Here's the homeless guy with 69.00 between him and ever sitting at a computer again. THANKS JOE!!! (in the past I've been assured that fines NEVER exceed a certain amount. Clearly they are BULLYING this man because he's helpless)
UPdate: I'll have time to renovate this post tomorrow so please check back and PLEASE call JOE STINES -- this is a chill on free speech, democracy and education. DON'T STAND FOR IT.
Anyway .. Joe Stines and the Hillsborough County Library Board ... is THIS more what you had in mind for a library???
I guess soon they'll put some props (folks) in here just like they used to send the carnies and bikers in (how incongruous do you suppose that appeared? Yep it did) to stalk me and get me out of here or whatever in their simple minds they think that does. In the library their ability to bother you is quite limited which I discovered QUITE by accident. Leaving them to stew in their various foul juices but apparently do NO THINKING WHATSOEVER. Joe hoped to eliminate that safety net for some.
So, there's your NEXT tie between the bikers, the carneys, the miscreants and assorted criminals and the Joe Stines of Hillsborough County. They send the criminals out to do their dirty work just like around my house. IT would be UNSEEMLY for the Mayor of a City to come and spray your yard and car with poisons and toxins so there are a few layers between the Mayor and the riff raff crawling through my pansies.
Good JOB Mr. Stines and the wonderful members of the Hillsborough County Library Board.
Outstanding effort at community and education.
This really says all you need to know except for the NAMES:
Public Library Board (which are at this link)
Purpose:This 12 member Board works with the Board of County Commissioners regarding the operation of the Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System, including future planning and policy developments. (that was never mentioned to me)
Members Appointed by:12 members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, 3 each from single member commission districts 1, 2, 3 & 4 (at the root of EVERY PROBLEM IN THIS COUNTY LIE THE SAME FIVE SMELLY RATS.. or more) What will it TAKE to convince you folks to RECALL THEM???
Maximum Membership:12 members; 3 each from commission districts 1, 2, 3 & 4
Meeting Time and Place:Monthly, 4th Thursday, 4:00 p.m., location varies
Special Requirements:Appointment to this board is contingent upon passing a criminal background check.
Contact Person:
Joe StinesTampa-Hillsborough CountyPublic Library System 900 N. Ashley
This is THREE MAJOR Tampa libraries they've emptied out in two days. I can't imagine the others have fared any differently.
Look ... a COMPLETELY EMPTY parking lot.
How long do the citizens of Tampa have to wait for a good old-fashioned book burning??????
That's just the thing. These swine got tired of having their asses KICKED by the righteous. Now, they just pass laws or poison your car and yard.
oooooh hold on .... a patron just walked in ........... let's be vewwwy vewwwy quiet ..........
Joe Stines wanted me to SHUT UP. First he blocked my blog. Then he blocked other blogs. He's NOT the only one who would like me to shut up. It's a very obvious pattern and it's all online and saved in my camera and part of the history of him seeking support to limit the use of the library computers. FOR NO REASON.
UPDATE: This post was ready at 8:30 pm yesterday-eve -- soon as I got it all ready to post, guess what happened?? Yep.
Didn't you learn enough lessons with the whole throwyourweightatfreespeechandLOSEthing???
And call your congressman and talk to her of Inherent Contempt. Do it. And hug everyone you
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
Stop Organized Stalking
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
Technorati Tags: Hillsborouhg County Commissioners, Hillsborough County Libraries, Tampa FIREMEN, Literacy and Bookburnings in Tampa FL