State of the Sunshine helps with RECALL INFO
Would everyone please join me in welcoming Jim Johnson back to the light side???
He's in complete denial but this man and Mark Spence are TOO FINE to be Republicans. I'm sorry. They just are. At least the current repubs.
Jim, I sense that you REALLY want to be on our side. (and you were once) How can you avoid the 'mess that the wetlands issue is'?? I thought you once wanted to represent US.
Anyway, I have more to say but I have a hot date. (not at joe's in my bikini just yet) .... so I can't get verbose here.
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful recall information. And, as usual, I'm being perfectly sincere. I admire your acumen in wonk'ing.
If there is anything about how elections work that folks need to know you are the go-to guy in my corner of the world.
So, don't think I'm being smart-alecky. It's widely known that I think you're WAY TOO CUTE to be a darn darkside dude.
With us and a good view on the light side, you'd have every chance of being elected. But you'd have to give us YOUR HEART !!!
Come on, come on let me coax you on back......
Oh, and Stogie --- THANKS
SORRY but I'm copying the whole post: Every time I link to it it says :Operation aborted. That happening to anyone else?? If that ever happens at MY site I want to KNOW !!!!
How Recall Elections Work…
Jim Johnson 10:02am August 17, 2007 1 Comment
I have stayed out of the whole EPC-wetlands mess with the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners. (Wayne Garcia’s posts on the subject can be found under his “environment” tag here. You can also find some on Sticks of Fire’s “environment” tag here.)
In general, I understand both sides — we need to protect the environment, while not restricting the rights of property owners to develop their property. It’s a balance that can be hard to identify. And I have no real feeling on whether or not what the Hillsborough County Commission, sitting as the Environmental Protection Commission has decided.
That being said, there are a couple of local bloggers who are calling for a recall election for the four commissioners who originally voted to dissolve the wetlands division of the EPC.
I do not believe this is necessary or a good idea. However, for those who do, here are the high points of the process spelled out by Florida law.
1. Any member of the governing body of a municipality or charter county, hereinafter referred to in this section as “municipality,” may be removed from office by the electors of the municipality. (Hillsborough is a “charter county”, and now any time you see “municipality” below, it includes the county commission.)
2. A petition shall be prepared naming the person sought to be recalled and containing a statement of grounds for recall in not more than 200 words limited solely to the grounds specified in paragraph (b). (See # __ below)
3. If more than one member of the governing body is sought to be recalled, whether such member is elected by the electors of a district or by the electors of the municipality at-large, a separate recall petition shall be prepared for each member sought to be recalled.
4. In a municipality or district of 25,000 or more registered electors, the petition shall be signed by at least 1,000 electors or by 5 percent of the total number of registered electors of the municipality or district as of the preceding municipal election, whichever is greater.
(According to the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections, there are more than 676,000 voters now, and 5% of that is almost 34,000 signatures to recall Norman and Blair. However, the “preceding election” was in 2006, so the applicable number is probably slightly less than that. In a district, it would be roughly 1/3rd of that number or around 11,500 - for Hagan and White)
5. Electors of the municipality or district making charges contained in the statement of grounds for recall and those signing the recall petition shall be designated as the “committee.” A specific person shall be designated in the petition as chair of the committee to act for the committee.
6. All signatures shall be obtained within a period of 30 days, and the petition shall be filed within 30 days after the date the first signature is obtained on the petition.
7.(b) The grounds for removal of elected municipal officials shall, for the purposes of this act, be limited to the following and must be contained in the petition:1. Malfeasance;2. Misfeasance;3. Neglect of duty;4. Drunkenness;5. Incompetence;6. Permanent inability to perform official duties; and7. Conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude.
8. The petition shall be filed with the auditor or clerk of the municipality or charter county, or his or her equivalent, hereinafter referred to as clerk, by the person designated as chair of the committee, and, when the petition is filed, the clerk shall submit such petition to the county supervisor of elections who shall, within a period of not more than 30 days after the petition is filed with the supervisor, determine whether the petition contains the required valid signatures.
9. If it is determined that the petition has the required signatures, then the clerk shall at once serve upon the person sought to be recalled a certified copy of the petition. Within 5 days after service, the person sought to be recalled may file with the clerk a defensive statement of not more than 200 words.
10. The clerk shall, within 5 days, prepare a sufficient number of … copies of the recall petition and defensive statement, as well as the names, addresses, and oaths on the original petition, and deliver them to the person who has been designated as chair of the committee and take his or her receipt therefor. Such prepared copies shall be entitled “Recall Petition and Defense” and shall contain lines and spaces for signatures and printed names of registered electors, place of residence, election precinct number, and date of signing, together with oaths to be executed by the witnesses … . The clerk shall deliver forms sufficient to carry the signatures of 30 percent of the registered electors.
11. Upon receipt of the “Recall Petition and Defense,” the committee may circulate them to obtain the signatures of 15 percent of the electors. (101,000+ for county-wide, 34,000 or so for districts)
12. Within 60 days after delivery of the “Recall Petition and Defense” to the chair, the chair shall file with the clerk the “Recall Petition and Defense” which bears the signatures of electors.
13. The supervisor shall be paid by the persons or committee seeking verification the sum of 10 cents for each name checked.
14. In the absence of a resignation, the chief judge of the judicial circuit in which the municipality is located shall fix a day for holding a recall election for the removal of those not resigning.
Okay, did you get all of that??
First you get 5% of the voters to sign the petition within a 30-day period.
Then the commissioner gets to submit a statement of defense which is put on new petition forms, and you go get 15% of the voters to sign the forms within a 60-day period.
If that happens, only then will there be a recall election.
So, say it with me, kids.
“Not. Gonna. Happen.”
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Here's the last 25 messages on the Impeach Cheney matter
No Excuses : Email any rep in the country. Go ahead. They have to answer you; it's what you pay them for. Compel them to uphold their oath to protect the Constitution of the United States of America.
The lie was dead
And damned, and truth stood up instead.
Robert Browning
Also TEXT the word "TODAY" to 30644 to become part of the John Edwards campaign. Do it. He actually had rainbow bumper stickers. Kinda thoughtful.
I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Bill Nelson 202 224 5274
Kathy Castor 202 225 3376 (UPDATED NUMBER)
Mel Martinez 202224 3041
Send a letter to the St.Pete Times
I don't care what you talk about but keep sending letters until they publish one. They're very selective with WHOM they publish because I see the same names over and over. Don't let a few people speak for ALL of us.
And call your congressman and talk to her of Inherent Contempt. Do it. And hug everyone you can reach.
North Jersey JUST DOIN it.
Headlights to Impeach
Turn them ON. PlEaSe ! Help a country out here. Also, click the link to sign the petition. Takes three seconds.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll
Click Here
Bush Business (two states moving to convene grand juries)
Email your Congressman
Court of Impeachment and War Crimes
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
Stop Organized Stalking
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
Technorati Tags global warming
Technorati Tags: magical sheep, Truckspy rawks, shaggy sheep, SUVs