Wow, investing in real-estate and 'just plain living' in Tampa FL (Tampa Bay Area) has become such an adventure.
Not that I'm really an investor 'per se', just a quiet, peaceful property-owner who is living in my homesteaded, inherited and extremely lucrative property. You know --- the one in the gambling district --- a law just passed the Florida legislature regarding the use of the gambling licenses in Florida, which made it common knowledge that oh yeah --- my property just became one of the hottest properties in the United States. Well, I ALREADY knew that. And so did all of these other folks, including the long arm of the front teeth of the 'big brothers' of Tampa: The Tampa Police Dept, the Tampa Fire Dept. Pinellas Cty, every other county and city I've visited in the last two years ... (the bikers vigilante united) and most and probably ALL of the ambulance type people. (not all and sorry for those of you who are involved with these people -- just get away from them) I guess you can't anymore?? That's sad.
You DO know this is your ONE life, right? This is it ....
Oh UPDATE: as many times as I have read this guy's site I have never noticed until now that he ties the Tampa firefighters in with the drug dealing, intimidation and harassment and stalking around his business. I just noticed the sheriff stuff but hell, everybody knows that. Common knowledge in these parts. So what? BUT -- the firefighter thing jumped out at me this time. No pun intended.
While I was passing Mastry's the other night some poor unfortunate soul came along and blew some noxious this or that in my space and face. Ykonw how you know they're up to something just by their band-aid-eye-faces?? yeah. poor thing. I actually feel a huge amt of pity for these people. They look so sadand what they are doing is inhuman and inside of them all is a person who --- knows this. At any rate so I started sneezing pretty good and wouldn't you know this sweet guy from the Fire Dept with a lil embroidered on badgie on his shirt, nicelooking fellow with a blonde lady said 'god bless you.' Very loud. And then again. Very loud and kindly. Isn't that amazing?? How these firemen surround me and wish me well? Now, see --- THIS is pure evil. When you can look right at it and not get 'the vibe' --- those people are beyond redemption for you and me -- it would have to come from deep inside of him. You know where that will happen?
Yep. On his death-bed. That's where they all find religion. And you know what? His place is every bit as secure as mine with whomever out there keeps the score. We're all equal in the eyes of the Creator. Anyway, I thought he was cute so I got a nice picture of him and his car --- and of course, the requisite emergency (that always seem to surround me wherever I am) I'm like the charlie brown character only I have emergency vehicles and hot guys with lil embroidery badges. So sweet. Please don't waste your whole life to find in the final moments that I am right. (i am) .... help yourself.
Once there was a little boy who stood on the street corner and watched those big red engines fly by. He was WOWED. He wanted to BE one of those heroes. I'm not sure his vision of a hero would bear any similarity to what your life has become. Your children know that some of you are murderers. What does that make them? Accomplices. Just tell the truth. Set them free. I'm not the one bringing the multimillion dollar lawsuit. I"M THE ONE YOU ARE PUSHING INTO DOING SO. You have options. Take one.
Not terribly surprising is the # of people who joined the ranks of those big, important, brave gangsters who I have known for half and some for MOST my life and whom have obviously sold their souls so far back in life they're not capable of retrieving them. (I'm sorry and hope you know that you were born with the same chances that I was --- now I know that you have worked for years to destroy my life while for me you were just a distant, fond, treasured memory of a person I loved or esteemed once --- I hope life will be better for you when you get everything you think you want or are trying to get)
(NO! You really ARE! You can get your souls back, I promise. I never lost my soul but I know people who have gotten theirs back.)
So, anyway -- it culminates (again or again or YET AGAIN and still more agains to go ...) in the past several days with more than a few threats to put me in jail for three or four years (LOL!!) to 'change my attitude' and to, of course, acquire my home. Imagine that. Would you believe the City of Tampa County of Hillsborough and assorted henchies would level this threat against moi? To steal my home? Nooooooooo. Oh yeah baby. They sure have.
`... oh, more than one of these threats came from a long term friend. Acting through and with other long term acquaintances or friends. It's a pity, really. Lots of good feelings of endearment wasted because of some loyalty to a darkness devoid of humanity. There have already been numerous threats to plant drugs in my home and my home WAS violated the other day. (again) --- (pics, documentation) --- tons of 'friendly and adverse' encounters with law enforcement as part of the upscale of pressure and then some more news from my good friends ....
you should be ashamed of yourself.
There's more to it, though:
I do a lot of talking about and also produce a lot of physical documentation of the stalking and harassment I and others are experiencing from the above-mentioned finest and their various counterparts. It's been at an ABSOLUTE FEVER PITCH within the last several days. I mean, worse than ever.
I recall a day in late 2006 when one of Tampa's now retired finest (happy birthday !!) was with me in a place I frequent and made some odd comments about his pending retirement and etc ...
