NO AMNESTY for torturers. PETITION
It's interesting that Eric Holder has the time to discuss our terrible racism with us BUT does NOT have the time to PUNISH TERRIBLE ABUSERS OF HUMAN BEINGS.
Maybe if someone tells him they are racists??
No Amnesty for TorturersSIGN THE PETITION On April 16, President Obama said he would not prosecute CIA agents who engaged in torture, because President Bush's lawyers told them it was "legal."
President Obama also said Attorney General Eric Holder would use taxpayer dollars to defend torturers against lawsuits by torture victims, and to pay all judgments if they lost. These decisions are intolerable and unacceptable. Torture is utterly immoral and un-American.
The U.S. ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which prohibits torture and requires prosecution of torturers.
In 1947, the U.S. prosecuted a Japanese officer for waterboarding. No lawyer can "legalize" what is illegal.
Congress must take the following actions:
1. Demand the appointment of a Special Prosecutor by Attorney General Eric Holder for torture, warrantless wiretapping, and other heinous crimes of the Bush Administration.
2. Prohibit the use of any taxpayer dollars to defend government officials who committed such crimes against lawsuits, or to pay for judgments against them.
3. Restore the full protection of the Fourth Amendment (search and seizure) by repealing the Orwellian-named Protect America Act and U.S.A. Patriot Act.
4. Impeach Judge Jay Bybee, the torture memo author who serves on the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in California. As my representative in Congress, I urge you to act immediately. SIGN THE PETITION
*****Updates on Spain, Prosecutions, Evidence, and "Good Faith" Barbarism and WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT all at:
People if you have any type of humanity AT ALL .. THIS will make you sick. Considering that the bikers/etc/// used toxins on our vehicles and yard for YEARS ... and the fair share of cockroaches, rats and other nasty thingies ... it MUST BE a NEOCON THANG.
Wow, was I naive ....
TORTURE MEMOS and Erik Holder ALL SMUG hiding behind obama.
Obama and Holder: THIS AIN'T RIGHT.
You were elected an American President.
And get us a new Attorney General.
This one leaves out of a LOT of that pesky law shit.