making money to support the kids whose lives you are destroying. At least they have tennis shoes. Cept for the pair they tossed up around the wires.

Not even a nice try, loser TFR ... that's not going away. And, in fact, I'm adding to it. So stuff it up your stalking asses.

(any smart people would be apologizing, back pedaling and offering money but obviously you think you've outmatched me: KAY.) I see your solution three ways: a kill me and deal with that >>>>>>>>>LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You would hear me laughing louder from the grave you pieces of shit. b. try to develop an heir (WAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TOO late for that maybe read that whole section again as advised) c. wait for fucking ever until you're ready to deal with me. Because you will. Lemme know if I missed anything.

Pasco FD fallen silent upon evidence of the BROTHAS covering up the meth houses. One assumes they're up to the same thing in pasco, pinellas and hernando.

Finally traced big TNT down. Interesting. Four houses down from Courtney and NOT FAR ENOUGH from the firemen AT ALL.

So, thanks for all of that.

The circle is now completely unbroken.

Ms. Denise and hubby Peter. Home of the stalking fat pig and bought their property from O'NEILL. Just a wild coincidence there I believe. I really do. That's not sarcasm. Hey, yknow whose fault that is I found that out/?? Yup. Mr. Dumbfuckarooney Keller and the slut-senders.

Y'all need ONE smart person.

Try someone who doesn't smoke dat shit.

How Tampa Fire Rescue Spent Thanksgiving

Well, besides stalking me up and down the highways and following me around upon my return, Tampa Fire Rescue has been holed up down by the courthouse disappearing evidence.


If you live in Grid 37, best hope your dump don't catch on fire.


I'm pretty sure if you examine records you'll see the idiots have suddenly had a HUGE PREPONDERANCE OF MEDICAL CALLS.

But here's the record they lost ... don't worry, losers. I have it right here.

Numerous copies.

I knew your stalking asses were feeling all bold for a reason.

Losers: You forgot to put Grid 37 back .....

STALKERS ! MURDERERS !!! THIEVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

US Government Playing Hard Ball w/Wiki Leaks Founder


Not sure why they always think hardball is the way to go.

Illegally obtained? I don't really think so.


What happened with all of that?

When someone has the balls to take the idiots to task they pick up their swords and try to hack away.

I do love Harold Koh. He should be ON the Supreme Court.

Complaining about the nasty, fetid, unusable water to Pam Iorio's fucking downtown soldiers brought this: HER marching out of publix with that smartass look on her face carting BOTTLES AND BOTTLES of water. One word for that: CUNT.

The rest of her tribe: with their little cutting remarks ... about people stinking and such. Doesn't matter that they were LIES. And I'll remember that. One word for that, too: CUNTS.

Okay ...

now on to this.

Maybe Assange should put a hold on here.

No use letting the world know what assholes people REALLY are.

Not all of them have the balls of us here at the vox-club.

They'll fold like pansies after all the nasty stuff they said and shrink away.

Meantime those who would act like jackasses OVER THE TRUTH (WIGGINS) will act like jackasses.

US asks Assange (demands) not to release diplomatic cables.

Come ON. You're all up in the man's sex life.


If you folks would learn that you're NOT running everything ... you'd probably do better.


What ever happened to that?

Now the mob has landed attorneys in the ranks.


First dieucidue and mattassini are being hauled away in handcuffs. Next you know they're out there prosecuting people. Here in Tampa with Mark Ober. Gee not sure HOW innocent people end up in prison....


The bikers and the mob boys.

Running things in to the ground in Tampa.

Pam, you go to hell.
And take the rest of that nasty, smelly, stinky bunch with you.

They're rotting from the inside. Like you.

Tampa Fire Rescue Apes and Thieves

LONG history of corruption and murder and thievery.

THIS is why they had to get their own guys in the FBI that rain on their parade was a bit too much.

Now you see the FBI and the rest are all related. No chance of anyone foolishly busting the crimes of the fire marshals, inspectors and the rest of the filth in tampa.

Organized crime figures have been attracted to the Tampa region as well, including Santo Trafficante and members of his family. The Tampa Division tracked these criminals for more than a decade, and in 1972, agents arrested Trafficante’s brother, Henry, and 62 associates on illegal gambling charges—the office’s largest mob takedown at the time. They later arrested Frank Diecidue—a Trafficante underboss—and Harlan Blackburn—a racketeer who had Trafficante backing in running illegal Latin American lotteries.
Using new racketeering laws and undercover agents, the division continued to target the Mob. In 1977, 23 subjects were indicted for racketeering and arson following an insurance fraud case in which numerous citizens torched 150 commercial and residential dwellings. Agents analyzed thousands of insurance documents, histories of ownership, and appraisals of burned properties. The culprits ended up including the Tampa fire marshal, fire captain, and lieutenant; prominent realtors; insurance adjusters; and Trafficante mob associates.

Silly ME. I used to look at cops and see cops, now I know they are thugs. Used to look at firemen and see hard-working, humble guys now I see them for the pigs they are: stalking women and children and dealing dope with white trash and any trash that'll have them.

And their intimidation racket.

They can go to hell.

When you have them by the balls: you have them by the balls.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Keller ..... what's got the Wiggins all wound up?

Good to see none of those little crack and meth-labbers got burnt too bad to be out stalking people with dey snake sellin 'rents.

Fuck off and die.


Ya just add paper to the pile.

Interesting choices for your kids.

Shit ... we white-trash methsters if'n it's good enuff fo us it's good enuff for dem

