
Wednesday, February 28, 2007



Flattened Tire Retribution keeps me busy today

The forces of evil being what they will, I am forced to spend a few hours dealing
with 'someone' flattening my tire by ripping on the valve stem.

I may not have time to blog today and am still trying to absolutely confirm the FSB reports that there was an attempt to arrest Dick Cheney. There is an ongoing discussion here -- an excerpt:
(our Second Amendment)I can not verify this report although I have received it from other sources. However, arrest warrants were issued against Cheney et al by the International Court of Justice based in the Hague several weeks back. Also I can confirm from my own knowledge that there are indeed vast schisms within the US military and between the military at large and the ruling junta. Huge trouble is brewing in the US and it is for this reason that the National Guards have been removed from States' control and placed under the control of the fed's Homeland Security. These National Guard units were initiated in the early days to provide protection to the States and the people from a "future corrupt federal govt". Don't forget that.

So, because I talked about what people were doing to me in Tampa FL they scaled it up a bit: OR: how to shut people up in Tampa. What lengths will 'they' go to in order to protect themselves from the people THEY started it with?

If someone who loves me is recording this all on video and I have been fair enough to warn the perps does this send the message that the perpetrators have no fear?

And then, what message does THAT send about Tampa if the criminal element seems not to FEAR prosecution? hmmmmmmmm

Tampa South RV manager thinks he is George Bush

As usual, everything about this is faulty. Maybe I should become a high-priced, colorful defense attorney.

Travelling Author Arrested
Posted Feb 27, 2007 by The Tampa Tribune
Updated Feb 27, 2007 at 06:46 PM

By Mari Robyn Jones
The Tampa Tribune

ME: First of all, it's illegal (unless GEORGE changed that) to open someone else's mail. It used to be a federal offense (unless you're george -- who can now pry your mail open in case anyone is behind on this matter) The previous link also provides VERY IMPORTANT commentary on KGB's signing statements which I wrote an essay on recently and EVERYONE should go here to read his signing statements; but be sure you are sitting down.

THEN-- there is the chain of control of the evidence ... ummm, why is this guy's statement that the cocaine was IN the package considered the word ?? Maybe he was helping set this guy up. One must consider all before ruining someone. Or is that just a dream of yesterday?? Camelot, if you will.

Conclusion: They had NO reason to search the RV, permission or not. Why didn't they search the manager's pad??

AND, it's unfortunate they couldn't catch the guy at a public performance .... (since I've had family members receive threats that drugs would be planted on them I have been extremely wary of what goes on in this County to land people in hot water when everybody KNOWS what really goes on. We don't mind until they start kicking US around and then it becomes a problem, yknow?)

Also, this is another sign of a person who is capable of making a living without the govmint who has been selectively busted (and ridiculously) and his career/life take a detour. More and more, if you read the news, independent wealth is being attacked and taken. Side Note: The mail delivery people in Tampa FL have changed over completely. They just plain DO NOT deliver my mail if they don't want to. That's another subject, though. Generally they like to hold or 'lose' the checks but the bad news comes on time or NEVER if it can cause trouble for me. It's a travesty. It's terrorism.

RUSKIN - For the past several months, authors Dennis and Elise Carr have been traveling the country in a 45-foot RV with their two dogs to promote a book for young adults.

Staying at an RV park in Ruskin on Monday, Dennis Carr was visited by Hillsborough County sheriff’s detectives after a park office manager opened a package filled with cocaine.

Detectives had gathered enough identifying information from the package to determine that the sender meant it for Dennis Carr, a sheriff’s spokeswoman said.

He denied it, said spokeswoman Debbie Carter. He was arrested Monday afternoon after detectives said they found cocaine, marijuana and drug paraphernalia in the RV during a search that Dennis Carr consented to.

He was not charged for the package, but the sheriff’s office is still investigating.

The officer manager at Tampa South RV Resort received the package, which had an incorrect label, and decided to open it to track down its owner, Carter said. About 2 grams of cocaine was inside the package.

Because the couple regularly travels, Dennis Carr has his mail forwarded to him, Carter said.

Carr, 59, was released from jail early Tuesday after posting $3,000 bail, jail records show.

On Tuesday, the Carrs did not return phone calls or answer their RV, which is splashed with a picture of a girl and the title of their book, “Welcome to Wahoo.”

Dennis Carr wrote the screenplay for the movie “Undercover Kid,” which was released in 1996, according to the Internet Movie Database and Carrs’ Web site.

The couple’s Web site also says he writes and directs a radio comedy show called “Las Vegas Wired.”

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cheney Bombing NOT NOT NOT an attempt on him

First of ALL, it was NOT an attempt on Cheney's life.

Maj. William Mitchell said it did not appear the explosion was intended as a threat to Cheney. "He wasn't near the site of the explosion," Mitchell said. "He was safely within the base at the time of the explosion."

But, ya notice that DICK CHENEY knows right away just what it was about ---- Cheney: Cheney said the attackers were trying "to find ways to question the authority of the central government." (geez, is this like a message to all Americans or WHAT??)

Considering his huge history of stuff like this
--- AND

Frankly, considering the enormity of his war crimes it's surprising that he travels. (of course it WAS another of those secret lil visits that go with the anonymous lil informers LOL) Rumsfeld declines to travel because he is afraid to be arrested and held accountable.

But ... it's coming.

UPDATE::: Well ... uhhhh --- YAY !!! --- apparently they DID try to arrest his azz. SO, this means they set up another freaking bombing JUST to cover up the fact that he almost got arrested. Instead, three people were killed.

February 25, 2007

US Military Attempt Arrest of Vice President Cheney, 3 Reported Dead
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Russian FSB sources are reporting today that an attempt by Special Forces Troops of the United States Military to arrest the American Vice President Cheney shortly after boarding his official plane in Australia has resulted in at least 3 dead and an unknown number of wounded.

These reports state that the United States Air Force, which is in control of the American Vice President's plane, sent an ‘urgent’ flash message shortly after takeoff from Sydney, Australia alerting their US Pacific Command Forces through the United States Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) network, and which is monitored by Russian Military Forces, of the deaths aboard the plane and requesting ‘orders’.

At the sealed off Sydney airport where the attempt by US Military Forces to arrest the American Vice President occurred the Australian media is reporting:

Okay, I am praying this does not mean that he had his goon squads shoot American Special Forces guys. DEATHS ABOARD THE PLANE

And, there's the small stuff ... not all small ...
At least they actually NAMED a taliban guy instead of the Whitehouse's usual way OF LATE to use anonymous sources to fuel their war agenda.... (like the below chick)

He wasn't even supposed to be there. I guess, though, like everything else, this IS bigger than Britney's hair (sorta) and they'll smoke screen their way to another agenda.

Check out this chick who will probably have all her folks come and attack the blogs that disagree with her.

Oh and by the way, here is the BBC reporting the fall of Tower 7 (remember that little set-up bombing of the World Towers?? on Sept. 11, 2001) TWENTY THREE MINUTES EARLY.

Dang. Fooled Again. UhOH MISSED AGAIN

And, a big thanks to White Noise Insanity for this video

Party Needs to Feel the Discomfort

Excerpt:When he steps up to the speaker's dais, let President Bush survey an audience of the powerful sharing an evening, however uncomfortably, with the powerless, the soldiers badly wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let him see amputees in wheelchairs, and let him look at the faces of the physically disfigured and psychologically damaged, victims of snipers and roadside bombs in Iraq.
Make room on the program for some of the soldiers to speak about the disgraceful treatment they have endured as outpatients on the Walter Reed compound where some of them live in physical squalor - in rooms with leaky pipes, holes in the ceiling, mold in the carpets, a broken elevator and cockroaches and rats. Let them tell how they are warehoused for as long as 18 months while the military tries to decide whether to discharge them or return them to active duty.

Let them speak about how amputees and patients on heavy drug regimens are expected to report for 7 a.m. formation, even in the snow. And let someone mention the soldier who had to show his Purple Heart in order to get a new uniform (his was ripped off by medics trying to save his life) as an outpatient.

