
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What Charlie said is NICE -- even Beautiful ....

Once penalties are paid, offenders earn new start

But he still might pass the buck and let Bill McCollum and Sembler's Penis Pump lady love play bad cop. Let's hope not.

Above Photo (hehe) Compliments of Stogie. Early morning surprise in the mail LOL.

Oh, and the new rules look VERY confusing --- why can't we just get it RIGHT like the other states? Call Tom Vlasik and the others and ask them how to spell it.

Don't let me down, Charlie. And, people who have no violence or gun issues should get back ALL RIGHTS. RIGHT NOW. Just sayin ... anything less is not enough. The lady who robbed the bank should be able to carry a gun if she wants. She has probably never used a gun in her life ... so why keep her from getting one now? Crazy. Just another hurdle, another reason to make someone have to 'ask the man' for something. Dang. Dang. I so wanted Florida to make a clean break from this shadow. That would have been so SPARKLY ! So SUNSHINE-Y. Fairness requires restoring rights. And, THANK YOU to Frank Kopczynski, Clearwater

Published April 4, 2007

Our Founding Fathers set forth in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." To secure these rights, we, the people, created our government.

When a citizen breaks the law, he or she has taken something from society, so we view punishment as the repayment of that debt. The debt is paid by serving jail or prison time, probation, and paying restitution to the victims of the crime. And like any debt, once the citizen has fully repaid, he or she should be afforded the opportunity, except where the most heinous of crimes have been committed, to re-enter society with the same rights the citizen had before breaking the law.

That is the way the system should work, and that is the way it does work in 45 of our 50 states. Unfortunately, in five states - Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Kentucky and Florida - we do not restore civil rights to those who have broken the law once they have paid their debt in full.
(notice we're in there with all those progressive states .. hehe quiet quiet I have friends/family in most of them TOO!)
Why is Florida among only five states that do not automatically restore civil rights? Like Florida, many Southern states struggling through the Jim Crow era resisted calls to change their laws denying the restoration of civil rights. Since then, all but five of these states have realized the historical underpinning for denying the restoration of civil rights and repealed these unjust laws.

Some who favor the current system argue that restoring civil rights is somehow "weak on crime," as if restoring the right to vote, to serve on a jury or to work lessens the punishment or encourages a person to commit new crimes. In fact, the opposite should be true. Giving a person a meaningful way to re-enter society, make a living and participate in our democracy will encourage good behavior. Moreover, there is no historical record in states that have restored civil rights to argue that restoration has increased crime.

Thankfully, crime in Florida is at a 35-year low, and no state has been tougher on crime than we have. For more than a decade, we have fought to ensure criminals are held accountable for their actions through strict sentencing. As a state senator, I sponsored the bill that brought chain gangs back to Florida and sponsored the landmark "Stop Turning Out Prisoners" Act to require criminals to serve at least 85 percent of their sentences.

This year, through the passage of the Anti-Murder Act, we will require violent felony offenders who violate probation to remain in jail until a judge finds they no longer pose a danger to the community. Violent criminals who abuse the privilege of probation will not be given the opportunity to prey on Florida's citizens.

The ultimate goal of these laws is justice. Those who do not abide by the laws of our land pay a tough penalty for doing so, and they should. But once they have paid their debt, society should honor its part of the bargain and allow citizens to re-enter society and enjoy the rights granted by our Creator. To not do so is more than reckless or irresponsible, it is unjust. As Abraham Lincoln reminded the nation in his second inaugural address, your elected representatives should govern with "malice toward none, and charity for all."

Charlie Crist is governor of Florida.

[Last modified April 3, 2007, 21:54:37]

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Comments on this article
by John 04/04/07 02:21 PM
Complete sentence, pay full restitution including any court costs, complete probation, and then get your rights back. The sentence is not complete until the victim is made as whole as is possible.
by fred 04/04/07 02:19 PM
Yeah, pass that theory along to DMV and all the HR wizards at companies throughout America...Received a DUI three years ago (one and only ever) now cant find work anymore at all...barely over..simple error in unemployable for life....
by Selwyn 04/04/07 01:51 PM
The denial of the right to vote was used by this state to throw the 2000 election. Some classes of crime are judged more heinous than others and at this time have other legal restraints imposed upon them, the voting issue should be settled finally.
by Heath 04/04/07 08:58 AM
You can't draw a line and say some offenders belong on a list and some don't and still call it justice. Either they paid for their crime with jail time or they didn't. If they have, they are absolved. If they haven't, don't let them out.
by Heath 04/04/07 07:46 AM
Why then is it okay to deny sexual offenders their civil rights by restricting where they can live and work after they've paid their debt for their crimes? The governor is right on the issue above, but has a double standard. Does he not realize this?
by Allen 04/04/07 05:52 AM
Will the same spirit extend to the removal from sex offender lists those punished for Romeo & Julet crimes (where one of the young lovers is under 18 and the other is not), or for stupid acts like exhibitionism? Which is worse: stealing or flashing?


