I do not have time to edit this (some of the links will be bad but I fixed the most important one) and here's what I got and sorry about any non-working links. Go jump for joy. The criminal cabal is almost toast. I couldn't even turn my head towards the WhiteHouse when I was there. It hurts to look and know he's in there. Actually he was out of town. I will fix the post tomorrow. Thanks for patience.
Fourth Member of Congress calls for impeachment
Rep. Albert Russell Wynn (D-MD) has become the fourth co-sponsor of US
Rep. Dennis Kucinich's (D-OH) bill to impeach Vice President of the United States
Dick Cheney
As Matthew Cardinale of Atlanta Progressive News
which broke the story, notes, "US Rep. Wynn (D-MD) is a champion of
civil rights issues, but unlike Clay, Kucinich, and Schakowsky, he is not a Member
of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. This suggests the bill is gaining appreciation beyond the traditional impeachment constituency of the CPC."
With each additional Representative that signs onto H Res 333 it
becomes harder for other members of the House to argue that impeachment is just a fringe
movement. This would be a good time to write your own Representative and ask them to
follow the courageous lead of Reps. Kucinich, Wynn, Clay, and Schakowsky.
Progressive Democrats of America has provided an easy way for you to do this with their H Res
333 Action
Alert page
Visit the page to send a customized letter to your Representative by
e-mail or postal mail.
If you would like to thank Rep. Wynn, you can call his Washington
office at
(202) 225-8699 or send him a message here
Suppport the March of the People Mario Penalver, a graduate student at the University of Chicago, has an audacious idea. Starting on June 21, he will lead a March of the People on an
800-mile trek from Chicago's Millennium Park to the nation's capital, demanding an
end to the Iraq
War and the impeachment of those who started it. The march will
culminate on September
11 with a national day of protest
against the Bush administration and the war.
A28 is supporting the march, along with After Downing Street, Save the
Bill of Rights,
Impeach for Peace, and Gold Star Families for Peace. Mario is looking
for Rest Stop
Hosts, groups willing to feed and house the marchers on their way
towards Washington,
D.C. This is a request to all A28 supporters to please help out Mario
in any way
you can.
Please visit the March of the People website
for more information about how to get involved.
[] (the bad thing about this other than the broken link is that I am hoping these FUCKERS are long gone by then !!) shit.
Colin Powell's former chief of staff proposes impeachment
Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired Army Colonel, the former Chief of Staff
at the
State Department from 2002 to 2005 under then Secretary of State Colin
Powell, a Vietnam War veteran, the former Acting Director of the Marine
Corps War College at Quantico, and currently a teacher of national
security at William and Mary College. In other words, a freedom-hating
commie pinko
On Thursday, during a radio interview, Wilkerson said "I really do
think that our
founding fathers, Hamilton, Washington,
Monroe, Madison, would all be astounded that over the course of our
short history as a country, 200 plus years, we haven't used that little
two to three lines in Article II of the Constitution more frequently,
the impeachment clause. I do believe that they would have thought had
they been asked by you or whomever at the time of the Constitutional
Convention in Philadelphia 'Do you think this will be exercised?' they
would have said 'Of course it will, every generation they'll have to
throw some bastard out'. That's a form of accountability too. It's
ultimate accountability [...] You compare Bill Clinton's peccadilloes
for which he
was impeached to
George Bush's high crimes and misdemeanors or Dick Cheney's high crimes
and misdemeanors, and I think they pale in significance."
Click here for the complete story
Jacob Park
A28 National Coordinator
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Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll
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