Surprised at Steve Bousquet
I'm surprised (and probably shouldn't be) at the absolute NON_necessity of the swipe that Steve Bousquet took at Jim Davis in this article. On second and third look it appears that he's suggesting McCollum might make a good governor next as he's 'strong enough to take on Charlie."
Whoaaaa ---- the nefarious, playground plans of the Florida wannabe Republicans. Their talent truly has no beginning nor end. LOL !!!!
McCollum takes on Crist at his own risk
Published April 7, 2007
Bill McCollum did what no politician has yet dared to do.
He took off the gloves and took on Gov. Charlie Crist.
The Republican state attorney general strongly criticized Crist for pushing automatic restoration of civil rights for non-violent felons and for making it easier for a larger class of violent offenders to regain their rights.
McCollum said so many felons commit new crimes after their release that granting them new rights is a dangerous idea. He said some criminals should never regain the right to vote or hold a business license.
"Some people should have this as a permanent lifetime ban because of the crimes they have committed," he argued Thursday in a Board of Clemency meeting. "Serving prison time and making restitution isn't enough."
Crist totally disagreed.
"We need to be able to find it in our hearts to forgive," Crist said. "Our creator does it."
Crist used the bully pulpit and powers of persuasion to bring two Cabinet members to his side, Democrat Alex Sink and Republican Charlie Bronson, who cast the critical third vote.
It's a safe bet that the changes would not have happened if Jim Davis had won the governor's race, because it's unlikely that Bronson would have sided with a Democrat as he did with Crist.
I'll take that bet .... Jim would have signed an executive order THREE MONTHS AGO !!!!!
McCollum has said the clemency board should meet more often to sweep away its case backlog, and that more should be done to help felons return to society.
But when he proposed that the state compile data on future civil rights restoration cases, Crist and Sink voted no, killing the idea.
McCollum looked alone and isolated. But the weight of public opinion may be on his side, as well as the collective opposition of many in law enforcement.
If you feel you must read more .....
(there are some who believe that charlie will resign to run as VP for someone or another in '08 so it's hysterical but in a kindergruden way .. AND, kinda likely that some Republicans feel these are the seeds to plant) ... STRONG Bill ... BAD Charlie .... BAD BAD Democrats.
Seems Bousquet is saying that people in florida were against felon right restoration. Reading any comments ANYWHERE --- 90% of the folks were relieved. Anyone who wasn't ? Geez. Go live in the few remaining jim crow states.
Mr. Bousquet, be FAIR. I'm rememebering Jim Davis as having (almost too) broad an appeal across both aisles and a very real ability to effect bipartisan legislature.
Bad politics and bad pick.
Be fair. Be righteous.