Friday, November 26, 2010

Pam Iorio City of Tampa Water TAINTED AND POISONED

and here's some more proof:
Reformulated dishwasher detergents can lead to chalky dishes
By Lorri Helfand, Times Staff Writer In Print: Friday, November 26, 2010
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Ana Sullivan of Clearwater Beach said she is embarrassed to have company over since she is no longer able to clean her glasses, dishes and silverware. “I did everything I could, changed dishwasher detergents four times and bought a new dishwasher,” she said.
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Nancy Lincoln's drinking glasses came out of the dishwasher so white and chalky that the Palm Harbor woman threw them away and bought new ones.
Gloria Share, who lives in East Lake, said her glasses were so filmy she thought she needed a new dishwasher.
Darrell Hoag Jr. was having a similar dish problem at his home in northeast Clearwater. And if he didn't get to the bottom of it, his wife wouldn't let him live it down.
Hoag is the service manager for APSCO Appliance Centers.
"The last thing I wanted to hear is my dishwasher wasn't working and I've got to work on it," said Hoag, whose Largo-based company serves customers in Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough counties.
Throughout the country, people — especially those with hard water — have reported similar complaints. The problem has been linked to newly reformulated detergents. To comply with new environmental regulations, manufacturers have recently removed all but trace amounts of phosphates, which keep minerals from clinging to dishes.
Pinellas County's director of utility operations, Bob Powell, said local water is traditionally hard, or high in minerals. From a housekeeping standpoint, it may be a nuisance, he said, but it's not a health concern.
For a number of people, their recent bout with chalky dishes is much more than a nuisance. Nell Macrini, 77, of Clearwater, said she had to scrub her silverware with a Brillo pad to get rid of the buildup.
Most of the recent phosphate regulations went into effect in July. But many detergent manufacturers rolled out their products months earlier, said Brian Sansoni, spokesman for the American Cleaning Institute, whose membership includes the majority of detergent makers.
Hernando and Pasco county officials said they were not aware of complaints about filmy dishes. But other local governments said complaints began to peak this summer.
Each month, Pinellas County utilities, which serves around 600,000 people, sees about four to six dishwasher-related complaints, Powell said. It had 20 in August, 16 in September and 54 in October. The county is working on an educational video about the issue.
Michelle Van Dyke, a spokeswoman for Hillsborough County's Water Resource Services division, said Hillsborough's water quality hotline had a noticeable increase in calls over the summer, but they've tapered off significantly in recent weeks.
Hoag and other Tampa Bay appliance and service centers said they were inundated with inquiries about chalky dishes. Calls to APSCO's service center more than doubled since phosphates were removed, Hoag said.
Stephen Daneman, store manager of Famous Tate Appliance and Bedding in Oldsmar, said he's been taking more customer phone complaints about dishwashers than any other product.
There are some fixes for the problem.
Hoag started noticing cloudy glasses and hazy spatulas about six months ago. He bought a new box of dishwasher detergent, thinking his old one had lost its effectiveness. That didn't work. So, he went back to the store and called one of his service technicians, Rick Watson, who suggested a product called Lemi Shine because that had worked for him and a number of his customers.
A few solutions are a bit unorthodox.
Some in the appliance business used to recommend using a scoop of Tang drink mix, Daneman said. (Hint: Don't try it if the inside of your dishwasher is plastic, unless you're really fond of orange.)
After the St. Petersburg Times reported about cloudy dishes near the Morningside Estates neighborhood, one woman called to say she had great results using denture cleaning tablets in her dishwasher.
Hoag suggests cleaning the dishwasher first with a citric acid product, if necessary. He also recommends using Lemi Shine, which contains fruit acids and fruit oils.
The product, which has been around about a decade, has generally been popular in hard water areas, said Marty Hammond, chief sales officer the manufacturer, Envirocon Technologies of Midland, Texas. Since bans on high-phosphate detergents went into effect, the privately held company is selling Lemi Shine in places it hadn't before, he said, and sales of have increased 50 percent.
Ana Sullivan, who lives on Clearwater Beach, is one of several local residents who bought new dishwashers only to realize they still had a problem.
"I did everything I could, changed dishwasher detergents four times and bought a new dishwasher," said Sullivan, 63.
Her silverware looks fine, she said, but her glasses "are not presentable for company."
Gloria Share thought she needed a new dishwasher, too. But the guy at APSCO in Clearwater said she didn't.
Instead, he handed her a sheet of paper with Hoag's suggestions. She tried them.
Now, she said, "All my glasses and dishes and everything are fine."
Warren Knapp, who lives in St. Petersburg, found another solution.
He went to Big Lots and bought a dozen boxes of the old Cascade. His friends in Seminole and Tierra Verde stocked up, too.
"We have enough that we'll survive a year and a half," he said."
Lorri Helfand can be reached at
Helpful tips
Tips from local repair shops and water officials:
• If the inside of your dishwasher is scaly, try a citric acid bath to clean your empty dishwasher. Many appliance stores supply them.
• Add about a tablespoon of Lemi Shine, available at grocery and discount stores, to the main wash cup. Make sure to fill the rest of the cup and the prewash cup with dishwasher detergent.
• A cup or two of regular white vinegar at the beginning of the wash cycle may also be helpful.
And more …
Suggestion from Procter & Gamble Co., which makes Cascade:
"Consumers who are having ongoing issues with spotting or filming might consider switching to a unit dose product like Cascade Action Pacs … (which) contain a water softening agent that helps reduce filming and ensures that consumers use the right dose every time."[Last modified: Nov 25, 2010 11:58 PM] Click here for reuse options! Copyright 2010 St. Petersburg TimesClick here to post a comment
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Viewing 1 - 23 of 23 comments
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helenhess Nov 26, 2010 12:45 AM About 12 hours ago
"123 Get Samples" is promoting a new line of detergent, tooth paste, lotion etc by giving away free samples. It’s more of the “try it before buy it” marketing model and who can resist a free useful household product like detergent? This free sample is limited to one per household and only available while supplies last.
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willie_from_penniless_park Nov 26, 2010 6:47 AM About 6 hours ago
thanks for this article - i thought i was going nuts... my solution was to clean our glasses with vinegar - this is a PITA!
Reply Report Abuse 0 0

handyandy Nov 26, 2010 6:53 AM About 6 hours ago
we, like willie, have been using vinegar to get the existing crud off. Finish Jet-Dry rinse agent that comes in little plastic baskets that you hook to the rack seems to be helping as well as the action packs. Between the two we are OK.
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willie_from_penniless_park Nov 26, 2010 6:57 AM About 6 hours ago
btw, we also faced replacement of our expensive shower heads (multiple-setting massage type) due to the crappy hard water here in Pinellas, but found that a 50-50 overnight soak in CLR made 'em brand new - saved us more than $200!
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Fredmiller Nov 26, 2010 9:18 AM About 3 hours ago
Don't do it willie. CLR will eat off the chrome... I guess you will find that out though. Nevermind.
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jssr Nov 26, 2010 7:27 AM About 5 hours ago
Walmart carries Lemi Shine...All you need is a teaspoon with the detergent. It works. This piece of advise cost me 80.00 after the repairman found nothing wrong with the dishwasher.
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unitedhybrid Nov 26, 2010 7:27 AM About 5 hours ago
What a waste! Throwing away your dishes? RECLEAN THEM, DUMMIES! Actually do some manual labor for once! This filmy business though, I've been noticing it for awhile. I knew it was the detergent. And yes, I recleaned them manually and stopped using the dishwasher. (OoOoO... MANUAL LABOR! It KILLS me!) But this is because everyone is on the "Phosphate Scare". There's phosphate in your darn toothpaste! GEEZ WHIZ! Seriously... people are really, really stupid. Someone attacks something and suddenly it's bad for you. High Fructose Corn Syrup? Puhleaze!
Reply Report Abuse 3 1