I wanted to post the picture of Staff Sgt. John Daniel Shannon who Mr. Gailey included in his piece in the Sunday St. Pete Times but was unable to find it online. (probably according to 'the plan'.) They like to cover that up. Some of these photos are pretty graphic but ... you get the idea.

The U.S. Military can now Fire on U.S. Civilians a movement towards Martial Law

Insurrection Act becomes

"Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order."

This needs to be covered -- I'm trying to get some attention and research to this because my time is limited and I don't know if I can get back to this later.

The recently tinkered-with Insurrection Act had some clauses tacked on that violate the long standing Posse Comatitus Act and enable the President of the United States
to turn the U.S. Military against United States Civilians

This fits the pattern of the Sun City Center senior citizens who had high-powered assault rifles pointed at them by the President's body guards.

What can you do?? Help by petitioning your rep to reverse the changes to the former Insurrection Act by supporting these bills.
This resident of our White House is arguably the most villified man in American history and perhaps in world history; it's not OUR fault that he has made himself so unpopular. He is selling America and US, her people and the immigrants who would become her people out piece by piece and we must Impeach, Stop and Imprison him and his cabal for their acts against America and American citizens.

The face of our armed forces has changed. That's obvious. And now the President of the United States can send his military out after civilians. He has bought property down in South America --- acres and acres. We won't be running there with him, I guess. Where will we run? I think we'll get about as far as the detention camps they've built for the 'non-mexican' illegal immigrants. That, we, as Americans condone the imprisonment of ANYONE who is standing on this soil who has not been violent is ... WRONG.

That's it in plain English to get people thinking. In an hour or so with some luck, I'll be doing the heavy reading. I've been following this along for over a year and a half now but the time has come to contact our representatives and get them to roll this back. This is untenable.


I took this from Wikipedia and added some links and research--- it explains it pretty well:

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is the set of laws that govern the President of the United States of America's ability to deploy troops within the United States to put down lawlessness, insurrection and rebellion. The laws are chiefly contained in 10 U.S.C. § 331 - 10 U.S.C. § 335. The general aim is to limit Presidential power as much as possible, relying on state and local governments for initial response in the event of insurrection. Coupled with the Posse Comitatus Act, Presidential powers for law enforcement are limited and delayed.

On September 30, 2006, the Congress modified the Insurrection Act as part of the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill. Section 1076 of the new law changes Sec. 333 of the "Insurrection Act," and widens the President's ability to deploy troops within the United States to enforce the laws. Under this act, the President may also deploy troops as a police force during a natural disaster, epidemic, serious public health emergency, terrorist attack, or other condition, when the President determines that the authorities of the state are incapable of maintaining public order. The bill also modified Sec. 334 of the Insurrection Act, giving the President authority to order the dispersal of either insurgents or "those obstructing the enforcement of the laws."

The new law (passed by BUSH WITHOUT consulting the Governors) changed the name of the chapter from "Insurrection" to "Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order."

Criticism of changes
The new changes are criticized as a movement towards martial law because of the quiet inclusion of changes that undermines applicability of the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) due to expansion of the circumstances under which the President may declare martial law. Similar to events that led to the Enabling Act of 1933 in Germany, critics contend that the federal government is taking steps to quietly increase the power of the federal authority over the regions while simultaneously increasing executive control specifically for policing the domestic population through legal use of the military.

The changes to the Insurrection Act impact the relevance of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act because it removes many of the conditions under which the PCA would have applied. The PCA reads "Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both." Since those cases and circumstances have now been changed in the Insurrection act to be extremely broad, the PCA has essentially been made moot.

Efforts to repeal changesOn February 7, 2007, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Sen. Kit Bond (R-MO) introduced legislation that would revert the Insurrection Act to its previous state.[1][2] Sen. Leahy argues that the modifications to the law make it unnecessarily easy to assert federal authority over national guard elements without the consent of governors, and that the changes removed a "useful friction" that existed between the Insurrection Act and the Posse Comitatus Act.

This bill is being co-sponsored..

Please contact your Reps and support it

What Can You Do?

Give Back Control

In last year's National Defense Authorization Act, changes were made to the Insurrection Act that allows for control of National Guard troops to be taken away from Governors and given to the President in numerous situations. In essence, these changes now make it much easier to federalize the National Guard for domestic law enforcement.

Recently bills have been introduced in both the House and Senate to repeal these changes, which were made without consultation with the nation's 54 governors. Senators Patrick Leahy and Kit Bond, the co-chairs of the Senate National Guard Caucus, introduced S 513 and Congressman Thomas Davis introduced HR 869.

Spend a few minutes of your time to let your Congressman and Senators know how you feel on this issue by giving them a call or writing them a quick email. You can use the NGAUS website to find their contact information and even to draft a quick email to all of you representatives.

Feburary 9, 2007

Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) expressed on September 19th, 2006 [3] "we certainly do not need to make it easier for Presidents to declare martial law. Invoking the Insurrection Act and using the military for law enforcement activities goes against some of the central tenets of our democracy. It creates needless tension among the various levels of government – one can easily envision governors and mayors in charge of an emergency having to constantly look over their shoulders while someone who has never visited their communities gives the orders."

No mention of Section 1076, although clearly a significant and controversial change, was made in the President's statement about H.R. 5122. This section now [4] allows the President to declare a public emergency and station the military anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities. Although the President mentioned numerous other sections, he clearly indicated that the Bill only [5] "...authorizes funding for the defense of the United States and its interests abroad, for military construction, for national security-related energy programs, and for maritime security-related transportation programs." The Defense Authorization Bill is meant to approve base military funding, and this carefully worded official statement omits any mention of new rules related to domestic policing by federal troops at the order of the President.


2-25-07: New Mexico Senate Joint Resolution 5, calling on Congress to initiate the impeachment of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney, passes Public Affairs Committee, 3-2, moves on to Senate Judiciary Committee

Impeachment Channel # 24

How to Shut a Person up in Tampa Damage to my car

oooooooooohhh big surprise here. 'Someone' is unhappy that they are all ganged up in an effort to steal my property (the American way of gangs) and apparently embarrassed to have their nasty lifestyles revealed to the whole world. So, in a fuuurrrrtttthhheeerrrrr effort to intimidate me, shut me up and steal my property 'someone' has gone by and torn the valve stem on my right front tire; probably means time for a(nother) new tire. That's okay ....

Luckily there is a witness to this activity who can clearly identify the individual and his transportation and so it goes on the heap of RICO activity evidence piling up. All of the acts that have transpired and continue to transpire against my family and friends are documented, many are witnessed and/or on tape and all are part of the picture.

So, while the activity of the 'emergencies' has quelled for the time being .... wow, it's nice and quiet ...(now they pull them out in the road just a few feet and then start the engines in unison the second I drive by (this is pretty funny to me but it's not really funny at all, I just have a good sense of humor) .. I think that everyone in Tampa should INSIST that these guys/gals actually WORK for a living rather than text around me as I drive down the road. My car and yard have had an extremely toxic substance in them to go with the tire damage today. I found this cool little dealio online to collect it all with so that it gets to be evident that someone has done something criminal (along with the video this is pretty compelling stuff, eh?) This kinda negates the story peoples' ideas that they've been fighting the bad air in my hood for twenty years. I guess they better start fighting the bad air in my car. And what's his name's too. Oh, yeah, that's right -- he didn't make it. SO --- just as I predicted, the other activity has begun. (again) If we can't get you by scaring you to death --- we'll small-time you to death or any of the endless list of stuff these tricky sorts have up their sleeves. Nasty. I'm so glad to be me and not them; it's great to be me and have clean hands and a pure heart. I do honestly pity them and I even pray for them because it's what my Mother would ask me to do. And, I'm not even much of a praying person, so .....

