This story really caught my attention. First of all, everyone loves a centarian. Secondly, it's a feel good. Third, I like to delineate who stays in Tampa peacefully vs who gets MURDERED OUT and what the difference is between these folks and factions.
I've done this for a long time but until recently I've kept most of this to myself .. this one just seemed appropriate to discuss.
When you read the last sentence of the article, my next sentence will make sense.
This is her home.
As you can see, it's smack in the middle of the area where many other folks' homes have been taken from them by any means necessary, including murdering their children.
Or them.
As I have blogged.
My own mother was murdered in her driveway.
She wasn't a Republican.
She wasn't a Baptist.
She had OUR last name.
My Grandfather was her father.
She was VERY CLOSE to the Tampa Fire Station
and it's employees and relaties whom I talk about frequently.
The witnesses/perps made it a point to come tell me they 'never heard a thing'.
This, from a crack-dealer who stood guard 24-7. I didn't ever care what the hell they did as long as they left US alone but they had other goals in mind.
Three of five members of that family work for the City of Tampa. Others now own my sister's home, (YEAH) .
She wasn't a Baptist, a Republican (or any discernible political affiliation except for decent) either. And, come to think of it she was virtually SURROUNDED by fire depts.
One of whom never fails to stalk me when I'm in that area. Once even stalking me up the street where my family lived. And, three different folks on the street said into the camera that nothing was going on ... five firetrucks full of 'men' putting on all this silly gear that YOU pay for while our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan went without body armor.
Brand new firetrucks, brand new gear. All of them that were in on the joke giving me hard looks. I sat there and taped them for almost fifteen minutes while the neighbors filled the sound with their ideas.
OF course, SOME of the neighbors knew exactly what was what and were much more concerned about ME than with what must have been a HUGE 'emergency' needing all those fire trucks, city/county personnel, etc.... I mean it was a BIG SCENE.
Not the first wisp of smoke, or foul odor, no one brought out on a stretcher. In several of the scenes you can see confusion and hear the firemen asking which house???
Lots and lots of milling about.
A proud moment for Hillsborough Fire Rescue.
But, the thing is where the rub is found is why THIS woman is allowed to remain in her home and die of old age as everyone should --- despite the fake diseases and hospital on EVERY CORNER (brought by the masons along with the overpowering CORRECTIONS FACILITIES) and etc and why someone hit MY mother over the head so that they could have her property and she died crawling up her driveway while they didn't hear or see a thing ... but if a car had been idling in that street they'd have known.
That's what makes it clear that they know and did exactly what happened. When that boy started walking up ON ME I always knew he had murdered my mother. Maybe that's why it didn't have any power over me. I had that all contained and waiting.
After that things went worse and worse .. like a free for all against myself personally until finally it was to the point I started photographing them and whomever was there because they were flattening our tires and doing all kinds of nasty shit. Releasing toxins in the air as I worked in my yard or walked to my back door.
Too many things to write down and anyway, things I can prove, don't go here. I can prove some of these things, too, but he knows what he did. Besides ratting out a lot of good people after he was busy throwing rats in MY YARD like I even paid attention to any of that. Who cares? Tons of people I've known over the years are still walking around loose and doing their thang so again, WHO is the rat? Yep. The murderer. I used to watch him close figuring out which tattoo he got to celebrate murdering my mother or if he just high-fived his uncle --- (tampa fireman, stole sister's home, biker, carnie) ----- depending on which way you look.
So ...
People don't seem to realize how far back the carnie and masonic ties go in Tampa and everywhere and how they are affiliated. I know that I lived peacefully among t hese folks ALL MY LIFE. Or, so I thought.
Long about 1989 something changed. Old men would approach me in parking lots trying to attribute it to a strong attraction or to just bumping in to me, etc .... and I let it go but it happened frequently enough that I kinda clothes-pegged it in my mind for future reference. They never really said too much and I normally brushed them off quickly but nicely ..