This occurred exactly the day after I first started reading about and discussing the Michael Niesen case. (late 2006) It strikes me that all of these guys are just getting ready to or recently retired. Having gotten away with murder, it appears. But, of COURSE these same murderers wouldn't have anything to do with mere stalking or following and intimidating and harassing of citizens for their lucrative properties ...(oh there is an inordinate amt of interest in my site from ... let's just say it's mighty close to Washington, DC. (hey george and dick!) LOL) As well, there is the suitably suspicious death of Gary Vickers who was (unknown to me until last evening) one of the paramedics present at the scene of the death of Michael Niesen. He went on to become the emergency director, located in Pinellas Cty. I'm not sure what testimony he had to offer in the upcoming wrongful death case but from the circumstances (he's dead) I would think it wasn't FOR the city of Clearwater.
Does everyone remember the DOH threatening and taking the license of the RN who revealed what Michael Schiavo was doing to his wife, Terry Schiavo?
Michael Schiavo now an RN and respiratory therapist which rounds out the picture from beginning to end. The final link in that chain.
Just like with gambling, Jeb Bush covered up his true motivations with slick untruths and sound bites.
So, in my conversations with Michaela Mahoney and with John Niesen, they both related the same troubling circumstances of being followed by Police and Firemen and having family harassed by law enforcement. Not JUST harassed. Had to take preventive measures. Hmmmmmm.
In John Niesen's case he related that when he comes down to Clearwater and visits the site of his brother's murder that the Clearwater PD, the Clearwater Fire Dept and the ambulance transports thickly circle the site while he is there. This is what happens to ME no matter WHERE I am at.
Now, that's pretty amazing. Amazing that I am experiencing this bizarre set of circumstances which those who have knowledge of either nod knowingly and assure me the pressure will get much worse, now. Or they call me crazy. (hugs to you, babe)
I do agree with this assessment: It IS crazy. Only I am not the one who is crazy. I am the one they are trying to do EVERYTHING to avoid having to pay me. Including spending a big pile of your money defending themselves in court.
And I have plenty of proof of same but more importantly, copies of this are stored safely with people who aren't colored with that crayon of oppression, either.
When I spoke to Mr. Niesen he related that he felt corruption would be bad in New York or Chicago and he has some years of experience in the field of judging this. BUT, he said there is NOTHING to equal the amt. of corruption, terrorizing, cover-ups and outright criminal activity of Tampa FL. And the surrounding government and 'long-term' friends of same.
People, you are the ones who lazily set your life up in such a way that you are dependent on the existence of corruption --- to some extent, everyone in Tampa, including myself is dependent on corruption. So what?
But, when you use it to hurt, murder, threaten, intimidate and harass others who are trotting around the Monopoly Board game of Life with you --- that is VERY FUCKED UP.
You know who you are.
As I said, it's extremely interesting that my footage (now available online for a select few) and my conversations with two other people who have experienced the same trauma and stalking as I currently am; one of whom continues to experience it whenever he visits Clearwater and one of whom has taken protective measures ---- has resulted in the overt threats to my personal freedom and to my liberty and right to pursue happiness and all of that.
One little girl and all that big boy bullying --- WOW, my property must be worth even more than I have been told.
So, add to the list of ALL OF THIS:
Overt threats to my liberty.
There are many instances of stalking by firemen and police being related. People who have BECOME stalkers have told their old friends that among the biggest perps of this are the regular church-goers. Hmmm. That's the same impression I've gotten lately. Amazing how the same people who are participating in gang-stalking are the same church-goers who are picking up all the gambling properties in Tampa FL. Oh and threatening me through near-life-long and formerly beloved friends. I still love ya but you gotta do some soul-searching. When you do the searching and find nothing --- that's where your job begins.
Good luck I'll be pulling for you. I love you.
The Counties surrounding Tampa not only participate in stalking way more than THREE of their residents --- they also have a toxic indifference. They spray some toxins in my yard and car and it's easy to tell because you walk a block away and the air is just fine. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
If you file a complaint they check YOU out.
If you say bad things about Sheriff Gee he sues you. Oh, and LOSES. Another product of Tampa U.
The Tampa Police just out and out are without any oversight, and rife with corruption, apparently. The Internal Affairs is NOT there to police them. At all.
People set up these fake type blog things to link to me. LOL !!! Thanks for the attention. Just do the right thing. Man, you're greasin up every lil thing. Wow, you're almost out of big guns ... everything else you got is punishable by some prison time. Not to mention that most of what you've done SO FAR is punishable by some prison time .... (oh and that tricky SOL thingy .... ) You should NOT have scared so many people because every single one of them talked.
You have really gone too far.
Women and children, now.
Seriously --- murdering each other and MEN you run with or who might be helpless in your custody, that's one thing --- but coming after women and children --- there is nothing to call that but COWARDLY. You are cowardly. Where is your pride and manhood? And for you women --- I have no words. You are a disgrace. You embarrass all of us.