Fredmiller Nov 26, 2010 9:32 AM About 3 hours ago
Phosphates, aspartame, saccharine, corn syrup, teflon, aluminum, copper, lead, ddt, plastics, chlorine, fluorides, pesticides , weed killers, mercury, arsenic and PCBs puhleaze! What a bunch of whinebabies. The human body is so full of toxic chemicals now that we will have to be buried as hazardous waste. You can bet your arse that the wealthy avoid these substances like the plague while they own the companies that sell them to the rest of us.
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Darby Nov 26, 2010 7:47 AM About 5 hours ago
Correction, environmental wacko regulations.
Reply Report Abuse 5 1

straightup Nov 26, 2010 8:00 AM About 4 hours ago
Did anybody give a thought to not being so anal, and who cares about a little cloudyness on your drinking glasses.
Reply Report Abuse 2 1

truth10 Nov 26, 2010 9:48 AM About 3 hours ago
Martha Stewart and all the rest of us on here, evidently.
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truth10 Nov 26, 2010 9:51 AM About 3 hours ago
It's not really about the glass.It's harder to judge the wine in it.
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straightup Nov 26, 2010 10:25 AM About 2 hours ago
The Maddog will taste the same from your glass, the bottle, or a paper cup.
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Dave in St Pete Nov 26, 2010 8:17 AM About 4 hours ago
I was having the same thing and wondered what it was! I switched to Cascade with Dawn packets and they seem to work fine but WOW, are they expensive! Can you use the Lemi Shine with the less expensive power type detergent?
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seneca77 Nov 26, 2010 8:50 AM About 4 hours ago
@Dave, yes you can. It works wonders!
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Dave in St Pete Nov 26, 2010 9:25 AM About 3 hours ago
Reply Report Abuse 0 0

madbeach Nov 26, 2010 9:00 AM About 3 hours ago
I found an old box of Electrasol tablets under the sink. They work great. Maybe I can get some more on my trip to Mexico.
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stcreeptimes Nov 26, 2010 12:35 PM About 5 minutes ago
Enjoy your trip ; visit
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Fredmiller Nov 26, 2010 9:22 AM About 3 hours ago
You can add white vinegar to the rinse cycle and it will remove the cloudiness. It will also etch your glasses and dishes. Your dish racks will rust quicker too. A replacement rack can cost 100 dollars.Maybe the cloud is not so bad after all.
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Fredmiller Nov 26, 2010 9:35 AM About 3 hours ago
Clean the filters on your dishwasher. If you really can't stand it get a whole house water softener.
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atoz Nov 26, 2010 9:58 AM About 3 hours ago
Fred, I have a whole house softener and it helps, but does not eliminate the film.
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unitedhybrid Nov 26, 2010 10:16 AM About 2 hours ago
That's because you live in Florida.
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straightup Nov 26, 2010 10:31 AM About 2 hours ago
If you posters keep mentioning lemi shine someone in the goverment will take notice, and they will look at the ingredience, figure out it is harmful to you, re-do it, and then it won't work either.
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nextbigTHANG Nov 26, 2010 10:34 AM About 2 hours ago
These are lies. It's the WATER. My dishwasher began doing this IN THE MIDDLE of the SAME bottle of detergent. Explain THAT away. It's the water. Check your skin and hair and nails and the too frequent breakage of your dishes as well as the tendency of your clothes to shred. It's something they are doing to the water. It's something they have added to the water. It's not just cloudy. It's a sticky mess and the water sickens pets and family. This article is based on lies with planted witnesses. We've stopped using our house water entirely or we'd all be dead by now. Take it out of state and get it tested. Why do you think they stopped allowing WATER on airplanes?? Duh. You'll have to drive it like we did.
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nextbigTHANG Nov 26, 2010 10:39 AM About 2 hours ago
Even bleach does not remove what it puts on dishes. Imagine THAT in the pores of your skin and on your teeth. If you read about water as a weapon you will begin to understand what pam did in tampa and what rick baker did in st pete. THEY KNOW. When I complained about the water no one came to check it but Pam Iorio DID stalk me out of Publix with large gallons of bottled water THE VERY NEXT DAY. SHE KNOWS. She and Rick Baker and others should be IN PRISON. They are displacing populations and replacing them with drug traffickers. Look around you. Are those your neighbors from before? NO. You are surrounded by gang members some of whom are police and FBI but gang loyal first. Please wake up to what they are doing.
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straightup Nov 26, 2010 11:06 AM About 1 hour ago
nextbigthang.... you are a whackjob..... you must be a female, no way can a male be that messed up.
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nextbigTHANG Nov 26, 2010 10:40 AM About 2 hours ago
All the replace pipes?? Selectively sent to different homes by way of the new system.
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Karen2104 Nov 26, 2010 10:48 AM About 2 hours ago
Welcome to the new "clean", brought to you by tree huggers everywhere.
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brian egmont key Nov 26, 2010 10:54 AM About 2 hours ago
suffer on americans
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TBayBucs Nov 26, 2010 11:12 AM About 1 hour ago
I just started noticing it a couple weeks ago... a white chalky residue on everything... it can barely be scrubbed off... wtf?
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mdiddy80 Nov 26, 2010 11:25 AM About 1 hour ago
How dare our waterways! You mean to tell me that I have to endure a harmless white residue on my dishes so that we can eliminate hundreds upon hundreds of tons of phosphorus pollution that causes algal blooms, fish kills, and seagrass loss? The nerve of big government! Surely the phosphate industry could be better trusted to address this issue, right? The plight we have to endure. Oh, the horror.
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mymindisclear Nov 26, 2010 12:18 PM About 22 minutes ago
We switched to Finish brand powerball tabs and have had better results.I still need to go get some Lemi Shine. The only thing I question is if the residue was bad for all of us, would they really say so?I doubt it.
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nextbigTHANG Nov 26, 2010 12:42 PM Less than a minute ago
It's the water. It's NOT the detergent. If it's the detergent then please explain how it all started at the same time, CANNOT BE WASHED OFF OR BLEACHED OFF, FEELS NASTY and the water feels nasty on your hands yet we were in THE MIDDLE of a bottle of dishwashing detergent. NOT a new one, not a new brand. The middle of a previously purchased one which up until about a week and a half ago was washing just fine. Normal as ever except for the breakage. Let's see into Rick Baker's dishwasher and Pam Iorio's and all the city and county employees'. I want to see their cloudy dishes. It's THE WATER.
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nextbigTHANG Nov 26, 2010 12:44 PM Less than a minute ago
Please explain why they are laying water pipes down but not taking old ones out. Please explain why they are laying water pipes across america everywhere you LOOK but yet in many of these places people are NOT on public water but on WELL. WATER WARS. Google water as a weapon and think.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dear Tampa (LOL) LEO: A lesson from Monterrey

