United Associates Signs and Sheriff Gee
NOT that running people off the interstate is something which belongs exclusively to Sheriff Gee's merry men (not so much) and Jason's Hauling but I bet you'll find plenty of contracts between Larry Boyd and the sheriff's buddies and the county....
another little biker endangerment this morning. (I do believe that Sheriff Gee set up Mark Longway (decapitated) and also the female deputy who was run over by Anthony's Crane. IF you hear the video of the guy who I told about his asshole running me off the road he is careful to state that it's a "CRANE TRUCK." When you watch the video of the Anthony's Crane you can see it aiming for her at TOP SPEED. And before you ALL wind up dead because you're not IN ON IT you'd better get rid of your corrupt POS sheriff.
When all the work was being done down the middle of I-75, the most frequent trucks were Anthony's Crane and Jason's Hauling. Pam also gave Jason's Hauling small business of the year award. I mean... you've SEEN those filthy trucks and the illegal drivers, right??? AND then MMA Jason sent some of his boys my way. Losers with the "money" tattoos which they do NOT like to talk about, huh Randy? Teaching their "kids" to go after people. Pieces of SHIT. Lovely families preferred by the corrupt Sheriff's Dept which is also covering up someone in the Matthew Moye murder of two innocent pedestrians.
A five thousand dollar day.
THANKS, SHERIFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey you gyes. When I come over to your dump and bash your mother over the head and leave her dying in the driveway and when I maybe shoot one of your family members (as you did mine) and shoot at others .... and when I addict your brother, arrest your sister, burn your sister's house down (resulting in her death which makes it MURDER) steal your dogs, wreck your cars and poison your children OH and before all that BURN DOWN YOUR MOTHER'S HOUSE and then try to burn down the next one (Spence Roberts) (both times)
you feel free to call me a motherfucker and anything else you want.
Ima send that faggot child-molester's picture to his probation officer and somewhere else, too.
When you're on felony probation you really SHOULD NOT be out stalking people, Mr. Shelly Golden friend of Michael Keller and his whores.
Wow, Keller ... whores and child molesters and drunks ... nice krewe. Fucking loser.
Oh and the crack dealers/snake sellers. (That's where ya hung yourself (again))