Now, I can't go back in time to see them again but I CAN go back and investigate many things. Also I can offer up conjecture that it had something to do with the Masonic organization (all kinda hard looking older men, as though they had lived the outdoor lives of carnies, but some not bad looking just way obviously too old to be a normal ... partner for a beautiful person)
I used to comment on it to friends ... 'old men LOVE me' ... etc.
Also, in 1989, some other folks I know (along about 1989, 1990, 1991) experienced some bad times with the Sheriff's Dept, Tampa Police Dept and other legal issues. Losing city jobs, etc. I decided to go after the year of 1989 and see what sickness descended OR if perhaps just enough masons finally infiltrated after their TAKE OEVER OF TAMPA in 1973. Because I now believe that all those old men in the parking lot were masons. Or carnies. Same difference. When you read about sheriffs and cops and firemen and masons on the internet you read that they are VERY intertwined. VERY. The connection that will never be published because it's not exactly paper-trail is the very real connection between carnies, circuses and masons. BUT mostly between carnies and masons. Now, from what I know carnies loathe being called circus people and vice versa. However, since then I've begun to believe it might be the other way around. Circus people are a slightly higher grade on the foodchain than are carnies. By dint of the fact that circus folks don't murder people, consider everone to be marks, etc.. MY larger thought on that is that they're all from the same cloth. They claim to loathe each other when they talk to marks (that's US) so that they can disguise their connections to each other. Right now there's a bunch of them busy dragging my loved one through their sickness. They're feeling very good about having their hooks planted firmly in him. That's all well and good but this can play on and on and on until the cows come home. It will just make things harder but not for me. Dead or alive I'm covered. You'll hear me laughing at you. I know you will. And you deserve it for being such HATING MOTHERFUCKERS that you laugh thinking how you have everyone fooled and you're taking poeple out while smiling to their faces. Realized. Start hating. Not me. I'll just stick ya with your own knives. Ooooh swordplay. My favorite.
OH and not to discount the RENFESTS where carnies are born and abound. These folks are not light-hearted troubadours. Some of the worst, meanest people I know. Up to and knwoing all kinds of nastiness. Anyway ... they never really change or grow up. They have a new mission on life. They are PASTORS OF CHURCHES NOW. So that they can stand up there and preach of jesus fooling good people into believing they are reformed and laughing behind their bibles while they poison parishioners' minds and food if they can. Been there, watched that. Anyway, after the new year I'm going fulltime on some of this stuff. I think it's only fair.
IF this goes back and forth a bit, try to keep up. It IS the day after Christmas and I AM in the middle of lego-building and etc.... In fact, I started this post yesterday (as noted from the title and links to christmas story), transported the troops around, saw marley and me (worth seeing and yes I cried, so did everyone) did some more transporting, walked through fouled air in my yard twice or more (see ya soon paperthin and fey) NO, it's NOT from meth production. It's purposely sprayed toxins ;; pest control, some kind of gas, heavily concentrated around my gate, my back and front doors and my car and normally IN my car or sprayed on my car engine, sometimes both. (seeya soon paperthin and fey tenants)
Back to good folks I've known losing their city jobs .... being arrested, being accused of drug use, being TURNED by this foulness so that they would appear on the right list.
Now, I'm the first witness that many of these CURRENT city and county employees are TOTAL FREAKS. The ones that come to play power games across the street (TECO) have the long beards all braided in weird braids (not judgmental, making a point here) and they are also on scene by my friend Richard's home whose property is also very valuable and he has NO DESIRE to sell it. When they came and shut my electricity off and then failed to turn it back on when their errrrr criminal 'mistake' was pointed out to them, NOT ONE but TWO Teco employees admitted on video that there were more than five lies told about what happened at this home and the lies that were told ... not enough TECO employees in on it which is yknow emboldening. AND SICKENING. Against a person who wasn't even awake to what they're doing these guys have no contest. A dar or so later a guy came to turn the electricity on again and just like the cable guy read to me what was in his notes. (oops better go kill them and rob their cars, TOO) Yeah. FUCKING AROUND WITH A PERSON'S HOME FOR NO REASON. They're also messing with the I connection trying to get me to request another technician. Yeah, that will happen. The Tampa FIremen are no doubt tampering with the connection. They're the only ones around here that are CONSISTENTLY ON DA JOB at 130 pm every day. AND, occasionally they're a bit late so... I've timed that to them being out on yknow 'calls' LOL. So, all in all yes, they really ARE stupid assholes.
