Happy Fourth of July for those who care
Here's an interesting history of the fourth. I'll say that the Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays .... my memories of every Fourth of July are of clear, sumptuous days of love, laughter and the utter joy of being alive, being an American but most of all being a human being and having so many cool human beings to share all of this with.
One of which, is NOT george the bush the new dick-tate(o)r of Amerika.
I wanted to recognize the holiday which we won't celebrate as well while our country is involved in illegal wars; and include some writing sent to me by Ed. Dickau who has a few links below so I won't link his name. You should check Ed. out. Long history of uber-involvement in making things better. Kent State man. Yes,then; during the murders. That says it all. Check him out. And please read the wiki page. He was here in the trenches trying to make things right during the last time we were sending the poor kids and a few unlucky others to die. Yep, US. YOU AND I. We have to stop this. We HAVE to impeach this looting cabal. NOW !!! We have to show the world that the American people are STILL the American people.
(Excerpt:To those who think murder is too strong a word, one may recall that even Agnew three days after the Kent State shootings used the word in an interview on the David Frost show in Los Angeles. Agnew admitted in response to a question that what happened at Kent State was murder, 'but not first degree' since there was — as Agnew explained from his own training as a lawyer — "no premeditation but simply an over-response in the heat of anger that results in a killing; it's a murder. It's not premeditated and it certainly can't be condoned.[22])
So, if your eyes get a little happy jolt when you see that beautiful American flag raised high in a sunlit sky, try to remember this: It's only representative of an IDEA. A dream that lives in the heart of TRUE Americans. You can't buy it, sell it, break it or fake it. In this case --- you're one of US if your heart is true. This has nothing to do with rampant nationalism as George tried to make it when he said we were 'with him or against him', THIS has to do with your heart. Do you love the dream of America?? Because it's NOT this soil -- this could happen anywhere ! Anywhere that people embrace this dream and cry foul IMMEDIATELY when the dream is marred. And this dream is becoming marred and I and a LOT of us are crying foul. Please help.
Oh and by the way -- I don't give a damn that they're all a bunch of old white dudes. I didn't even live in this country then. Did YOU??? Be glad that bunch of old white dudes did this. BE GLAD. And, since then --- a bunch of white dudes and ladies and a bunch of non-white ladies and gentlemen have consistently been DRIVEN to be sure that ALL OF US are treated equal.
I ask you to remember the one WHITE DUDE who came along to change that !!! (george bush) He also shamed the Latino people with his appointments of that undertaker Gonzalez, his support of and appt. of Mel Martinez to the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. He shamed us white folks with Cheney, Harriet Miers, JOHN I AM GOD AND YOU ARE NOT ROBERTS, oh and back to the others for Samuel Alito. He shamed women and blacks with Condi.
I ask WHY WHY WHY --- can you sit there and do nothing?? Take an action below. Help a nation get off it's knees. There's still more of us than them. Those of you who are not part of the fascist uprising, get busy. I don't care who you are, what color you are or aren't and what language you speak. You want --- I could blog in spanish for you. Just do something about this. Add your voice to the growing cry for Impeachment of Bush and Cheney. I'm tired of talking about it. (i will never grow tired of talking of it til it's done so if you'd like me to stop --- you know what to do --- help me get it done)
On to what Ed. had to say:
Posted At:
No Jail Time for Libby? It's Impeachment Time for Cheney and Bush! http://www.democrats.com
There's only one reason why Bush kept Libby out of jail: to keep him from ratting on Cheney and Bush about their direct involvement in the felonious outing of Valerie Plame.
In mob circles, it's called silencing a witness. In a courthouse, it's called obstruction of justice. And in Congress, it's called grounds for impeachment. Just ask Richard Nixon.
On TV, the Busheviks are telling even more lies to drown out talk of impeachment. Via email, Democratic "leaders" are feigning outrage to avoid calling for impeachment.
That means it's time for us to demand impeachment. Let's make this "Impeachment Summer!"
