Kent State 40 years nie
I just stumbled across the anniversary and started reading.
You never get over this if you read abuot it. An impossibly YOUNG Neil YOUNG on campus in the Massey Bldg. I didn't know but two of these kids were on the way to class/lunch.
Another was actually already signed up for the military ... and also a good writer. I haven't finished reading yet but thought I would share...
In a way it's a shame that college students have become so strapped down...
Bill Schroeder a very handsome guy who loved his mama.
I'm going back to finish reading ... here's where I'm at. You should watch the videos here... it's the original page.
More: A poem for Allison Krause .....
You, out there, you patriots of silence,
what do you know of me?
I who lie in this lonely place beneath the soil,
cold as the death I died
for no reason nor cause
except your hatred.
Why? O Why?
If I could come to you whole,
And let you see me,
Touch me.
Know me.
Would you then weep for me you silent patriots?
Can you weep?
Or has hatred so consumed
your angry hearts?
I cry out to you from eternity.
Do you hear me?
Do you hear the mournful song
of a distant bird,
the soft and gentle flutter of her wounded wings?
Or are you so made of stone and stell
no dart of love
could pierce the armor of your frozen hearts.
Come then and mock me in my grave
and heap scorn upon me.
O how I do pity you.
I pity your poor, stunted humanity
that hates me for dying,
and in dying this death
rejoices in the killing.
I pity you for not knowing what this teath I died
shall mean for you tomorrow.
Ah! You dare not come, despite your hate,
you cannot face to face with me.
Oh, no, the shame too great.
Then go; go wave your pretty flags to marching muscles
and leave me with those that love me.
They are few but ever true
and constant as the sun.
Go preach your nonsense to the dumb
and lead the world astray,
seeing in your blindness and hearing in your deafness.
Go preach your hate; but mark me well:
the day will surely come
when I, in others, shall arise and bring to all of you
Love and Peace.
Peter Davies