UPDATE: I should have included this link. This was such a nice neighbohood until the gangs and code enforcers came in (city-sanctioned) and started attacking others' homes and running down their own. Selective code enforcement to get the 'right investors' in these properties. In the end it will all work out. But, the Tampa Dog Track DOES have a card room just like every other gambling facility around here. They've had one for ages. People come from all over to do this dog track despite the fact that the 'new people' look at them all snarly when they go in.
Everything will be OK. If it's not OK, it's just not over yet.

It's simply awesome that all of this information is being revealed before the trial starts. LOL !! (Thank YOU St. Pete Times !!!)Same article linked here to preserve my lovely comments. Although I notice they studiously avoid mention of the Tampa Greyhound Track I think all the loyal readers know what time it is.
Oh yes, it's time to start treating the voxers exactly how you treat the rest of the millionaires in Tampa, FL.

If you're anything like us you treat them just like anyone else. Although some of them do not even deserve to be treated as free members of society but, hey, that has nothing to do with their money. They weren't raised well. We are created equal contrary to the Krewe's belief.
One unique quality as a filthy rich person that I will embody is that I have come by my loot ETHICALLY. (MOL) I challenge you to find another person in Tampa that can say that. I hope
there are a few. I don't know though, I am surrounded by idiot stalking asswipes of human beings who have threatened everyone in my family (because they sold their souls for 45000 per annum and all the crack they could push) so if you are an ethical person who can help, now would be the time to step forward with what you know. I already know there is a certain level of disgust towards their uncalled for actions towards my innocent family.
Personally, I don't care HOW LONG the trial rolls on because there's this little thing called 'continuing discovery' which allows you to keep burying the other parties in the shit they pull on you right on through the process. A smart thing to do would be to figure out HOW to make me happy and since you can't give me back my family you may pay me for my loss(es) and for my extremely lucrative piece of property. OH and you MAY return my daddy's life insurance money to me (PLUS INTEREST) that yo MAMA stole. NOW ! (stealing from a widow and children and I'm surprised that the buds would stalk a woman and children) My Mom was also robbed numerous times in Tampa, something I now attribute to this prison sentence of this thief.
AND, you may get these people with the old and tired prison tats off my personal eye-candy-view-master-space. I almost am tired of videotaping the glares. I'm sure you've rotated some of them back to Cleveland o r other points by now and who the hell wants to sit through that tripe? Just stop it. It's frickin stupid. And circular. (pointless for the slow seats) Also, what you did to the INSIDE of my car?? Yeah, oh I DO think about you every minute. NOT. Hello, I own my mind. Good try, though. Dumbass. Send the body guy by to fix that or I'll have you buy me matching cars for every day of the week. I mean it. You keep bothering me and I'll have you sitting outside my house to drive me wherever I want to go. I'll leave you sitting there in the heat mostly. Or lying under my car like you're used to. LOL. You can take this to the bank --- whatever I've said here, I intend it to happen.
Tampa made an offer of sorts to me through the Tampa Tribune not long back. We were talking REAL money here, see? (about a fourth real---you're gonna have to do better than that --it's a sellers market in my hood) The guy who is settling the suit against the city for a few hundred thousand?? Reader, you're on your own there (maybe Tommy can help) because I am not in linky frame of mind today. Okay, I know that most of you aren't USED to being talked to by the Tampa Tribune but live in my world of back doors, deceit, stalking, people trying to steal your home from you for the price of an ice cream ..... and NOT ONE of them with the nuts to talk f2f with you for fear of being busted (or something??). LOL. ComeON folks, we've been living together peacefully(LOL) for three generations now ... so you have murdered my innocent family, my defenseless animals, gotten my family fired from jobs, threatened my liberty, peace of mind, health, personal property, civil rights, stolen from me, flattened my tires, stalked me, damaged my beloved camaro, porsche, volvo, van AND my jeep(on video by the way... jesus, oh and not even mentioning almost running into my son with your big red THANG and driving me off the interstate with the school bus. Smooth. How'd that work out for ya (brooksville) .... what on earth are you afraid of?? LOL !!! And still --- given every chance at amnesty you continue to roll forward. Like complete fucking dumbasses. Not a college hour among most of you. I sooo got that. Without ever one sitdown. Although I am considering taking the one nice man up on his offer to meetup, I've just been busy. Anyway, I knew it would be a small thing that finally was 'the proverbial straw'. In fact, I can't even remember what it was; something that didn't really make me angry --- I said, 'that's it'. We're going to Sam Gibbons and we're going soon. And all of you who are uncontrollably stalking me are going to bite and dive for those who were too big a pussy pansy to sit down. Taking one for the team. Well, actually the team is about to go out in the field together. This was everything I have needed. Now, you have clearly attempted to defraud me of millions of dollars. Smart. (buh bye property appraiser, I guess you'll be gone by next week if not already, another fireman)
What was really REALLY smart??? How some of you are willing dupes or slaves holding the bag. Just stop it. Set it down. Let them do their own dirty work. See how that works out. Or you gonna have your family spend a few more generations under the thumb? Don't. Just DONT.
OH, back to the Tampa Trib. offer: They had this guy say at the end of the article ... "well, when Tampa does the right thing I'll be reinvesting my money in Tampa so they really won't be losing anything because I LOVE Tampa and the money will be staying here in Tampa." I had to laugh because that was the broad hint for me to stay here and reinvest here. Right. I want to live here and look at the same old miserable faces now. LOL !!!! Man, yall need to take those same faces you make at me and mirror-ificate them. I've been always one foot out the door in Tampa and that's a fact and the fact remains. Breathe a sigh of relief. I'll take your money but you can go back to your smarmy lives with no one the wiser if you play your cards right. It's MY money. You extracted it for years and now it's time to give it BACK. Just do so. Oh, and you like HAVE ruined everything in Tampa. Planted mikes in the parks, ruined DI, destroyed Palma Ceia, routed Port Tampa (lots of selective code going on there, too) So, there's nowhere decent to live in Tampa. All your carney friends,visiting bikers, wanna be dancin girls, and foreign nationals, new yorkers, ohios, penns are gonna go back but I'll still be able to smell them. You keep Tampa. You worked so hard to steal all of these homes. If I'm the only one you're having to pay -- get OVER it. Money is a false god. For me, it's WEREGELD. YOU OWE ME and mine. Be damned glad you're getting off this easy. It's money. Sell your brother out; you'll make more. Consider this: It's lucky I have the piece of property that you can hand me the money for. That way you won't have to have your asses dragged through court and get prison terms and you tubes. You can pay me for my property when I am READY to sell it and we'll call it a day. Or not. Either way, I'm down with it. I watch how you're trying to pretend you're not bothered by that, you own all the judges, if you don't own them they are dead .... yea. Surprises are fun.
I also liked that the St Pete Times published this lovely photo of the ONE HUNDRED TWENTY MILLION dollar expansion of the Seminole Hard Rock Casino. Making it the largest casino in FL. Oh yeah, right up until the white man gets started. LOL !!