Sound familiar???

Sure does TO ME. How many university students killed??

Mexico's modern city succumbs to drug violence
By OLGA R. RODRIGUEZ - Associated Press
MONTERREY, Mexico --
A 21-year-old university student lies dead from a gunshot to the head. Nearby, paramedics wrap the head of another woman in a blood-soaked shirt while her husband holds their cowering children.
They were shopping in a popular downtown promenade when gunmen chasing a security guard opened fire into the crowd. This wasn't supposed to happen in Monterrey, Mexico's modern northern city with gleaming glass towers that rise against the Sierra Madre, where students flock to world-class universities, including the country's equivalent of MIT.
But drug violence has painted Monterrey with the look and feel of the gritty border 100 miles (160 kilometers) to the north as two former allies, the Gulf and Zetas gangs, fight for control of Mexico's third-largest - and wealthiest - city.
Story: Poll: 49 pct of Mexicans think drug war a failure
Story: Refugees: no return to town hit by Mexico drug war
Story: Mexico sending more troops to violent border zone
The deterioration happened nearly overnight, laying bare issues that plague the entire country: a lack of credible policing and the Mexican habit of looking the other way at the drug trade as long as it was orderly and peaceful.
"To a certain extent, we saw ourselves as a privileged city and very isolated from Mexico's problems," said Blanca Trevino, Monterrey-based president and CEO of Softtek, the largest information technology consulting firm in Latin America. "The violence hit us because we were not accustomed to having it and therefore to handling it. Now we live in a sort of psychosis."
The Mexican government announced Wednesday it is ordering a significant boost in military troops and federal police in the northeastern border state of Tamaulipas and neighboring Nuevo Leon, home to Monterrey.
The two states are under the heaviest attack since the cartel split earlier this year. Both have witnessed increasingly horrific violence spilling into daily life and claiming civilians, while politicians and journalists are either silenced or killed.
Earlier this month, residents fleeing gunbattles in Tamaulipas' once-picturesque town of Ciudad Mier ended up in Mexico's first drug-war refugee shelter in a nearby town, only to duck bullets from a gunbattle there.
Monterrey was used to being Mexico's definition of opportunity. The city of 4 million "regios" - a nickname for Monterrey residents that means "people of the regal mountains" - represented the future as money poured into northern Mexico from free trade and the opening of scores of assembly plants.
The city's many CEOs drove their own luxury cars unaccompanied to the trendiest Japanese restaurant or the top spot for roasted goat, the state's specialty, in the wealthy enclave of San Pedro Garza Garcia.
Some drug lords and their families retreated to the safety of Monterrey as well. In the home of the country's industrial heavyweights, including the world's third-largest cement maker, Cemex, and bottling giant Femsa, they could easily blend in with executives showing off their wealth.
Then-leader of the Gulf cartel, Juan Garcia Abrego, was arrested in the nearby town of Juarez in 1996. Two years later, a U.S. sting led to criminal charges of money laundering against employees at three Monterrey-based Mexican banks.
Despite sporadic violence and the known presence of drug traffickers, the city enjoyed a tranquility that gave it a provincial feel.
That started to change four years ago, when the Sinaloa cartel began battling the Gulf cartel for a piece of Monterrey's lucrative domestic drug market. The violence subsided after the cartels reportedly agreed to share the turf.
With the Gulf-Zeta split, the downfall was swift - "extremely so," in the words of U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Carlos Pascual - for a city with huge American interests that in some ways identifies more closely with the U.S. than Mexico.
"It's part of the risk of accommodating or allowing criminal groups to be able to live and operate quote 'safely' in an area for the sake of peace," Pascual told The Associated Press. "But then this rupture occurs and turns into a massive battle."
As in much of Mexico, there was no viable law enforcement to counter the onslaught. The Zetas control the local police, Pascual said. Other police forces aligned with the Gulf cartel in the fight against them.
Associated Press writers Mark Walsh in Monterrey and Katherine Corcoran in Mexico City contributed to this report.
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Dear Mr. Keller

Happy Thanksgiving, you disgusting, thieving piece of shit.

Remember our hap hap haPPEEE days back in 2003??? Brett?? LOLLLLLLLLLLS
Yup. Got all that.

Sad. He could have had a future.

Anyway .. I digress.

I just wanted to tell you how you and Christine Breen are firmly standing on the same working class (except neither of you have EVER done so) corner together.

It intersects at two facts this fine day.

Yum. Such southern goodies I have preparedzzz.

And better lasagna than Malio himself. (just kidding Malio, this was a new recipe we tried and it turned out smashing. Unlike some I don't cling to the old ways but move fearlessly forward through time .... )

The two facts we'll illuminate for your reading improvement:

You and she are THE ONLY people who have repeatedly, REPEATEDLY tried to get someone in this house.

b. TWO OR THREE of these whores meet firmly on both sides of your common corner.

Ya see what I mean??

Thanks for this latest one.

Over my dead body.


I've got another interesting graphic I compiled for you and the meth lab co conspirators in coverup.

BUT I'm not done yet.

If she keeps fucking with him and why would the whore stop? She's getting extensions, fettucini, trips to the zoo and around the world .. lo fucking l ... it will be an extra 200 per day PLUS one hundred every time she mentions my home.

You might wonder how I know that.

Wonder on.

And get off that corner.

Every time you are standing there your whores aren't making any money.

WHO WOULD STOP with your fright ass in the way?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

tampa fire rescue and krewe air poisoning toxins applied to vehicles.

