Keller and Tome
That's said TOME AY like GAY according to mark ober's staff who are intimately acquainted with every gang fuck around here.
Couple things losers: a. Mr. Tome: Your professional pigs are making hate gestures and otherwise hateful behavior. I just want you to know that his is NOT protected. You are performing illegal acts and as I know they can just barely read but react to this blog in their smarter than dog (but just barely) ways .... that you know that I know that you put them up to that. So your stalking in a tertiary manner is ONGOING.
You fucking loser. And, by the way, your professional pigs look as though they need a bath. Wassup wid da water over dere??? izzat what chrissy breen was getting at?? And Colin with is camper/biker.
Which bring us to mr. LOL keller qtip.
Wow you ARE an OLD OLD motherfucker. Slender as a crackhead WILLOW and skanky as a rat's ass on a hot tin roof.
Geez. You all hangin around and shit again.....
I count the ways that does you no good.
You think any little minute you can get my attention you have accomplished your fucked up mission.
I cede to your greater, elder wisdom.
Wait for it.
yer my bitch.
fatass scott the murderer ride in circles .... you as crusty as an old bike spoke.
How did jacque go from johnson to rogers to keller and forever remain a single woman???
Sounds like some fraudulent activity to moi considering it uses a host of names and is married some of the time....
May the flies rise up to greet you soon you dipstick old piece of shit.
You and colin barking up the same age tree, huh?? You a bit crustier.
Needa getchoo some young serial killer shit like he's got.
Feedya some arsenic.
You having your 74th bday party you loser???