Our Troops Don't Lose ....

Read More

and Here Direct Democracy

We need to listen to and ask these questions.

Lives are on the line.

He's leading us off a cliff. Make him stop.


Live from the Tampa Nail House

More on this.

UPDATE: They've torn it down. Great story. Let's see how Tampa fares in comparison.

And Stogie found a You Tube. Very cool. Curtsy to stogie.

Oh and read the comments from Dr. Know --- he's singing my song.
I'm just fascinated ...

And here

Even in quasi Communist China, you see, there are limited protections for land owners. But not many: China ranks 45th in the world in terms of strongest safeguarding of property rights, according to the latest International Property Rights Index (pdf) put out by the Property Rights Alliance, a lobbying group in Washington. (Thanks to Cato for the link.)

The top ten countries are:

Norway at #1
The Netherlands at #2
Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia tied for third
Switzerland and Austria tied for ninth
The United States shares 14th place with Canada and Ireland.

Hey, I thought we were so freeee and protected and all....

Last on the list of 70 countries? Lowly, land-stealing Bangladesh.
What the hell do they want with more stuff? haha

Reading Nader

Like Nader or not --- he's a smart man. I didn't read all of this but it is about how people are intimidated young and how the process carries on until you end up with the mostly useless individuals in public office.
I don't know if he mentions it here but the Hillsborough County School system and many others (and maybe MOST) around the country are participating in the dumbing down of America.

And -- it's purposeful.

Teach your own kids as much as you can.

Steal their lives BACK.

Taking Bets on whether this will start the run up the flag pole

I shouldn't even take bets on whether but HOW LONG will it take to start the flag-burning ban debate again????

And who puts these guys up to this???

Hmmmmmm ...

Maybe Rush Limpbaugh will have some ideas.

Three Yale students arrested for burning U.S. flag 53 minutes ago

BOSTON (Reuters) - Three Yale University students, including a Briton and a Greek national, have been charged in a case involving the burning of a U.S. flag outside a Connecticut house, a court official said on Wednesday.

Said Hyder Akbar, 23, Nikolaos Angelopoulos, 19, and Farhad Anklesaria, 19, were arrested on Tuesday and charged in New Haven Superior Court with reckless endangerment, arson, breach of peace, criminal mischief and other offenses.

Police said the three torched a flag hanging from the porch of a house in New Haven near the Ivy League school.

Anklesaria is British and Angelopoulos is Greek. Both are freshmen. Akbar, a senior, was born in Pakistan but is a U.S. citizen, according to police and court documents. Anklesaria and Angelopoulos turned over their passports.

Police gave no indication why they set fire to the flag. The trio acknowledged it was a "dumb thing to do" when questioned by police, the New Haven Register reported.

They appeared in court in leg irons and handcuffs, the newspaper said. Bail was set at $25,000 for Angelopoulos and Akbar, and $15,000 for Anklesaria, it added.

Akbar worked as an informal translator for U.S. forces during the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and later published a memoir, "Come Back to Afghanistan," about his experiences there, the Yale Daily News reported.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1989 that flag burning was protected under constitutional free-speech guarantees, invalidating laws in 48 states and outraging veterans' groups and others who say that an important national symbol should be protected from defacement.

"It makes me sick to my stomach to think that someone would burn the American flag," Marc Suraci, 37, owner of the two-story house, told the Register, describing himself as "very, very patriotic."

This is so obviously some type of set up. I've learned if I say that the situation will go away.

This is the reason Bill Nelson made it on to my list. He voted for the ban on flag-burning.

I don't think I'd ever burn a flag. Currently I have it flown upside down which is the international signal for distress.

BUT, it is the highest level of freedom to do the most abhorrent, non-criminal, non-violent thing which expresses one outrage.

And, that, my friends is AMERICA !!!

Not George Bush's kingdom.

The dream we are supposed to be passing to the future generations .............