UPDATE: Here's ANOTHER guy, unknown to me to my knowledge (doug zettles and perhaps a former or current tampa fireman)who played some interstate games today with a motorcycle and owns 'make it burn' ... this is how they threaten to BURN YOUR HOME DOWN... anyway, he was arrested and looks like charges were dropped in 1989 or 90. All it takes is a little reminder of how things almost went bad for him. And, there you have how it STARTS. My other friend had a DUI and maybe something else minor in another state and is ON THE HOOK FOR LIFE over it, apparently. LMAO. Myself I'd rather do the time than owe anything or anyone for a minor mishap.
Anyway ... back to 1989. I've found a heap of evidence that someone conspired with someone and more someones to arrest, have fired, legally fuck with, otherwise spoil things, FOR a certain list of folks who just weren't in the right ass-kissing party. Or something. Sometimes after they were arrested once you find that they figured out what side their bread was buttered on and joined the carnies and the sheriffs and moved on to torment others. THAT is how I ended up with a few murderous motherfuckers around me and the Tampa Fireman's nephew and all his carney friends up and down the block. But, it's not just HERE, this is the case in 'the finest' (or so they like to proclaim LMAO) neighborhoods in STAMPA (south tampa) Every other house a murderer or carney. Some neighborhoods the girl is out of the carney as far as you can tell but talking long enough OR the hari will reveal. And, that's how they got where they are at. Destroying lives. stealing, murdering, trafficking but not the cool way,
Like Reagan with the Contras these folks have used meth and crack to finance their way to a gambling empire. They didn't have to do this in Vegas because there was nothing there. Here, Tampa was FULL (not teeming as it is now) of families ill-disposed towards rampant drug use and killings, gambling, meanness, etc. So, they had to take them out and now they're in a hurry. AND, someone is talking about it and already it has caused them to change their tactics. Rather than hauling away trailers full of the unfortunate ones' belongings or throwing them out to the curb like pigs they are actually disposing of them. And, Anne's Attic is thriving again and A missing Piece and the thrift stores along Dale Mabry are LOADED with stuff that you KNOW that no one parted with willingly. Kinda like they stole MY belongings. And sifted through and took the expensive stuff (hey dan) and then disposed of and/or chose to return what THEY felt was appropriate. And painful. Becuase that's how they roll. But, that wasn't up to them. It's not really the stuff, it's the principal. When I got to YOUR house I stopped or I could have put that little sorethroat scumbag in prison. BUT when you got to MY house you murdered my mother, my sister and harassed my baby to death. I have no doubt of your scummy plans for this one. No doubt. But, you'll see. I have no choice now but to make you my fulltime job and to take you down. And, so, it's on. You wanted that, right? You've been vying for it for years. Let's see how much good it is to have the sheriffs, the cops, most of the city admin, and county admin, the firemen, most attorneys, many judges and the state's attorney on your side. Now that I Figured all of that out I really REALLY like the odds. I only need a coupld of things. I've got like twenty. LMAO.
Oh and also when you go to see the movies now in Tampa old DAVID "FEAR FACTOR" GEE has a commercial with this thug looking dude in it and some lady carrying a wii (not even in a bag) and she puts it in her car, doesn't lock the door and gets it stolen.
