... AND the bikers and other gangsters who hope to make you get the fuck up OUT OF TAMPA OR BOW DOWN ... like what have you done for ME lately?? SO go fuck yourself.
Over to the St Pete Times my fellow bloggers do some commenting. The vox populi crowd, as it were. One of us can't be EVERYWHERE.
The other day we commented on how the bikers/firemen (who OWN ALL THE HOME IMPROVEMENT BUSINESSES I CAN THINK OF PLUS PLUS PLUS) AND all the homes in many neighborhoods along with other carnies/thugs/gangers and methsters are taking over properties. (we buy houses working with the meth dealers and crack slingers ala ronny reagan with the contras)
If they can't turn a woman into a prostitute, get a family-member Sex offendereded or molestered, hook ya on crack or meth or get you selling it cause you gotta do what ya gotta do, ya know??? They'll come into your house while you're gone or under the guise of WORKMANSHIP and spray a flammable substance on your fan that vents your oven (NEVER USE IT ASK DIANE CANNON MY MOTHER AND MY SISTER) OR here's a BIGGIE BUT NOT AS FAST AND CERTAIN: sluice termite juice in your air ducts ... under your furniture, down your drain pipes from the roof (this might be lye that they pour in) UP YOUR COMMODE from the city
... the list goes on and on ...
that's why they did that big smoke test the city of tampa did. They ran smoke through the sewer system and drove CERTAIN NEIGHBORHOODS (read THS ONE) to see if there was any smoke pouring out ergo any leaks who ever HEARD of anything like THAT?????
They can't figure out HOW they're not killing us yet. It's killing them. FUCK YOU ASSHOLES. Sorry, back to the subject at hand... These, of course, are not THE ONLY things they do ... they do stupid shit ... fuck with your dogs MURDER YOUR ANIMALS, drop your oak tree on your roof ... threaten to burn down your house, tamper with your vehicle, house, mail, children, family ... fuck with you in traffic. Oh fake car wrecks PLOW PEOPLE INTO OAK TREES that one would have to AIM FOR TO HIT it's so out of the way ....
THE ENTIRE TAMPA FIRE DEPT except for maybe fifty of them have been PHOTOGRAPHED AND VIDEOD STALKING US. One swerved into our lane just today. , yeah ... whatever. And, apparently they can speed wherever they want to. Lawless motherfuckers. First they swerve in front of you THEN they straighten up and when you look for them they're GONE Either off the interstate at howard armenia and back home to that station (that one and the hilsborough avenue one and the other little one are JUST PLAIN LAZY they just hop on the interstate or drive through the hood, you stalkers should MAKE THEM DO EXTRA for that laziness) OR ninety miles an hour to put that much space in between you and they. Many times we have video'd them speeding at least 80 or 85 maybe higher.
This is a short post cause I'm in a hurry ... I have to go make hay while the sun shines ..... anyway, they also spray tozins on anything you touch. Make your hands and arms go numb (faking heart attack or stroke symptoms)
(hey mike k I told YOU I WOULD BE TALKING MORE AND MORE WHEN YOU FUCKED WITH OUR AIR >>>> I did tell you this, correct??) Anyway... AND they spray some shit on the ground many times documented (and on your plants which kills the more delicate ones giving your yard a dead, neglected, decayed look) that has an oily finish so that when you spray it the water beads up similar to a waxed car. Huh. Sounds a LOT like pest control. This substance or something worse has also been sprayed from the fire trucks as they circle. One assumes this might be fire retardant.
Probably why it's found in the breast milk of lactating mothers. FUCKFACES !!!!!!!!!!
Oh and so when the other bloggers salt their comments many times we'll be replied to through the Tampa Tribune or the cops will come and dance around or escort the various bloggers or the bikers will stomp around and fuck up your air... BUT what bothered them the MOST was us talking about them sluicing termite control into peoples' air ducts. THIS must be a BIG SECRET. NOT REALLY.

