bu-wi-sh-ki-pedia PLUS
HEY !! I just read in Yahoo... sorry but I've been working on this blog post for HOURS .... and remember how I compared Pam to Kwame?? Well, they're calling for him to resign. OOOO OOOO that would be rich. And deserved. For, she has well and truly used all forces at her command to selectively FUCK OVER those in Tampa who are keepers of the flame (not YOU firestalkers I mean MEN) Oh and interesting ... mary mulhern, tampa city council : sister to jennifer granholm, michigan governor. Kwame's the mayor of Detroit which as most know, is located in Michigan.. SCHMELLY.
(here's the post I'm actually working on... )
As I mentioned yesterday wikipedia and I have reached a final parting of the ways.
This is what I limit Wiki's usefulness to and I'll still double-check their craft: Statistics. And DATES. And you can get THAT stuff ANYWHERE. LOL
So, why bother with wikipedia??? PUT A FORK in bu-wi-sh-ki-pedia. It's DONE. Herewith I'll be giving you the four-pronged fork reason WHY.
I first noticed wiki's bias about a year back. To be fair to MYSELF, I never liked wiki which is why it took me so long to notice. I was highly suspicious of the nature of this monster. Quoting or linking wiki does NOT lend credence to thought NOR is it allowed past the elementary level in thesis. Not where I travel. I attempted to get very intellectual folks interested in wiki but ... that did never happen.
The idea of it being authored and then edited by anyone with any level of scholarly or thoughtful ability did not sit well with me. Call nerdy geniuses what you will ..... or non-nerdy !! we NEED EM.
We need them so when folks like me attempt to write a wiki article (NOT ABOUT THE VOXERS) some little attitude-y swipe does not then email me and say ... OH, that is advertising. Right. It wasn't.
There were other events which crystallized my thoughts on wikipedia:
First of all, I kinda was forced to read a little in Wiki during the whole Rachel Moran homeless ass-kicking marathon ... I was sent there from Majikthise to read Rachel's self-promoting wiki entry. Since revamped.
It DID give me the idea to highlight some things about the tampa blogosphere and on a long list of blogs I did include my own. It was very similar to other wikipedia entries. In fact, I styled it after entries which I researched before I wrote my own and yet someone nixed it as 'promotion'. It wasn't. AND, it seems to be okay if Pam Iorio's wiki entry is PROMOTING. I mean, it's all FALSE GLOSS so what if I want to highlight the Tampa FL blogosphere with an entry of how it evolved??
So, I got the idea that the editors of Wikipedia are self-serving assholes.
Nope. It's MUCH worse than that.
A second incident was when I noted that in Mayor Pam Iorio's wikipedia entry there existed information about her (ADULT) daughter and a skirmish at plant high school. First of all, most of the stuff IN Pam's bio is SKEPTICAL, SPECULATIVE and gossipy false. Ain't no such thing as a curbing in street-level drug-dealing in Tampa ... it's just been ORGANIZED. Some. Most are idiots so how organized can it BE? So that's just stupid, erroneous bullshit. As well, homeless is up OVER 26 PERCENT under her watch and clearly, she does NOT GIVE A SHIT. And, that's NOT my opinion, that's my first-hand observation. The bio-bit about her daughter WAS true but the day after I discovered it, which was around the same time, perhaps the same day of the Rachel Moran foray into wikipedia, it disappeared.
Yet, when I attempted to 'promote' (and I didn't) bay area bloggers they called it 'advertising'.
And, let's not forget I LOATHE the "W" they placed next to their name in their url. It's U G L Y.
And, it reminds me of george W bush-shrub with whom I link Wikipedia in my mind especially after what I noted as you will when you read on ...
Not long back I tried a little experiment. (the third prong in the death-fork for wikipedia) I added to Pam's bio THE TRUE INFORMATION that she was related to Jessica Sierra, the former American idol. Now, this is not only TRUE, it's part of her FAMILY as duly noted and listed. I wrote a very objective two sentences which I linked to mainstream media reports and etc. They're both public figures, the stories are ALL true, all reported in MSM and linked. So, this is pertinent info. (i'll be checking to see what tricky ricky baker, mayor of st pete ALLOWS in his wikipedia blurb,(( you bet I will,)) I HOPE the homeless tentslashing is there)
The tent-slashing is NOT in there but unlike Pam's his does invite you to expand it. LOL. No doubt so he can track your ass down and GET THE STORY STRAIGHT. He's A GREAT GUY. NO REALLY. Just the other day he only ate one homeless person.