HOW IN THE WORLD DOES THE SHERIFF'S DEPT AFFORD TO ADVERTISE TO THE MASSES IN THE MOVIE THEATRE???? I'm sure it's all donated. How long before the message is LESS BENIGN?? Just like the ticker tapes overhead on the interstate? How long before they'll be flashing me messages like the sheriffs used to block the interstate in front of my car four or five times a week? NO LIE.
Once again, the connection is in the entertainment field. Sheriff Gee (who has stopped flying over my house because he was feeling REALLY REALLLLLLY good about something I've now forgotten ....but don't worry it's written down, where and when you stopped and why) has friends everywhere. Corrections, Entertainment, DEVELOPERS, DUMPTRUCK OWNERS (deelopers) Everywhere.
Why, in 1989, Sheriff Gee was following Rene Rodriguez up the ranks but all the sudden Rene out David IN. Huh. And, not long after 1989 SHERIFF GEE BECAME SHERIFF GEE, specially groomed by Sheriff Cal Henderson, who apparently kinda helped Rocky back off the pedestal. I don't even think Rocky GETS THAT. He went small time and Gee went on to be King. I think I have a favorite there but it's hard to know becaus there's been so much rudeness hurled at my family. Bad stuff, rudeness. All I'm saying is that back in 1989 when MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY people were selectively arrested, fired and etc... not all at once but my suspicions were proven correct when I was given a short window into something I had only KNEW in my heart. Which, of course, gives me tons of confidence in the rest of what I know. It all panned out. Backing it up with bits of paper is easy. Despite the SHREDDING TRUCKS ON EVERY CORNER. Didn't throw in anyone's stuff but the right 'list'. Certain records I can't find. Lost them like the labrake stuff. BUT, since labrake ended up in prison (where the others belong) it kinda makes you believe that it was a survivor kind of deal while the stupid ones (hey hon) STILL believe they have friends. THAT is just because you don't KNOW these wily bastards. LMAO. YOu get invited to the right places or you live in the right place but that means exactly SHIT. As evidenced.
I'm here to tell you: If you're doing evil, not just towards myself and family but in any capacity, not all the animal love nor hospital visits to sick children in the world will save your ass. It's almsot over. Like I said elsewhere ... I won't be going down alone so you do the math.
I'm sick of talking about this right now. I've been studying this for about five years. Maybe longer. Until then when I Would walk up to my car and it would be really COLD in my yard and then really hot in the rest of the world I thought nothing of it. THEN, one day I went to bring home a pizza and the Tampa Fireman's nephew had sprayed the whole entire driveway with this nasty, poisonous horrid shit that you could barely walk through. You could hear the evil little motherfuckers in there laughing. I mean it FRIED your hair it was that bad. How to prove something like that? Oh, get to thinking. Every dog has it's day. It was like walking through sludge. And, it occurred to me that is exactly where my Mama was walking when she 'died'. hmmmm. Yeah. Inside the house would be bad, as well. If you opened a window they would sneak beneath it and use the same substance. It was like living in a war zone til I fixed some things and then they moved in the latest expert.
Which, if you're me, is funnier than ever.
He's going to have some VERY BAD LUCK.
Like I had with my tires and such. Yknow. Only I don't have to put my hands on other folks and their property and threaten their children. Don't have to and wouldn't.
It's OVER.
Oh and it's THE WATER I took one look at your sister and knew it. So, ummm wake up unless you have some hatefest for your own clan going.
You've put a LOT of time in on me. A LOT. And spared no expense. LMAO. I hope your ummm folks enjoyed all the activities that I attend. I aspire to showing them some decen things. I know you don't PAY for the tickets but, nonetheless so many different factions out there I never get next to a real person. Like my child. I know that's part of the plan but I can and might take care of that with a piece of paper or two.
All of downtown is NOT a greaseball. Almost but not yet.