You guys think you're funny. You think you're NOT caught.

You think that you can just stop and just stop piping the water in and we look crazy and there's no proof.

Don't bet your ass on that farm.

You know what that air does to me? And all the rest of the unspeakable criminal, terroristic acts you pull on your 17 minute drive where over 13 of you are located in just the ones I KNOW and others I've found?

It makes me curiouser and curiouser.

Curiosity might have killed the cat.

But, remember.


Satisfy me.

Poison my air all you want.

Curiosity just leads to good things I need to know.

I feel sooo curious.

I'm just waitin on a friend...... maybe an old high school chum, huh???

Toys for Cap Rusty Pants.

And, in the end you're just pieces of shit.

PIECES OF SHIT who would have NOTHING if you were not murderers, thieves and crack dealers who get pieces of shit to do your dirty work thinking it will terrify others and not lead back to you.

Well, we'll see about that when I get the tag #'s traced from the ones I caught at lowe's ... home depot and Mr. Tome's scuz.

Mr. Claudio ... you got P'OWNED.

SOund familiar??


Who is mr. claudio related to or is he just a little tiny shitty man who is good at doing what he is told?

I know it must be SOMEONE for the sheriff to have disappeared ivette perez claudio's photo off the website.

Enjoy your weekend, smeller for next week the other foot falls.

come on RUSTY PANTS: You gonna get everyone dragged through the mud because you think you can beefalo the b-meister???

okey dokie.

Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.

This is what we call FUN TIMES.

And to put this in perspective for you absolute thug fucking thieves and murderers.


You made this choice.

Try throwing ober in front of this one.

It's going to the Supreme Court.

Maybe I can go up against babby o kneel.

And prove once and for all what a LIAR he is.

just kidding, babby.

I know it's everyone else who is the liar.

Just like everyone else but mr. Keller is crazy.

IS that YOUR steve cole whom keller bought the house from??

Will I have to file to find out or will you give it up willingly having not studied that part of laws and shit?

SPT ALWAYS misses the point


A jogger who SMOKES??????????????


License to kill from JEB666.

And the St Pete Times commenters all over it like a cheap suit.


They're insane and gun-happy.

He doesn't want to talk about it: A TERRIBLE THING.

Yeah, you just shot someone's kid ......

The shooting happened about 1:30 a.m. near Pinehurst Drive and Hickory Circle. The teens were dressed in black and wearing hooded jackets, McKinnon said.
Thomas Baker, 9015 Hickory Circle, fired multiple rounds with a .45-caliber semiautomatic handgun, McKinnon said.
Carlos Musteliel, 18, of 8921 Camino Villa Blvd. in Tampa, died from a gunshot to the chest. Deputies found him dead in a roadway at 1:24 a.m.
Five houses away from where the shooting happened, Baker stood outside his home Wednesday morning smoking a cigarette. "I don't want to talk,'' he said. "It was a terrible thing."
Here's what deputies said happened:
The two teens started talking to Baker. The conversation escalated into an altercation and Musteliel punched him. Baker said he thought one of the teens had a weapon and that he was about to be robbed. Baker pulled his gun and shot Musteliel multiple times in the upper torso. The other teen was uninjured, ran away and may have hidden behind a nearby house and discarded his jacket in the yard


I'm sure the hater Mr. Claudio-co would believe I'd be happy to have a young Hispanic man shot. On the contrary, Mr. C and Mr. Tome, before you scumbags came along I had no idea that Hispanics could be SUCH WHITE TRASH.


I found another professional pig over on Bay St.

Bush Warned to Stay OUT of London

Please circulate widely to friends and on social-networking sites**
Mayor of London Warns Bush on Book Tour: Stay Away From U.K. or Face Possible ArrestGlobal pressure mounts for Indictment and Prosecution

"He might never see Texas again."

As the Indict Bush movement organizes protests at stops all along his book tour, the message is resonating all over the world -- Bush should be seen as a war criminal and indicted for his crimes.Click here to show your continued support for the Indict Bush movement.

Even London's conservative mayor has now sent a strong message to Bush: stay away from Britain and other countries during his book tour because he could be arrested as a war criminal for ordering the use of torture.Bush brags in his book that he took responsibility for the use of torture tactics against detainees.

“Damn right,” he asserts proudly, in keeping with his thuggish personality.

London Mayor Boris Johnson wrote:"It is not yet clear whether George W Bush is planning to cross the Atlantic to flog us his memoirs, but if I were his PR people I would urge caution. As book tours go, this one would be an absolute corker. It is not just that every European capital would be brought to a standstill, as book-signings turned into anti-war riots. The real trouble — from the Bush point of view — is that he might never see Texas again."

Mayor Johnson reminds Bush that former Chilean dictator Augusto Pincohet was eventually arrested in the UK for his crimes against the people of Chile. Johnson speculates that if Bush comes to Britain officials could “place some handcuffs on the former leader of the Free World, and take him away to be charged.

Of course, we are told this scenario is unlikely. Dubya is the former leader of a friendly power, with whom this country is determined to have good relations. But that is what torture-authorising Augusto Pinochet thought.

And unlike Pinochet, Mr Bush is making no bones about what he has done.”

The global movement for indictment and prosecution is in full swing. The Indict Bush movement is staging demonstrations, rallies, writing letters to the editor, providing a dramatic counterpoint to Bush wherever he appears, sending tens of thousands of letters to Attorney General Eric Holder and lobbying members of Congress.

Please show your continued support today with an urgently needed donation by clicking this link.--

From Ramsey Clark and all of us at IndictBushNow, have a happy Thanksgiving.
IndictBushNow is producing high-quality banners like the one below and mobilizing activists and supporters to expose Bush as a war criminal wherever he goes during his book tour. Join this effort by making a generous donation to help pay for these banners and other mobilization costs. We can't do it without you!

Spread the word!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Gift from Long Ago: Jack and Jackie Kennedy

Thanks Mr. Herbert !!

A Gift From Long Ago
Published: November 22, 2010
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CloseLinkedinDiggMixxMySpaceYahoo! BuzzPermalink It was a half-century ago this month that John F. Kennedy won the presidency in a thrilling and heart-stoppingly close election against Richard Nixon. You’d probably be surprised at the number of Americans who are clueless about when Kennedy ran: “It was 1970, right?” “Wasn’t it in the ’40s, soon after the war?” Or whom he ran against: “Eisenhower?”

