Even the MOST PROGRESSIVE AMONG US put John Edwards first right after Kucinich.
John is taking it straight through to the White House. I'm starting to see a lot about John Edwards out in the blogosphere. AND, I'm starting to see him be attacked alot so .... ohh ohhh but out of all the stuff I saw on my man, John Edwards today, including Tiny and Ybor City Stogie here and here, the one that cheered me up the MOST was this lying editorial over to the St Pete Times.
Basically attacking John under the guise of promoting the MYTH of the Social Security trouble.
Social Security is NOT any more in trouble than the firefighters in Tampa are innocent of stalking me. Yeah, follow along folks.
Please go read David Rosenbaum. I've got TONS of research on him -- so much it's a series not a blog post. But, the thing is that David Rosenbaum consistently and methodically and VERY, VERY intellectually (because he made himself an EXPERT on the Treasury and Social Security) refused to call the Social Security push for errrrrr reform, reform. He was the only journalist who truly understood and also wrote of what was being put over on the public by the Bush Administration. And, of course, as I've pointed out over and over again one fine winter evening David Rosenbaum was bashed over the head and left to die on a sidewalk and then on a gurney in the emergency room. None of this would have been possible without the PLANNED COMPLICITY of the Metro DC EMS, FIRE, and possibly police. It's sickening. It was so fucking sickening that I had to set it aside for some fresh air; it was making me physically ILL.
And, that, friends is HOW IMPORTANT it is to George W. Bush that this so-called social security 'reform' is pushed through to private accounts. David Rosenbaum is in the ground it's so important that the public be snowed. I hope this new push to 'privatize' social security is enough impetus for me to tell the world the sickening details I discovered while reading for hours and hours on this subject. Truth: At heart I'm no journalist. I'm simply not clinical enough. John Edwards knows people are being TAKEN OUT by this administration ... why would it be hard for anyone to believe that they would have David Rosenbaum taken out in order to get a handle on the BILLIONS of the SSA and also fuck over Americans at the same time/? Part of getting a handle on this is to understand that BUSHCO is/are NOT Americans.
So, finally they have started to ATTACK HIM not just ignore him.
THIS IS BIG. When John becomes our next president I'm going to remind him how I sent him ALL THAT MONEY. ALL THOSE PILES THAT MY SON ASSURED ME WOULD PUT HIM OVER THE TOP.
OH and from my friend David Swanson. I knew David was a Kucinich supporter and yeah, well, so am I. I've never seen Dennis speak, only at the debates. He was here the same time as Edwards and then Edwards' flight was late so I couldn't catch Dennis.
At any rate I was elated to see that someone who I consider a lighted guidepost along the rough road we are walking puts john after dennis just like I do.
The good news?? I think that most Kucinich supporters will do the same. And there's a BUNCH of Kucinich supporters.
Peace Movement's Options in 2008http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/30232
By David Swanson
What should the peace movement do in 2008 to speed the end of the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, bring home the troops and mercenaries and contractors, and stop draining trillions of dollars out of Americans' pockets for an expense that most of us do not want?
And what should all organizations do whose domestic missions are devastated by the occupations' drain on the national treasury? Of course, we should continue to work on public education, and on counter recruitment. We should back congressional and presidential candidates who most closely approach our positions. At the presidential level that means, in descending order: Kucinich, Edwards, and Obama. (Make your own judgments regarding viability, spoiling, and symbolic delegate elections after the nominee is known).
We should redouble our efforts to open impeachment hearings for Cheney and Bush, in order to discourage new wars, in order to set a precedent, and because Bush and Cheney will not end any occupations in 2008 if they are in office, no matter what Congress does. And we should lobby Congress to end the legal funding of the occupations in 2008.
It is this last approach that I want to discuss at greater length.
There are voices urging us to allow Congress to do nothing for another full year, and to focus on trying to elect veto-proof super-majorities of Democrats in both houses for 2009. Such a stance is admirable for its recognition that the president in 2009 may be a Republican. But it's unwise, I think, in two regards.
First, it's very likely to fail, and if it fails it will leave behind nothing but despair, nothing built, nothing advanced, nothing but another two years of telling us to allow Congress to do nothing until the NEXT election. (If you don't believe me, go back and look at what the same people were arguing for early in 2006.) And every two years of failure to act will not just mean the waste of lives and treasure; it will also make it less likely for the strategy to work over time. Voters don't usually reward inaction.Of course, the approach will fail even with sufficient Democrats in Congress if the president is a Democrat, because in that case the Congress will likely not override a veto.
The veto-override strategy only works if you're pushing for a Republican president and Democratic Congress or vice versa, but everyone promoting it is pushing for Democratic wins in both branches. Secondly, this approach does a grave disservice to citizens of this country by giving them the false impression that Congress has to pass a bill in order to end an occupation, whereas Congress has a much easier approach available to it, one that it could use this year or build the momentum this year to use next year regardless of electoral outcomes.
Before you draw the conclusion that we need (as if that were possible) even MORE emphasis on electing a Democratic president, keep reading.
Other voices are urging us to encourage members of the House to pass a bill requiring an end to the occupation, but failing to use the power of the purse to impose it. And most of the voices urging this approach have as their ideal outcome a failed vote to pass the bill, but a narrower failure than similar bills have seen in the past. Such a bill, if it passes the House (which even it's advocates predict will not happen) is expected to die in the Senate. If it passes the Senate, it is expected to be vetoed. This would take us the long way, at great expense and energy loss, to an argument for electing veto-proof Democratic majorities.