I directly attribute this to the posts I have made in recent days concerning the activities that go on around me all the time. Too bad. Remaining silent was not an option when lives were at stake though I feel it's possible that the thugs are all in the same family running their sick version of street theater for me. Wow, when you invest in property in Tampa (not my choice, I inherited mine; it's a family homestead) you never know what you might end up with, huh? There is truly NOTHING like live entertainment.

Business as usual in Tampa FL, home of Gasparilla Rape and Arrest rolled into one.

It's all good. These same folks will be buying me a whole tire STORE before it's over. And, I think they are kinda beginning to 'get' that.

First they ignore you.
Then they ridicule you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.

Let's see --- they've stalked me, web-sensed me, sent their version of tin soldiers to look over my shoulder as I go about my day as a citizen of Tampa (I have never mentioned that but when I first started this blog we'll just say there were uniformed visitors) and now they are back to crawling around my car damaging it and believing themselves to be unwitnessed. So many things I have not titillated you with but will get to eventually. Cheap help -- anything for a crack rock or a green card or .... There are so many enslaved people in Tampa. I know, I meet alot of them. I see their anger at the situation they find themselves in. Some of these people sometimes believe they are angry with me (due to the gang chatter in their ears) but you'd have to know me: I'm the kindest, most unassuming, polite and loving person; I'll help anyone. They tried to take that kindness and use it against me by (for instance, there have been NUMEROUS times) planting their slaves with dead batteries --- I asked the guy to try his car first and lo and behold, it cranked up like a brand new car. Yep. These guys are too obvious and are Grade B actors. Of course, if you surrounded yourself with smart people, in that line of work, how long would you be in business??
Anyway, they think they are angry with me as they are sent in to do their nefarious little jobs but no one who gets to know me can understand WHY anyone would want to fuck with me so they keep having to find new people (move them in and out of the hood, it's a right laugh to watch this action) ... they've got an endless supply but that's part of another story. Enough of them have seen who I am and realized who they should be angry with. They're scared to death of those who control them (broken ankles and other bones [city employees related to me the punisment meted out for their mistakes] ... other collateral damage to these slaves) but unlike the slaves that plantation-owners held, these people are not in chains. The rising up will be beautiful to behold.

I bet if I called the TPD to report this I'd suddenly get a real live operator all eager to do business with me. All part of the plan.

At any rate, yes I'm aware that I could have a blow-out at any time because of these actions and it's all part of the plan; I'll be taking care of it and mailing the receipts to the attorney. He is writing a movie version of my life, I'm pretty sure. It IS interesting, I'll give them that. Where else could I go and be witness to all of this then the world they have brought to me !?!?!?! It's better than CRASH.

It's not the first time my life has been threatened. (Police reports) Or even the first time my property has been damaged and witnessed (same)(hehe) You know what they say, right??

And, I am VERY patient.

I have something very important to research today but likely the article will appear without enough research and will be edited throughout the day.

It's THAT important.

ADDENDUM: Sometimes I think that maybe I should offer a glimmer of intelligence to these folks. Stop it. If I had the finger pointed at me and I had alot to lose (and you do) and it is pointing ... I'd be VERY VERY sure not to continue to build up further evidence against myself. There's really no excuse that you don't 'know'. You've got your heads so far up my ass that I've learned to get comfy around all that. So, it is now your responsibility to be sure that I and my family are safe along with my network of loved ones because every thing now points to you. Hello, that is how a smart person would react. But, you go on with your bad selves. And reap the blame for every little thing that befalls me. And whose fault is that? Look at the mirror if you can see yourself in it in your Nazi get-ups. Get your little gits and your bikers and yourselves under control ... but that's only my advice. All this and a simple conversation man to woman could have solved it all ... just like I told ya way back when ....

A friend had an encounter just yesterday with an ex-Tampa fireman (name withheld currently) (seems almost impossible to get fired from the Tampa Fire Dept. he must have done something SHANKIER THAN SHANKY --- not another hooker incident, I never understood why they got fired for that, anyway...) who has already been caught stealing (from a customer) at his current job and a few other vagaries. This guy then sat behind my friend loudly stating how all his Tampa firemen friends are 'completely off the chain' and talking about all the wild things and awful things they did to people. A great, if hostile witness, eh? I am documenting all of this activity as the continuing threat to my safety, job security and the right of my family and loved ones to live in liberty and enjoy the pursuits of every American. By the way, my friend is subordinate to this ex Tampa fireman .... another bad thing for the baddies.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Fighting Faux News we don't want them showing the debates ....

Faux gives me a heady-ache just listening to the redundancy of the talking heads. If I ever watched the tube, I would NEVER have faux on but there are a few places I go that ... it's unavoidable for the time I'm a captive audience. And, it's good because I was making a mistake .. I was ignoring them the same way I tried to ignore KGB away. It really doesn't pay not to know what those guys are up to and I am trying to correct that but man it IS hard to listen to the rhetoric.

It gives me great pleasure to publicize an effort to fight them back into their place.

Please help !

Dear MoveOn member,

The Democratic Party of Nevada just announced plans to let Fox News host a presidential primary debate.1 But Fox isn't a legitimate news channel. It's a right-wing mouthpiece like Rush Limbaugh and the Drudge Report—repeating false Republican talking points to smear Democrats.

Fox has already tried to skew the '08 race by accusing Senator Barack Obama of attending a terrorist school. CNN immediately exposed the charge as false,2 and Obama hit back by refusing to appear on Fox—sending them scrambling.3 Democrats can force Fox to be fair and balanced by fighting back hard.

Can you sign this petition asking the Democratic Party of Nevada to drop Fox as its partner for the presidential primary debate?

The full text of the petition is: "Fox is a mouthpiece for the Republican Party, not a legitimate news channel. The Democratic Party of Nevada should drop Fox as its partner for the presidential primary debate."
Clicking here will add your name to the petition:

It's very important to also invite our friends to sign this petition. If ever there was a battle where we could beat Fox, this is it—since Democrats will make the ultimate decision, not Fox executives. But to be convinced, Democratic leaders need to see a growing public backlash.

We'll deliver the petition signatures to the Democratic Party of Nevada and let petition signers know what next steps they can take to make a difference.

When you click the petition link, you'll see a great new YouTube video from filmmaker Robert Greenwald called "Fox Attacks: Obama." It exposes Fox's numerous attacks on Senator Obama—saying he attended a terrorist school, belittling his race, and implying that his name sounds like that of a terrorist.

Fox has also spread false smears about Hillary Clinton this year.4 Plus, when Democrats trusted Fox to host a presidential debate in 2003, Fox undermined Democrats with on-screen headlines like "Democratic Candidates Offer Grim View of America."5

We can fight back. The Washington Post reported that "the Obama camp has 'frozen out' Fox News reporters and producers in the wake of the network's major screw-up in running with the erroneous Obama-the-jihadist story." "'I'm still in the freezer,' one Fox journalist said." Fox News CEO Roger Ailes has personally called Obama twice to smooth relations.3

As the 2008 cycle begins, we need to show Fox there will be serious repercussions for being part of right-wing smear jobs—and we need to show voters they cannot trust Fox for news.

Can you sign this petition asking the Democratic Party of Nevada not to partner with Fox for a presidential primary debate?

The full text of the petition is: "Fox is a mouthpiece for the Republican Party, not a legitimate news channel. The Democratic Party of Nevada should drop Fox as its partner for the presidential primary debate."

Clicking here will add your name to the petition:
Thank you for all you do.

–Noah, Adam G., Marika, Wes, and the Civic Action Team
Thursday, February 22nd, 2007


1. "FNC Hosts Democratic Debate,", February 16, 2007

2. "CNN Debunks False Obama 'Madrassa' Smear,", January 22, 2007

3. "Obama's Grudge Factor,", January 30, 2007

4. "O'Reilly and Miller recycled false attack on Clinton 's attendance at 9-11 memorials," Media Matters, February 15, 2007

"Right-wing media figures claim Clinton behind Obama/Muslim smears," Media Matters, January 19, 2007

5. "Nevada Dems getting outfoxed?", February 20, 2007

FINALLLLY the Tampa mayoral race silence ENDS >>>

WHAT about this article covers the MAYORAL RACE???

