They blame all of this on the dirty, brown people. I mean, unless the dirty, brown people will SHUFFLE HEROIN for them or shoot a police officer DEAD when he's on his back in the dirt. YOU DO NOT GO AROUND KILLING COPS. Your carney ass stories are so fucking stupid. So you can sit all smug like OOOH WE GOT A COP... or in the case of ivette and the paperthin stalker show you actually STRUT AROUND.(yes they did) Of course, these two are heavily connected to the duran show (as is ... drum roll ... wait for it.....) whatchoo got whatchoo got?
Hey one of them was arrested just a few years ago and her picture was on the sheriff's website and then disappeared the next time someone went to look for it. (ivette) SOMEONE AT THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE MUST REALLY OWE SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HER A FAVOR. Or maybe half a million dollars in favors(asf) HALF A MILLION and they only suspended his bar license until further notice.
The thing about Ivette is that not only is she a stalker whom SOMEONE at the sheriff's office tried to CONCEAL HER IDENTITY FROM THEIR INTENDED VICTIM but she has lived ALL THROUGH THE HOOD where Officer Mike Roberts was murdered. You name a house she has lived in it.
She's a gang member and .. yknow ... Mike Roberts was murdered by a gang member.
Ask code enforcement about the guy who lives in his shed where Ivette lives now.
Anyway, you can sit all smug like you got yourselves a cop and ALL THE SUDDEN, have you noticed that the crack shelter of Dan Julian on Nebraska has become the Ahmed Bedier of the homeless??? Every murder, rape, pillaging .. you name it .. he and the little woman have been shaking their heads over. In fact, he'd had officer mike roberts IN HIS CRACK SHELTER. I mean homeless shelter.
This all goes back to Pam Iorio. a. the highest leo in tampa (your boy overstayed his welcome on the corner yesterday pam a not. So .... here's a theory: you're IN A HOLE LADY. Stop digging.
She created MORE HOMELESS than ANY MAYOR EVER IN HISTORY. And she has turned crack shelter vampires into spokesmodels. Next thing you know she'll have em talking for Jessica Sierra and THE NON RELATIONSHIP.
BUT what I'm here to find out today is this: Is it the IRA's fault that I must strip off to fly to Orlando????
And, an interesting note: See the reporter at the time??? Robin Mitchell??? Now, I guess it could be some big, fat, huge coincidence .. .but the CURRENT st pete times reporter is ROBBYN (please note the useless extra letter) Mitchell. Interesting because a guy who murdered one of my family members ALSO ADDED a USELESS extra letter to his name just this generation. (or last as he's somewhat older)

But, check this out.
More to come on this as time permits.
I happen to know exactly when the 'troubles' started in Tampa.
Used to think it was pretty cool.
Then February 2008 rolled onto the scene and the picture shifted a bit.
I'm sorry that all your pipe dreams have not come to fruition.
I am not giving you MY VALUABLE PROPERTY so that you can HAVE MORE.
Instead of worrying about me sell your own dump to finance your terrorist activities.
Having all the power in Tampa gives you exactly nothing.
Look around.