I mean why is it A BIO If it's only GOOD STUFF? Huh. Seems more like an obituary, yknow?? I think I also had something to do with the aria ray greene stuff, too(pam's) WHICH IS TRUE but .... I can't remember. At any rate, that survived. Let's see for how long. Interesting how voter turn out is down FIFTY PERCENT since she is not the voting supervisor anymore. I'm telling you that once a voting supervisor THEN the mayor. What goes on in that office that makes such GOOD MAYORS? BIG OLD LAUGHING OUT LOUD !!!!!
Anyway, my experiment was proof in the pudding. What I posted about her family celebrity attachment was gone in LIKE AN HOUR. While the kid was doing good the Tampa Tribune editorialized for us to VOTE FOR THE MAYOR'S NIECE ON AMERICAN IDOL. Lately she had spokesmodels come out on the steps of city hall to deny the relationship. ah. familial love. No problem. I'm, by this time, used to wikipedia being dishonest and was just proving a theory-in-two. I performed this experiment at the County Library for a reason: because I've had files stolen off my photo hard drive at that location (but guess what you can RESTORE THEM FOR FREE>!>!>!) and I therefore am sharply aware that Pam's employees (gits) follow me around online and would therefore KNOW that I changed the wiki entry. I kept checking on it for a laugh and it disappeared with record speed. Yes, that DOES prove that her gits follow me around online. Not for the first time.
Yes, she does deserve the attention after what she unleashed on MY family. And many of yours while you think you're still on the right list. Checked your hair lately? Yeah. Exactly. (if you weren't so busy trying to scare me I'd have kindly told you but instead I lost respect for you. Maybe you can BUY it back LOL)
BUT, that was just for laughs. My own head needs amused sometimes. People busy pushing me and shoving me and trying to scare and intimidate me. Artists have a bent. We aren't violent so we have to be creative in other ways ... hehe. My way of letting the steam off is usually to find something to laugh about. YES, experimenting to see how long it takes stalking assholes to change my entries DOES amuse me. It really does.
THIS is what was the final blow for wiki ..... now it's a four-prong PUT A FORK IN WIKIPEDIA .. THEY"RE DONE.
I happened across a VERY SPECIAL BOOK. Don't expect big things because I'm currently reading twenty seven books, I think. It's not going to do me or you ANY good if I don't tell you what I learn and I'll get there eventually ... I just have to have the WHOLE picture and I don't have it yet, but I'm REALLLYYYYY close.
Cory Taylor's a filthy lil prophet and we're his POPES, babe. There's a BUNCH of us and don't YOU forget it. All the green hair and tats in the world won't kill that. LOL
The thing is that just when I think I've got what I want some magical thing happens and a hand appears out of nowhere and says ... 'here, you might find this interesting.'
AND, you've got enough chutzpah to talk about it.
(BRIEF ASIDE)Yeah. I does. And all the riding up my kid won't stop that. He's smarter than you give him credit for, honey. You'll see. LOL. AND, I've documented enough to sue your ass but good when you fuck with him. For the record.
BUT, this book is "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William Shirer, a very well-respected author, historian and journalist.
Not according to Near-nazi-wikipedia. ((brief aside(((I included the above search (forgive me allah) link because READ the wikipedia entry for him. They refute their own entry for his book. )))) Okay, apparently there is some discussion of the neutrality of this article but the arguments that it is because of wide distribution are VERY weak. Only ten thousand or so were printed the first printing. DEMAND for it was unexpectedly high.
I liken this nastiness to the idea that some local bloggers believe that blogging will replace the newspapers. It's like they seem to KNOW that they will, as they force newspapers to falter. They came from prison countries, perhaps they're more comfortable that way and they long for America to be a prison culture only .... they'll be surprised what side of the fence they're on, eh? Wait and see. Oh and on that subject... a LONG time ago (two years or more) I told a friend of mine that I thought the bikers would be sorry for crawling into bed with certain gangsters .... let's call them Puerto Ricans and some other latinos ... oh, because they are and yeah yeah I have a GAZILLION lovely puerto rican friends and even more latino friends .... These ain't THEM. Anyway, my friend said, .. "I dunno, have you SEEN the size of the bikers lately?"