The Tampa Tribune maintained a DEAD silence on the Tampa mayoral race for OVER A WEEK and then this glowing article --- (a near repeat of a Trib article published over a year ago when people were VOCALLY trashing the mayor undeniably) --- covering JUST THE CURRENT MAYOR. This is almost unbelievable but then I look around and realize (due to all the fire vehicles and other emergency vehicles whizzing by me and surrounding me all the time) that after all, I AM in Tampa. (the next great city errr ministry) I love how Scott Paine mentions in this article how we needed to clean up after 8 years of dick greco. This four years was much much worse than Dick who at least waited til he left office to show his true colors. I always liked Greco. He shakes hands good; I know tons of his friends, good people, all of them. Anyway, I think he and Pam are family members. No big difference in the way they are running the place ....

Maybe the faux news Tampa Trib will surprise me tomorrow with big interviews of Aria Ray Green and Marion Serious Lewis. Maybe if those guys could get raped and then arrested (at Gasparilla)...... at least they could get their names in the news. I feel like I have to keep getting attention to the TWO OTHER Tampa mayoral contenders because, short of a miracle they ain't gonna get their names in the Tribune with a big splash, like Pam. Nope.

I would hope that anyone who believes in FAIRNESS AND ACCURACY in reporting contact
FAIR and let them know that even if you don't WANT another mayor, the damn newspaper and it's reporters SHOULD be covering EVERY candidate.

NOT just Julie Brown and Pam Iorio.

Taking bets on whether Ellen Gedalius, Tampa Tribune reporter of sorts and political stuff and such is related to Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio.

I'll take bets that they could easily pass the kevin bacon test in less than two degrees.

Nuff said.

This is OLD. Get better.

I feel guilty and I'm going to change that NOW

And avoid that circumstance when there's no second chance .......

I have recently witnessed three separate incidents where civilians were placed in immediate danger due to actions by the Hillsborough County Tampa Fire Dept. and the Pinellas County St. Petersburg Fire Dept employees. Two of these occurred before I reported on the arrest of Tampa Fire Battalion Chief Robert Wayne Garrett whose arrest was covered up by the Tampa Tribune. Through some research I have finally found where the Tampa Tribune covered his arrest in the Seffner paper as though it were not news for the county he serves, which includes Tampa. The third incident occurred this morning (Saturday but I struggled with whether to publicize this or not and so it is now Sunday) and was the proverbial straw that goaded this article.

At any rate, my concern is regarding the manner in which Tampa Firemen and St Pete firefighters impel HUGE fire prevention vehicles ( these are called Tstyle pumpers apparently, upon some research) weighing over FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND POUNDS down the road in quiet residential neighborhoods with no lights and no alarms. I have witnessed two near collisions within the last three months which would have likely been fatal for the citizens involved. I can't imagine a bicycle or a 1200 pound car faring well against a forty eight thousand pound emergency vehicle racing down the road. The thing is that they are still traveling that rate of speed when they return to the station.

If you stand at my back door you can see the fire station. I have never paid any attention to them in all the years I have visited or lived in that house until the problems started in my vicinity and I noticed that the firemen were suddenly parking the trucks in the middle of the street, looking at me menacingly and racing up and down the street. Still, I had to stand there helplessly and watch as they sped down the street going at least FIFTY miles an hour and without the lights and siren and with a neighbor who has been driving around there for years and is a bit casual at his corner stop-sign, pulled through and the two were MERE INCHES (if that far) from contact. My sons and I stood in mute, growing shock as we realized how close these two young people came to dying. My youngest son was in tears, it was very frightening to be that close to catastrophe. The car froze; the fire vehicle never hesitated.

So for awhile it quelled; this was a very close call, all over sickness in trying to intimidate someone.(read ME) Everyone apparently realizing that people had almost died over this goddamn foolishness and they better knock it off. Then a couple of weeks ago a nice-looking young gangster type moved in and the night before last (Thursday) he was riding his bike and at the same stop-sign he was a half-a-nano-second from dying right in front of me. No lights, no siren -- fifty miles an hour. INCHES from his bike. He was a little past the stop sign before he braked for his life. The accident would possibly even be called part his fault but the circumstances that cause it are completely UNCALLED for and illegal.

The WORST part is that there are only three and one half VERY SHORT blocks(two houses on each) from the station to the main road which the fire vehicle turns out onto. They are going to end up killing someone in this tiny bit of space because they are playing games, trying to intimidate myself and others and not giving a DAMN about public safety. I filed a federal lawsuit involving this same matter of county and city employees using their public vehicles and 'status' (for lack of a better word hehe) to intimidate myself and my family. But this is something far more sinister, even. This is a big problem and if I remain silent about it; then watch someone die in front of me, I would never get over the guilt of not remarking on it.

About ten o'clock at night which is when I generally arrive home these guys race down this tiny three and a half block area to impress upon me that THEY CAN and they have almost killed someone twice now. I am not exaggerating and this (IMO) is attempted murder. It is pre-meditated because they are running this action to intimidate me and in the process they are going to kill someone. Once was one thing but this second incident; if you had to witness something like that -- you'd want to do something. It's NO accident, they're not rushing off to some emergency.

I've lived there for YEARS AND YEARS and barely noticed the firehouse in the past. We never saw or heard from them. Now they race up and down the street for NO reason and twice in my direct line of sight from less than twenty five feet away, I have witnessed near CARNAGE since the incidents around my home started (that I noticed though I suspect the incidents went on a long time without my notice, I'm a VERY peaceful and tolerant person). Correction: They DO have a reason; it is to intimidate me. These are not isolated incidents and that is the subject of a federal lawsuit and they know it.

Today, (Saturday) my boyfriend and I were driving down 4th Avenue in St Petersburg and (as usual) we hear the call of the sirens. (I have videotaped this rampant rage of activity around me in the past to the point that within twenty minutes I have taped thirteen encounters with different fire emergency vehicles) ... everywhere I go, soon as a few minutes here comes an emergency vehicle. Or three. I was taking all of this in stride because I know what my property is worth and the lengths a county/city will go to in order to steal a property instead of paying for it. I read and talk to others. I had a Grandpa who told me that one day that property would be so valuable they would try to kill me for it. That day has come.

AND, I can no longer take in stride the danger that these 'public servants' are placing innocent people in.

The boyfriend and I were approaching the Fire Station on Fourth and whatever and the sirens start when we are a few blocks away. We're yakking about something but it's a very open view on that avenue so ahead you can clearly see the emergency vehicles racing out of the station. One and then the second. The light that is at the fire station which one ASSUMES the fire-fighters control for safety on such a busy street turns green but somehow there is a hint that there is more to come. My boyfriend drives like Grandpa on his fast days so we were creeping forward slowly THANK GOD when OUT LIKE A FRIGGING SHOT comes this third huge fire vehicle --- the siren doesn't start until after they are already pulled in front of us (#124220 on 2-24-07 approximately 10 a.m.) but then leaning out the window this firefighter ON HIS WAY TO A SUPPOSED emergency is obviously taking pictures of my boyfriend's car. They purposely lurked back in the bay until we crept forward and then RACED OUT and just barely cleared us and another car and were taking pictures. If my boyfriend were any other type of driver I would not be here to blog this right now. First I got angry and then I said, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I've been saving my video footage for court but this has gone too far. So, if anything comes of this, I'll be releasing the video.
First of all, why is this guy COINCIDENTALLY aiming at me and my boyfriend when I just HAPPEN to be the blogger with the MILLION dollar property and the blogger who reported the actual news about the Tampa firefighter FLEEING TWICE, that the Tampa Trib tried to squash?? WHY did they lurk back there behind another parked truck and then SHOOT OUT like that, camera at the ready?
Isn't it a little statistically questionable that in that car would HAPPEN to be ME?
They tried to set my boyfriend up by lurking back there and then racing out in front of him. The whole 'camera at the ready' part was just CREEPY. These are the people we are paying FIFTY AND SIXTY thousand dollars a year to in order for service and protection. And they are busy pulling out in front of your fellow citizens and taking pictures of them in order to intimidate or harass them.

