Tampa Train to Nowhere
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Iorio Wants Tampa's Train Plans To Move Forward
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The Tampa Tribune
Published: July 31, 2008
Updated: 12:22 am
TAMPA - Rather than wait for a regional transportation authority to develop a plan, Mayor Pam Iorio wants to develop a Tampa-centric approach that would ask Hillsborough County voters in 2010 whether to fund mass transit with a sales tax.
As previously proposed, the system would involve trains running from New Tampa to Tampa International Airport with stops at the University of South Florida and downtown. A final leg would take it north from the airport to Linebaugh Avenue.
"I think the city is ready," she said this week. "I think the people are ready."
Some members of that regional authority, the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority, or TBARTA, think Iorio is jumping the gun.
"We need the support of multiple counties to make this work," Clearwater mayor and TBARTA board member Frank Hibbard said.
Hibbard said Iorio should wait until TBARTA finishes its analysis in December or January, at which point board members can decide where to start a mass transit system. Hibbard backs a St. Petersburg-to-Tampa route with a stop at Tampa International Airport.
Pinellas County Commissioner Ronnie Duncan, another TBARTA member, also wants Iorio to slow down.
"It bothers me that we're so close to having a regional plan and a financing program that I think we should wait," he said. "But I understand her passion, and I can't fault her for that."
Iorio also sits on the TBARTA board and said most regional rail systems get their starts as one or two lines in a city.
TBARTA, she said, eventually could add to the existing Tampa system as it grows, bringing mass transit to the entire seven-county region the group represents: Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, Citrus, Manatee and Sarasota counties.
"My hope is that this would be part of TBARTA's strategic plan," she said.
The amount of any proposed sales tax assessment - whether a fraction of a penny or a whole penny - has yet to be decided.
Iorio's plan is based on one that the county's bus agency, Hillsborough Area Regional Transit, or HART, created years ago and recently dusted off for revisions.
HART plans to vote Monday to pursue that scenario. Like Iorio, the agency is eager to get the question on the 2010 ballot. If the plan is approved, HART would seek millions in federal funding for construction.
A new rail system isn't the agency's only aim. HART faces growing demand from riders, but its main funding source, property taxes, is shrinking. Sixty-five percent of its $55 million operating budget comes from property taxes.
Raising the 7-cent sales tax by as much as a half-cent would generate an estimated $110 million yearly for transit in Hillsborough.
"We're talking not just about rail, but funding over the next 20 years for our bus system network, funding for bus rapid transit and what it would take to complete the streetcar system downtown," HART executive director David Armijo said. "There's a multitude of projects in Hillsborough."
TBARTA was formed by the Legislature in May 2007 with the sole purpose of creating a regional transportation plan with help from the state Department of Transportation.
Just months ago, the governor approved $2 million in state funding for TBARTA to hire a staff. By statute, the agency must have a plan in place by July 2009, but it's working to finish it by the end of this year.
Board members hope that plan sheds light on where to start building a rail system.
That's not soon enough for Iorio, who said it's unclear whether TBARTA will one day operate as a transit agency with taxing authority. Under its current structure, TBARTA does not have the authority to levy taxes.
HART's rail plan failed several years ago after Hillsborough County commissioners refused to bring it to the ballot. The sooner HART gets the question on the ballot this time around the better its chances to attract federal money distributed partly on a first-come, first-served basis, officials said.
Ray Chiaramonte, interim director of the county's long-term planning agency, said HART might have a better chance this time around.
"I think we are living in a totally different universe than we were living in then," Chiaramonte said. "Back then, gas prices weren't $3 and $4 a gallon."
St. Petersburg City Councilman Jeff Danner said it might make sense for Hillsborough to create its own plan if it's ahead of the other counties.
"It's an idea worth considering," he said.
If backed by its board, HART will work with county planners to update Tampa's plan. The finished plan would be presented to county commissioners next summer. If approved by commissioners, a sale tax option would be put on the ballot in 2010.
"This depends on the county commission," Iorio said. "If they are willing to put it on the ballot, this can still come to fruition, even though we're 20 years behind.
"Every other city that did this in the '80s and '90s is now reaping the benefit of their decisions and have an alternative to cars."
Reporter Rich Shopes can be reached at (813) 259-7633 or at rshopes@tampatrib.com.
Reader Comments
Posted by ( ANTICHOKE ) on July 31, 2008 at 12:47 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Tampa is fortunate to have a highly intelligent mayor with foresite and wisdom. I'm fully behind her! The 40th street project is a prime example of Tampas improvement under her administration. Good job Pam!