The Iorio Administration Intimidation Continues...

This is NOT the first time that City Council has been intimidated by the Mayor's administration. (I wonder if Lennie Bennet still has her job (she does!) -- she calls the Mayor a meddler and hints at the control-freakness of it-all-Iorio)I'm not really sure where I view David Smith in all of this. It's almost like he seems to just give advice and stay neutral. Wow, that would be unusual compared to most of the other Attorneys for the City of Tampa. And, here's something I didn't know. I found that while I was searching for the last three ways that the Mayor's staff and Admin. have intimidated the City Council (ergo YOU and ME)

And, of course ---- I have been the recipient of a great and CONTINUING amount of intimidation from this Administration, it's family members, members of the Mayor's Staff, Sheriff's and Police .... countless others .... it goes on and on and on.

But, I guess it's time for me to get more involved with Friends of the River. I think Phil Compton is almost as angry as I am. Good. Now you know what you are dealing with. Gloves off. And keep up the good fight. You too, Ms. Saul-Sena.

Notice: Only Pam Iorio will be heard. Now, is it still a mystery to anyone how all this works??? She was Mayor before the election was a sparkle in someone's eye. It's extremely incorrect. Pull back the sewer cover and see for yourself....

City attorney shushes council on river flowSince the matter may be headed to court, he tells council only the mayor should comment. By JANET ZINK
Published March 30, 2007

TAMPA - Mayor Pam Iorio wants only one person associated with the city to talk about how much water should flow into the lower Hillsborough River.

And that's Mayor Pam Iorio.

City attorney David Smith made that clear to City Council members Thursday as they were about to hear from environmental groups and the Southwest Florida Water Management District about the issue.

Smith told the Council they could listen, but advised them not to comment because the matter is likely to end up in court. (now, remember these are YOUR elected representatives so you have just been GAGGED)

"Anything you say today can be part of the process," he said, adding if council members express an opinion that runs counter to the mayor's, they could end up testifying against the city. (there's this thing in the constitution about free speech and due process or is that the bill of rights?? I know and I want to make sure you do TOO because this is a BOLD FACE attempt to circumvent that)

"There has to be one voice," he said. (okay he reminds me of someone here .... hmmmm)

Smith said river flow is an administrative matter, and the council has no say in it. hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Last week, an assistant city attorney delivered the same message to the Mayor's Environmental Roundtable, a group formed in 2005 to provide Iorio with perspective on environmental issues.

Smith's advice to the City Council had Phil Compton, a member of the nonprofit group Friends of the River, shaking with anger.

"It's very odd that council is being intimidated by the mayor's office," he said after the City Council meeting.

"They're trying to intimidate the members of the environmental roundtable. They're trying to intimidate the City Council," he said. "It's evil."
Yes it IS and it's just going to get WORSE !!! I bet they'll play nice with Mr. Compton now that I am standing up for him and I hope he will not be fooled. What he saw was what IS.

You can help Mr. Compton by going here and signing the Friends of the River letter to swfwmdCouncil member Linda Saul-Sena said she was frustrated by Smith's advice not to talk.

"I'm going to research our options," she said. "The health of the Hillsborough River is very important to me. The river is one of the city's great assets and I want to have a healthy river."

The council opted to postpone the river flow presentations.

At issue is how much fresh water should flow over the Hillsborough River dam into the lower river to keep fish and plants alive.

The city gets most of its drinkable water from a reservoir above the dam, and city officials say they can't spare a drop for the river's wildlife. The city already takes the maximum allowed by a state permit to meet Tampa's water needs.

The debate over how much fresh water should flow into the lower Hillsborough River began more than seven years ago when Tampa and the Southwest Florida Water Management District, or Swiftmud, set the rate at 10 cubic feet per second.

The nonprofit group Friends of the River questioned the level, saying it wasn't high enough to support snook, baby manatees and other wildlife. The group sued and reached a settlement requiring a five-year study.

In 2005, Swiftmud released a draft report that said the level should be raised to 26 cubic feet per second. The city said the report didn't justify the higher number. Swiftmud and the city negotiated a level of 20 cubic feet per second. But a scientific panel review of the recommendation released this week said that amount "just barely" meets the river's needs. The review recommends at least increasing the flow to 24 cubic feet per second in April through June.

Swiftmud will respond to the recommendations next month.