Here's the REAL NEWS: YOU have been paying these men and women to intimidate myself and my family out of our lucrative property (I can PROVE this) and they are spending YOUR money to buy the gas and time to carry out this mission.

These 'people' are playing very dangerous games with cars and trucks provided to them with YOUR taxpayer dollars. I can prove that they have utilized city and county vehicles and employees almost ceaselessly for a LONG TIME to intimidate my family and I from our property.
It needs to stop. If someone in charge doesn't stop them, I will find a way.

If you endanger my life or anyone else's life AGAIN, I will take action. I won't remain silent any longer while you race around putting others' lives on the line.

You can't have or keep EVERYTHING. You MAY NOT any longer intimidate myself or others without recourse. I know you know that I have pictures and videotape of your actions. I know you know that this had better stop before someone gets hurt. You thought I was an easy mark and a pushover but you are WRONG. You have threatened, harassed, intimidated and arrested and even beaten members of my family. At every step of the way I can prove who was involved in this sordid mess.

I've asked you to knock it off. You have continued. YOU ALMOST RAN OVER THAT BOY THE OTHER NIGHT. You KNOW how close that was. Some of you have to be ashamed. I know that some of you WILL step forward when the time comes. And it will. Two near misses of fatalities within two months are more than a warning. They are an OMEN. STOP IT.

These guys (and gals) are NOT our heroes, they're not always even special people. There are heroes and special people AMONG THEM just like in every profession.

And then you have the ones I am experiencing and these other guys and gals:

This one "HERO" collecting two thousand dollar a month after being busted TWICE for meth-trafficking and welcomed back to the fire station after the first arrest. Also they never fired him. EVER. For two months and one-half after he was busted w/31 grams he was still firefighting .... or somethin'. He finally resigned and collects his pension.

attempted rape OF A MINOR "hero"

Child-molesting hero (ALL victims BETWEEN SIX AND NINE!!!!!)

The rapist "hero".

embezzling hero

Threat to public safety using fire hydrant to fill his ice rink??"hero"
Jesus ...

Running over policewoman

Kiddie Porn

Although it is my suspicion that MANY men are being set up as purveyors of kiddie porn ... there were so many firefighter arrests for same that some of them have to be true perps. (that's another subject, the set-ups ... getting rid of the dissnenting voices any way that's necessary) My own life is in danger. Anyone who speaks up is at risk. But, they can't kill all of us. SPEAK UP before it's too late !!!

I finally got SICK of reading these. Just plug in 'firefighter arrests' and see for yourself. You will also see a continuing pattern of their jobs being safe no matter WHAT they do. Unless they lose their driver's license. It really wouldn't look good if they ran some unfortunate soul over and were found without a license. In many cases I read there were blatant cover-ups and absolutely no remorse on the part of the firefighter OR the administration. One guy kinda casually says, 'yeah, I guess we should have a way to deal with that ...' [in reference to one of his firefighters being arrested for arson and armed robbery and assault] The guy was still working. Due to personal experience I believe a high degree of fire personnel may be involved in arson. The reading added to this. Every second article (from mainstream newspapers) involved arson. Like I said, I got sick of reading them. Thousands of articles.

I more or less silently tolerated the actions taken against my family and friends and myself. I didn't feel good about laying down for it so I started videotaping it. When they almost ran over that car I knew it was time to stop letting it go in silence. Shortly after that incident I opened this blog.

Watching that kid almost get run over was breath-taking in a horrifying way and I determined I must report it.

The incident yesterday confirmed that they don't give a damn that they almost took some kid's life; they GIVE A DAMN that I and those in my extended network of family and friends feel intimidated, and also perhaps punishing me because I felt it necessary to uncover one of the crimes of 'one of their own'. It's what I get from reading the other mainstream articles about them, too.

From meth-trafficking to kiddyporn and rape.

Why are these guys out of control? We are giving them millions and millions of dollars through Homeland Control Security. MILLIONS !! It's part of a big picture and it started with Sept. 11, 2001 and before but especially by that planned incident after which it has been pounded in over and over that first responders are our heroes.

I BEG TO DIFFER!!!!! Here in Tampa they have controlled WHO will be a member of the team and now (for instance) it's impossible to get in the field unless you have the right last name. Link chosen for example of fraternity which is rampant throughout this department and throughout the local school board and all county and city employment just in case anyone is new here. HEHE If you are new to Florida and unconnected: RUN !!!!! RUN and don't look back. RUN! Although this is national; it is an epidemic overtaking America and it's called the Nazi-ish Homeland Control Dept to turn us into a fascist nation. And, it's convenient that it's well in place to intimidate and victimize women and children.

I beg to differ. These people ARE NOT HEROES. There are heroes among them just like there are heroes among the bloggers. Read here to refresh your memories for a FEW of the things that have occurred with the firefighters of Tampa Bay. Of course, some of these were blatant dismissals for some in the ranks who did not go along with the status quo of intimidating women, children and owners of LUCRATIVE PROPERTIES whom the City is attempting to force from their homes.

Now, their approach will differ. They'll put the bikers back on the case of intimidating me (same difference, you know) and the firepeople will park their vehicles here and there in a message I am supposed to note. Whatever.

Besides all they do towards me there is the issue that in order to park their big ass trucks in the street they had to pretend to wash them. EVERY DAY. No kidding. Every day. With the water shortage. mmmmkay.

Today on the interstate the one from House 9 had it's flashers on and escorted me from the Howard Ave. on-ramp up to the Orlando exit, slowing traffic, endangering others and again-- NOT GIVING A FUCK. People slamming on their brakes left and right and causing near chain-collisions (picture it, this is no exaggeration, that truck is HUGE!) (witnesses and videotape) This is YOUR city, folks. Say something.
(truck from 9 227908) 11:32 a.m. Sunday, 2-25-07.

Bomb Drill at White House or the March Surprise?

Bomb drill at White House
25/02/2007 10:01 - (SA)

Search BOMB DRILL AND MARTIAL LAW -- this is the new Bird Flu -- he's going to declare martial law if he thinks he can get away with it. And he could. He's close to being impeached and he's not fully in control and he HAS TO BE. HE will do what it takes to keep America under his control. It's part of a plan. It's called PNAC.

Washington - Dozens of high-level officials joined in a White House drill to see how the government would respond if several US cities were attacked simultaneously by bombs similar to those commonly used against American troops in Iraq.

President George W Bush went on a bike ride not far from the White House on Saturday morning, and did not take part in the test.
I guess all the copies of MY PET GOAT were checked out??

President George W Bush went on a bike ride not far from the White House on Saturday morning, and did not take part in the test.

They had to make it life-like. (I had to edit this to include my boy's comment. Okay, he's funnier than I am ~~~)

White House homeland CONTROL adviser Fran Townsend presided over the three-hour exercise that brought the government's highest level homeland control officials to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next to the White House.

All Cabinet agencies were represented by their secretaries or other high-ranking officials, with a total of about 90 participants, said Scott Stanzel, a White House spokesperson.

Stanzel said the drill revealed gaps in the government's ability to respond, but also showed that there have been many improvements since Hurricane Katrina exposed federal inadequacies (is this meant as a joke??) when it devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005.

For instance, coordination with state and local authorities and the ability to get federal resources in place quickly - key missteps after Katrina - appeared much better now, Stanzel said.

Townsend and the Homeland Security (CONTROL) Council that she heads mapped out in advance a massive disaster involving improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, in 10 US cities at the same time, using a combination of large and small towns, said a senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

IED attacks are being used by insurgents in Iraq with regularity to kill hundreds of civilians and soldiers in Iraq. Recently, the Bush administration has said that IEDs and other weaponry in Iraq are coming from Iran. (or anywhere else bush wants to attack!)But Stanzel said the test was not inspired by new intelligence or any increased chatter about terrorists' desire to use IEDs inside the United States. He noted that both the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 involved homemade bombs.