1. Don't waste your time calling the White House (the switchboard is closed anyway). Call your Representative to impeach Cheney and Bush:
1 (800) 828 - 0498
1 (800) 459 - 1887
1 (800) 614 - 2803
1 (866) 340 - 9281
1 (866) 338 - 1015
1 (877) 851 - 6437
2. Email your Representatives to Impeach Cheney: http://www.democrats.com/peoplesemailnetwork/73
3. Email your Representatives to Impeach Bush:
4. Email the House Judiciary Committee to Start Hearings on H.Res. 333, Articles of Impeachment for Vice President Cheney
5. Organize a Honk to Impeach on July 4 and throughout the summer:
6. Join our new Facebook group, The Nationwide Movement to Impeach Cheney and Bush
7. Join your local Congressional District Impeachment Committee:
8. Youtube Your Rep. and Earn $100:
Cheney Impeachment Bill Advances in House Judiciary Committee
Three Democrats who until recently opposed impeachment - Keith Ellison (MN-5), Hank Johnson (GA-4), and Jim McDermott (WA-7) - last week became co-sponsors of Dennis Kucinich's Articles of Impeachment for Vice President Cheney, H.Res. 333:
And the House Judiciary Committee took a giant step towards impeachment hearings by sending H.Res. 333 to the Constitution Subcommittee led by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY-8).
But Speaker Pelosi remains our main obstacle to impeachment. In a conference call with bloggers, Pelosi tried to dodge the issue by arguing Bush "isn't worth it... he's not worth impeaching." But Mike Stark wouldn't accept Pelosi's dodge: "Respectfully, that's not the question. Respectfully, the question is whether or not the Constitution is worth it."
Here's Pelosi's shocking reply: "Well, yeah, the Constitution is worth it if you can succeed ." So Pelosi's sworn oath to uphold the Constitution only applies "if you can succeed"? Surely not!
Maine Takes Impeachment Demand to the Bush Family Home
Yesterday in Kennebunkport, Maine, 3,000 citizens marched for impeachment through the narrow streets of this little coastal town and delivered a message to Bush and to the international media that Americans are demanding impeachment. Video, photos, news reports, and information on the August 25th march planned for Kennebunkport are here: http://afterdowningstreet.org/me
Honk to Impeach Starts July 4
Last week we kicked off our "Honk To Impeach" campaign, which is a great way to get past the Corporate Media blackout and prove to politicians, the media, and our fellow citizens how many Americans support impeachment.
July 4 is an especially good day to "Honk To Impeach" because it brings out the true spirit of July 4, 1776, when our Founding Fathers launched their revolution against tyrannical King George III. L et's use this July 4 to declare our independence from King George W!
Of course we're not stuck in the past - we're using 21st Century technology to organize our revolution, by holding signs saying "Text IMPEACH to 30644". With your help, we'll reach millions of Americans who don't visit progressive web sites.
The best place to gather on July 4 is outside the parking lot for local fireworks.
And DONT FORGET your headlights !!! And sign the petition (below)
But let's not stop on July 4. Summer is a great time to be outdoors holding signs, making noise, and making new friends. Use our calendar to schedule a honking event or to find the one nearest you:
Join our Impeachment Group on Facebook
Got a Facebook profile yet? If you don't, now's a good time to create one.
We've set up a new group to coordinate impeachment efforts among Facebook members: The Nationwide Movement to Impeach Cheney and Bush. Let's make this the biggest group on Facebook!
Our new community organizer, Jacob Park, would like to ask you to do two things:
1. Go to the group page, click on SHARE, and then click on POST. This will post the group to your Mini-Feed so that all your friends can see it. Then invite at least ten of your friends directly (and tell them to invite at least ten friends).
2. Check the group page regularly. There will definitely be actions that you can do and good events near you.
3. Speaker Pelosi and most Democrats have Facebook pages where you can "write on their wall." We have all the links, so why not write your own impeachment message and copy it onto all of their walls?
Youtube Your Rep. and Earn $100
Congress is off this week, so your Representative is home making appearances at community events.
What a great opportunity to grab a video camera and ask them point blank: what's your excuse for not co-sponsoring H.Res. 333 ?
As everyone knows, there are no good excuses for failing to impeach Cheney . Cheney lied repeatedly about Iraq's WMD's - and he's still lying today. He stood in front of 5 F-16's on an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf to threaten an illegal war of aggression against Iran. His Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby, committed perjury and obstruction of justice to avoid telling Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald that Cheney told him to expose Valerie Plame's identity - a major felony and arguably treason by Cheney. Last week the Washington Post reported Cheney was the leading advocate for using torture - also a major felony and a war crime. And when it comes to any form of accountability, Cheney insists he's above the law.
Despite the absense of good excuses, Democrats in Congress continue to make excuses for refusing to impeach Dick Cheney. But it will be much harder for them to get away with their excuses if activists like you demand no-excuse answers while you record them on your video camera.
So we'll pay $100 for each "no excuse" video asking a Democrat in the House why (s)he has not co-sponsored H.Res. 333. Don't let your Representative give you bad excuses - prepare follow-up questions and demand serious answers.
