Look ... a love letter to pam
Tampa axes free jeans for city employees
$TAMPA - As they search for new ways to cut costs, Tampa officials are taking aim at an unlikely target: blue jeans.
For years, some city employees have been entitled to at least five sets of new uniforms every year under union-negotiated contracts with the city. For many employees in the public works and parks and recreation department, the uniform set includes five pairs of blue jeans annually.
City officials say some workers have been abusing those privileges by getting new uniforms even when they didn't need them, filling their wardrobes on the taxpayers' dime.
In a city facing record budget shortfalls, it's an expense officials say they can't afford.
A task force commissioned by Mayor Pam Iorio has recommended that the annual uniform allowances for general employees – roughly half the city's workforce – be substantially scaled back. The move could save the city up to $216,000 a year, according to city estimates.
"We've had some workers just filling up their closets with freebies," said Richard Carter, operations and maintenance manger for the city's stormwater department and chairman of the uniform task force. "In this economic atmosphere, we can't allow that to happen."
Topping the list for proposed elimination are annual purchases of blue jeans, which cost the city about $33,000 last fiscal year, according to figures provided by the city.
Under other proposed changes, subject to approval by Iorio and union negotiations, only workers whose jobs require that they wear uniforms will be given a clothing allowance.
Those employees would be given one pair of shoes and five uniforms for work. They would only be given replacements when those are worn out and would have to turn in the used clothes.
Supervisors, clerical workers and support staff would no longer be given a uniform allowance, Carter said, a move that would save the city another $10,000 a year.
Police and firefighters are covered by separate union contracts that would not be affected.
Union officials said the proposed changes are subject to negotiations on a contract for fiscal year 2011. That process is expected to get under way in the next few months.
"Nothing is carved in stone," said Martha Stevens, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1464, which represents nearly 2,000 blue-collar and clerical workers.
Carter said the city can eliminate jean purchases without union approval because it's the one item of clothing not specifically mentioned in the uniform provision of the contract.
He said efforts to curtail uniform expenditures is not about punishing city workers.
"Every time we save the city $40,000," he said, "that's someone's job we're saving."
Reporter Christian M. Wade can be reached at (813) 259-7679
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Posted by (RRR) on 02/10/2010 at 08:36 am.
A review of ALL EXPENSES on a line by line checklist? What a concept. Would it be too much to have a publicly listed benefit/cost list? Something the taxpayers of Tampa/Hills county could review?? Come on TBO step up here and print it !! Lets play a game called " FOLLOW THE MONEY "
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Posted by (1madvet) on 02/10/2010 at 08:42 am.
Hey, Pam. You could save thousands more by not buying bottled water and have the city and county employes drink the same crap that you expect your tax payers to drink. Toilet to tap. That sounds so refreshing :-)
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Posted by (cyngc) on 02/10/2010 at 08:44 am.
You want the job, you should be responsible for your clothes. Nobody ever paid for my business suits.
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Posted by (dk818) on 02/10/2010 at 08:48 am.
Our tax money hard at work. Is it any wonder we get next to zero return on our tax money when anywhere and everywhere you look out tax money goes to things like union worker's blue jeans? Does anyone at all believe that our government's responsibilities include dressing workers? We desperately need to shrink government at all levels if we are to survive as a nation. Look at what is happening to Portugal, Spain, and especially Greece. You want to know where large entitlement programs, universal health care, generation pensions for minimal work, and 40% to 50% GDP being spent on social programs leads, they are your answer.
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Posted by (turbobody) on 02/10/2010 at 08:51 am.
...uh, nevermind - I thought the headline read Tampa axes for free jeans.
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Posted by (dsjk100) on 02/10/2010 at 08:52 am.
What a load of b-s, a few years ago a city employee came to the city council and said the clothing and shoes that they get should be cut back nice to see that it took the city years to implement the cost savings.
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Posted by (Old_Crusty) on 02/10/2010 at 09:00 am.
(1madvet), good point.As for filling up the closet thing, try the OTHER military system (not the paid uniform allowance). You need a new shirt? No problem, where is the old one or at least the biggest pieces of it?The more shot up, torn up, blown up, or burned up it looked, the less the quartermaster argued with ya.The statement "The medics cut the SOB off of me due to what caused these scars. Would you like to go with me? I'll show ya where it happened." also took you to the head of the line with NO argument about you losing anything. ;-0
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Posted by (TBPatriot) on 02/10/2010 at 09:09 am.