Honey, size ain't got nothing to do with it. (you've heard the old adage, right???)
If you haven't caught on yet it won't be long. You need to get yourself UP OUT of that before it's too late.
The selective busting has begun. You didn't even have to turn your back. They'll turn you on EACH OTHER, DUMBASSES. I tried to tell you WAY WAY back. But, nonetheless, if you KEEP messing with me I won't be on your side for long.... aye aye aye ...... longevity is starting to fade and ... I'm not seeing my situation change so ... take that to the bank ... you crawled in bed with the wrong people. ANYONE could see that. Whoever's in charge ... ya need to take the reins away cause you're F'ing UP. Just a lil advice from an onlooker. Yes, that IS the way you spell advice.
So, go to Wiki-BUSH-ipedia and READ what they say about this incredible book and then I will show you what others had to say.
This guy I can't really count because he's trying to sell the book (by the way mine's in BETTER condition but will never be for sale) but there are others that ol Bush-i-wiki-pedia failed to errrrr find?
Not only does Wik-Bush-ipedia reveal it's BIAS for the fourth time, it all but reveals the fact that it is brushing aside the horrors of Nazi Germany and HOW that debacle arose by allowing repetitive attacks on the character of the author who actually was a first-hand observer of AND employed by the Nazi party.
I'll have to type you part of his foreword to show you the STARK difference between the information which Wik-Bush-ipedia is selectively doling out and THE TRUTH.
Damn, this made me angry.
Oh, first let's do the plusses before I go off on a typing tear and yeah I type REALLY fast so ignore the typos cause I ain't going back to fix them. NOPE I ISN'T.
John Roberts surprises the hell out of me which makes me wonder what loony tune move he'll be up to for balance. Perhaps a SELECTIVE quote to make us think, oh that johnny, he's SO COOL.
If you read the st pete times you see that once again they grabbed my argument and ran with it .... WHY THE FUCK ARE WE PAYING SOMEONE TO PUMP OUR PRECIOUS WATER AND POISON US WITH THE PLASTIC THEY PUT IT IN AND SELL IT TO US???
Thank you st pete times.
Ummm, if you're a SHERIFF and traffic in NARCOTICS and enlist citizens to help you, thus you will LIVE. BUT, if you are a troubled citizen and ESPECIALLY if you might have seen too much as a BEST FRIEND of the sheriff's son you will NOT get the SIX HOUR STAND OFF a sheriff gets cause of course they KNEW that he would NOT HARM THEM. YEah, what was he doing in there for six hours, reading the fucking constitution for the first time??? Nope, you'll get FIFTEEN MINUTES OR LESS as in the MURDER of Kyle Gableman (nummer n
a hake) by DEPUTIES. Too bad he wasn't a sheriff maybe he'd have gotten his SIX HOURS TO LIVE considering he had committed NO CRIME and wasn't trafficking in narcotics and LIVING IN A GATED COMMUNITY with that narcotic profit AND OUR TAX DOLLARS. Sure makes me more believable, huh? LOL
How's YOUR gated community?? L O L> First of all, I wouldn't LIVE in one. I think they're no better than compounds. Keeping someone out or keeping US in?? Yeah. Think about it. Anyway ... I bet they are also (SELECTIVELY AS IN THE PLANT HIGH NEIGHBORHOOD IN SOUTH TAMPA UNGATED BUT THAT IRKS THEM AND THEY TRY TO KEEP YOU OUT WITH THEIR BOUGHT COPS AND FIREMEN, hell they don't have to BUY THEM they're ALL RELATED or inbred) places where the cops and fire stalkers, I mean MEN get REAL WATER pumped to them. And I repeat: THE WATER BETTER BE FIXED. I don't think it IS yet but soon would be THE TIME to stop poisoning the water of Tampa FL SELECTIVELY you disgusting murdering corrupt SICK bastard THIEVES.