This was stuck TO our car yesterday after the comments about them putting termite POISON in peoples' window air-conditioners and airducts. STUCK TO OUR CAR.
This, of course, raises the troubling question of HOW THEY KNOW WHO WE ARE. HUH? That takes a LOT OF VERY VERY VERY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY AND VIOLATION OF CIVIL RIGHTS.
I know at LEAST TWO DOZEN homes this is a factor in. These homes are owned by those whom I am acquainted with. A limited number, currently to be sure so that is a PRETTY HIGH COINCIDENCE and statistically IMPOSSIBLE. The thing is that in TWO of these houses, this activity CEASED when I started to visit. The water is still bad as noted by their clothes falling to pieces too quickly and coughs and such but the air is good when I go there. I wonder if they think they've been let in on something?? I wonder if they KNOW that this will ramp up again when I'm off the list. UNLESS they're particularly sneaky and ... yknow ... one of them is cousins with a guy I KNOW FOR A FACT perps this stuff. So, they're mudering their own families. JUST LIKE NAZI GERMANY. How bad can I feel? They are MONSTERS but it's not THAT personal except for to some of them.
Some of them REALLY ENJOY IT and some are led-around, twisted, delusional bitches. Also, the kid's hair will look greasy. IF they use the water. Your head will itch and brown spots which evenutally go away WILL DEVELOP on your skin. These ARE NOT FRECKLES.
Signs of this termite or other pesticide being used on you: Ants in your ceiling light fixtures, on your cabinets ... in unusual spots after you return from vacations or outings.
Falling asleep at weird times and often.
Eye irritation.
And just plain IRRITATION ... sharp words between loved one. (oh yeah I remember)
Inexplicable sore throats. (this also happens when the car is doused with chemical via the engine as you drive, it only takes a few seconds to apply this substance to your radiator and engine I've watched it being done)
It's my belief that when you take these symptoms to the doctor they'll diagnose you with this or that. They already KNOW you're on the way.
Multiple Sclerosis,
Breast Cancer
Colon Cancer
DIABETES (world wide money making fake disease)
Lung Cancer
Testicular and many other forms of cancer
You'll note that's the post where one of our former bloggers was being stalked by people who would cough loudly and sickeningly and the next day there would be a LINK TO this post. SICK FUCKERS. He started posting the license plates of the people. I guess the blogger who runs Can't Keep Quiet closed the comments after repeated complaints. At least eight instances of the repeat stalking, coughing, linking. BY KIDS TOO. WHORES. (sorry but it MUST be true) OR victims of MASONIC YOUTH CAMPS
Oh almost forgot ... the lingering favorite COPD ...
also ..
All these symptoms CAUSED by what is sprayed into peoples' homes purposely are utilized by the ALL NEW ALL SCUMMY crooked tampa doctors who joined the old tampa scummy doctors in chasing the few DECENT REAL doctors in tampa away .... to diagnose FAKE DISEASES SELECTIVELY AND VINDICTIVELY.
Everyone happy. Those who aren't happy or yknow HOTEL DEVELOPERS (ARF ARF) are yknow DEAD OR DYING.
Or else???? Why this OVERBLOWN stalking and the piece of paper mentioning duct WORKBOARD stuck to our car???? We're well used to the stalking but this is ..... OVERKILL so ... we're supposed to be vewwy vewwy afwaid. (they're in the middle of killing a guy we know with fake cancer as we speak ... we got him off chemotherapy then this lil
They don't need the night trains and the gestapo (they have THE TAMPA FIREMEN AND THE TPD AND BIKER VIGILANTES) and the killing camps. They are killing people right out in the open and in the confines of what most people assume is a safe home.
I was all piped down and then today I caught him slithering into and out of my yard again and the air was all fucked up.
They will use every means necessary to make entry including BURNING IT DOWN. Do not let them perform repairs on your home. DO NOT LET THEM IN YOUR HOME. IF you see the firepig symbol DO NOT HIRE THESE COMPANIES. DO NOT LET THEM NEAR YOU, YOUR PROPERTY OR YOUR CHILDREN OR ANIMALS. Also: get cameras, install them, back them up, put them on internet protocol so you can get cellphone alerts. USE THEM. SHOVE THESE DIRTY NAZI BASTARDS back into the hole they are slithering out of. As for the travelers who go from place to place. If I and others like me weren't holding up their progress in Tampa they'd probably already BE ON to somewhere new. WHERE NEXT????
This is only a small portion of what went on around all of us yesterday as we went about our lives.
I missed the picture of the SDHC SCHOOL DISTRICT OF HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY that zoomed past me while I walked my new puppy. MARYELLEN ELIA. She can't transfer thugs in to BEAT UP THE CHILDREN IN OUR FAMILY ANYMORE BECAUSE WE REMOVED THEM FROM HER REACH. Don't make me fucking sue you, lady. LMAO.
But, this was the morning (all the way down the interstate. This guy cut in front of us and then stayed there going slow the entire time until he wavered on and back and on and back and finally got off the same place the stalking firepiggs always do

. Oh and incidentally they're busy getting the story straight ... cops and firemen spending more and more time together. They're riding a hot horse ....)

Sheriff represented by his dumptruck developer friend(S) the same as the ones who ran us off the interstate about the time the manly woman sheriff dumped that guy from his wheelchair.

Here's a company who spends a LOT of time with the Tampa Fireman's nephew ... and as a sidebar .. threatening plumbing problems and fucking with your water and pipes BESIDES THE POISONED<>
Which reminds me: the stuff they spray on the concrete and ground around your house causes foot pain, ankle pain and seeming detirioration of the foot and ankle bones along with swelling. DOES anyone else note the number of FOOT PAIN ADS THAT CROPPED UP over the last few years? What will they diagnose these folks with???? CANCER OF THE TOES????
Below are the nine cops who slithered around and through my cousin's hood yesterday to top off all the other stalking
ONLY THE DECENT ONES ARE DYING >>>>> do you see that????

the leftovers gang up down the street from our family's house and FUCK WITH PEOPLE and drive through the neighborhood with maryellen elia's cops talking to their crack buddies.
You can't see all the cars there. There are eight, sometimes NINE cops in that group. Talking, laughing ..... no problem. No problem at ALL.
Oh, almost forgot and Mr. Minnesota T sent an all=new improved hitman to the hood to circle and circle our car and us but we're saving that.
It goes with some other personal appearances but the pictures are GOOD.