Here's another PRIME candidate for the Tampa Firemen STALKING, CHILD MOLESTERING, THIEVING club/school. This guy is not only
a property thief (ringin your bell!!!!)
he's from Chicago !! (oh blimey the connections to BUGGERING)
Ex-Chicago police commander makes bail in TampaBrady, another former Chicago police officer, called Burge "the best cop I've ever met." He said the two have known each other since 1982 and had been each - 28k -
Cached -
Similar pageshe has A
LOT of free time on his hands,
he would be one of the ones who
could commute from prison to molestering at the fire station.
Or, hell --
from Chicago even .... (he still has his driver's license) *wasted some time looking to link up the fire brigade captain who FLED THE SCENE TWICE but boy that has disappeared after NEVER being published by the Tampa Tribune, at ALL. Anyway, I'm sure he's been promoted'
AND, I bet you that he could sure teach you all some things about molestering children. OR,
children and their moms.
Not only does he MOLEST THEM with UNSPEAKABLE acts, including anal sex and oral sex on children under SIX (the smell of home sweet home) BUT he does it in the apartment building he OWNS. Wow. How you figuring he does that on his poor lil civil servant salary??
One wonders, with all the abuse reported HOW he ever had time to go home and put his lil firefighter tshirt on. OH, that's right ... YALL WEAR THEM EVERYWHERE you go. Unless I say something and then you go home and change your clodhopper shoes. L M A O.
ALSO, it would save money because you all could watch him AND LEARN at the same time on the Tampa firefighter watch the sexual predators AND BE ONE program.
Anyway... he's PERFECT.
Stop the nationwide search for the next FIRE CHIEF.
Here he is.
Looks like he comes with his own booking photo. (another plus oh except for when you guys get arrested in FLORIDA it's a BIG SECRET at least in hillsborough and pasco) Of course, you guys' raises and pensions don't suffer economically like the rest of the world so hell you can hide his face when he gets here. It's your dime.
in a building
he owned in the Little Village neighborhood on the Southwest Side. Jose Moreno, (chicago firefighter) 48, of the 2500 block of South Millard Avenue was ordered held without bond Wednesday after being charged with three counts of
predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, according to Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokesman Andy Conklin.
According to court documents, Moreno is the landlord of the South Millard building and the godfather of one of the alleged victims, a 6-year-old boy. The other alleged victims were a 3-year-old girl and 5-year-old boy.
Moreno looked after the children
three or four days a week for three to four hours at a time, (do ya think he was trading off time with other firefighters or commuting or just has THIS MUCH FREE TIME on the clock??)
Conklin said, citing court records.Kendall Marlowe of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, which is also investigating, said the children are not related to Moreno, though he did serve in a caregiver role. The children remain in the care of their families, he said.According to court documents, on multiple occasions between Feb. 1 and Dec. 11,
Moreno had oral sex with the girl and inserted foreign objects into her vagina. He also allegedly had oral and anal sex with the boys.On some occasions, he would hang the children from pegs on his wall and sexually assault them, Conklin said, citing court records.
The children were sometimes assaulted while the others watched, according to court records, and were able to describe the assaults to police.After the alleged assaults were reported to DCFS on Dec. 11 and to police on Dec. 12, a search was conducted of Moreno’s home, and police found children’s underwear, wall pegs, holes in the wall for the pegs to be placed, photos of children in sexually suggestive positions and photos of dolls simulating sex acts, sometimes with Moreno, court records allege.
(when I re-read this to embolden the most disgusting parts I realized that those pegs on the walls are very reminiscent of how yall hang up that bunker gear you have in droves while troops still can't GET BODY ARMOR. You know ... the REAL heroes. So, my question: Did this psycho learn this ON THE JOB TRAINING????)

Maybe this guy just made one of his fellow firepigs mad and they had one of their endless asskissing associates rat him for nothing.*i kinda don't think so. I don't think the firepigs have this much imagination_
In other news... another confederate boy related to the Tampa Fireman's nephew life felony charge has been revealed to be ... are you ready for it/?? A SNITCH. Yes, a snitch. whoooo such a shocker.
So far ....
brave confederates (not seeing this so much)
SNITCHING CONFEDERATES: Over 110 and rising.
Wow. Now, the only reason they are markered as confederates is because of the arrangement of indicia stating such on their vehicles ... PROUDLY DISPLAYED.
Actually I guess that really isn't other news.
ORGANIZE FOR SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE, PEACE and other goalsFavor Factory 2008 quick look at your congress person and WHERE they send your money and who gives them money frequently the same names on both lists. Have a look.
suggested email signature: NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA
may have read this email without warning,
warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or
legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection
save to call for the impeachment of the current President.
ALL colors with love and respect."This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
Tampa Firemen and Other Firemen Fire Brigade: NeoNazisFollow along with Tampa Stalking HERE.Additional