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Posted by ( sanders ) on July 31, 2008 at 2:07 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
"As previously proposed, the system would involve trains running from New Tampa to Tampa International Airport with stops at the University of Florida and downtown. A final leg would take it north from the airport to Linebaugh Avenue."
Wow, a stop at the University of Florida. Kind of far from Tampa don't you think?
Really, doesn't anyone proof read these stories before they go online?
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Posted by ( davidkc ) on July 31, 2008 at 5:53 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
It's nice to see Iorio finally take some serious action on mass transit. HART and TBARTA can run on parallel tracks, so to speak, and I don't blame Iorio for not wanting to wait for TBARTA to get its act together. I don't think everyone on the TBARTA board is fully committed to mass transit, and TBARTA is connected to the DOT, which doesn't want to do anything except build more highways. Iorio is right that most cities' light rail systems got started with a single starter line, and the one she proposes sounds great. Go for it Pam!
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Posted by ( Tampabob1 ) on July 31, 2008 at 7:12 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Yea,just what we need is a tax increase for another politician that wants to spend $$$$$. Give me a break. We all know each county will increase their tax rate if they can. The project will be studied to death and never materialize but the sales tax increase will never go away! Just look at her other expensive ideas. This mayor is a tax and spend democrat and she continues to prove it. Shut this down before a penny is spent!!!!
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Posted by ( gillnetter ) on July 31, 2008 at 7:14 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Sounds like a waste of money to me. It will have to be expensive otherwise you will get mugged by common thugs on a regular basis. Anybody rode the one in Miami?
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Posted by ( skeeter ) on July 31, 2008 at 7:21 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
You'll never get a bunch of bureaucrats from different counties to agree on anything. Tampa has all kinds of existing train tracks everywhere. "Just do it."
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Posted by ( Garbanzo ) on July 31, 2008 at 7:41 a.m.
(This comment was removed by the site staff.)
Posted by ( Garbanzo ) on July 31, 2008 at 7:43 a.m.
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Posted by ( ChickPea ) on July 31, 2008 at 7:46 a.m.
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Posted by ( debxter ) on July 31, 2008 at 7:47 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
I think the cheapest transportation was in the 60's and 70's. It was called hitchhiking. The wait between rides was less than the bus and your only worry was whether the driver was a weirdo.
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Posted by ( seagoat_62 ) on July 31, 2008 at 7:51 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Would be nice to have that option and eventually link it to Orlando and Miami. The cost would be high, but better spent than what Tampa is still paying on the stadium to keep the bucs.
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Posted by ( HippyJoe ) on July 31, 2008 at 8:01 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Pam Iorio is a joke! Thanks God I don't leave in Tampa. She will tax all of you into the poor house. Way to go Pam, just go away.
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Posted by ( MrShrek ) on July 31, 2008 at 8:06 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Garbanzo...I have no idea what you want to say, but I bet its good...Anyway, I'm not sure how fair this proposal is to EVERYONE, because the ONLY people that will be using it, will be the New Tampa execs. on their way to and from the office, and airport. With the route suggested, those who would use it, or need to use it, can't. Perhaps the route needs to be reconsidered, in addition to more stops, so we don't get stuck paying for something only a few can use.
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Posted by ( fishe ) on July 31, 2008 at 8:09 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
So you are going to tax the entire city/county to fund a train that only benefits those in North Tampa and TIA will stops in between. How many people in North Tampa work on the way to or at the airport? Sounds like a great plan to me seeing that I never have a reason to go to North Tampa.
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Posted by ( ancientalumni ) on July 31, 2008 at 8:12 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Start the routes with rail busses build ridership at survivable costs then start running small trains as needed.
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Posted by ( ChickPea ) on July 31, 2008 at 8:19 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
It appears that we have a right-winger at the helm of tbo.com censorship today. Notice that they allow the comments about "tax and spend" but nothing about the "close-minded right". Interesting......
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Posted by ( Linker ) on July 31, 2008 at 8:21 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Bravo Mayor Pam!
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Posted by ( Marty ) on July 31, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
TBARTA is a joke! Looks like Mayor Pam is just now figuring that out and proceeding without them. Good Job Mayor! TBARTA doesn't have a clue as to how to get things funded unless our Govnah tosses them a bone anyway. Glad to see she is taking matters into her own hands!
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Posted by ( skeeter ) on July 31, 2008 at 8:36 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Yes, yes, there's absolutely nothing in between New Tampa and the Airport, hurr hurr! I know nothing about Tampa!
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Posted by ( rosie ) on July 31, 2008 at 8:51 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Listen to all these poor babies whining about paying taxes. Mine! Mine! Mine!
