People, Tampa Fire Rescue and the news reporters have a deal: IF the firefighters get arrested, it's NOT NEWS anymore. And, Jane Castor does not arrest them, one infers. BUT, little minor house fires (otherwise known as dull explosion meth labs) make the news on a regular basis. *st pete times results which are likely uncertainly low due to one search only being performed, but all about fire.
See in other places ALL AROUND THE WORLD: Meth lab explosions REPORTED. Yup.
Read the commentary here where the "man of the cloth" disclaims knowledge of those nice people in his basement cooking up meth. And the further statements by the "police" that they had some "intelligence" about it being a meth lab. There are TESTS for that. Covering it up endangers EVERYONE AROUND.
And here's from google: Tampa House Fire
The GED holders make up stories about candles (the "reporters" probably help them) and anything else that strikes their fancy with one glaring exception: METH LABS.
There has NEVER EVER been a meth lab found in Tampa since the year 2003, I believe. Coincidental with Pam's arrival and protection and Keller and biker scum occupying and developing the meth houses in sulphur springs.
Now, Mike Keller and krewe run a string of crack and meth houses which enjoy full protection of the Tampa Fire DEPT and Tampa Police Dept. If you don't believe me perform a simple experiment. Call the police and report them. Then stand on the corner with your camera and record as the police drive up, stay on the other side of the street, some drunk from the Comparetto family staggers towards the cruiser yelling Whatcha got? Whatcha GOT? While the officer says almost nothing. Go ahead. Then call the police when his other crack house tenant goes inside with a stolen stop sign while the signs disappear from the neighborhood and listen to the county lady discuss with you that they are "untouchable".
What comes to mind when you think of someone as "untouchable"?
Don't wonder anymore. Get your camera. Sit in the public right of way at Mitchell and Rampart or Mitchell and Fairbanks and observe for about 20 minutes. (I do not do this, these folks work overtime, frothing at the mouth harassing my family and occasionally my family is forced to call the complicit tampa police on them, Notably this harassment peaks when THEIR cops are sure to respond) More likely their cops will respond since the murder of Mike Roberts, TPD which is the same covered-up story, right? Same gang. Same hit and run gang. All together in murder and profit.
Anyway, after you observe a crime and call the police, watch what happens. THEY HAVE NEVER ONCE in fifteen or less times called EVER EVER gotten out of their car. Once different members of my family and other citizens in Tampa called them three times for the same felony. Second time they complained that the first cop never left his car. Second cop NEVER EVEN SLOWED DOWN. Third call: NO ONE SHOWED UP. 8418 N. Arden Avenue (public records)
This tells you that the Tampa cops and Pam Iorio and Jane Castor are in on these property grabs. THESE FOLKS ARE CITY AND COUNTY SANCTIONED TO DRIVE OTHER CITIZENS FROM THEIR HOMES.
Not only that they endanger every one of us and our properties with their city-sanctioned meth labs. (spin a story TFR as I know you're sitting over there reading this as I type GUILTY)
They all know each other. They have on board the Puerto Rican Krewe of Tome-co who enjoys (also) the full protection of the State's Attorney's Office even as far as their DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ADVOCATES who are supposed to be there for VICTIMS. Also documented.
Notice Mr. Keller seems to know Mumford quite well. Lots of video of Mumford confabbing with the hos along with the shootout he stages also on video with the dispatcher yelling YES THOSE ARE GUNSHOTS. Obviously more than a few of the gangsters of TPD were involved as a few minutes later Paul rounded the corner and drove in an obvious fashion by the caller's residence rather than by where the shooting had occurred and the reported car had driven (directly past Fire Station 11), where as you might recall Eddy James Ivey was beaten to death a few feet away and it was called a fight and they heard nothing through open windows with a CLEAR VIEW OF THE SCENE on a balmy summer night. Stephen Michael Baxley (GO LIVE WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LIVE YOU LOSER) also lured a pizza delivery man next door to the same tampa fire rescue paramedic house where eddie james ivey was beaten to death out front and kicked him to the ground and robbed him. Got probation for an armed robbery. Another disappeared gun same as James D. Mason, nephew of Spence Roberts, Tampa Fire Rescue. (notably absent from the discussion due to paper trail also building on keller who has more crack whores and their daughters at his disposal FIVE MINTUES FROM LINKWAY his own robber son) I'm pretty sure Keller left another son behind in Indiana who is serving life in prison for murder. Could be wrong but hey, it's the same name and they're both from Indiana. More on that another time.
Keller KNEW and knows all the above people before he slithered on to Mitchell Avenue. From his previous addresses harassing the neighbors out of their properties, now biker occupied. He recently bought down the street from the old Renegade Clubhouse on Rampart. One assumes the happy memories akin to shelley john golden has of the little girls in the neighborhood. Shelley lives a happy life intimidating people for the other meth dealers kinda like all of gonzalez/tome's tenants.
SO, given all the other indicators this marks them as brothers the way darrell always had brothers. You'd never know because they are only murder-club brothers which makes a very tight sleezy group due to the secrets KNOWN about each other. Nice video of the tear drop guy more than once in ballast park. GANG of murderers.
Anyway .. suffice to say, Keller enjoys the same protection.
So, back to the crack lab explosions.
Making crazy gestures and calling people crazy holds no water when you search the Tampa Fire Rescue records for the last week and find NO LISTING for a car and home (meth lab) explosion within 25 feet of dozens of (never were homeless but landed there direct from new jersey with nicer cars THAN YOU ala Metro Ministries)
Within yards of two other jam crowded crack homes and adjacent to two other crack homes (one previously occupied by Stephen Baxley who moved from Mr. Keller's street to live there for a time and brought his tracking girlfriend and her tag-switching 675KNB or KNB 676 going from memory intimidation fat asses with her)
Used to be these folks were watched over by sheriff wannabe Earl Harper. He took a powder (after FORTY YEARS according to public records) after the last blogging, apparently he's soon to be riding dirty in a cop car. GAD. But he still has a bunch of lowlifes hanging there. Again, all related.