Most of these same voices urge us to encourage House members to introduce the same sort of language as an amendment to a bill to fund the occupations. If such an amendment were to pass, we'd be in the same position described above of facing failure in the Senate or White House. If such an amendment were to fail, as is more likely, we'd be hard pressed to quickly tell everyone to urge their representatives to vote NO on the larger bill. We know this because we took this approach of tying one hand behind our back in 2007. It made us look like idiots, but not nearly as much as doing it AGAIN will.
And if we reach the point of having an anti-occupation bill blocked in the Senate or White House, what will Congress do? We won't have been hammering it with the message of blocking bills and moving forward without bills. Its only possible response to a blocked bill will be to pass the sort of bill that won't be blocked. We know this because we went through the same sequence in 2007. It made us look like idiots, but...(you fill in the rest).
Other voices, the ones I think are right, urge the peace movement to adopt a simple and consistent message. Here is how I would word such a message:Congress has the power to bring all troops, mercenaries, and contractors home safely this year. The cost of bringing them home is minimal and already covered by funds appropriated for wars and for a military budget that eats up over half of every tax dollar. We cannot afford another year of damaged world relations, of dead bodies, and of enormous financial expense.
Representatives can commit to voting No on any appropriations bill that would give another dime to the occupation of Iraq, and can demonstrate their seriousness by voting No even on bringing such bills up for a vote. Senators can and must commit to filibustering the same type of bills. It takes 41 senators or 51% of representatives to apply a tourniquet to this disaster, stop the bleeding, and bring our men and women home.
Like every other option, this one is unlikely to succeed. But it has a number of advantages.
1. It's simple and clear and consistent, making it easier to communicate and generate activism around. We're not for an amendment but against the bill. We're for bringing the troops home now. And the same message will stay our message for months or years until it succeeds.
2. It's more likely to succeed than the other approaches. It requires fewer Congress Members and does not require the president's help at all. And it is made more appealing as the economic recession worsens.
3. If it succeeds, it will make further funding of the occupations illegal and obviously impeachable, and if impeachment fails, at least the next president will have to end the illegal funding or face impeachment on day 1. (It is not clear that a bill to ban the occupation even while funding it would have the same result, even if miraculously signed into law.)
4. It educates citizens about the proper role of the legislative branch of our government.
5. It energizes people by informing them that Congress CAN end the occupation, and by trying something new that hasn't already been tried and failed. That increased energy makes success more likely.
6. It puts pressure on presidential candidates to take clear-cut positions. And once they've taken the right position, they will do everything in their considerable power to make it succeed.
7.If it fails, it builds the understanding and the movement to make it work next year, regardless of how the elections go.
Here's a group that's onto the right approach: http://filibusterforpeace.org/
This approach should inform the actions being planned for peace movement activism in March 2008, marking five years of occupying Iraq: http://resistinmarch.org/
I have NOT checked out the above two groups. You're on your own there until I have more time and less of a wrist injury ....
CRUCIAL ACTION: Contact the House Judiciary Committee and Nancy Pelosi TODAY. Don't wait. One click. The momentum is on our side and the world is watching. Bush cronies WORLD WIDE declaring martial law. Nation of GA, Pakistan, Burma ... Mexico's election illegal and then the flooding. GETTING THEM OUT OF THERE IS AN EMERGENCY. Believe this. And help a country out here.
A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. David Brinkley
Get your ARREST BUSH Tshirt HERE!!
Tampa Firemen and Other Firemen Fire Brigade: NeoNazis
Follow along with Tampa Stalking HERE.
The DOCUMENTED TRUTH about Masons and Shriners (part of it )
Be the ONE MILLIONTH PERSON to sign the IMPEACH BUSH petition.
text "CHENEY" to 30644 to impeach him first, or text "BUSH" to 30644 to impeach him first, or text "BOTH" to 30644 if you think it would be strategically wise to go for the double play
The heart has it's reasons which reason knows nothing of.
We know truth, not only by reason, but also by the heart.
Blaise Pascal
Here's the last 25 messages on the Impeach Cheney matter
No Excuses : Email any rep in the country. Go ahead. They have to answer you; it's what you pay them for. Compel them to uphold their oath to protect the Constitution of the United States of America.
The lie was dead
And damned, and truth stood up instead.
Robert Browning
Also TEXT the word "TODAY" to 30644 to become part of the John Edwards campaign. Do it. He actually had rainbow bumper stickers. Kinda thoughtful.
I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Bill Nelson 202 224 5274
Kathy Castor 202 225 3376 (UPDATED NUMBER)
Mel Martinez 202224 3041
Send a letter to the St.Pete Times
I don't care what you talk about but keep sending letters until they publish one. They're very selective with WHOM they publish because I see the same names over and over. Don't let a few people speak for ALL of us.
And call your congressman and talk to her of Inherent Contempt. Do it. And hug everyone you can reach.
North Jersey JUST DOIN it.
Headlights to Impeach
Turn them ON. PlEaSe ! Help a country out here. Also, click the link to sign the petition. Takes three seconds.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll
Click Here
Bush Business (two states moving to convene grand juries)
Email your Congressman
Court of Impeachment and War Crimes
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
Stop Organized Stalking
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
Technorati Tags global warming
Technorati Tags: magical sheep, Truckspy rawks, shaggy sheep, SUVs