Impeachment Sit-ins
Want to do more than make a video? David Swanson takes July 4 seriously:
If 20 constituents and one television camera go to a congress member's district office and sit down and read the US Constitution aloud and refuse to leave until their representative finds the decency to stand against Dick Cheney, and if when those patriots are arrested 20 more take their place, and 20 more and 20 more… if we do this, we will have fired the shot heard round the world, we will have dumped the tea in the harbor, we will accept victory at Yorktown without ever lifting any weapon other than the tool provided to us by the revolutionaries of the 18th century, the tool without which we trade democracy for elected despotism, the tool so wisely designed for precisely this moment and others much less severe, the tool we call impeachment.
Upcoming Events for Peace and Impeachment
June 21-September 21, Chicago to DC, March Of the People
June 30-July 9 Congressional Recess
Lobby your so-called representative with your Congressional District Impeachment Committee:
July 4, Los Angeles Impeachment Center opening
opening 11 am, picnic with speakers/entertainment at La Cienega Park 12-3 pm
July 12: Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr. faces discharge hearing
at Robins Air Force Base in central GA because of his highly public opposition to the Iraq Occupation. Cindy Sheehan will be there in solidarity - can you join her? Read Yearwood's inspiring statement:
Get the DVD!
Forward this message to everyone you know!
To subscribe, create a free Democrats.com account here:
Impeachment in Kennebunkport
Columbus Free Press - Columbus,OH,USA
I spoke on a national radio show yesterday about impeachment, and the host asked people to phone in and argue with me, but every single caller supported ...
See all stories on this topic
Rep. Johnson signs onto Cheney impeachment bill
WIS - Columbia,SC,USA
In backing the resolution, Johnson is bucking House Democratic leaders, who have said impeachment won't be considered and have warned the liberal wing of ...
See all stories on this topic
No Choice But Impeachment
Seeing the Forest - Redwood City,CA,USA
We can't think that impeachment will get in the way of "getting things done." This is about principles and the Constitution. This is about Rule of Law and ...
See all stories on this topic
Sweet blog special: The Libby grant of executive clemency.
Chicago Sun-Times - United States
... as leader of the Congress, Speaker Nancy Pelosi withdrew the notion of impeachment proceedings against either President Bush or Vice President Cheney. ...
See all stories on this topic
Pelosi on Impeachment and Defending the Constitution: Just Not ...
OpEdNews - Newtown,PA,USA
Remember, when bills of impeachment were first filed against Nixon, only some 25 members of Congress supported the idea of impeachment, and no one thought ...
See all stories on this topic
Impeachment in Kennebunkport
By David Swanson
It's impeachment time. I love coming to Maine, because the people here remember how democracy is supposed to work and what it takes to overthrow a King George. I spoke on a national radio show yesterday about impeachment, ...
The Smirking Chimp - News And... - http://www.smirkingchimp.com
Rep. Johnson signs onto Cheney impeachment bill
Source: [b]AP[/b] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rep. Hank Johnson has generally gone out of his way to distance himself from Cynthia McKinney, the fiery incumbent he beat in a Democratic primary last year. But the freshman congressman is in synch ...
Democratic Underground Latest... - http://www.democraticunderground.com
Demonstrators call for Bush impeachment
KENNEBUNKPORT -- About 1700 protesters marked the beginning of a summit between President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday afternoon with cries of "Impeach." Police made two arrests during a march toward Walker's
AfterDowningStreet.org - Impeach... - http://www.afterdowningstreet.org
McDermott to Cheney: "Resign or Face Impeachment"
"The vice president holds himself above the law, and it is time for the Congress to enforce the law," Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) said in a floor speech on Thursday night, reports Chris Good for the Hill. "For the good of the nation, ...
truthout - http://truthout.org
Make today COUNT.
Send a letter to the St.Pete Times
I don't care what you talk about but keep sending letters until they publish one. They're very selective with WHOM they publish because I see the same names over and over. Don't let a few people speak for ALL of us.
And call your congressman and talk to her of Inherent Contempt. Do it. And hug everyone you can reach.
North Jersey JUST DOIN it.
Headlights to Impeach
Turn them ON. PlEaSe ! Help a country out here. Also, click the link to sign the petition. Takes three seconds.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll
Click Here
Bush Business (two states moving to convene grand juries)
Email your Congressman
Court of Impeachment and War Crimes
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
Stop Organized Stalking
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
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