"The threat of an IED goes back 14 years," he said. "It's important for the administration to prepare for any eventuality, just as we have prepared for a pandemic flu, a smallpox outbreak or a major hurricane."

Indeed, this was the administration's fourth such "tabletop" exercise since the first in December 2005 on a bird flu or other pandemic outbreak. (i didn't even realize this was mentioned in my haste to post this dire crap)
Townsend's scenario envisioned requests pouring in from state and local control authorities, and also assumed many local abilities would be diminished by the scale of the disaster.

The discussion began with the period immediately after the attacks, then moved to circumstances gamed out for weeks later. (when the dissenters attempted to escape the camps, no doubt) At each point, the agency representatives were directed to detail what they would do, the official said.

The next step is for the homeland CONTROL council to study the role play and report on what gaps were revealed, Stanzel said.

ADDENDUM: When I was in D.C. Camp Democracy I observed that they were taking measurements of our National monuments for some asinine reason (stated on the placards) ... perish the thought he's gonna stage another ATTACK on our nation's capitol and demolish what many TRUE AMERICANS hold close as the beginning of the dream.

Iran Numbers


What is 99,289?

That's the number of people who have signed a petition opposing an attack on Iran.

What is 711?

No, it's not a convenience store.

Oh, you didn't think that? See, you're quicker than our unitary executive!

That's right: It's the number of people -- you and your friends -- who have to spend 10 seconds each at

in order for us to be able to announce a total of 100,000 people opposing this looming aggressive and catastrophic war.

Can you help us clear this mark? It's only a number, but it is a number we plan to announce in a big way that could have an impact on a White House and Congress that are already feeling the heat of public pressure and that rarest of forces: journalistic skepticism. But the moment is now. Have you signed the petition?

Activists mailing list

List info:

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I feel guilty and I'm going to change that NOW

And avoid that circumstance when there's no second chance .......

I have recently witnessed three separate incidents where civilians were placed in immediate danger due to actions by the Hillsborough County Tampa Fire Dept. and the Pinellas County St. Petersburg Fire Dept employees. Two of these occurred before I reported on the arrest of Tampa Fire Battalion Chief Robert Wayne Garrett whose arrest was covered up by the Tampa Tribune. Through some research I have finally found where the Tampa Tribune covered his arrest in the Seffner paper as though it were not news for the county he serves, which includes Tampa. The third incident occurred this morning and was the proverbial straw that goaded this article.

At any rate, my concern is regarding the manner in which Tampa Firemen and St Pete firefighters impel HUGE fire prevention vehicles ( these are called Tstyle pumpers apparently, upon some research) weighing over FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND POUNDS down the road in quiet residential neighborhoods with no lights and no alarms. I have witnessed two near collisions within the last three months which would have likely been fatal for the citizens involved. I can't imagine a bicycle or a 1200 pound car faring well against a forty eight thousand pound emergency vehicle racing down the road. The thing is that they are still traveling that rate of speed when they return to the station. If you stand at my back door you can see the fire station. I have never paid any attention to them in all the years I have visited or lived in that house until the problems started in my vicinity and I noticed that the firemen were suddenly parking the trucks in the middle of the street, looking at me menacingly and racing up and down the street. Still, I had to stand there helplessly and watch as they sped down the street going at least FIFTY miles an hour and without the lights and siren and with a neighbor who has been driving around there for years and is a bit casual at his corner stop-sign, pulled through and the two were MERE INCHES from contact. My sons and I stood in mute, growing shock as we realized how close these two young people came to dying. My youngest son was in tears, it was very frightening to be that close to catastrophe. The car froze, the fire vehicle never hesitated. So for awhile it quelled; this was a very close call, all over sickness in trying to intimidate someone. Everyone apparently realizing that people had almost died over this goddamn foolishness and they better knock it off. Then a couple of weeks ago a nice-looking young gangster type moved in and the night before last (Thursday) he was riding his bike and at the same stop-sign he was a half-a-nano-second from dying right in front of me. No lights, no siren -- fifty miles an hour. INCHES from his bike. He was a little past the stop sign before he braked for his life. The accident would possibly even be called part his fault but the circumstances that cause it are completely UNCALLED for and illegal. The WORST part is that there are only three and one half VERY SHORT blocks(two houses on each) from the station to the main road which the fire vehicle turns out onto. They are going to end up killing someone in this tiny bit of space because they are playing games, trying to intimidate myself and others and not giving a DAMN about public safety. I filed a federal lawsuit involving this same matter of county and city employees using their public vehicles and 'status' (for lack of a better word hehe) to intimidate myself and my family. But this is something far more sinister, even. This is a big problem and if I remain silent about it; then watch someone die in front of me, I would never get over the guilt of not remarking on it. About ten o'clock at night which is when I generally arrive home these guys race down this tiny three and a half block area to impress upon me that THEY CAN and they have almost killed someone twice now. I am not exaggerating and this (IMO) is attempted murder. It is pre-meditated because they are running this action to intimidate me and in the process they are going to kill someone. Once was one thing but this second incident; if you had to witness something like that -- you'd want to do something. It's NO accident, they're not rushing off to some emergency. I've lived there for YEARS AND YEARS and barely noticed the firehouse in the past. We never saw or heard from them. Now they race up and down the street for NO reason and twice in my direct line of sight from less than twenty five feet away, I have witnessed near CARNAGE. Correction: They DO have a reason; it is to intimidate me. These are not isolated incidents and that is the subject of a federal lawsuit and they know it.

Today, my boyfriend and I were driving down 4th Avenue in St Petersburg and (as usual) we hear the call of the sirens. (I have videotaped this rampant rage of activity around me in the past to the point that within twenty minutes I have taped thirteen encounters with different emergency vehicles) ... everywhere I go, soon as a few minutes here comes an emergency vehicle. Or three. I was taking all of this in stride because I know what my property is worth and the lengths a county/city will go to in order to steal a property instead of paying for it. I read and talk to others.

However, I can no longer take in stride the danger that these 'public servants' are placing innocent people in.

The boyfriend and I were approaching the Fire Station on Fourth and whatever and the sirens start when we are a few blocks away. We're yakking about something but it's a very open view on that avenue so ahead you can clearly see the emergency vehicles racing out of the station. One and then the second. The light that is at the fire station which one ASSUMES the fire-fighters control for safety on such a busy street turns green but somehow there is a hint that there is more to come. My boyfriend drives like Grandpa on his fast days so we were creeping forward slowly THANK GOD when OUT LIKE A FRIGGING SHOT comes this third huge fire vehicle --- the siren doesn't start until after they are already pulled in front of us but then leaning out the window this firefighter ON HIS WAY TO A SUPPOSED emergency is obviously taking pictures of my boyfriend's car. They purposely lurked back in the bay until we crept forward and then RACED OUT and just barely cleared us and another car and were taking pictures. If my boyfriend were any other type of driver I would not be here to blog this right now. First I got angry and then I said, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I've been saving my video footage for court but this has gone too far. So, if anything comes of this, I'll be releasing the video.
First of all, why is this guy COINCIDENTALLY aiming at me and my boyfriend when I just HAPPEN to be the blogger with the MILLION dollar property and the blogger who reported the actual news that the Tampa Trib tried to squash?? WHY did they lurk back there behind another parked truck and then SHOOT OUT like that, camera at the ready?
Isn't it a little statistically questionable that in that car would HAPPEN to be ME?
They tried to set my boyfriend up by lurking back there and then racing out in front of him. The whole 'camera at the ready' part was just CREEPY. These are the people we are paying FIFTY AND SIXTY thousand dollars a year to in order for service and protection. And they are busy pulling out in front of your fellow citizens and taking pictures of them in order to intimidate or harass them.

