WHY?? TONS of the IRA are HERE in America .. they just want us looking THERE so they get about the business here.
Anyway ... being both British and Irish but a self-identifier as Irish normally I do my best to understand this. I got that self-identifying schtick from ummmm yknow who. My family is very proud of our Irish heritage but we're damned lucky to be British, as well. The cheekbones, lass.
Now, this time we're talking about some privileged British youth (SUPPOSEDLY) attacking firemen and whatnot ... (see, the British KNOW what you motherfuckers ARE of course they attack your murderous asses) Now, Ireland has dissolved into mayhem for the last five or so years on St Patty's day. My thinking on this without going back and reading is this could be as FEW as five people starting this.
I go places and observe. I watch rock bands incite certain people in the audience to start some shit. This is supposed to be 'moshing' and sometimes it is. Other times it's just mean ass motherfuckers at least three of whom I KNOW WERE FIREMEN and five of whom I identified as off-duty paramedics given an excuse to hit people, start shit with peaceful people and get some folks arrested and thrown out. I have very good photos and video of this activity. And, it's sad that one of my good friends is complicit but yknow I completely overlook that for personal reasons and keep up the good hope for him.
Anyway ... completely without taking sides because I do not care who you are ... WHEN an officer of the law asks you to stop what you are doing unless it endangers your life you are to stop it. Plain and simple. OR prepare for the consequences. And ... either way .. I've bonded a few folks out of jail and laughed at their tales so .... and I've talked to some cool cops and love a few ... that's the set of rules we live in to try to maintain a civilized society. In the George Bush years this civility fell by the wayside in a bad way. So ... now I no longer respect the police in all cases, I absolutely think almost one hundred percent of Tampa Firemen are losers, thieves, rapists, stranglers and murderers. DEFINITELY STALKERS AND SWINE. MOST DEF. BUT, that does not mean I should change the way I am or act. I remain civil but you call a motherfucker a motherfucker civil or not. That's just that. That's the British. And the Irish.
So, this could have been three British chaps or three Irish lads and they could have started a raft of stink. One guy with a stick could start a riot. The firemen probably burned the damn cars. Why do you think they are firemen??? THEY LOVE FIRE. They threaten to burn our house down ALL THE TIME. ALL THE TIME. Anyway .... (by proxy in some cases) .... this doesn't sound like prep school activity to me.
But here we go again planting that British/Irish conflict. Hmmm. See, I think this is by design.
Incidentally... IRA, while I kinda agree with you I also understand that it's your own fooking fault for trying to tamp down YOUR OWN PEOPLE. That's nasty. AND, what makes YOU any better than the British with YOUR activity?? NUTTIN. You are the same heinous assholes. Two sets of heinous assholes does not make it right. You're just KILLING PEOPLE. KILLING THEM.
British ummm youth or folks: If you go to the level of those with whom you have issues than you're on their level. NO BETTER THAN THEM.
Bring the fight back up to the HUMAN level you group of assholes.
Meantime let the rest of the world go back to dealing with their own lives and enjoying themselves and having a beer together.
The Irish in me is delighted with the good Irish people.
The British in me is delighted that most Brits are not punks.
Incidentally I didn't hear of them WEARING MASKS while they did this activity .. is that next. OH I'm dying to know .. IS NICK SCHUYLER A MEMBER OF THE LOCAL IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY??? Wow all that bad press lately ... see I always liked yall despite your republican moniker but now I know ... sorry ... ya shoulda kept the romantic image flame burning but I see no romance where I look. Just GREED AND HATE GREED AND HATE.
And the REALIST in me ain't blaming this one on no one. Wasn't there haven't read any REAL LIVE WITNESS accounts as in the IRA EXECUTION OF UNARMED MEN and so ...
I'm right proud that the Brits know how to treat the firemen.
They know what yall are all about.