So ... you won't find any listing for this explosion but my family has it on video ... interestingly enough Brighthouse was already on the scene and that explains why (not) they parked in a vacant lot rather than close to the property they were called for. According to visuals the internet connection for that location was never lost so .. ummm whatever.
Oh, btw .. you could ROLL on your belly from Fire Station 11 to this explosion in under 45 seconds so there is no way the cloud of black smoke from a car in cinders and the explosion were not noted by Tampa FIRE Rescue folks.
They went at cleaning it up right quick. If I hadn't had an errand to run and cut through on my way back to my own crack free house I would not have seen this and neither would you.
So, we're ALL CRAZY but here's the evidence of crack house and meth lab explosions covered up by Tampa Fire Rescue and TPD and Mike Keller and krewe. Those snake sellers read here right regular as noted by the disappearing sign. OR is that from the taps on our phones??? Yup. Or MAYBE your biker folks down to code and city hall. Yup.
Please note the duct tape is on the OUTSIDE of the window indicating that an explosion blew them OUT. Also, there is more evidence of smoke and flames in the ceiling and roof and on the adjacent house's roof. This was a quick shot from my car. My cousin refuses to go over there and get better shots and video. PLUS, it's probably all fixed by now as this is clearly visible from the NO TRESPASSING WINDMILL ARMS "HOMELESS" SHELTER housing the other slingers.
The car was burnt as bad as if it were abandoned so it was burning for awhile and also had to have been put out by professionals. There were char marks underneath it and etc. No one died there obviously so it wasn't smoking in bed and I happen to know the kitchen is on the other side. As you can see the window unit is intact and ... well, there is no way it's anything but a meth lab. Ignored by TPD who stay in their cars as they know in advance they're protecting the dump just as they did dog thief frankie caraballo and heroin ho windy charneco.
Man I really dislike when I'm blogging and others chime in with more info which I research and then FIND: City of Tampa Water and Utilities, the scum who is sending taht shit into your homes (lots and lots and lots of evidence besides evidence of mayor pam's knowledge of same) has done some type of purge which happened in the last month or so .. no, the last WEEK or so... luckily we saved most of that stuff and backed it up.
So, not only did liverlips Steve Borden (related to cops on Beaumont plus the stalking swine, coincidentally also Keller's friend, mumford who also has a relative worked on my mama's home and claimed it was LIGHTNING NOT AN ARSON) cover up the dog theft for frankie caraballo and then sheriff gee disappeared frankie's warrants the same way he disappeared colin breen's felony record and Ivette Perez Clsudio's mugshot just as we discovered who the new pregnant stalker WAS : TOME) city of tampa water has now tried to disappear snaggle tooth frankie's very existence.
Mr. Faedo?? What do you know about this?
Anyway ... about a week ago City of Tampa water listed EVERYONE who has ever been on an address's water bill. Inexplicably they bumped that down to three. NO REASON FOR THAT AT ALL. NONE. Come up with one. So that's THREE DEPARTMENTS IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY COVERING UP AND DISAPPEARING WARRANTS FOR THESE GODDAMN CRACK GANGSTERS AND MURDERERS.
SO, that means they're inextricably connected in business together ready 8413.
Here's the meth lab explosion covered up by Tampa Fire Rescue and unnoted by Tampa Police Dept at 8418 N. Arden Avenune.
Oh and a look at frankie caraballo's disappeared self. He's slithered up around here somewhere (hummer limo) but you won't find him or his disappeared warrants online.
Ask the sheriff.
Will be interesting to hear COT water's reason why they hid the other users of water though if your house is foreclosed water bills are one thing that NEVER goes away..... it's da rulez.
But if you look up the other caraballos it's manufacturing, dispensing, federal... there's 30 new frankies in the dog thief house now.
He moved a block over similar to stephen michael baxley rotating through the same four blocks pointing guns at people, intimidating people and strangling crack hos who then follow him down the road in their car begging to be taken back....

This one is the house after the car was QUICKLY and QUIETLY towed away when we saw it and started taking pictures. By some big ugly thug who as usual was more interested in us than HIS JOB. If you've seen some gargantuan, no-haired thang driving around a giant white tow truck with red letter (NOT STEPP'S SOME RUN OF THE MILL DUMP PLACE) that's him... he's a pig. Check out all the pink. It goes up into the ceiling and the tree is burnt as is the ground and the adjacent house. ALL OF THIS very close to children, public utilities and other properties. HUSH HUSH. There's NO RECORD OF THIS.

This one is the car that got towed away quickly (less than seven minutes) after we found it and began to document it.
Look, it's burnt to the ground. This is like tampa fire rescue ambling towards hte car on fire in the middle of the bridge. Don't cars really explode when they're on fire anymore? Why weren't people EVACUATED???
HOW was this not news??
Is this a special circumstance CALL OUT?
These folks are all related to the manatee and robert o'neill gang who apparently just acquired another conley avenue dump.
We're crazy. But here are the pictures of the exploded meth lab covered up by tampa fire rescue.
How's that PascoFD???
How's THAT?
I'm sure silence will reign.
Mike Keller needs the money for his new crack labs, the eventual lawsuit and the long distance calls from murderers left behind in indiana prisons.
Like Larry Wingate someone else is serving mike kellers' life prison sentence but it's NOT going to be US.