Here's the REAL NEWS: YOU have been paying these men and women to intimidate myself and my family out of our lucrative property (I can PROVE this) and they are spending YOUR money to buy the gas and time to carry out this mission.

These 'people' are playing very dangerous games with cars and trucks provided to them with YOUR taxpayer dollars. I can prove that they have utilized city and county vehicles and employees almost ceaselessly for a LONG TIME to intimidate my family and I from our property.
It needs to stop. If someone in charge doesn't stop them, I will find a way.

If you endanger my life or anyone else's life AGAIN, I will take action. I won't remain silent any longer while you race around putting others' lives on the line.

You can't have or keep EVERYTHING. You MAY NOT any longer intimidate myself or others without recourse. I know you know that I have pictures and videotape of your actions. I know you know that this had better stop before someone gets hurt. You thought I was an easy mark and a pushover but you are WRONG. You have threatened, harassed, intimidated and arrested and even beaten members of my family. At every step of the way I can prove who was involved in this sordid mess.

I've asked you to knock it off. You have continued. YOU ALMOST RAN OVER THAT BOY THE OTHER NIGHT. You KNOW how close that was. Some of you have to be ashamed. I know that some of you WILL step forward when the time comes. And it will. Two near misses of fatalities within two months are more than a warning. They are an OMEN. STOP IT.

These guys (and gals) are NOT our heroes, they're not always even special people. There are heroes and special people AMONG THEM just like in every profession.

And then you have the ones I am experiencing and these other guys and gals:

This one HERO collecting two thousand dollar a month after being busted TWICE for meth-trafficking and welcomed back to the fire station after the first arrest. Also they never fired him. EVER. For two months and one-half after he was busted w/31 grams he was still firefighting .... or somethin'. He finally resigned and collects his pension.
attempted rape OF A MINOR hero

Child-molesting hero (ALL victims BETWEEN SIX AND NINE!!!!!)
The rapist hero.

embezzling hero

Threat to public safety using fire hydrant to fill his ice rink??
Jesus ...

I finally got SICK of reading these. Just plug in 'firefighter arrests' and see for yourself. You will also see a continuing pattern of their jobs being safe no matter WHAT they do. Unless they lose their license. It really wouldn't look good if they ran some unfortunate soul over and were found without a license. In many cases I read there were blatant cover-ups and absolutely no remorse on the part of the firefighter OR the administration. One guy kinda casually says, 'yeah, I guess we should have a way to deal with that ...' [in reference to one of his firefighters being arrested for arson and armed robbery and assault] The guy was still working. Due to personal experience I believe a high degree of fire personnel may be involved in arson. The reading added to this. Every other article (from mainstream newspapers) involved arson. Like I said, I got sick of reading them. Thousands of articles.

I more or less silently tolerated the actions taken against my family and friends and myself, I didn't feel good about laying down for it so I started videotaping it. When they almost ran over that car I knew it was time to stop letting it go in silence. Shortly after that incident I opened this blog. Watching that kid almost get run over was breath-taking in a horrifying way and I determined I must report this. The incident yesterday confirmed that they don't give a damn that they almost took some kids' life; they GIVE A DAMN that I feel intimidated, and perhaps that I felt it necessary to uncover the crime of one of their own. It's what I get from reading the other mainstream articles about them, too.

From meth-trafficking to kiddyporn and rape. Why are these guys out of control? It's part of a big picture and it started with Sept. 11, 2001 and before but especially when it has been pounded in over and over that these guys are hero.


Friday, February 23, 2007

WHO did Anthony Giancola PISS OFF???

This is DISGUSTING on so many levels. How many people KNEW this man had a short-term drug problem and got together with the vaunted Tampa Police Dept. to set him up AMIDST CHILDREN and haul him out of school in hand-cuffs; in front of young people who admired him??

(Job security for the dubious 'crisis' teams who will go and counsel children who love this man for something that ABSOLUTELY could have been handled with some finesse!!!)

NOT ONE OF THESE people thought they might have approached this man and said, 'Look, we know you have a problem and need help; we are offering you a chance before we take legal action.' It's not like he was out robbing places !!

IF anyone out there believes he should have been shown no mercy whatsoever -- I can almost go along with that --- BUT, why THE HELL did they not ENTRAP him at home ?!?!
(I just don't believe that crap about how the drug-dealer demurred and tried not to come to the school) (OH< and I also don't believe he said he wanted to fire up RIGHT THEN --- that's such bullshit --- principals are very busy that time of day -- someone is LYING)
I think you have to be pretty eager to f with someone to play dress-up and all. Did they have their 'fake' dressup children along, too? That's just EVIL. It smacks of meanness and deviousness, like they want to smush this guy like a bug.

He might be the world's biggest ass for all I know of him personally === BUT the bigger assholes are the people who took the time in the crime-ridden hell-hole of the shitty of Tampa to dress up as parents and play make-believe to take down a man in front of children who looked up to him. It's almost like he was raped at Gasparilla ! Instead of help, he got arrested. Oh hell, that's productive on sooo many levels.

How many cops? How many hours? How much of OUR money? (I'm counting five cops at least three hours to do the set-up and arrest -- and longer for mcelroy to yak to the news and then book this major criminal while the Gasparilla rapist runs around loose !)

How many times did this scenario have the opportunity to go another way? Let's see .... someone knows a man has a problem --- oooh there's nothing vindictive about 'tipstering' him, I guess. And then the bright one who thought the best thing to do NEXT would be to have him set-up with an undercover cop. And then the whole rest of the rigamarole.

A twenty dollar drug buy. BIG F'ING DEAL. They've got administration robbing the school system blind and no-one's taking those pork-wads out of there in handcuffs.
Instead they give them raises ...... WTF?!?!

I wonder who had interest in taking this man down? What vindictive a-hole and then a collective BUNCH of a-holes (under supervision) went along with finally giving the Tampa Tribune something to talk about ???

And, I guess this would be FOUR DAYS in a row no mention of the Mayor's race.

Sacrifice Giancola --- BUSINESS AS USUAL IN TAMPA BAY.

We're a national freak show.

Tampa ---- the National FREAK SHOW !!!

Business in Tampa Bay.

Too bad he's not the son of a prominent Tampa businessman. He coulda shot the guy and claimed long-term aggression towards him.

Sorry Mr. Giancola, what you did was wrong but not THAT frickin wrong.

The people who participated in this crap should be looked at very closely. Something way way wrong with this picture.

Maybe if he had sex with a student he could go ahead and head for the talk-show circuit. Hope Fitzgibbons picks this one up. Honestly, I think he's too handsome to be busted, don't you???

And here's a blatant character attack I found, just by way of tertiary hearsay.

(an excerpt)Authorities say Giancola told the officer that he wanted to purchase 200 dollars' worth of crack cocaine, but later decided he only wanted 20 dollars' worth of the substance. Students were still on campus when he tried to purchase the drugs.

(right -- I know alot of drug addicts who would buy LESS rather than MORE) for god's sake do they think we're new here?

After reading this my boyfriend asked me if I knew Giancola. HAHA. Nope, I sure don't. The name sounds familiar but I do not know this guy. I do know this: the entire story reeks of BULLSHIT and a setup and an assassination of this guy's character and self-esteem. I could think of fifty ways to arrest him rather than this scenario. Or, just help the man. What would be wrong with that????