Okay, I KNOW that was fun now let me prove to you how Bu-wi-sh-ki-pedia (i think I'll settle on that one) has lied and promoted selective falsehoods to further the downfall of TRUE HISTORY and to rewrite history so that the revision consists of LIES and works to disguise what the Nazis did the first, second and THIRD times around and help them WORK THE FOURTH REICH which you may not realize but THAT is what lies beneath the surface of this country and others. --- NOT black and white anger and resentment. I'm so fucking sick of your ethnocentrism. I think that EVERYONE should be forced to GO HOME. GO HOME. Back to ireland, back to cuba, back to england, back to iraniraqpakistan... yeah, including me. Because, yknow WHAT? If this shit don't CEASE that will be all that will work. And, THAT is SOME SICK. But, you're fucking up the one place we PRETEND to be FREE. LOL.
STOP THE FUCKING LIES. (and here I include obama yeah sure he's the first "black" dude of mixed heritage to tell the truth uhhh no here I'll go on back to tiger woods again... he seems to miss this experience LOL maybe because he has some class and he ain't a frigging NAZI) It's NOT RACISM it's NAZI-ism and you are attempting to pit groups against each other to further the FOURTH REICH. I know it. Others know it and the evidence exists in large and small ways. (read a slam for hillary I LOATHE THEM BOTH EQUALLY)
I happen to think this is a pretty BIG way. They can't TAKE BACK or destroy the book (YET)but they can attempt to destroy the credibility of the author.
You decide the truth.
When I see that big, shiny W for wikipedia AND george and TOO MANY OTHER places and folks anymore all I REALLY see is the swastika. I think if you spin that W fast enough it will look the same as the spinning swastika.....
Some interesting words...
Here's part of the foreword of this excellent book: (reminder, I'm copy-typing this at a high rate of speed learned as a computer GEEK so ... whatever on the typos)
First of all there's a map on the inside cover which denotes the rise of the third reich in shades of blue. Third reich in 1933. Bloodless conquests (which include czechoslovakia (APPEASERS??)and Austria (ahnuld??). Then the Military Conquests. And, teh axis-occupied territories. I happen to think that some "Americans" are currently involved in a 'bloodless' conquest. They're car-wrecking, cancer-ing, addicting. selectively prosecuting, de-arming and otherwise weakening the American people. And ... I hope folks wake up.
I'll put the map here when I photograph it.
here's part of the foreword. This man was a oner. Uniquely positioned to author this important work. It swept the world. I guess that could be revised to say 'too widely distributed' By the fuckers at wikipedia.
I have often felt a bitter sorrow at the thought of the German people, which is so estimable in the individual and so wretched in the generality .... Goethe
Hitler was teh fate of GErmany and this fate could not be stayed -- Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch, Commander in Chief of the GErman ARmy, 1938-41
A thousand years will pass and the guilt of Germany will not be erased -- Hans Frank, Governor General of Poland, before he was hanged at Nuremberg
Thos who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it -- Santayana
The foreword is four pages long ... I'll do what I can... if it seems to skip it just may.
Get your own copy. It's essential in these times.
From William Shirer>
Though I lived and worked in the Third Reich during the first half of its brief life, watching at first hand Adolf Hilter consolidate his power as dictator of this great but baffling nation and then lead it off to war and conquest, this personal experience would not have led me to attempt to write thise book had there not occurred at the end of World War II an event unique in history.
Thise was teh capture of the confidential archives of the German govt and all its branches, including those of the FOreign Office, the army and navy, the national socialist party and heinrich himmler's secret police. Never before, I believe, has such a vast treasure fallen into the hands of contemporary historians. Hitherto the archives of a great state, even when it was defeated in war and it's govt overthrown by revolution, as happened to germany and russian in 1918, were preserved by it and only those documents which served the interests of teh subsequent ruling regime were ultimaltely published.
The swift collapse of the Third Reich in the spring of 1945 resulted in the surrender not only of a vast bulk of its secret papers but of other priceless material such as PRIVATE DIARIES, highly secret speeches, conference reports and correpsondence, and even transcripts of telephone conversations of the Nazi leaders,tapped by a special office set up by Hermann Goering in the Air Ministry.