Blue Jeans are a problem, but the 5 city workers doing a small paving job is no problem. Alrighty then.
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Posted by (cemil) on 02/10/2010 at 09:12 am.
You know, I have no problem with a "jeans" allowance being given to workers like the ones in the picture, but CLERICAL WORKERS???
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Posted by (cavedog) on 02/10/2010 at 09:14 am.
This is what happens when unions get their foot in governments door. They don’t mind spending “other people’s money”. Nobody should get jeans for work. It's not a specialty item, like bulletproof vests, reflective vests or safety glasses. I have to buy my own clothes to be in compliance with my workplace dress code. It's part of the cost to work, like commuting, lunch, coffee, soda's, etc. I don’t see where it is the employer's responsibility to clothe me in addition to my paycheck. I'm provided with office supplies to accomplish my tasks. They are cheap, which is good business sense, but I don’t like using them. So I choose to buy higher end items out of my pocket. I don't drink the city water offered by my employer. Instead of demanding bottled water on my bosses dime, I bring my own filtered water from home in stainless steel water bottles. My desk has trinkets I've brought from home, just like everyone who works at a desk/cube. In short, I buy those things I consider perks and personal items Unions associated with governments think the taxpayers should pay for everything. Well, they are wrong, and it's time to bring these unions and local government back to reality.cavedog-If people behaved like governments, you'd call the cops. ~Kelvin Throop
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Posted by (patchvader) on 02/10/2010 at 09:15 am.
Small potatos- the real money is in the multiple overheads with water department, road dept, emergency services, leo etc that exist in the same space. Start looking at city county consolidation- thats where the real money is-
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Posted by (alohaoleon) on 02/10/2010 at 09:15 am.
"under union-negotiated contracts"...the problem is obvious and speaks for itself.
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Posted by (clitaxpayer) on 02/10/2010 at 09:17 am.
a line by line check list should be done EVERY year... not in years when you run out of money. Giving city employees free blue jeans is completely ridiculous. unions bankrupt private companies and will bankrupt an entire city too. just go to work and shut your mouth. if you dont like your job, then get a different job. you aren't entitled to squat
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Posted by (obcanes) on 02/10/2010 at 09:19 am.
Hey whats Yellow and Sleeps Six?A D.O.T. Truck!
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Posted by (ballyhoo) on 02/10/2010 at 09:20 am.
Many industries have clothing allowances due to job circumstances such as safety and work environment. How long would your clothes last laying asphalt? True - worn clothes should be used to claim replacements.As far as 5 workers in the picture, have you ever done that? Do you know what you're taling about? How big was the project? Just a rash, uninformed judgement...
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Posted by (winterfun) on 02/10/2010 at 09:23 am.
can somebody explain to me please, why are employees working for police department allow to take a cars home? I am not talking about police officers taking home cruisers. These are some other (capt.) employees who drive cars home on daily basis. I have one in my neighborhood. Every view months he drives a different car.
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Posted by (MondayQuarterBack) on 02/10/2010 at 09:32 am.
This is awful. Now where will my spouse and kids get free jeans.
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Posted by (suemccartin) on 02/10/2010 at 09:33 am.
I tend to agree that folks that work with tar, asphalt, concrete, nasty chemicals etc. should get a clothing allowance, but, I also don't have a problem with them needing to turn in the destroyed stuff before it's replaced. Any benefit can be abused, if we look closely we'll find abuses of the coffee pot, the bottled water, and plenty of other things too like the office supplies etc. I for one don't have that much problem with an officer taking his/her vehicle home as long as it's not a huge distance (i.e. they need to live within 15 miles or some such). A law enforcement vehicle parked in somebody's driveway is going to make the local petty criminals think twice before breaking in that house or anyone close because they know there's a weapon and someone that knows how to use it. A law enforcement vehicle in a driveway can be a real crime deterrent for a neighborhood.
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Posted by (ballyhoo) on 02/10/2010 at 09:37 am.
