Another Suspicious Robinson Death
Found dead in her bed. I bet I can show you the poison placed there which killed her or incapacitated her lungs.
Keller, I notice you finally remembered what you did to fuck up your tale back in 2004. LOLLSSS. Stupid motherfucker.
I toldja I hadya. Now fuck off.
Another Robinson High School person saw something they shouldn't have. Keep murdering people ... it will be back at you in time.
By SHERRI ACKERMAN The Tampa Tribune
Published: September 23, 2010
Updated: 09/24/2010 06:44 am
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(from Robinson High shocked by death of cheer coach, 34 -
votenowBuzz up!
TAMPA - Robinson High students and staff are consoling one another over the unexpected death of teacher and head cheerleading coach Tina Maiorana, whose body was found Thursday morning in her South Tampa home.
There were no signs of foul play, Tampa police spokeswoman Laura McElroy said. Police are investigating the case as an unexplained death.
Maiorana, 34, had volunteered to travel with Robinson's student government representatives early Thursday for a meeting at Durant High School.
When she didn't show up, Robinson's school resource officer went to Maiorana's home. She was found dead in her bed, McElroy said.
"Coach Tina dedicated her heart and soul to the school,'' Principal Laura Zavatkay said. "She would basically spend hours here."
"I'm just in shock,'' said Sheron Cavenaugh, a school secretary who had gotten to know Maiorana over the summer.
"I think she was very well loved and liked. She was just a very energetic person – just so full of life. It's just sad. She will be missed greatly.''
Members of the school's varsity and junior varsity cheerleading squad were devastated to learn of their coach's death.
"She was our mom,' said varsity cheerleading captain Taylor Falcon. "She was like our best friend. We told her everything."
Robinson High cheerleader Taylor Cornillaud many on the squad were having a hard time believing the news.
"We spent all morning crying. It's awful," she said.
For tonight's football game, the cheerleaders will wear special T-shirts to honor their coach. On the front, the T-shirt will say: "In memory of Coach Tina." On the back, the T-shirts will say: "Best coach, Best Teacher, Best Friend."
Maiorana, a business technology teacher, began coaching Robinson's cheerleaders while working at another school.
To show their affection for Maiorana, students will dedicate the rest of the athletic season to her.
The school plans to make the announcement today during a pep rally before their home game against Middleton High.
The daughter of a teacher, Maiorana was a high school cheerleader who grew up in New York.
She moved to Florida during graduate school, said her sister-in-law Leticia Maiorana. She was hired by Hillsborough County Public Schools in 2001.
Maiorana taught at Seminole Elementary for four years and began working with Robinson's cheerleaders before transferring to the school in 2005.
"She loved the elementary level," Leticia Maiorana said.
But she found it easier to transfer so she could be closer to her cheerleading squad.
Maiorana is survived by her mother, Mary Ann, older brother Frank and his wife Leticia, and a niece and nephew, all of California.