General Franz Halder, for instance, ketp a voluminous diary, jotted down in Gabelserger shorthand not only from day to day but from hour to HOUR during the day. It is a unique source of concise information for the period between August 14, 1939, and September 24, 1942, when he was CHief of the Army General Staff and in daily contact with Hitler and the other leaders of Nazi Germany. It is the most revealing of the German diaries, but there are others of great value, including those of Dr. Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda and close party associate of Hitler, and of General Olfred Jodl, Chief of Operations of the High Command of the Armed FOrces (OKW). There are diaries of the OKW itself andof the Naval High COmmand. Indeed the sixty thousand files of the GErman Naval Archives, which were captured at Schloss Tambach near Coburg, contain practically all the signals, ships' logs, diaries, memoranda, etc., of the German Bayv from April 1945, when tehre were found, back to 1868 when the modern German Navy was founded.
The 485 tons of records of the German Foreign Office, captured by the U.S. First Army in various castles and mines in the Harz Mountains just as they were about to be burned on orders from Berlink cover not only the period of the Third Reich but go back through the Weimar Republic to the beginning of the Second Reich of Bismarck. For many years after the war tons of Nazi documetns lay sealed in a alrge U.S. Army warehouse in Alexandria, VA. , our govt showing no interest in even opening the packing cases to see what of historical interst migh lie withint htem. Finally in 1955, ten years after their capture, tahanks to the initiative of private foundations, the Alexandria papers were opened and a pitifully small group of scholars with an inadequate staff and equipment, went to work to sift through thema nd photograph them before the government, which was in a great hurry in the matter, returned them to Germany. They proved a rich find.
From VOX: DOes this remind anyone else of the RUSH to SHIP THE STEEL from Sept 11 2001 off to CHINA?? hmmmmmmmmmmm.
So did such documents as the partial stenographic record of fifty-one "Fuehrer Conferences" on the daily military situation as seen adn discussed at Hitler's headquarters, and the fuller text of teh Nazi warlord's table talk with his old party cronies and secretaties during the war; the first of these was rescued from the charred remeans of some of Hitler's papaers at Berchtesgaden by and intelligence officer of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division, adn teh second was found among Martin Bormann's papers.
Hundreds of thousands of captured Nazi documents were hurriedly assembled at Nuremberg as evidence in teh trial of the major Nazi war criminals. While covering the first part of the trial I collected stacks of mimeographed copies and later the forty-two published volumes of testimony and documetns, supplemented by ten volumes of English translations of many importatn papers. The text of other documents published in a fifteen-volume series on the twelve subsequent Nuremberg trials was also of value, though many papers and much testimony were omitted.
Finally, in addition to this unprecedented store of docs there are the records of the exhaustive interrogation of German military officers adn party and govt officials and their subsequent testimony under oat at the various postwar trials, which provide material the like of which was never available, I beleive, from such sources after previous wars.
I have not read, of course, all of this staggering amt of documentation -- it would be far beyond the powesr of a single individual.. But I have worked my way through a considerable part of it, slowed down, as all tailors in this rich vineyard must be, by the lack of any suitable indexes.
It is quite remarkable how little those of us who were stationed in Germany during the Nazi time, journalists and diplomats, really knew of what was going on behind the facade of the Third Reich. A totalitarian dictatorship, by its very nature, works in great secrecy and konws how to preseve that secrecy from the prying eyes of outsiders (perhaps by ignoring subpoenas?????) It was easy enough to record adn describe the bare, exciting and often revolting events in teh Third Reich: Hitler's accession to power, the Reichstag fire, the Roehm Blood Purge, teh Anschluss with Austria, the surrender of Chamberlain at Munich, the occupatoin of Czechoslovakia, the attacks on Poland, Scandinanvia, the West, the Balkans and Russia, the horrors of the Nazi occupation and of the concentration camps and the liquidiation of the Jews. But the fateful decisions secretly made, the intrigues, teh treachery, the motives and the aberrations (aberrations like DEPUTY ABUSE OF INMATES ALL ACROSS AMERICA, ANYONE???) which led up to them, the parts played by the principal acors behind the scenes, the extent of the terror the exercised adn their technique of organizing it -- all this and much more remained largely hidden from us until the secret German papers turned up.