The city budget is published every year in detail on their website. If you really were concerned, you'd read it and follow up on it. Most here just want to vent their bile..you get the government you deserve. Get off your duff and do the work of a citizen.
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Posted by (bubonicplague1300) on 02/10/2010 at 09:37 am.
A prime example of why liberal unions are a thing of the past look at California, GM and Chrysler. How about we cut the pay of Tampa cops since an average Tampa cop makes as much as a NYC cop. Lets the cut the city commissioners salary also.
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Posted by (Curbed_Enthusiasm) on 02/10/2010 at 09:40 am.
Good. If the citizens are cutting their budgets, government should be doing the same.
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Posted by (librul) on 02/10/2010 at 09:43 am.
If the city really wanted to save money, they should end take home vehicles for TPD. It's really frustrating to be passed by a TPD vehicle in ANOTHER county doing a good 15-20 mph over the posted limit. How much fuel does that waste?
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Posted by (theartistfkacallitlikeitis) on 02/10/2010 at 09:43 am.
I don't have a problem with the city providing jeans to the workers so long as they don't get additional jeans until they turn in the worn out pairs issued earlier.At the rate the city workers work they will all still be on their first pair.
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Posted by (Snid174) on 02/10/2010 at 09:44 am.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) proclaims that if the cost of a "UNIFORM" draws the employee below minimum wage in one week, then the employer has to provide the uniform, if it is a condition of employment. (there are exceptions for the food service industry and few others). I doubt very seriously that ANY City or County employee makes minimum wage. Why in the world would anyone, particularly a public institution, negotiate a union contract with other than what the FLSA depicts. It is poor management to do so and a WASTE OF TAX PAYER'S MONEY.
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Posted by (pwg) on 02/10/2010 at 09:52 am.
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Posted by (whatthehe77) on 02/10/2010 at 09:54 am.
My husband not only has to weare a specific uniform, he has to pay for it every week out of his check. And because when the uniform company cleans them they come back stiff as a board, we also wash them, so we pay for water, electric and laundry detergent as well as the cost of the uniform!!!I don't even agree with handing in the old pair, you can pick up a pair of tattered worn jeans at any thrift store or garage sale for .50 then turn them in and get a brand new pair. It would be different if they were city issued jeans that didn't have a name brand on them!!
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Posted by (Tampabob1) on 02/10/2010 at 09:57 am.
With this abuse can anyone wonder how much more is out there. It scares me to death. Typical government mentality as it is just tapayer $$$ and we will just increase the sales tax or property tax the spend more.
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Posted by (TATMAN92) on 02/10/2010 at 10:02 am.
I agree. If they can't afford jeans, let them go naked.
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Posted by (greensideup) on 02/10/2010 at 10:14 am.
Do the police officers purchase their own ammo? If so, this might explain why so few badguys get shot...
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Posted by (texigator) on 02/10/2010 at 10:22 am.
Free blue jeans, extravagant catered lunches, free trips, this is all just the tip of the iceberg. Government AT ALL LEVELS needs to be cut and have all of this type of crap eliminated. These unions are sucking the rest of us dry and it's time to put an end to it.
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Posted by (edfflyer) on 02/10/2010 at 10:28 am.
I just want to know if Roz did the "axeing" for 1800axe gary
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Posted by (felixthecat) on 02/10/2010 at 10:38 am.
Hey Athletes get free clothes....LOL geez get your own clothes....most of us do and our clothes cost a little more then $10 jeans
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Posted by (jeffegator) on 02/10/2010 at 10:41 am.
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Posted by (Simonsays) on 02/10/2010 at 10:49 am.
Hey cavedog mabey if you worked a little more at your city job mabey we could save some money...I see you reading and bloging and looking up little quotes to tell everyone.
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Posted by (TBCat) on 02/10/2010 at 10:56 am.
I like the argument: I have to pay for my clothes, everyone else should too. That's real nice. You should look up the word envy. It is not a good thing.
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Posted by (tominabox) on 02/10/2010 at 11:00 am.
This is just stupid. Are we going to start counting how many pens and binders that the office workers use, and force them to turn in the full ones to get issued more? These workers have become used to living within the compensation provided, which includes the free jeans. By cutting this perk, it is effectively a tax or reduction in pay, hurting the workers who need it the most.
