The Keller Tome WATERS show
Further update:
read what little bro says ..... (yeah Delgado's no ganger and he's not related to the stalking meth and heroin heads and dealers .... I told yall you shouldn't use your dealers to stalk people .. it's fucking stupid. )
from Tampa
Aug 20th, 2009 8:31 AM
I send my thoughts and prayers to the family of this brave police officer. May God bless you in your time of need.
Bern from Newfoundland, Canada
Aug 20th, 2009 8:31 AM
I am a Provincial Police Officer with the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary in Newfoundland, Canada where Mike's mom is from & it always hits home when a brother officer gives the ultimate sacrifice for the community. No excuses for this tragedy.
Littlebro from Clearwater
Aug 20th, 2009 8:30 AM
Google map the guy's address and look at the fleet of cars out front - including a BMW.
jason r from st. petersburg
Aug 20th, 2009 8:30 AM
My sincerest condolences to officer Roberts' family and fellow officers.
lynn from pinellas park
Aug 20th, 2009 8:14 AM
God bless CPL. Roberts and his family and co-workers. We all need to reflect on what police officers do every single day to keep the rest of us safe. Sadly, when we loose an officer in this way, we realize
Well the plot just thickened:
Dirty as they come. Visiting his DIRTY FAMILY.
Oh and the BIKER NEIGHBOR : (about delgado) 'yeah he ain't never caused no trouble ... just arguing like with all families....
(or maybe they spray the same ANGRY SHIT around delgado as they do around mY FAMILY .. stuff makes you lose your temper very easily .. temporary symptoms as soon as you get away from it for five minutes into better air you are fine)
And maybe took out TWO COPS and a drug lord all at the same time ....
Police officer killed Mike Roberts had compassion, humor
Tampa Police Cpl. Mike Roberts leaves behind a wife, a 3-year-old son, and a legacy of good policing. Humberto Delgado, formerly a police officer in the Virgin Islands, is accused of fatally shooting Roberts last night.
looking very smug today.
WHO, in Tampa is powerful enough of JUST SLEEZY ENOUGH to or PIG ENOUGH to set a cop up?
Because, it's business as usual around the stalking pigs only a LITTLE MROE OF IT where they have been hiding inside the last week or so they're out strutting around all proud and gardening (READ STALKING) and shuffling their shit same as usual only MORE OF IT.
The reading I get: they got themselves a cop.
Too many questions come to mind. No one had ever EVER seen this guy who murdered him before.
He's got a shopping cart in THAT area? What's suspicious about that? NADA.
A guy comes from the town n country krewe (same as the tampa fireman's nephew .. gonna get some help from town n country, huh? yeah .. ) ALL THE WAY over THERE to cart eight or so guns down the street. yeah.
Cause he ain't part of no gang.
Cause he wasn't crazy enough to kill a cop.
Cause someone KNEW HE WAS and made that call at just that very moment.
They're looking especially smug over on Nebraska. News crews and cops all over the place. Bidness as usual. Not even a fucking slow down or a hiccup.
And the bikers and firemen out doing the usual intimidating.
And the stupid mail whore who sends back perfectly addressed mail and incites dogs. They run together like clockwork.
So, Mike Roberts bled to death on a sidewalk in front of a sleezy fucking dump that employs crackheads and thieves ... and worse. Right down from Chester's where TOAD likes to stalk. Mr. Tome's toad.
Guy beaten to death in a hotel not far from there about a week ago. Old neighbor of WHO??? WHO ??????
And the nervous twitters of Ivette-co. Cause they got them a cop.
And some of you cops KNOW IT.
Those dirty motherfuckers you let slide?
They killed mike roberts just as sure as these gangers did.
Who disappeared Ivette's mugshot off the sheriff's website?/?
Why does old 700 visit mr. tome so much??
Why is Mike Roberts dead?
Why does a sheriff wannabe sit on his fat ass watching all this go by and sees nothing wrong with it?
Ya don't go around killing cops.
Well, we'll see. Maybe in Tampa you DO go around killing good cops.
But, whomever was on their knees crying over Mike Roberts?
You go get these motherfuckers.
You go down to that courthouse and see how Mike Roberts arrested.
As far back as February of 08.
You go have a look.
And you find out why that judge won't grant protection orders to people who CARE whether good cops get killed while the scumbag cops go visit the stalkers and SCUM.
You do that.