Here are the 'public reactions' from the St. Pete Times article:

makes me feel less alone in common sense ...

by melissa 02/23/07 10:32 PM
That was my principal he was mad cool not like thise othere teachers we got here.they need to give hem a second chance people make mistake and he made one.He was just addicted he can held hem self. I bet mr.king was that one who set hem up.
by scott 02/23/07 10:12 PM
I agree with mickee. How did the press get there so fast? Cops wanted a high profile bust to show how they are "protecting" the city. Look at how those cops in Ft. Lauderdale just got busted for protecting the "mob guys". The police here are a joke
by unknown 02/23/07 09:04 PM
we can not judge anyone this too can also happen to us it is just for the grace of God that i am not out there we all have problems of stressin our life sometime or other so lets just pray for the man we all make some kind of mistakes
by Connie 02/23/07 07:42 PM
Known Tony since middle school. I, now a teacher myself am so proud of him for his accomplishments. He is a kind and caring man. He has been admired for his courage, his faith and his love of family. This will bring the support of past friends! PRAY
by mickee 02/23/07 06:12 PM
cont., I guess authorities need this press to defend their abuse of authority. I wonder if they are going to investigate the tipster who had to have a connection with the supplier...
by mickee 02/23/07 06:03 PM
A man can do a million good things,and people remember and judge the one bad deed. I agree with Paul, this arrest could have been done very quietly away from the school, what where these authorities thinking (or Lack of thinking), this man was just a pawn
by VBGrad 02/23/07 04:42 PM
Very sad news for a school that always struggled with reputation problems. It was like that when I was there 1989-91 & this can't help. Hope the principal can get help he needs & his students will be deterred from making the same mistake.
by MiMi 02/23/07 04:09 PM
Educated white man in position of authority gets busted on school grounds for using addictive drugs.Rehab rarely works most 95% use again within days of getting out.What will he do for drugs next time.Poor him.Life is tough.
by Drew 02/23/07 04:08 PM
Now that he will lose his job, there is still hope - he can disguise himself by getting a sex change an go to work for the city of Largo.
by Citizen Americanus 02/23/07 03:34 PM
A person in a position of such hight trust cannot go unpunished. What he did is a felony. Forget rehab, we have prisons for people like this.
by Paul 02/23/07 02:55 PM
For Will..either you or the St.Pete Times has the facts wrong.The caption says he is being escorted INTO a police car. If this were at the police station as you say he would be getting OUT of a police car. Looks like the press was tipped off b4 hand.
by MiMi 02/23/07 12:41 PM

Well the legislature wanted to drug test students.I think administrators should be drug and alcohol tested.You just can't trust anyone.$400 a day habit?They must pay principals a big salary in Hillsborough.Where pray tell is the money coming from?
by cj 02/23/07 12:20 PM

rick..are kidding me...they saved his life!
by susan 02/23/07 12:04 PM
We need more mental health education and services throughout the country. This man was caught, how many out there haven't been yet?
by John 02/23/07 11:17 AM
This man shouldnt be shamed for an addiction he is struggling with. He is obviously a good man and should be helped as he has helped others in difficult situations.
by Hop 02/23/07 10:55 AM
Lets hope the courts put this man in rehab and not in prison.
by a parent 02/23/07 10:25 AM
Oh ya, the police ruined another persons life by taking the drugs out of the school that this 'victim' brought it into. Come on now
by Will 02/23/07 10:21 AM
For David - The press were not at the school, they were at the police station, after news of his arrest had traveled and gotten out.
by Will 02/23/07 10:20 AM
I went to Bogie with Tony and am shocked to hear about this. Just another example of the dangers of drug use and why we should crack down harder on the dealers and users!!
by Richard 02/23/07 10:12 AM
The war on drugs. Thank god it wasn't around in grandmas or great grandms time when they used to send the kids to the apocithary for snuff!! Yes it was coke for their sinus problem. What the police did with the cameras is a disgrace.

by Laura 02/23/07 10:02 AM
If it were any other profession, they would have left the news helicopter at the office. For someone with a clean record, sure is nice to see your life unravel on the 6:00 news.
That drug destroys all it touches.
by Ken 02/23/07 09:59 AM
This was brazen of the Sheriffs to make an arrest on school grounds for a non violent crime. It is criminal. The LT in charge should be suspended.
by Jeremy 02/23/07 09:59 AM

I agree with Rick...obviously he has to be punished for what he's done, but media, cops, and sting operations for someone buying a $20 crack rock?!?! Sounds fishy to me...and now a good man will go to jail while the wrong ones will still be there.
by David 02/23/07 09:45 AM

So just exactly how did all that press happen to be there for a sting operation?
by Rick 02/23/07 09:43 AM

Drugs are bad! Drug dealers are worse, but, this guy is a victim. He was only hurting himself. Once again our police relish in the the fact they've ruined another person's life!! Way to go Tampa!!
by Carol 02/23/07 08:51 AM

As I read this story about an acquaintance of mine, I'm reminded how many people I've known personally that have fallen to this drug. I guess people think they can keep it under control. It's an equal opportunity offender. This is very sad, nice man.
by Susan 02/23/07 08:23 AM
I have known Tony for 13 years. Though his behavior cannot not be excused, he is not a monster people would love to portray him as. He is a wounded individual that sees his life in tremendous turmoil. He made a bad choice, we are not above judgement
by Lisa 02/23/07 08:23 AM
Best example of drug education these kids could have ever gotten...the consequences of trying drugs as an escape from problems and the consequences of an addiction-legal trouble, a ruined career and reputation, and a wake of relational turmoil
by Scott 02/23/07 08:20 AM
Principals, astronauts, priests, congressmen, celebrities .... where in god's name have all the role models gone?
by Maria 02/23/07 07:09 AM
I think he made a mistake people need to ask for help when life gets to stressful I feel very sorry for him..

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Blanks and Charges

Okay, tell me if this sounds mercenary. I'm leaving out names and identities for now, and even some words to protect those who frankly don't deserve protection but having never been a RAT (like some) I just don't feel good about spilling people's filthy sides of their lives onto the WWW...

However -- (you knew this was coming, right??) -- I'm willing to disclose same for a fee. In fact, I'm going to disclose some of this in a book which will definitely be for sale very soon but if you'd like to know if your name or some similar aspect that identifies your smarmy and illegal acts towards me and my family have been mentioned I'd be happy to negotiate a fee with you. For the record, save your pennies if I've known you longer than thirty years. Out of respect for you and your family I'll leave your names out. Out of respect for you and your family I have remained silent. Apparently this same respect was not inbred in you. That's a pity but you and yours are safe with me. The ones who took it upon themselves to do your bidding against an innocent family are wide open just like they've left MY family wide open. Herewith I refer to my extended family and network many of whom are currently suffering at your hands. Be on notice.

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A Nation in DISTRESS

A Nation in DISTRESS


In my living room watching;
but I am not laughing ....

..... risk something, take back what's yours
say something that you know they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before ....
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day

In their living room laughing like,

"what did he say?"

Fight the Good Fight

" .... courage is humankind's cardinal virtue, because ''it makes all other virtues possible."
Reverend William Sloane Coffin

......" And I dare you to ask for a lot, I dare you to hold fast to your ideals and to expound them as publicly and as fearlessly as Martin Luther King and Bill Coffin and Betty Friedan and those dozens of grandmothers arrested a few weeks ago for protesting the war in Iraq."

Francine du Plessix Gray


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I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires. Kahlil Gibran

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Every man dies.

Not every man really lives.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...... Martin Luther King, Jr.
[PDA - Progressive Democrats of America - Stand Up. Take Action. Vote.]

Vox Talk

Contrary to popular belief:

Patience is NOT a virtue.

It is concentrated strength.
"The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service."

- Albert Einstein
"Only those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly" – Robert Kennedy
"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation…want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Frederick Douglass, 1857
Tis nobler to lose honor to save the lives of men than it is to gain honor by taking them.

~David Borenstein

You cannot win a War on Terrorism. It’s like having a war on jealousy.

~David Cross

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I was born a citizen of the world and have remained such but along with that: I'm a long time Tampa resident. Mixed bag at that as I've seen life here from nearly all angles and while somewhere in there I became slightly indoctrinated, I'm not too proud of the way people have taken over this city and run it with an iron fist for all but some. This city is working hard on creating just two classes. Thems and them dont's and they are working hard to shove some families down into the gutter for reasons known only to them. Some might be as petty as jealousy, some might be politically motivated, some might just be stupid and all are wrong. I want to believe we can get better but that would entail some stuff that I have no control over. I only can control myself and my reactions to what occurs.

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