for all the truly crazy folks ....
Your resistance will cause you to be on a list of people they call crazy.
Let’s see who else is on that crazy list:
1. Galileo for saying the the sun was the center of the universe, not the earth, not vice versa as the church insisted. The church thugs put Galileo on house arrest for the rest of his life. But he still had his telescope and could observe the heavens. And today, who is our hero: Galileo or those ignorant clerics?
2. Samuel Gompers, who fought child labor and didn’t give up till he changed the vile practice of greedy industrialists’ making little children work long hours in dark and dank factories. Look who leaves a legacy of protection of children from sweat shops.
3. Van Gogh, yes, Van Gogh, whom the establishment art dealers called crazy because of his revolutionary art and who would have starved to death had his brother Theo not fed him. Van Gogh sold three pictures in his lifetime. Today Japanese industrialists pay millions of dollars for a Van Gogh to hang in their board rooms.

So be crazy; it makes you invulnerable to intimidation.
Grasp the crazy label to your breast as if it were a Nobel Laureate of future generations who will not be as dumb as those who now call you crazy. Do the right thing or the bold thing or the enlightened thing. Let the insults roll off your back with a “Ta, ta, to you, my obtuse buckoes.”
History will vindicate you. Today’s crazies are tomorrow’s savants and heroes. History will bless you as it did Galileo, Gompers, and Van Gogh.All progress comes from some person’s willingness to challenge authority and rebel against the dead hand of tradition.
Were there no crazy, visionary people to lead the way for us to a new standard of behavior and to fields of dreams that solace the human spirit, we would all still be huddling around open fires in caves, picking fleas off each other.
And, there you have it.
Hats off or ON for Lee Drury DeCesare ... a truly crazy, visionary woman for anyone to emulate.
For Lee:
HEY ERIC(s) don't look NOW but I'm pretty sure I saw some black and white people cavorting in this video (TOGETHER GASP) and hey .... it IS Friday.. For many of us that's the weekend.