Oh yeah, right after he scares me out of my house for the price of an ice cream.
Or, maybe he's NOT so white.
So, I'll especially be looking to dish out some amnesty by being left to live peacefully in my home, on MY homesteaded property to enjoy the bit of time I have there. Or I can come up with some magic when needed. Oh, and send that mechanic back by to fix whatever you did to my car that makes it smoke. (looks like two things to my untrained eye) It's kinda obvious that each of the cars I've owned have done the exact same thing. (witnesses) I take it that's meant to embarrass me. Why would I be embarrassed? My ass isn't crawling around under peoples' cars in the dark of night !! I'm driving the result of YOUR disgusting lifestyle. It makes me laugh whenever I look at it. Pigs. I would never even consider damaging another person's property. There's a lot of differences between my type and you but that's a glaring one.
Change. Be the human you were meant to be.
AND PAY ME for my home which stands in the way of your majillion dollar casino. I've waited long enough. If money will even do it now. You took up my TIME. You stole my family. I guess I could just keep my house and as the development changes I can open up all kinds of swell businesses to profit from the stuff around me. Sell cards, bed and breakfast, musical instruments, hiphop clothes, demo studio ..... sell chauffeurs uniforms, etc.... Big scary freaks buy things, too so bring em on. AS IF you need the encouragement. Pimps need clothes, gamblers need places to spend their 'winnings' ... like anyone WINS. LOL.
You know what yall REALLY need? You need a person like ME on your side. And, you know it. The thing is that your recruiting tactics and what you have to offer fall short of a LIFE. I see the people you have enslaved. The hair loss. You think I finally started speaking up just for ME? OH NO. You'll see. Agua, por favor. MFer.
Air and Water. NOW. The car too. Then I'll try to regain my sense of humor and we'll talk. If you think ya finally got the balls. Or not. Just bring the briefcasesssssss of cash. I had a terrible time with trust issues considering how many ways you could screw me with official checks !! LOL !!!! Man, former Tampa bankers ... can't live with em, can't kill em. They know every way there IS to screw a person.
North Jersey JUST DOIN it.
Headlights to Impeach
Turn them ON. PlEaSe ! Help a country out here. Also, click the link to sign the petition. Takes three seconds.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll
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Bush Business (two states moving to convene grand juries)
Email your Congressman
Court of Impeachment and War Crimes
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
Stop Organized Stalking
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
Technorati Tags City of Tampa selective code enforcement
Technorati Tags: Insider knowledge creates TAMPA THIEVES, Tampa Firemen, Tampa Gambling, Tampa DogTrack Pam Iorio