Rich Brown, an engineer who worked on water quality issues for the U.S. Navy, serves on the Mayor's Environmental Roundtable. He said that in a "spirited" discussion with city officials last Friday, the group said they wanted to weigh in on the matter. But assistant city attorney Jan McLean told them they could not make any recommendations.

"She was sent there, I thought, to squash us," Brown said.

Brown said as a member of Friends of the River, he would like to see at least 30 cubic feet per second flowing over the dam. But as a compromise, the group would accept the recommendations of Swiftmud's scientific review panel.

Brown believes the solution is simple: Let the water flow over the dam to help the river and simply buy water from Tampa Bay Water for the city water customers.

That would require raising the city water rates, he said, but Tampa residents now pay very little for water.

According to city officials, Tampa residents pay about $12 per month for water. Residents in Pinellas County pay twice that, and other Hillsborough residents pay nearly three times more.

"The mayor needs to make a bold move," Brown said. "Just raise water rates in the city of Tampa to match the average of the local area."

Rick right up to here I was holding your hand. She just gouged the rest of us for South Tampa. The water is UNACCEPTABLE. She has raised rates across the board for every service. Are you SERIOUS??? Did she plant you there to say that so it didn't appear to be HER idea? Wouldn't be the first time !!!Janet Zink can be reached at or 813 226-3401.

[Last modified March 30, 2007, 00:40:23]

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Comments on this article by Tim 04/02/07 11:58 PM
We have to set sustainable levels of flow for the health of the river, then deal with whats left.There are plenty of cities without our rainfall,or even a major river,that have learned to get by just fine.The tecnology is there,we havetosetpriorities
by Chris 03/30/07 02:13 PM
So go from $12/month to $36/month? Seems reasonable to me, but I live by the river and it matters to me. Tampa could fudge it by treating wastewater and piping it into the river above the dam. (Enzymes can chew up birth control hormones.)
by Steve 03/30/07 05:39 AM
Put a lid on the new development, not our public official's opinions. Is this democracy or free enterprise in action? Like Spock said, "The needs of the may outweigh the needs of the few".

The Revolution will be Televised

As everyone in the free world knows Josh Wolf is free.

Except I'm late .... Wayne Garcia (naturally) had it first ...

Please go to his website and scroll down to view his unedited video.

I have tried to watch the whole thing and have suffered many interruptions. What strikes me is the 'show of force'. There seems to be a cop for every protestor.

Also this case is extremely important to bloggers in the sense that many questions were raised pertaining to whether a blogger enjoys the same protection as a journalist.

As well, the question is raised whether an activist can claim journalism for protection. Interesting.

I habitually videotape my surroundings when I am involved in public discourse and it has a way of quelling adverse behavior. As well, you get some compelling stuff. I don't offer any of it anywhere but I'm sure I could be paid for it. In fact, I have been asked for my stuff a dozen times. Not yet.

I am generally also attending these activities as a participant. So, while I have already taken 'a side' I believe that would be true of ANY journalist or activist or independent reporter on events. Or any blogger. I am aware of an undercurrent of fear and danger to those involved. Many people who blog and encourage attendance do not attend. I have never seen so many Tampa cops 'gainfully employed' as when we did the World Can't Wait in downtown Tampa. Seriously. Like we were up to something. People singing songs, making speeches, Tampa World Can't Wait Oct 5 carrying signs and drawing with chalk. Here, in our community, on the sidewalks we paid for, in a park open to the public. Oh yeah, and there was a permit required. Imagine that. On streets that BELONG to us .... (oh and by the way SOME of the Tampa cops are very cool; a very small percentage and thank you --- you know who you are)

Go see the video from Josh. It's extremely compelling. It has always sickened me to see the show of force surrounding people who are exercising their United States of America Constitutional Rights to Assembly, Free Speech and Peaceful Protest.

I understand there is some violence and an officer ended up with a fractured skull. I haven't gotten there yet. As well, that goose-stepping along so close to protestors was icky.

I do not EVER EVER condone violence in any way, shape or form. I'm merely stating that the police were attempting to exert control over people who were doing nothing out of the ordinary. They were walking down a street but since the street was empty other than a gazillion police vehicles, it appears they had acquired the infamous 'parade permit'.

Free speech ZONES.


Thanks, George !!!

When you're gone --- things will be a lot better and that can't be soon enough for ME.