Damon Winter/The New York Times
Bob Herbert

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I’ve been surprised by the lack of media attention given to the golden anniversary of that pivotal campaign, one of the most celebrated of the entire post-World War II period. With Kennedy, the door to the great 1960s era opened a crack, and it would continue opening little by little until the Beatles flung it wide in 1964.

Kennedy’s great gift was his capacity to inspire. His message as he traveled the country was that Americans could do better, that great things were undeniably possible, that obstacles were challenges to be overcome with hard work and sacrifice.

I don’t think he would have known what to make of the America of today, where the messages coming from the smoldering ruins of public life are not just uninspiring, but demeaning: that we must hack away at the achievements of the past (Social Security, Medicare); that we cannot afford to rebuild the nation’s aging infrastructure or establish a first-class public school system for all children; that we cannot bring an end to debilitating warfare, or establish a new era of clean energy, or put millions of jobless and underemployed Americans back to work.

Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

Whatever one thinks of the tragically short Kennedy administration, we’d do well to pay renewed attention to the lofty ideals and broad themes that Kennedy brought to the national stage. We’ve become so used to aiming low that mediocrity is seen as a step up. We need to be reminded of what is possible.

Kennedy accepted the Democratic nomination in a speech that he delivered before 80,000 people at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum on July 15, 1960. It became known as the New Frontier speech. The candidate spoke of an old era ending and said that “the old ways will not do.” He spoke of “a slippage in our intellectual and moral strength.” He said:

“The New Frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises; it is a set of challenges. It sums up not what I intend to offer the American people, but what I intend to ask of them. It appeals to their pride, not to their pocketbook. It holds out the promise of more sacrifice instead of more security.”

What Kennedy hoped to foster was a renewed sense of national purpose in which shared values were reinforced in an atmosphere of heightened civic participation and mutual sacrifice. That was the way, he said, “to get this country moving again.”

His voice was in sync with the spirit of the times. Americans were fired with the idea that they could improve their circumstances, right wrongs and do good. The Interstate Highway System, an Eisenhower initiative, was under way. The civil rights movement was in flower. And soon Kennedy would literally be reaching for the moon.

Self-interest and the bottom line had not yet become the be-all and end-all.

Kennedy the cold warrior was also the president who created the Peace Corps, which Ted Sorensen, who died just last month (and whose daughter Juliet was a Peace Corps volunteer), described as the epitome of Kennedy’s call for service and sacrifice. The life of the young men and women who joined the Peace Corps would not be easy, Kennedy said, but it would be “rich and satisfying.” The volunteers would live and work among the indigenous people in developing countries, eating their food, speaking their language and helping them “meet their urgent needs for skilled manpower.”

The response to this call for service was both robust and long-lasting. The Peace Corps was one of the great successes of Kennedy’s administration.

While the myriad issues facing the U.S. have changed and changed again since Kennedy’s time, the importance of being guided by the highest principles and ideals has not. We are now in a period in which cynicism is running rampant, and selfishness and greed have virtually smothered all other values. Simple fairness is not a fit topic for political discussion and no one dares even mention the poor.

The public seems fearful and cowed. People unworthy of high office are arrogantly on the march.

You can say whatever you’d like about the Kennedy era and the ’60s in general, but there was great energy in the population then, and a willingness to reach beyond one’s self.

Kennedy spoke in his acceptance speech of a choice “between national greatness and national decline.” That choice was never so stark as right now. There is still time to listen to a voice from half a century ago.

Here's the article.

Here's the comments.

New York Times. Always managing to do the things that St Pete Times forgot .... or cares nothing about ...

Tampa Fire Rescue Covers up another Meth Lab Explosion

People, Tampa Fire Rescue and the news reporters have a deal: IF the firefighters get arrested, it's NOT NEWS anymore. And, Jane Castor does not arrest them, one infers. BUT, little minor house fires (otherwise known as dull explosion meth labs) make the news on a regular basis. *st pete times results which are likely uncertainly low due to one search only being performed, but all about fire.
See in other places ALL AROUND THE WORLD: Meth lab explosions REPORTED. Yup.

Read the commentary here where the "man of the cloth" disclaims knowledge of those nice people in his basement cooking up meth. And the further statements by the "police" that they had some "intelligence" about it being a meth lab. There are TESTS for that. Covering it up endangers EVERYONE AROUND.

And here's from google: Tampa House Fire
The GED holders make up stories about candles (the "reporters" probably help them) and anything else that strikes their fancy with one glaring exception: METH LABS.

There has NEVER EVER been a meth lab found in Tampa since the year 2003, I believe. Coincidental with Pam's arrival and protection and Keller and biker scum occupying and developing the meth houses in sulphur springs.

Now, Mike Keller and krewe run a string of crack and meth houses which enjoy full protection of the Tampa Fire DEPT and Tampa Police Dept. If you don't believe me perform a simple experiment. Call the police and report them. Then stand on the corner with your camera and record as the police drive up, stay on the other side of the street, some drunk from the Comparetto family staggers towards the cruiser yelling Whatcha got? Whatcha GOT? While the officer says almost nothing. Go ahead. Then call the police when his other crack house tenant goes inside with a stolen stop sign while the signs disappear from the neighborhood and listen to the county lady discuss with you that they are "untouchable".

What comes to mind when you think of someone as "untouchable"?

Don't wonder anymore. Get your camera. Sit in the public right of way at Mitchell and Rampart or Mitchell and Fairbanks and observe for about 20 minutes. (I do not do this, these folks work overtime, frothing at the mouth harassing my family and occasionally my family is forced to call the complicit tampa police on them, Notably this harassment peaks when THEIR cops are sure to respond) More likely their cops will respond since the murder of Mike Roberts, TPD which is the same covered-up story, right? Same gang. Same hit and run gang. All together in murder and profit.
Anyway, after you observe a crime and call the police, watch what happens. THEY HAVE NEVER ONCE in fifteen or less times called EVER EVER gotten out of their car. Once different members of my family and other citizens in Tampa called them three times for the same felony. Second time they complained that the first cop never left his car. Second cop NEVER EVEN SLOWED DOWN. Third call: NO ONE SHOWED UP. 8418 N. Arden Avenue (public records)

This tells you that the Tampa cops and Pam Iorio and Jane Castor are in on these property grabs. THESE FOLKS ARE CITY AND COUNTY SANCTIONED TO DRIVE OTHER CITIZENS FROM THEIR HOMES.
Not only that they endanger every one of us and our properties with their city-sanctioned meth labs. (spin a story TFR as I know you're sitting over there reading this as I type GUILTY)

They all know each other. They have on board the Puerto Rican Krewe of Tome-co who enjoys (also) the full protection of the State's Attorney's Office even as far as their DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ADVOCATES who are supposed to be there for VICTIMS. Also documented.

