George Sodini
okay I tricked you but this post is about SOMEONE and SOMETHING TRICKY.
And I think half that george sodini shit was a lie and a joke. OPRAH KNOCK IF FUCKING OFF... he's in the white house. WHAT is the rest of your dream???? Please STOP THE HATING YOU FUCKERS.
BUT here's what I want you to read.....
Tricky Ricky Baker trying to get in and replace Carl Kuttler at SPC. (another pol as COLLEGE PREZ WE DO NOT NOT NOT NEED) and no one else in the formerly free world thinks so either... GO READ LT FROM LARGO> I BOUT DIED LAUGHING
I do object. SPT has wonderful educators and many MANY good administrators but they are taking on the Irish Republican Army and OTHER HATERS by the droves and some are just revealing their colors. um. Now. The thing is there are places on campus that are so bad that a normal person can't sit there. Air and other things just like the libraries they pipe it in . yes it sounds crazy but it be da troot. I'm the witness. AND they do it on purpose. Televisions playing everywhere you could go and study... nasty people in the other venues. SELECTIVE EDUCATION. the thugs are trying to chase the real people out. Pity their next generations with nothing but motherfucking IDIOTS running things. (oh kinda like now LOL but at least we have a FEW real doctors)
None of the decent people want Tricky Ricky there.
BUT ... (and plus where would people CAMP??? he would slash their tents and backpacks!!!!!)
ON THIRTEEN CAMPUSES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(good lord not to mention the effect on education .... why not just send rat's nest maryEllen Elia over rover)
BUT ... (again I say) scroll down from LT from Largo and then go read the rest of them.
I laughed OUT LOUD ... thanks LT.
yall have to link up to it yourselves. I can't load a photo.
BUT BIKER .. there's something here for YOU, hon..
So it's either attempted murder or .... WHAT//
LOL. Either way you and snake seller (got the pictures) GOING DOWN. It will be more fun with the lil gay fella. The head will be VERY good. You can take turns. GAD THE MENTAL PICTURE. When I get your photos here (and they're coming) people will get that. He's totally got you in the looks dept which isn't saying much.
lollllollolollo and you and that buncha halfwits that tome has in there ... first there's a witness saw him in my car. second... yall can't just negate all the evidence how you slither out DA DO AND ... 'lou' is like the fifth one.
you must have me confused with your whore mother. Yes another tactic ... try to convince someone they are ugly, a prostitute or a helpless addict or crazy or have cancer or ... OH MY've worn out the m'fing list and I'll remind you again: YOU LOST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY BACK.
OH and for god's sake ... robby DOES the fucking TPD do anything anymore except ME?
I guess I'd try to keep you happy too.
you had your laughs I can have mines.
It's going to be dull as dirt around here soon.
I just settled on my price.
Because your high horse apparently has you fucked up folks in a girdle lock ... or a chastity belt (i wish)
SO, it will cost you well over 2.5 million dollars for NOT asking a single question ... ..
Oh anyone who has interest go look up the name IVY in public official records. These slippery bastards are acquiring up the property. (NOT IVY but under the name. I'll try to remember to link it up later.
Tell the truth I'm still wavering between two point five and seven ... my grammy's lucky number. Course her lucky numbers were REALLY one and seven so maybe SEVENTEEN.
AND you owe me more for fucking stealing things from me because you thought you could.
So get your blood money ready.
I've got my weber grill on order ..... oooh watch the priddy colors of that city's money burning.....
tried to tell ya taxpayers but you just keep rolling over for these thugs. FUCK THEM.
Oprah KNOCK IT OFF. Seriously.