A-28 A-28 A-28 A-28


they had a meeting ....... (another one)

You know, being a recipient of stalking has it's ups and it's downs. In my case there is NO ONE to report it to locally (and frankly, it never occurred to me to do so, my connections run higher than this lil one-horse town) because it IS the locals. They're all holding hands, city, county, gangs, bikers, sheriffs, cops, ex-sheriffs, the new people .. (hi!) because they've worked on this for years and it's essential that they remove me from my property and keep me quiet in the process. Plus there seems to be a bit of a personal element but I don't have time for all that drama today. (or any day, mmmmkay?) She should have kept her husband at home and he should have stayed with his wife and that has nothing to do with me but someone keeps trying to make me think it does. LOL. Yeah, it's interesting stuff but not for today. It's the bane of a beautiful woman to have people build these fantasies around you.

Here's your five minutes today, folks: I'm going to start choosing pictures for youtube if you bother my loved ones or my extended network (thanks tmobile) any more in any form whatsoever. a. it has no effect on me moving (for the cheap seats) b. since you're in stealth mode I know you know what I got. c. the same goes for the poison in my yard. d. and the bad air when we work in the yard ... I've put up with enough from gits. I don't care what happens to them anymore. That's on you. It's all on you. You kept trying to dump it on me but that won't work.

And, remember, you haven't even seen the video (s) yet. LOL !!! They go back for years.

BTW --- people should know that the Hillsborough County and Tampa FL city employees waste more time on me than they do on ANYTHING else. (and that's saying a lot) At least three dozen county/city employees are actively involved in this monkey-shining harassment and intimidation on a day-to-day, revolving basis. That's just the ones I see who get close enough to tape and pictify. It would take more personnel to be involved in texting and information loops. People may think it sounds crazy. Yeah, I agree. But, I've got the goods.

Oh, and mr. dumptrucks is in stealth mode, too. I suspect some one of them has a lovely daughter who messes around with small children like a boa with a mouse. That would be on the list of things that really need to cease. I've caught her at this before and ignored her (she's hardly worth spending time on in a ... whatever fashion) but yesterday was the last time. That goes for the whole Y crew. It's racist and it's sick and you are so pretty on the outside but that will soon reflect what you are on the inside .... and somewhere inside you know that. Just stop it and get right. You're a pretty girl, you could be someone. Do it. You and the little star boy. And your big buddy. LOL !!! Be a man. No,,,, a REAL man. You guys seriously look and act like degenerate rapists, the looks are ALL wrong. Check. I wouldn't joke about that. And the girls ... that's just f'ing funny. Seriously. Go home. Look in the mirror. Make those faces. Then get back to me. I'm right. Where do you guys learn this? You trivialize your lives. They revolve around me. Get a life of your own.

Whoever's in charge of this debacle (I suspect NO ONE is):

Back off and figure out what you need to do. Continuing along this path is going to lead to a lot of mistakes. (piled on the other ones and the other ones and the other ones) How's that all working out for you?

Stalking has it's ups and downs. There are some amusing things that happen ... and some terrifying things. The lady at this link ended up dead. Of course, the police gave her advice and all. At least, in her case, it wasn't the police.

I have a warped sense of humor or I probably wouldn't find any of it amusing. But I do. It's hard not to laugh when people make utter and complete asses of themselves. It's hard not to laugh when you see grown people act like they need sippy cups. It's harder still not to laugh when a county employee shoves a small child's keyboard out of the way just to see if he can get to you.


But I got a nice picture of you.

I'm pretty sure they meet on the weekends ... I picture it being a big church somewhere --- all the respectful masonic 'folks' and otherwise city/county employed 'folks' (I'm pretty sure these are the same folks, my research is showing that most law enforcement and firefighters are masons) -- and they plan how to attack the person the next week.

And, I'm not the only one. So, add up if you will --- firefighters making 45,000 a year (that's about 18 of them per day or more, one day there were at least 75 yep all on video) ..... I'm not sure how much cops make anymore and I'm not taking the time to find out but there are about a dozen of them involved every day (one guy drove by me five times while I was taking some pics on euclid the other day, buncha stripes on him) .... add all that up and see a. when they have time to do real work, considering I have met over 200 people that they are also stalking and harassing and arresting family members of b. how much money is being spent on these assholes to stalk people in Tampa ... c. what we are paying in retirement dollars to people who performed these tasks in the past .....

Oh and, don't forget Elia. And her huge ass bonus, too.

Hasn't anyone else noticed that the mob has completely taken over education and is jacking us? There are still a few innocent teachers standing by but the rest are part of the problem. And God Bless the good ones. Thank you.

