Dear Florilina
Don't count your chickens and alla that ....
Soon as I can figure out how to stick a pin in all of you at the same time you'll BURST.
All will pour out of you.
The rest of us can wipe the shit from our eyes and move on.
How to steal property from people and make it look like you are not even an interested party. Has this gone on since July 15, 1877?
Don't count your chickens and alla that ....
Soon as I can figure out how to stick a pin in all of you at the same time you'll BURST.
All will pour out of you.
The rest of us can wipe the shit from our eyes and move on.
Posted by
Vox Populi
7/21/2010 05:16:00 PM
Posted by
Vox Populi
7/21/2010 09:57:00 AM
Labels: stephen michael baxley denise pomponio mike roberts TPD HITMAN MURDER
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In other words: read it, enjoy it ... copy it, paste it, distribute it widely.
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