selective this and that ...
I've been doing some reading and studying ... L O L. Now there's an interesting segment in one CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING. For those who actually GET a meeting rather than ... a NOT A MEETING. L M A O.
Anyway .. at THIS CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING ... a council member actually came and spoke on behalf of the wretched citizen.
This gardener wonders if THIS gardener understands MULCH.
It's kinda ironic, right? In a city of the ARTS Tampa has NEVER EVER been uglier.
In a city which promotes gardening .... lack of respect for gardeners and MULCH has never been more evident.
Leads one to really, really wonder.
But, not for long.
I just hope other people wonder, TOO.
Instead of being rabid fans of faux assholes who say one thing and suck at another.
You have a person living WELL WITHIN watering restrictions and using products FREELY GRANTED in order to create something even MORE beneficial and you have a bunch of assholes that have to make fools of themselves in order to perpetuate their own stalking and asinine behavior.
What goes around comes around. Every dog has it's day. The worm always turns.
Everyone looked JUST LIKE YOU right before they led them away in handcuffs.
I've been reading the city code.
Cause there's this BIG F'ING SECTION in there about how this asshole on the next block can't shoot AT ALL .. NEVER MIND AT ME. And then there's this weensy lil obscure section I think you stuck in last week that talks about some 25 foot bullshit and some two foot stuff. huh. Cause what business is it of yours what I have ten feet within my yard? NONE.
BUT it DOES make a big difference if some pecker is shooting at someone while children are in the street.
So you carry on with your bad self.
And you sticking up for that lady so if she becomes a senator your butter will be on the right side of the bread? mmmkay.
We'll see.
Ask Joe Kotvas and Jerry Bowmer where that got THEM.
No one even likes her.
Our own george bush.
I have to go paint something.
OH no, that's right. That's ALL OF YOU.
Hey paperthin, did I read where your boy Toad worked over to an air-conditioning place, TOO??? Cause .. yeah ... just hang in there. It's coming, baby.