Oh and I always forget .. THIS (among other things) is what got me looking so hard at the Sheriff's dept (among other things) and, in particular, the selective prosecution of folks. I imagine they've got their little hands on now trying to take that away but yknow if the people are still alive then their story lives with them. Watch the obituaries SWELL AGAIN.
Anyway, Mary Jo Melone had her own experiences with the Sheriff's Dept. Apparently they did not DARE arrest her, either but instead treated her to extra superlative service just as I was. I wonder if Ms. Melone is aware that Rocky Rodriguez did not leave the sheriff's dept that much but just moved on over to the Court House with my old friend with the birthmark SURGERY.
Tarnish appears on sheriff's golden boy
E-mail:Click here
ArchiveBy MARY JO MELONE, Times Columnist
© St. Petersburg Timespublished November 19, 2002
Some meetings you never forget.
My brush with Rocky Rodriguez was one of those.
It was at a Democratic Party event for Gov. Lawton Chiles at a Tampa hotel around 1994. Rodriguez, the black-haired golden boy of the Hillsborough Sheriff's Office, began to brag. He knew about me, he said. And he did. He had information about my life that you don't find in the public record.
This is what I got for being on Rodriguez's enemies list. A year or so before, I had written about Rodriguez, an offense for which I was not to be forgiven. Rodriguez's name had surfaced in the Key Bank investigation. He was never accused of a crime, but he was overheard on a recorded phone call talking to a friend who was an officer of the bank that was the target of a massive money laundering investigation. The investigation collapsed when another sheriff's deputy tipped the suspects that they were being watched.
This was not the Hillsborough Sheriff's Office's finest hour. The tipster was prosecuted, and the two lead sheriff's detectives on the case were demoted. But Rodriguez, who was close to Sheriff Cal Henderson and was his chief campaign money man, got promoted.
I can't remember Rodriguez's rank then. He has risen over the years remarkably unimpeded, attracting envy, enmity and just plain curiosity as he moved up and up, finally to the rank of major making more than $100,000 a year. He was put in charge of special operations. That covers everything from airplanes to narcotics. It was a glam job, and it gave Rodriguez power to use as he wanted
Last May, when he learned that he might be under criminal investigation for loansharking, Rodriguez gathered up a personal army of 10 detectives to tail an informant back to a secret meeting with federal and state investigators. The investigation was apparently derailed.
Like so many others. Like how a prostitute and crack head/dealer goes home on probation after being caught with a firearm and dope. I don't mind that so much because, again, that life is already over. The bad thing is it's raising a child who now has NO HOPE for the future ....
BUT ... they set others up for future prosecution. That one year thingy didn't move ME in the least. There are different rules for domestic violence and I think that the other ummm 'neighbor' may have tampered with the witness against him. Like he has tampered with MY FAMILY for so long. Very bad manners and mean to dogs, too. All of them.
Also, it's interesting to note that I have nothing personal against Mr. Rodriguez. Part of me is amused at his flagrant abuse of taxpayer funds. The other part of me wonders if he's noticed how he got laterally fucked. Like he's THE ONLY SHERIFF ever covered up an investigation, flew in a helicopter (yeah all that flying overhead PLUS MY GAMBLING PROPERTY) brought back a memory, um thanks?? got a hotel room comped and etc .... so they took him out. Out of running for what gee wanted, anyway.
Because, despite rocky's connections, gee's had more money. Developer money and he is the sheriff that was needed to REDEVELOP Tampa/Hillsborough County without anyone having to put out much cash to the current homeowners.
So, I hope rocky doesn't get all mad at me seeing as he's very good friends with my very good friends. Because his connection with cal henderson was never a good one. Now, Cal Henderson is very good friends with my very good ummm friends, too.
And, now we're back to that North Carolina thingy.
Anyway .... it's no surprise that the sheriff just flew overhead for the first time in days.
Helicopters, gambling and checkpoints.
Ya gotta love it.
At least report on it.
