Friday, June 26, 2009
under the vox populi flag a NEW BLOG (but .... the views expressed are not something we take responsibility for ... )
We're sailing many ships these days ...it's interesting that ANY TIME the truth is posted about the Irish Republican Army Tampa and/or it's female ATTEMPTED MURDERESSES of which there are many .... this information is FLAGGED AND DELETED.
For instance, a friend of a friend in north Florida experimented with posting the same information, slightly changed up in three different VERY DIFFERENT venues. Using the same information, names and truth.
Now, we've enjoyed some success gettiing information out there but when things get flagged and deleted they come to our attention quickly.It would have been different if information had been posted in ONE PLACE and deleted or two places and deleted.
BUT, five places AND DELETED.
That's NOT GOOD.
It's also indicative of who/what is controlling the blogs, online advertising, message boards and various online 'services' which say one thing but do another such as say ;;;;; craigslist comes to mine.Now, craigslist has left postings there which related to all manner os sickness. I personally tink that craigslist is DA FEDS and other criminals so I would never use craigs list except for a very specific purpose.At any rate .... the younger ones in the group want a new effort and they're going to call itFLAGGED AND DELETED.Any time we post information on the Internet we'll be cross-posting it here SIMULTANEOUSLY if possible so that if it disappears we'lll HAVE IT and we'll be able to point out the pattern of trying to make information disappear.When your lives are being threatened you do what you do.AND when the truth is flagged and deleted for whatever LYING reason ...you get it out there anyway.If someone was trying to murder your family member you let me know what you would do. I'm going to help this kid any way I can.The cops don't. The Tampa cops are IN ON THIS.No doubt patrolling craigslist under the guise of watching for sexual offenses.Hey, speaking of which .............I have a cd from the bowels of maryEllen elia .... it opened porn on a little boy's computer ...IS THAT LEGAL????????????????Be sure to visit flagged and deleted. None of us will be working on it but it was easy enough to give them space under the vox flag.
Posted by Vox Populi et. al. at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: irish republican army tampa fl