This is a swell little whiff I picked up while researching to see if I could add anything less compellingly freaky/borderline acceptable for the slow seats ... about letting go our freedoms than picking on sexual predators ... because of course that's how they start it. By going after those you love to hate. Don't hate them. Be happy they got stuck with that life and not you. There but for the grace of god and such ..... (first they go after those you love to hate but eventually and then eventually and then they get to YOU -- still smiling but after YOU)
AND a PERSONAL OBSERVATION (I know these are your favorites) and I'm gonna post a pic. SOON. I actually committed to that, it's a biggie. There's a certain few gnarly places in Tampa where the drug-runner-type-uniform-gangster-wannabe-or-BE-hats on sale are THUS ... and this super underscores the WHOLE POINT I am always making in my slanted fashion (about the new people who try to kick us around when we're not even in the f'ing way -- they just want it ALLLLL) .... anyhooo hanging right next to the ILLEGAL CRACK STEMS ...(haha I wonder why we can't get a law passed about the THOUSANDS of those I guess first we have to take care of the 122 sexual predators.. only 120 for sure because the two in my hood keep it in the family)
.... okay --- the hats for sale are these in puffy-stitch cheezy ass embroidery .... hat brim = 305 or 813 or NY .. that's your only choices.
Take it however you wanna.
I go ahead and take it how it goes down.
I'm a naively styled realist.
A cool combination if I must say so myself.
It means I know what you are up to if I think about it but I don't particularly give a damn if you don't hurt anyone AT ALL. But you are so you are assholes .... yeah, when I am tired ... the run-on sentences are ... RUN ONNNNNNN... the boyfriend is a musician, see ... when he is up all night composing and messing around ... it's either roll with the changes or ... not. I'm rollin... ha. I often wonder if Roger Waters' girlfriend gets more sleep and is therefore far more beautiful .... and I'm going to go find out. This will greatly relieve many folks for a few brief moments. Damn, see above link. She IS hot, but naturally so ... AND ... she became his wife somewhere in the midst of the picture posting. Whew.
It's a very common mis-perception that circles under the eyes are from lack of sleep or from aging. In reality these are symptomatic of several other thing which may include: exposure to pesticide, respiratory interference, interference with the body's ability to carry away dead red-blood cells. Take that those of you who think I'm a complete dumb-ass. I'm merely plain-spoken by choice ... and I am impatient to post and like to edit on the fly and afterwards ... I work best under pressure, and all.
Just wait til I hook up mobile blogging and you have to deal with me completely on the fly. LOL !!! That's when I start collecting money to pay the high premiums for the fender benders ... jeez it will be highway robbery, freeway robbery ... LOL !!!
And here it IS: (the beginning, the middle and the end all rolled into ONE)
Show me your papers, please (This assumes they will say please!!!)
by Alex Eckelberry
March 5th, 2007
(if I'm not mistaken and I'm too damned tired to look or link right now, the article he pointed me to which is also posted in farmer of thoughts... is from nov 2005 and unlinked from the many fruitful links throughout. sorry maybe tomorrow or sat.)
Miami police will now will stage random shows of force, asking for IDs and generally making themselves known. (hmmm and what were they before??)
Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant.
Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about terror threats. Link here.
At the same time, Deborah Davis refuses to show her ID while on a bus and is ticketed.
Federal prosecutors are reviewing whether to pursue charges against an Arvada woman who refused to show identification to federal police while riding an RTD bus through the Federal Center in Lakewood.
Deborah Davis, 50, was ticketed for two petty offenses Sept. 26 by officers who commonly board the RTD bus as it passes through the Federal Center and ask passengers for identification. Link here.
How do you boil a frog? You put it in a pan of cold water and slowly heat up the pot.
Our hard-fought freedoms are slowly and inexorably being reduced in the name of national security. Just like under Hitler in Nazi Germany ....
And I feel bad for the frogs karma.