Some may think that it is much too early (this is written circa 1958) to try to write a history of the Third Reich, that such a task should be left to a later generation of writers to whom time has given perspective. (this reminds me of how the FUCKING BUSH-ites are always talking about how their legacy won't be realized for ONE HUNDRED YEARS that history will prove them correct. The truth is that if THIS MAN had not written this book THEN, it would never have been written. Also, if we don't get busy getting those murderers out of our white house there won't be ANYONE LEFT to tell the tale) I found this view especially prevalent in France when I went to do some research there. Nothing more recent than the Napoleonic era, I was told, should be tackled by writers of history.
There is much merit in this view. Most historians have waitd fifty years or a hundred, or more, before attempting to write an account of a country, an empire, an era. But was this ont principally because it took that long for the pertinent documents to come to light and furnish them with the autentic material they needed? And thoug perspective was gained, was not something lost because the authors necessarily lacked a personal acquaintance with the liafe and hte atmosphere of the times and with the historical figures about which they wrote?
In the case of hte Third Reich, and it is a unique case, almost all of the documentary material became available at its fall, and it has been enriched by the testimony of all the surviving leaders, military and civilian, in some instances before their death by execution. With such incomparable sources so soon available and with thememory of life in Nazi Germany and of the appearnace and behaviour and nature of the men who ruled it, Adolf Hitler above all, still fresh in my mind and bones, I decided, at any rate, to make an attempt to set down the history of the rise and fall of the Third Reich.
"I lived through the whole war," Tjicudides remarks in his History of the Peloponnesian wr, one of the greatest works of history ever written, "being of an age to comprehend events and giving my attention to tehm in order to know teh exact truth about them."
I found it extremely difficult and now always possible to learn the exact truth about Hitler's Germany. The avalanche of documentary material helped one further along the road to truth than would have seeemed possible twenty years ago, but its very vastness could often be confusing. And in all human records and testimony there are bound to be baffling contradictions.
No doubt my own prejudices, which inevitably spring from my experience and make-up, creep through the pages of this book from time to time. I detest totalitarioan dictatorships in principle and came to loathe this one the more I lived through it and watched it rear its ugly assault upon the human spirit. Nevertheless, in this book I Have tried to be severely objective, letting the facts speak for themselves and noting the source for each. No incidents, scenes or quotations stem from teh imagination; all are based on documents, the testimony of eyewitnesses or my own personal observation. In the half-dozen or so occasions in which there is some speculation, where the facts are missing, this is plainly labeled as such.
My interpretations, I have no doubt, will be disputed by many. That is inevitable, since no man's opinions are infallible. Those that I have ventured here in order to add clarity and depth to this narrative are merely the best I could come by from the evidence and from what knowledge and experience I have had.
Adolf Hitler is probably the last of the great adventurer-conquerors in the tradition of Alexander (he hadn't MET Bush), Caesar and Napoleon, adn the Third Reich the last of the empires which set out on the path taken earlier by France, Rome and Macedonia. The curtain was rung down on that phaose of history, at least, by the sudden invention of the hydrogen bomb, of the ballistic missile and of rockets that can be aimed to hit the moon.
In our new age of terrifying, lethal gadgets, which supplanted so swiftly the old one, the first great aggressive war, if it shoud come, will be launched by suicidal little madmen pressing an electronic button (or by one very REAL MADMAN from our white house) Such a war will not last long and none will ever follow it. There will be no conuerors and no conquests, but only the charred bones of the dead on an unihabited planet.
Get your own copy.
Here's the original google search because they'll bounce it all around soon's I gripe about it ....