Notice Mr. Keller seems to know Mumford quite well. Lots of video of Mumford confabbing with the hos along with the shootout he stages also on video with the dispatcher yelling YES THOSE ARE GUNSHOTS. Obviously more than a few of the gangsters of TPD were involved as a few minutes later Paul rounded the corner and drove in an obvious fashion by the caller's residence rather than by where the shooting had occurred and the reported car had driven (directly past Fire Station 11), where as you might recall Eddy James Ivey was beaten to death a few feet away and it was called a fight and they heard nothing through open windows with a CLEAR VIEW OF THE SCENE on a balmy summer night. Stephen Michael Baxley (GO LIVE WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LIVE YOU LOSER) also lured a pizza delivery man next door to the same tampa fire rescue paramedic house where eddie james ivey was beaten to death out front and kicked him to the ground and robbed him. Got probation for an armed robbery. Another disappeared gun same as James D. Mason, nephew of Spence Roberts, Tampa Fire Rescue. (notably absent from the discussion due to paper trail also building on keller who has more crack whores and their daughters at his disposal FIVE MINTUES FROM LINKWAY his own robber son) I'm pretty sure Keller left another son behind in Indiana who is serving life in prison for murder. Could be wrong but hey, it's the same name and they're both from Indiana. More on that another time.

Keller KNEW and knows all the above people before he slithered on to Mitchell Avenue. From his previous addresses harassing the neighbors out of their properties, now biker occupied. He recently bought down the street from the old Renegade Clubhouse on Rampart. One assumes the happy memories akin to shelley john golden has of the little girls in the neighborhood. Shelley lives a happy life intimidating people for the other meth dealers kinda like all of gonzalez/tome's tenants.

SO, given all the other indicators this marks them as brothers the way darrell always had brothers. You'd never know because they are only murder-club brothers which makes a very tight sleezy group due to the secrets KNOWN about each other. Nice video of the tear drop guy more than once in ballast park. GANG of murderers.

Anyway .. suffice to say, Keller enjoys the same protection.

So, back to the crack lab explosions.

Making crazy gestures and calling people crazy holds no water when you search the Tampa Fire Rescue records for the last week and find NO LISTING for a car and home (meth lab) explosion within 25 feet of dozens of (never were homeless but landed there direct from new jersey with nicer cars THAN YOU ala Metro Ministries)

Within yards of two other jam crowded crack homes and adjacent to two other crack homes (one previously occupied by Stephen Baxley who moved from Mr. Keller's street to live there for a time and brought his tracking girlfriend and her tag-switching 675KNB or KNB 676 going from memory intimidation fat asses with her)

Used to be these folks were watched over by sheriff wannabe Earl Harper. He took a powder (after FORTY YEARS according to public records) after the last blogging, apparently he's soon to be riding dirty in a cop car. GAD. But he still has a bunch of lowlifes hanging there. Again, all related.

So ... you won't find any listing for this explosion but my family has it on video ... interestingly enough Brighthouse was already on the scene and that explains why (not) they parked in a vacant lot rather than close to the property they were called for. According to visuals the internet connection for that location was never lost so .. ummm whatever.

Oh, btw .. you could ROLL on your belly from Fire Station 11 to this explosion in under 45 seconds so there is no way the cloud of black smoke from a car in cinders and the explosion were not noted by Tampa FIRE Rescue folks.

They went at cleaning it up right quick. If I hadn't had an errand to run and cut through on my way back to my own crack free house I would not have seen this and neither would you.

So, we're ALL CRAZY but here's the evidence of crack house and meth lab explosions covered up by Tampa Fire Rescue and TPD and Mike Keller and krewe. Those snake sellers read here right regular as noted by the disappearing sign. OR is that from the taps on our phones??? Yup. Or MAYBE your biker folks down to code and city hall. Yup.

Please note the duct tape is on the OUTSIDE of the window indicating that an explosion blew them OUT. Also, there is more evidence of smoke and flames in the ceiling and roof and on the adjacent house's roof. This was a quick shot from my car. My cousin refuses to go over there and get better shots and video. PLUS, it's probably all fixed by now as this is clearly visible from the NO TRESPASSING WINDMILL ARMS "HOMELESS" SHELTER housing the other slingers.

The car was burnt as bad as if it were abandoned so it was burning for awhile and also had to have been put out by professionals. There were char marks underneath it and etc. No one died there obviously so it wasn't smoking in bed and I happen to know the kitchen is on the other side. As you can see the window unit is intact and ... well, there is no way it's anything but a meth lab. Ignored by TPD who stay in their cars as they know in advance they're protecting the dump just as they did dog thief frankie caraballo and heroin ho windy charneco.


Man I really dislike when I'm blogging and others chime in with more info which I research and then FIND: City of Tampa Water and Utilities, the scum who is sending taht shit into your homes (lots and lots and lots of evidence besides evidence of mayor pam's knowledge of same) has done some type of purge which happened in the last month or so .. no, the last WEEK or so... luckily we saved most of that stuff and backed it up.

So, not only did liverlips Steve Borden (related to cops on Beaumont plus the stalking swine, coincidentally also Keller's friend, mumford who also has a relative worked on my mama's home and claimed it was LIGHTNING NOT AN ARSON) cover up the dog theft for frankie caraballo and then sheriff gee disappeared frankie's warrants the same way he disappeared colin breen's felony record and Ivette Perez Clsudio's mugshot just as we discovered who the new pregnant stalker WAS : TOME) city of tampa water has now tried to disappear snaggle tooth frankie's very existence.

Mr. Faedo?? What do you know about this?


Anyway ... about a week ago City of Tampa water listed EVERYONE who has ever been on an address's water bill. Inexplicably they bumped that down to three. NO REASON FOR THAT AT ALL. NONE. Come up with one. So that's THREE DEPARTMENTS IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY COVERING UP AND DISAPPEARING WARRANTS FOR THESE GODDAMN CRACK GANGSTERS AND MURDERERS.

SO, that means they're inextricably connected in business together ready 8413.