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Posted by (bubonicplague1300) on 02/10/2010 at 11:10 am.
This is a prime reason why greece and the european union are about to collapse...when u have so much socialism involved it collapses free market principles. If you want free jeans go live in cuba, and if u complain about not getting those free jeans either get a better job or make better choices about your education. Im sure these workers are nothing but online GED graduates in the first place, the people have awaken and want to stop the free handout policies.
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Posted by (sclark268) on 02/10/2010 at 12:15 pm.
Buy your own work clothes>>like I do, and go to work in your OWN vehicle>> like I do.Simple, Yes!!!
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Posted by (bubonicplague1300) on 02/10/2010 at 12:25 pm.
sclark268 thats a great idea but liberals dont understand that concept
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Posted by (pjgatorjg) on 02/10/2010 at 12:49 pm.
about time, how many of those workers got work clothes paid by the city and still claimed it on their taxes?? what about all the const.workers--etc. no one supplies their clothing??
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Posted by (working_stiff) on 02/10/2010 at 12:52 pm.
You can tell who the union pukes/city workers are on here - TBCat and tominabox.obcanes - so true.
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Posted by (bnav) on 02/10/2010 at 01:10 pm.
just stupid. I guess someone has something against Levi's. Laughable
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Posted by (gene_pool_observer) on 02/10/2010 at 01:40 pm.
turbobody, only would axe for pants on the ground pants
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Posted by (seekit233612) on 02/10/2010 at 01:45 pm.
I can agree with this. I have to supply my own clothes for my job. Let's save more money and cancel Pam's car service too and just reimburse her for mileage she drives. My company doesn't provide car service for me either.
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Posted by (zgolf1) on 02/10/2010 at 01:56 pm.
winterfun I am sure that on the day that the captian makes an arrest of some ax murderer in your neighborhood or apprehends some punks in his take home car because they were about to kill you, well you know where I am going. Its called visibility and you should be glad that the vehicle is parked in your neighborhood instead of being a Richard Head on TBO..And to the moron who suggest that the LEOs pay be cut remember that not to many people are willing to do this job anyway and it is dangerous out there.But you seem to have all of the angles covered. But I do agree that there is much more trash in NY.
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Posted by (username1990) on 02/10/2010 at 03:18 pm.
some idiot in the city wants to spend $4000 for solar garbage cans, and other idiots expect city workers to ruin their own clothes putting down tar. city management really has theirs heads where the sun don't shine. ctrl alt del - time for reset. fire management now.
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Posted by (bubonicplague1300) on 02/10/2010 at 03:47 pm.
Under obamas stimulus plan these are the type of workers that the govt is helping to save or create...where are all my flag waivers?
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Posted by (seekit233612) on 02/10/2010 at 05:05 pm.
To the dinks who are saying that a cop car parked in the driveway reduces crime... where's the study proving that? In my neighborhood (not a high crime area) the burglars attempted to break into an occupied home that was located RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the parked cop car (at 6 pm also). It simply makes you "feel" safer, but in fact it really doesn't. I'll take the cost savings thank you very much. That is, unless you require my employer to give me a car to use - then I'll shut up.
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Posted by (bolador) on 02/10/2010 at 08:54 pm.
I say a 20% across the board tax cut...and let's dissolve, first and foremost, the Police and fire depts. These are taxpayer funded,government-controlled law enforcement and propoerty-protection agencies. I say we fight our own crime and put out our own fires. Real Americans can do it-I'm sure John Wayne did. Then lets get rid of all funding for public education. If people can't afford to pay for their childrens education, let'em get two(or three) jobs. Why should we pay for an educated society? We need workers, who neeeds more professors? Let em teach themselves how to read and write.
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Posted by (RAGINGLEO) on 02/10/2010 at 09:08 pm.