Did anyone add up what is being paid to these people to stalk me???
It's ONE HELL OF A LOT OF MONEY !!!!!! And, it's YOURS. You are paying them to stalk and harass me and my family. And others. Just so you know.

This is just a quick post. No links. No research. I'm researching the same huge deal still but this post is all from personal experience.



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Blanks and Charges

Okay, tell me if this sounds mercenary. I'm leaving out names and identities for now, and even some words to protect those who frankly don't deserve protection but having never been a RAT (like some) I just don't feel good about spilling people's filthy sides of their lives onto the WWW...

However -- (you knew this was coming, right??) -- I'm willing to disclose same for a fee. In fact, I'm going to disclose some of this in a book which will definitely be for sale very soon but if you'd like to know if your name or some similar aspect that identifies your smarmy and illegal acts towards me and my family have been mentioned I'd be happy to negotiate a fee with you. For the record, save your pennies if I've known you longer than thirty years. Out of respect for you and your family I'll leave your names out. Out of respect for you and your family I have remained silent. Apparently this same respect was not inbred in you. That's a pity but you and yours are safe with me. The ones who took it upon themselves to do your bidding against an innocent family are wide open just like they've left MY family wide open. Herewith I refer to my extended family and network many of whom are currently suffering at your hands. Be on notice.

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008
Blast Off's Huggy Bear Pic Challenge

A Nation in DISTRESS

A Nation in DISTRESS


In my living room watching;
but I am not laughing ....

..... risk something, take back what's yours
say something that you know they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before ....
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day

In their living room laughing like,

"what did he say?"

Fight the Good Fight

" .... courage is humankind's cardinal virtue, because ''it makes all other virtues possible."
Reverend William Sloane Coffin

......" And I dare you to ask for a lot, I dare you to hold fast to your ideals and to expound them as publicly and as fearlessly as Martin Luther King and Bill Coffin and Betty Friedan and those dozens of grandmothers arrested a few weeks ago for protesting the war in Iraq."

Francine du Plessix Gray


MainSTREAMMedia=Bush Propaganda Machine

vox dictionary
Never Mistake Kindness for Weakness
I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires. Kahlil Gibran

Sept15 button
Every man dies.

Not every man really lives.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...... Martin Luther King, Jr.
[PDA - Progressive Democrats of America - Stand Up. Take Action. Vote.]

Vox Talk

Contrary to popular belief:

Patience is NOT a virtue.

It is concentrated strength.
"The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service."

- Albert Einstein
"Only those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly" – Robert Kennedy
"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation…want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Frederick Douglass, 1857
Tis nobler to lose honor to save the lives of men than it is to gain honor by taking them.

~David Borenstein

You cannot win a War on Terrorism. It’s like having a war on jealousy.

~David Cross

Blog Roll Me ~~~



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About Me

I was born a citizen of the world and have remained such but along with that: I'm a long time Tampa resident. Mixed bag at that as I've seen life here from nearly all angles and while somewhere in there I became slightly indoctrinated, I'm not too proud of the way people have taken over this city and run it with an iron fist for all but some. This city is working hard on creating just two classes. Thems and them dont's and they are working hard to shove some families down into the gutter for reasons known only to them. Some might be as petty as jealousy, some might be politically motivated, some might just be stupid and all are wrong. I want to believe we can get better but that would entail some stuff that I have no control over. I only can control myself and my reactions to what occurs.

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To Whom it may concern: The contents of this web-page reflect the opinions and experiences of the authors. No contents here are fodder for legal use or purposes. This is a fiction or non-fiction story unfolding and as such all references are held for editing and any references to persons or entities living or dead are merely coincidental and should not be construed as proof or material for legal purposes.


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In other words: read it, enjoy it ... copy it, paste it, distribute it widely.

Don't construe it as anything but what it is: the opinion and experiences of a novelist on the way ... anything that IS true can be proven. Anything that's not true --- well, that's my opinion and yours, isn't it?

My blog is worth 27,092.28.
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My apologies

Addendum: Please check back to older posts as I am constantly updating them as I have more time to delve into the interesting subjects. I thought that comments were automatically enabled. I apologize for the inability to comment. I was able to comment but that's because I'm the author (duh) Now, everyone can comment. It's a free for all. Hey, as well, if you'd like to publish to this blog it'd be cool if you were like-minded but if you're not that's okay too -- just email me and I'll add your email to the list of publishers to this blog. Tampas Back Door Ways (OR)