Here's the meth lab explosion covered up by Tampa Fire Rescue and unnoted by Tampa Police Dept at 8418 N. Arden Avenune.

Oh and a look at frankie caraballo's disappeared self. He's slithered up around here somewhere (hummer limo) but you won't find him or his disappeared warrants online.


Ask the sheriff.

Will be interesting to hear COT water's reason why they hid the other users of water though if your house is foreclosed water bills are one thing that NEVER goes away..... it's da rulez.

But if you look up the other caraballos it's manufacturing, dispensing, federal... there's 30 new frankies in the dog thief house now.

He moved a block over similar to stephen michael baxley rotating through the same four blocks pointing guns at people, intimidating people and strangling crack hos who then follow him down the road in their car begging to be taken back....

This one is the house after the car was QUICKLY and QUIETLY towed away when we saw it and started taking pictures. By some big ugly thug who as usual was more interested in us than HIS JOB. If you've seen some gargantuan, no-haired thang driving around a giant white tow truck with red letter (NOT STEPP'S SOME RUN OF THE MILL DUMP PLACE) that's him... he's a pig. Check out all the pink. It goes up into the ceiling and the tree is burnt as is the ground and the adjacent house. ALL OF THIS very close to children, public utilities and other properties. HUSH HUSH. There's NO RECORD OF THIS.

This one is the car that got towed away quickly (less than seven minutes) after we found it and began to document it.

Look, it's burnt to the ground. This is like tampa fire rescue ambling towards hte car on fire in the middle of the bridge. Don't cars really explode when they're on fire anymore? Why weren't people EVACUATED???

HOW was this not news??

Is this a special circumstance CALL OUT?

These folks are all related to the manatee and robert o'neill gang who apparently just acquired another conley avenue dump.

We're crazy. But here are the pictures of the exploded meth lab covered up by tampa fire rescue.

How's that PascoFD???

How's THAT?

I'm sure silence will reign.

Mike Keller needs the money for his new crack labs, the eventual lawsuit and the long distance calls from murderers left behind in indiana prisons.

Like Larry Wingate someone else is serving mike kellers' life prison sentence but it's NOT going to be US.

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Blanks and Charges

Okay, tell me if this sounds mercenary. I'm leaving out names and identities for now, and even some words to protect those who frankly don't deserve protection but having never been a RAT (like some) I just don't feel good about spilling people's filthy sides of their lives onto the WWW...

However -- (you knew this was coming, right??) -- I'm willing to disclose same for a fee. In fact, I'm going to disclose some of this in a book which will definitely be for sale very soon but if you'd like to know if your name or some similar aspect that identifies your smarmy and illegal acts towards me and my family have been mentioned I'd be happy to negotiate a fee with you. For the record, save your pennies if I've known you longer than thirty years. Out of respect for you and your family I'll leave your names out. Out of respect for you and your family I have remained silent. Apparently this same respect was not inbred in you. That's a pity but you and yours are safe with me. The ones who took it upon themselves to do your bidding against an innocent family are wide open just like they've left MY family wide open. Herewith I refer to my extended family and network many of whom are currently suffering at your hands. Be on notice.

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008
Blast Off's Huggy Bear Pic Challenge

A Nation in DISTRESS

A Nation in DISTRESS


In my living room watching;
but I am not laughing ....

..... risk something, take back what's yours
say something that you know they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before ....
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day

In their living room laughing like,

"what did he say?"

Fight the Good Fight

" .... courage is humankind's cardinal virtue, because ''it makes all other virtues possible."
Reverend William Sloane Coffin

......" And I dare you to ask for a lot, I dare you to hold fast to your ideals and to expound them as publicly and as fearlessly as Martin Luther King and Bill Coffin and Betty Friedan and those dozens of grandmothers arrested a few weeks ago for protesting the war in Iraq."

Francine du Plessix Gray


MainSTREAMMedia=Bush Propaganda Machine

vox dictionary
Never Mistake Kindness for Weakness
I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires. Kahlil Gibran

Sept15 button
Every man dies.

Not every man really lives.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...... Martin Luther King, Jr.
[PDA - Progressive Democrats of America - Stand Up. Take Action. Vote.]

Vox Talk

Contrary to popular belief:

Patience is NOT a virtue.

It is concentrated strength.
"The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service."

- Albert Einstein
"Only those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly" – Robert Kennedy
"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation…want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Frederick Douglass, 1857
Tis nobler to lose honor to save the lives of men than it is to gain honor by taking them.

~David Borenstein

You cannot win a War on Terrorism. It’s like having a war on jealousy.

~David Cross

Blog Roll Me ~~~



Bloggers' Rights at EFF

Fight Child Protective Services False Accusations

Fighting Child Protective Services False Accusations
Real Estate Blogs - Blog Top Sites

About Me

I was born a citizen of the world and have remained such but along with that: I'm a long time Tampa resident. Mixed bag at that as I've seen life here from nearly all angles and while somewhere in there I became slightly indoctrinated, I'm not too proud of the way people have taken over this city and run it with an iron fist for all but some. This city is working hard on creating just two classes. Thems and them dont's and they are working hard to shove some families down into the gutter for reasons known only to them. Some might be as petty as jealousy, some might be politically motivated, some might just be stupid and all are wrong. I want to believe we can get better but that would entail some stuff that I have no control over. I only can control myself and my reactions to what occurs.

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Ybor City Stogie

Ybor City Stogie

Voice of Freedom

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To Whom it may concern: The contents of this web-page reflect the opinions and experiences of the authors. No contents here are fodder for legal use or purposes. This is a fiction or non-fiction story unfolding and as such all references are held for editing and any references to persons or entities living or dead are merely coincidental and should not be construed as proof or material for legal purposes.


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In other words: read it, enjoy it ... copy it, paste it, distribute it widely.

Don't construe it as anything but what it is: the opinion and experiences of a novelist on the way ... anything that IS true can be proven. Anything that's not true --- well, that's my opinion and yours, isn't it?

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My apologies

Addendum: Please check back to older posts as I am constantly updating them as I have more time to delve into the interesting subjects. I thought that comments were automatically enabled. I apologize for the inability to comment. I was able to comment but that's because I'm the author (duh) Now, everyone can comment. It's a free for all. Hey, as well, if you'd like to publish to this blog it'd be cool if you were like-minded but if you're not that's okay too -- just email me and I'll add your email to the list of publishers to this blog. Tampas Back Door Ways (OR)