My suggestion would be to get your claws up out of us, go back to your corners, sulk for awhile over LOSING which, yes you have and then find out what I want. Cause it's all but too late.
AND, send back my shit. NOW.
Oh, also ... no one can BLAME Rodriguez for what happened there. The blame is to be placed on what allowed it. WHILE he still needed rocky, cal henderson was in there at bat for him. It was condoned behavior. Then you would have to look for all the friends of cal henderson and etc ... part of which is personal knowledge of events because .. I've noticed that the topmost people in this scheme are careful to keep their names out of public records. BUT, if you know what to look for ... it's right there.
If no one had given Rocky free rein, chances are he would have stayed small time, skimming where he could. Like most people will do without an ethic. And, by some accounts he's not a bad guy. I know his wives. Some older but that's okay, I know others who know them. So, you listen.
Anyway ... I think that his WTAMPA connections are more interesting. What his participation in Cal Henderson's criminal network spawned and allowed in WTAMPA. Among the firemen and others.
Again, I'm not really pointing a finger. He was doing what comes naturally to a person with unchecked power if they're not living right.
I'm big on VENN diagrams. When I see someone/thing land smack in the middle of the circles OR in the circles more than once, I become interested. These are the folks who have and ARE hurting myself and tampering with my family i.e. witnesses against them, people they hope to murder and steal from. Oh and their wives and sisters HELP THEM. Which would never have been condoned in my family. No way, jose. (pun intended hey baby)

would be labeled ~(A v B).
** The most interesting features of Venn diagrams are the areas or sections where the circles overlap one another -- implying that a sharing is occurring.
This ability to represent a "sharing of conditions" makes Venn diagrams useful tools for solving complicated problems
The thing is ... they seem to have no fear of prosecution. Which puts MARK OBER very seriously on the list of 'persons of interest' along with 'bernie mccabe' 'jeb bush' etc. For all I know, Mr. Rodriguez is like the code inspector that systematically and selectively code enforced good people away from here. When he got to me he related how his mother worked for steve labrake and how he had a challenged child. Just doing his job as the mcquaid fellows would say. Not so much. They then arrested him out of that position but I have nothing to do with that.
I'm thinking that if only I had played ball on the West Tampa Little League I'd know all of it. LMAO. Because in Tampa, before the intermarrying that's all it is. WTAMPA and BAYSHORE little leagues.
Or, I'd end up like poor Chris Artigas and the lovely GINAS (rip three) (all WTAMPA and fire dept related)
Anyway, he has soft spots which are lovely. I've read them and witnessed them. *yes I have check your rolodex like Ms. D) Perhaps someday he'll look at his children and realize that they need MORE. That's what would stop me right there. Looking in the mirror, seeing how hard I had become or was becoming and then knowing that's how my children would look someday. I see them at the YMCA all the time. Hard, blank faces like soldiers for Christ/Meth, whatever.
It's not a feudal society we live in unless we make it that way. It's why I refuse to lower myself to their methods.
I find them disgusting and bad for the soul and hardening. Those that are completely without conscience seem to be less hardened. But, still it shows. Bad manners, lack of morals, complete obliviousness to the pain of others, knowledge that heinous things are being done to others but are uncaring. Merely investigatory. GOOD GERMANS.
I'll leave this life used up MY WAY.
Favor Factory 2008 quick look at your congress person and WHERE they send your money and who gives them money frequently the same names on both lists. Have a look.
suggested email signature: NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA
may have read this email without warning,
warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or
legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection
save to call for the impeachment of the current President.
ERACISM: ALL colors with love and respect.
"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
Tampa Firemen and Other Firemen Fire Brigade: NeoNazis
Follow along with Tampa Stalking HERE.
The DOCUMENTED TRUTH about Masons and Shriners (part of it )
I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
Technorati Tags global warming
Technorati Tags: magical sheep, Truckspy rawks, shaggy sheep, SUVs