Dear South Carolina Governor
Please come back a Democrat committed to real life issues and peace.
You seemed like a nice man on Jon Stewart.
Meantime, that lil lord fauntleroy in your office WANTS YO JOB.
Hope all is well.
How to steal property from people and make it look like you are not even an interested party. Has this gone on since July 15, 1877?
Please come back a Democrat committed to real life issues and peace.
You seemed like a nice man on Jon Stewart.
Meantime, that lil lord fauntleroy in your office WANTS YO JOB.
Hope all is well.
Posted by
Vox Populi
6/23/2009 03:34:00 PM
Labels: South Carolina Governor
So, is THIS ONE going to hit close enough home that whoever is LEFT OUT THERE will bother to investigate? Depending on whose jurisdiction it is ... let's go see ...
Hmm, I know NOTHING about him but it wouldn't take long and considering that EVERYTHIGN ABOUT st augustine was redone ... it's not even st augustine anymore I'd say he's just run of the mill charlie wells protegee .... Moving on to the St Augustine Police Dept ...
yeah, the problems crop up IMMEDIATELY.
I've stayed at hotels and experienced really bad, life-threatening problems with the air quality, having to open the doors repeatedly and the windows (IF YOU CAN) and even had to leave the room the air was so bad and you could not breathe. At a Sleep Inn in Georgia they actually laid down NEW CARPET with gaseous stuff you could actually SEE emanating from the carpet .. you could VIDEO IT the fumes were so strong. I left for a few minutes to find the grocery store offloading all of their frozen goods into a freezer truck (can't EAT!!!) and went back and my companions were passed out on tbe beds. THIS was the second room we had requested. The first I didn't notice the double carpet but you could tell; you could literally video the fumes rising in the sunlight. They're smart asses about it, too, putting shit all in the furniture (how many people have died in their beds, on a couch or sitting in their easy chair???? HOW MANY HOW MANY???) add Phyllis Busansky to the list. MURDERED. They kept us waiting for the second room long enough to put the nasty carpet in it. So, they can just roll it up and carry it away to a maintenance room. They used to put the same shit on the carpet in our homes. Everywhere you'd sit. Computer, tv watching, edge of bed... when we pulled up the carpet you could see the stains in every spot. Didn't hit me at first.
They put shit in the pillow cases and the bedding.
GET A REAL CHEMIST not some scumbag.
This woman was MURDERED.
There is nothing that will EVER come out about this that will convince me otherwise.
This woman was murdered the same way Lawton Chiles was murdered.
Oh and UPS has upgraded their harassment to roaring by my car alarm to set it off (they got this from their friends at the fire hole dept) and then roaring back by when I step out the door.
Any chain of events following this will reveal ....
Posted by
Vox Populi
6/23/2009 10:43:00 AM
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