Richard Carter, that $40,000,000.00 new Curtis Hixon Park, at $40,000.00 per job would be worth about 1,000 jobs, all without blue jeans. If I read the story right, Supervisors, clerical workers and support staff will no longer get a uniform allowance, saving another $10,000.00 a year, why were they getting one to begin with? If the job requires blue jeans or any uniform at all the city needs to pick up the cost with the employees knowledge that the cost is part of their overall compensation package. I hope this does not have the unintended consquence of makeing the workers end up getting Dickes instead. Ever notice how when the City gets in money trouble it starts to talk about having to cut services, cops, firemen, rangers or such? But when it is pointed out that it has spent $40,000,000.00 on a park in DOWNTOWN Tampa the reply is always, "The money was allocatted that way and can't be spent any other way". How about the City spend our tax money on things that make the city run well? When was the last time you were on Dale Mabry at a light and the guy next to you yelled out, "I just can't wait to take my pretty wife and three small girls downtown on Friday night so we can enjoy Curtis Hixon Park". I haven't forgotten about the $14,000,000.00 museum either. If the politicos spent the tax payers money like a real small business man would do you think these kind of expendatures would happen? NO. If these steps are correct, and they do sound like they are a step in the right direction, why were they not always in effect? So much waste, so little tax money.
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Posted by (keepitreel) on 02/10/2010 at 10:15 pm.
I only see one (1) American in this picture putting the asphalt down. How about saving American jobs and making sure your employees are legal citizens before you hire. That would reduce the unemployment rate. If i am wrong, please prove it. Remember, I KEEPITREEL!
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Posted by (TOOPRETTYforprison) on 02/10/2010 at 11:35 pm.
TBPatriot, you almost got it perfect. BUT... here's the kicker. They MUST have posed for this picture because I NEVER EVER see more than one guy working ... EVER. EVER. How many guys you need for the job, Tampa employee? Well, let's see, I'll need one to hold my cellphone, and five to stand around talking and laughing while someone else does the work. I actually have NO problem with them having a small clothing allowance. Two hundred dollars in work jeans. I DO have a problem with spam giving herself raises and using city functions to shove her name doen peoples' throats. SPAM !! GO AWAY >>>>>>
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Posted by (Unstable) on 02/11/2010 at 08:25 am.
I'm sure there is lots more pork that can be cut.......
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Posted by (librul) on 02/11/2010 at 08:57 am.
zgolf, it's pretty obvious where you work. When is the last time a police captain arrested ANYBODY. As for visibility, just think of all the times these VISIBLE police cars are burglarized, resulting in the theft of computers, firearms etc. One more point: Why should Tampa taxpayers pay for increased visibility of leo vehicles 60 miles away, in ANOTHER COUNTY. Of course, my employer supplies my auto for both personal and business use. It's called being self-employed. Much different than being a union leach.
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Posted by (mrfla1) on 02/11/2010 at 10:38 am.
to TBPatriot - it takes 5 guys to do a small paving job to get it done while the material is still above temp required to do so. cavedog - the union in the city is like the tail trying to wag the dog. it is basically a paper tiger taking money from the members. i am one of the uniformed workers who gets 5 jeans a year and only 5 pairs. i never get to the end of the year with all 5 pair still intact. i then buy my own with my own money that is NOT the inflated bucks many are trying to make the public believe the working class heroes receive. the mayor still has 7 personnel in her office. there are divisions in the city doing major work with less than that!!! her assistant has an assistant!! many of the non-uniformed admin staff downtown receive a clothing allowance with the biggest risk being a coffee stain. explain that cost please. the majority of the general public has absolutely no idea of how the city actually functions. i would love to see the mayor go undercover and spend a day with me on my job!! she would suffer major reality realignment!!!!!
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Posted by (mrfla1) on 02/11/2010 at 11:09 am.
i see comments on the bottled water the city uses. let me tell you who uses those bottles of water - the downtown contingent who only go outside when it is lunch time. the rest oF US drink what the citizens drink - tap water. i put my own little packets of lemonade in it to kill the taste however. also the bottled water is a custom purchase instead of low bid. it's easy to rig a bid when you know how!!!
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Posted by (TOOPRETTYforprison) on 02/11/2010 at 06:58 pm.
mrfla1, don't drink that crap !!!!! It's killing you. At our house we don't even use it for dishes. It's DISGUSTING. It will rot your skin. This bitch needs to be SUED not SENATE'd. SHe's a smart ass too rolling around with her jugs of zephyrhills water in front of me after I called to complain about the nasty frigging water. SICK!@!!!!
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