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Posted by ( noles2u ) on July 31, 2008 at 8:54 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
OhMyGawd - a leader! What a refreshing concept.
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Posted by ( maryayo ) on July 31, 2008 at 9:07 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
This is great, I only wish it could go on this years ballot and not wait until 2010. I ride the express bus to downtown and having to stand (because the bus is full) while the bus is going 55 on the interstate is no fun.
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Posted by ( Anaconda ) on July 31, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
No money for schools.
No money for garbage removal.
No money for civil service employees.
BUT, Mayor Pam I-owe-rio wants to spend more on a worthless boon doggle. I'll bet the rail system will run along her riverwalk.
Isn't it quaint that the proposed rail system has as its central point a high crime area?
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Posted by ( Tampa610 ) on July 31, 2008 at 9:46 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
If we had rail and a good bus system I could sell one of our cars. That would be an extra $650 a month I could spend on a better home, shopping in the area, and saving. I think the investment is worth if to help the entire economy and it will attract more big business that wants transportation options for its employees. Plus we won't need to expand the roads in many of our communities. traffic is only going to get worse. We need options. I'm ready to vote now...even if it is an extra penny. Tt's well worth it.
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Posted by ( jahi98 ) on July 31, 2008 at 9:58 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
If you look at HART and the MPO plan, the system will eventually expand to reach the majority of the county. It has to start somewhere, and it should start with the route that is likely to have the greatest ridership (what Iorio is proposing). For environmental and economic development reason, it's worth the money. Good for Iorio in taking the lead on this!
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Posted by ( kenny48 ) on July 31, 2008 at 10:41 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
I sincerely doubt that Tampa will ever have a rail system. There are too many cheapskates in the area. They don't want to spend the money, that would make this area livable. I myself am bailing out. I gave up on Tampa and shortly I will move out of the area for good. This place is a joke. You get what you pay for and in Florida that's not much.
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Posted by ( wrongtalker ) on July 31, 2008 at 10:50 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Pam Iorio is proof positive that a competent Supervisor of Elections does NOT make for a competent Mayor.
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Posted by ( voxpopuli ) on July 31, 2008 at 11:10 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Like the art museum to nowhere. I mean to interim.
And heads had to roll FOR THAT.
Whom from Chicago will be tempted here in oh so glorious a fashion to throw your hard-earned dollars at these thugs who will give you a train to nowhere?
Like they will use anything already in place.This is TAMPA:
Not the good way like the natives.
Just you know ... SLASH YOU OUT or BURN YOU OUT.
Train to nowhere.
As usual she'll just try to force it on people.
If she hadn't helped bush get elected charlie wouldn't be helping her now.
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Posted by ( traveler ) on July 31, 2008 at 11:10 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
Good job, Pam!!! I would love a rail system! I was in D.C., Baltimore, NY not too love ago and the rails/subway are so convenient. I was also in Europe earlier this month and the trains are wonderful. This would be great and it has my vote. I would much, much rather spend money on this than helping people who don't help themselves!!!
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Posted by ( voxpopuli ) on July 31, 2008 at 11:18 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
TRAIN TO NOWHERE.Like the art museum to nowhere. I mean to interim.And heads had to roll FOR THAT.Whom from Chicago will be tempted here in oh so glorious a fashion to throw your hard-earned dollars at these thugs who will give you a train to nowhere?Like they will use anything already in place.This is TAMPA:SLASH AND BURN.Not the good way like the natives.Just you know ... SLASH YOU OUT or BURN YOU OUT.Train to nowhere.As usual she'll just try to force it on people.If she hadn't helped bush get elected charlie wouldn't be helping her now.
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Posted by ( voxpopuli ) on July 31, 2008 at 11:21 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
TBO, it really gets old that you will not allow the truth to be told in comments. Do you keep tommy there JUST to stop me from talking? LOL. Doesn't change a thang.She helped get bush elected and that's why charlie is helping her now.This is common knowledge. Not sure why your competent, astute, neocon reporters haven't stumbled across any news concerning this OR impeachment hearings held july 25th.
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Posted by ( voxpopuli ) on July 31, 2008 at 11:25 a.m. ( Suggest removal )
hey traveler, how about you just keep traveling and only keep your eyes on what YOU want?That's why YOU fit in so good in tampa. Selfish. (not all my beloved fellow tampans fit this but WAY TOO MANY)In no stretch of the imagination will tampa ever be anything even remotely similar to europe. That would take : CULTURE.Tampa HAS NONE.you cannot burn down (thanks tampa fire dept) slash and destroy every historic building in a city save the ones that the pigs want to save and call that culture.Get a grip.
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LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
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Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
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