Books by William Lawrence Shirer
Collapse of the Third Republic: an inquiry ... - 1969 - 1096 pages End of a Berlin Diary - 1947 - 398 pages Love and Hatred: The Troubled Marriage of Leo ... - 1994 - 428 pages books.google.com - More book results »
William L. Shirer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William Lawrence Shirer (February 23, 1904 – December 28, 1993) was an American journalist and historian. He became known for his broadcasts on CBS from the ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_L._Shirer - 44k - Cached - Similar pages
William Shirer
One of the most recognized U.S. Americans to visit Nazi Germany, William Shirer perhaps shed more light on the events that led to Hitler’s ascendancy and ...www.traces.org/williamshirer.html - 117k - Cached - Similar pages
William Shirer Obituary
"William Shirer told us what had really gone on in the Nazi's own words," wrote columnist Tom Blackburn in the Palm Beach Post, under the headline "WWII's ...www.traces.org/obituarycontent.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages
William L. Shirer Interview with Don Swaim
Listen to the William L. Shirer interview with Don Swaim in RealAudio.wiredforbooks.org/williamlshirer/ - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
Amazon.com: Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich: William L. Shirer: Books
Amazon.com: Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich: William L. Shirer: Books.www.amazon.com/Rise-Third-Reich-William-Shirer/dp/0671728687 - 226k - Cached - Similar pages
Shirer, William DesMoinesRegister.com The Des Moines Register
Shirer, William DesMoinesRegister.com The Des Moines Register.www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/99999999/FAMOUSIOWANS/510090342 - 57k - Cached - Similar pages
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - book excerpts
A couple excerpts of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer. Simon and Schuster, 1960 - hardcover ...www.maebrussell.com/Articles%20and%20Notes/Rise%20and%20Fall%20of%20the%20Third%20Reich.html - 68k - Cached - Similar pages
William L. Shirer
William Shirer, the son of a lawyer, was born in Chicago in 1904. When he was a child his father died and the family moved to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. ...www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/2WWshirer.htm - 26k - Cached - Similar pages
"Radio Days - William L Shirer"
William L. Shirer His father had been a U.S. Attorney and was a populist in philosophy. Friends with Clarence Darrow, who was a frequent guest in the Shirer ...www.otr.com/shirer.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages
William L Shirer Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris
Alibris has new & used books by William L Shirer, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, out-of-print first editions, signed copies, and more.www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Shirer,%20William%20L - 85k - Cached - Similar pages
"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
CRUCIAL ACTION: Contact the House Judiciary Committee and Nancy Pelosi TODAY. Don't wait. One click. The momentum is on our side and the world is watching. Bush cronies WORLD WIDE declaring martial law. Nation of GA, Pakistan, Burma ... Mexico's election illegal and then the flooding. GETTING THEM OUT OF THERE IS AN EMERGENCY. Believe this. And help a country out here.
ADD ON: The Sunroof, teenage, bomb, blast, gunshot, LIES pertaining to the MURDER of Benazir Bhutto.
A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. David Brinkley
Get your ARREST BUSH Tshirt HERE!!
Tampa Firemen and Other Firemen Fire Brigade: NeoNazis
Follow along with Tampa Stalking HERE.
The DOCUMENTED TRUTH about Masons and Shriners (part of it )
Be the ONE MILLIONTH PERSON to sign the IMPEACH BUSH petition.
text "CHENEY" to 30644 to impeach him first, or text "BUSH" to 30644 to impeach him first, or text "BOTH" to 30644 if you think it would be strategically wise to go for the double play
The heart has it's reasons which reason knows nothing of.
We know truth, not only by reason, but also by the heart.
Blaise Pascal
Here's the last 25 messages on the Impeach Cheney matter
No Excuses : Email any rep in the country. Go ahead. They have to answer you; it's what you pay them for. Compel them to uphold their oath to protect the Constitution of the United States of America.
The lie was dead
And damned, and truth stood up instead.
Robert Browning
Also TEXT the word "TODAY" to 30644 to become part of the John Edwards campaign. Do it. He actually had rainbow bumper stickers. Kinda thoughtful.
I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Bill Nelson 202 224 5274
Kathy Castor 202 225 3376 (UPDATED NUMBER)
Mel Martinez 202224 3041
Send a letter to the St.Pete Times
I don't care what you talk about but keep sending letters until they publish one. They're very selective with WHOM they publish because I see the same names over and over. Don't let a few people speak for ALL of us.
And call your congressman and talk to her of Inherent Contempt. Do it. And hug everyone you can reach.
North Jersey JUST DOIN it.
Headlights to Impeach
Turn them ON. PlEaSe ! Help a country out here. Also, click the link to sign the petition. Takes three seconds.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll
Click Here
Bush Business (two states moving to convene grand juries)
Email your Congressman
Court of Impeachment and War Crimes
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
Stop Organized Stalking
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
Technorati Tags global warming
Technorati Tags: magical sheep, Truckspy rawks, shaggy sheep, SUVs