Phyllis Busansky would be SO PROUD
Cause of COURSE people are going to go stay alone at a motel with a bunch of strangers and FUCKED UP HOTEL STAFF after Phyllis was murdered. Out of town murders are growing like STINK ALL OVER YOU.
Irish Republican Army Tampa. If only I were as stupid as you must be for taking up this cause.
Nothing romantic about murder and theft and undue influence on the sexualizing and sexual predator acts towards teenagers.
ALSO .... here's the deal. You load up that class all you want straw boater head. I gotchoo. Cop disappears. Michael's namesake still there.
People !! If you value your life don't go stay out of town alone in a hotel like Phyllis Busansky did. OR stand on a street corner alone in Miami with your daughter.
OR if you have children ... watch who slithers around them. Irish Republican Army Tampa doesn't just play with guns and pesticide and whatever else. They send out the whores and the women .... playing dangerous games. The goal: your life, your family, your property.
Because they are too motherfucking stupid to figure out how to do anything without a gang.
Apparently it requires a slithering into your home. Because this is like 37 I've counted all associated back to the Irish Republican Army Tampa, the United State's Attorney's Office, 13th Judicial State's attorney's office, Tampa Firefighter, (oh LOVE THE CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGIST >> L O FUCKIN L) Robinson High School, TAMPA POLICE DEPT, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE< MICHAEL BRIAN KELLER and the other CONFEDERATE ASSOCIATES TAMPA FLORIDA PLUS, CIty of Tampa parking fat mama and Tampa Fireman's nephew ... PLUS the Claudio heroin family with their associated disbarred attorneys and gay landlords ... (wife beaters) PLUS child molesting sleep with their own daughter pedophiles .... trying to slip slither into mi hacienda .... and some DO just not legally which, by the way, ms. perex-c adds up to felonies to match the first degree felonies of slithering under folks' cars fucking with their tires while your ponytail dangles... L O L. Now that I've mentioned all of htat it comes to mind that the number might be over one hundred. Had to work her way all the way FROM THE BAY to nearly USF .... wow. wonder how many times her gas receipts or cellphone have been located in that area PRE ME???? HUH?????
While the hsuband's assorted soldiers and children drop messages to our cells and slither around inveigling trust from a family member.
Now, that's ONE THING from children but QUITE ANOTHER when a forty year old woman is manipulating CHILDREN into helping her carry out her dirty murderous deeds for her husband.
AND< I might then welcome you to Washington DC Attorney James P. Scanlan's site.
Seems Bob ONeills been at it for A LONG TIME. Probably at LEAST 1989(this site starts in 1993) BUT, now I wonder .. he and junior ghotti... same parts of new york they hail from. Bob wants the TOP FLORIDA PROSECUTORIAL SPOT BAD REAL BAD> All the sudden John Fitzgibbon is in charge of SPONSORING BOB FOR SPOKESMODEL. huh. where'd THAT come from????? *READ THE COMMENTS)
Is it too big a reach considering all the new york gangers and murderers that david gee and KLAN imported from new york and dirty jerz who FUCK WITH EVERY ONE BUT THE CONFEDERATES AND DIRTY SHERIFFS as VISIBLY NOTED ON NUMEROUS DOCUMENTS. assholes.. anyway is it too much of a reach to suppose that it's all a BIG PLAY ACT between juior and bobby because IN THE LONG RUN>>>> Bob will be ENABLING junior in florida.
Now, it would take me some time to prove it but I can tell you this: Our good old mob (love em to pieces but getting a little worn out with patience from them) is IN BED with Gotti (DUH) and IN BED with the Irish Republican Army Tampa and BOB ONEILL is MOST DEFINITELY IN BED with the Irish Republican Army Tampa.
Which .... explains why some want some dead. L O L. Why some people get away with WHATEVER. Why mortgage fraud is NOT being prosecuted and why the tampa firefighters and tampa cops and hillsborough county sheriffs OWN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF PROPERTY IN HILLSBOROUGH AND ADJOINING COUNTEIS and HOW the irish republican army lives in the other half of them. DEAD FORMER OWNERS. Also how the Irish republican army is growing so powerful one hundred thousand dollar loan ilegally acquired at a time. Among other things.
And why some forty year old woman has all the time in the world to put her hand up a young MAN'S ASS and fuck with his family. I mean the time devoted to ONE YOUNG MAN ALONE tells you that there is MUCH AT STAKE.
ALSO.. bob wants to prosecute fraud which lets you know that his idea of fraud is TAKING FROM WHOMEVER HAS WHAT HE WANTS. as noted.
By any means necessary.
Mr. Scanlan's too intelligent to read quickly. Better take your time, get some coffee and read what John "TOO PRETTY FOR PRISON AND GETS GOOD HEAD" Fitzgibbons and KREWE chose to ignore.
Oh ... also this same forty year old has threatened SAME young man with sexual predator status and also tried to entrap him into impregnating her daughter by drugging him and dangling her daughter HER OWN DAUGHTER in front of him with almost nothing on. The father thinks this is just jake; believing it will be a property grab. L O FUCKING L. Dude, you think I'm wasting the video tape?
AND .... since Bob Oneill, the business partner has EVERYTHING TO DO with creating a sexual predator this is a very serious threat INDEED. Yes by cracky it is.
BUT, attention LAST DECENT PUBLIC OFFICIALS IN FLORIDA: TRUST that you better keep your dicks in the zip and your hands to yourself because BOB will be coming after you.
Anyway ... yeah .. ummm Charlie restored civil rights FUCK HEADS and the black people you all send stalking around over to the kollidge are too mean.
Just try to remember.... if my Grandfather hadn't fought for YOUR rights you coudnt' BE a goddamn stalking tampa fireman TODAY, bitch.
So you remember that when you put your pants on in the morning. And take your manly ass to work to stalk CHILDREN and cover up for your wife beating the living fukc out of your toddler.
WHEN IS CHERRYL *please note the useless extra letter in the name) going TO COURT??????? TUGGLES BARNETT DAVIS wife of chad charles davis tampa fire (anything BUT) rescue PARAMEDIC.
Oh .. maybe bob oneill can tell us. Seems a bit of a PUBLIC FRAUD to allow a firefighter PARAMEDIC to cover up for his wife beating the living fukc out of their toddler and being FORCED to turn her ass in and then no court date while everyone else arrested on the same day is on their way to SENTENCING.
Yep. Checked.
Now roar your manly fucking ass down the street on that one.
Whoever pointed to the trailer and said that is how I'd be leaving florida.... I doubt you're right but it's okay if you are... my self esteem doesn't rest on what a bunch of scumbags point and worry about ....
and guess what else???? I got to fuck who I wanted to ALL THROUGH LIFE while andy doesn't even give YOU permission to stick your dick in it.
I mean maybe you'd rather be home fucking your wife instead of crawling around my car. Just sayin ....
Mr. Tome ... did you forget to tell ivette that her man would be just as guilty of stalking as she is???
Along with cooter toad and the other ....
Got her on video loggin t with the other gangster. tell boxers that.
You mothervukcers might want to take a read through RICO.
And again, be sure to read about Bob on Mr. Scanlan's site. And don't wonder anymore WHY florida is FUCKED.
I just double checked all these links . they're live. When you go to the article on the SP TIMES website be sure to follow mr. scanlan's directions pertaining to b1 under prosecutorial misconduct. He has constant updates and copies of the letters he has sent to DOJ the judges who may appoint bob and other items pertaining to how Bob got wher he is and how that took Florida DOWN THE TUBES.
He doesn't even mention the covered up mortgae fraud and theft.