
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Keeping Track of the week starting saturday ..

Keeping loose count and not being TOOO judgmental I'm going to call two attempts on my life thus far this week. See below. One at a music store on Henderson where, as it happens something else originated. RUDE !!!!!!!!!!
Two: Publix Corporate Office.

Verifiable attempts.

Anyway ...

You can call them warnings if you like but I am going to call them as I see them attempts on my life as at least two of my family members have gone down this road.

a. There's some speculation that I don't even HAVE a heart.

b. I don't even want to speculate on the amount of b-actor complicity that went into that one.

c. I can feel yall.

And a few useless ones, too.

It's not HEARTS people ... the folks are overcome by this substance and then a bit loopy (don't know the rest of it just as long as I could hang around) .... it's NOT the heart.

It's being overcome then the death box drivers and TPD (LOL) come and away a sorta dead but SURE TO BE DEAD SOON body goes.

Yeah .. we can delve into this farther OR you could always consider knocking this the fuck off.

Seriously. It's stupid.

That would be a tragic mistake for you. Everyone LOVES me.

Especially my very healthy, vibrant heart.


How much you want to bet there's an uneven number of chairs at PUBLIX CORP TOMORROW??? The chair gets good again after some hours but the substance is still detectable in trace amts.

so ... there's that.

R U D E !!!

Now see what you've gone and done?


Favor Factory 2008 quick look at your congress person and WHERE they send your money and who gives them money frequently the same names on both lists. Have a look.
suggested email signature: NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA
may have read this email without warning,
warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or
legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection
save to call for the impeachment of the current President.
ERACISM: ALL colors with love and respect.

"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.

Tampa Firemen and Other Firemen Fire Brigade: NeoNazis

Follow along with Tampa Stalking HERE.

The DOCUMENTED TRUTH about Masons and Shriners (part of it )

I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.

Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)

Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)

... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.

Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.

Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
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Friday, June 26, 2009


Friday, June 26, 2009

under the vox populi flag a NEW BLOG (but .... the views expressed are not something we take responsibility for ... )
We're sailing many ships these days's interesting that ANY TIME the truth is posted about the Irish Republican Army Tampa and/or it's female ATTEMPTED MURDERESSES of which there are many .... this information is FLAGGED AND DELETED.

For instance, a friend of a friend in north Florida experimented with posting the same information, slightly changed up in three different VERY DIFFERENT venues. Using the same information, names and truth.


Now, we've enjoyed some success gettiing information out there but when things get flagged and deleted they come to our attention quickly.It would have been different if information had been posted in ONE PLACE and deleted or two places and deleted.

BUT, five places AND DELETED.

That's NOT GOOD.

It's also indicative of who/what is controlling the blogs, online advertising, message boards and various online 'services' which say one thing but do another such as say ;;;;; craigslist comes to mine.Now, craigslist has left postings there which related to all manner os sickness. I personally tink that craigslist is DA FEDS and other criminals so I would never use craigs list except for a very specific purpose.At any rate .... the younger ones in the group want a new effort and they're going to call itFLAGGED AND DELETED.Any time we post information on the Internet we'll be cross-posting it here SIMULTANEOUSLY if possible so that if it disappears we'lll HAVE IT and we'll be able to point out the pattern of trying to make information disappear.When your lives are being threatened you do what you do.AND when the truth is flagged and deleted for whatever LYING reason get it out there anyway.If someone was trying to murder your family member you let me know what you would do. I'm going to help this kid any way I can.The cops don't. The Tampa cops are IN ON THIS.No doubt patrolling craigslist under the guise of watching for sexual offenses.Hey, speaking of which .............I have a cd from the bowels of maryEllen elia .... it opened porn on a little boy's computer ...IS THAT LEGAL????????????????Be sure to visit flagged and deleted. None of us will be working on it but it was easy enough to give them space under the vox flag.
Posted by Vox Populi et. al. at 10:52 AM 0 comments

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Man in the Mirror

Fifty shows coming up in London, starting in less than three weeks .... couldn't have lil magic michael jackson getting his voice for unity back, could we now???


Coast to coast bodies lying on the floor, breathless.

Current Events (Tampa Bay) : Discussions : Phyllis Busansky, the ...
Phyllis Busansky was such a active supportive individual. I worked ion projects with her in the late 80's early 90"s that supported Women's and Children's - Cached - Similar -
Teen murdered in Pasco County Bradenton Sarasota Drigg
Hillsborough supervisor of elections Phyllis Busansky dies · Smoke detector saves Sarasota ... A 17-year old teen is murdered overnight in Land 'O Lakes. - Cached - Similar -
Hispanic activist killed in Miami crash memorialized ...
Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Phyllis Busansky has been found dead in her hotel room in St. Augustine, according to Pam Iorio. - Cached - Similar -
Teenager killed outside Land O'Lakes party - St. Petersburg Times
Jun 14, 2009 ... Hillsborough Elections Supervisor Phyllis Busansky dies · Progress Energy names ... Dade City man accused of murder in drug robbery gone bad - Cached - Similar -
phyllis busansky - Hot News USA
Click here for more information about the phyllis busansky. ... study for but murder and misfortune a fulfillment of his letter. phyllis busansky Gaberelle - Cached - Similar -

What plans have you to leave parents of children dead across the country and point at Michael Jackson HOW YOUNG HOW SHOCKING BUT MICHAEL DIED ANYONE CAN.

I have news for you: I ain't layin down like that for your fucking ass.

So, Colin and bob and forman and keller and tome and the whole fucking GANG LOT of you.... GO FUCK YOURSELVES. If your wife doesn't stop following me around I will have someone start following her. It's fucking .... CHEEZY. And stupid. And low-grade. And pathetic. And ... creepy. AND ILLEGAL. And I also feel like I have my own whores Mr. Tome ... could you puleeze keep your stable whores on your condo space?? Incidentally, what the HELL kind of marriage is that? Did you discover you both had this stalking fetish and one thing led to another?? You had your chance to talk to me but intead you drugged my FAMILY MEMBER. With the IAD TPD. You DO remember that, right??????

I never believed Michael Jackson did any of the stuff they said. AT FIRST I did but then realized that his property was ideally located, highly desirable and he was a UNITER.

Who'd they get in there? Who poisoned him???

I've been doing some thinking about whether Phyllis was poisoned or not.

It's the same difference. The fumes or the poisoning. Same thing.

People with CHA get is sluiced in their air ducts.

Oh, here's something funnneeee from the fire pigs again. No, they didn't kidnap my dog, tie it up and shoot it eleven times but probably WILL. After all, with the HUMMER dude and WESTON CO from da block (LOL sorry I still smile come and let's do the dirty together and have a good laugh; shit it was funny !! like you didn't deserve it) they used to crawl in my yard and slit my puppies' throats and bash them over the head with a shovel, kidnap my kitty and kill it when I was on my way to the shelter.. that's when I started calling them pussies. BIG FAT HAIRLESS PUSSIES which is an insult to big fat hairless pussies.....

aneeeway, Michael won't mind ..... (LOL) ...

My cousin recently bought a freezer. This dude that used to follow her around has something to do with this but I have to keep that down because of the spineless situation ..> SO they BURNT THIS HOUSE DOWN and it was one of those magical answers where since it wasn't a METH LAB they figured out immediately where the origin of the fire was. L O L.

I'll give you a guess.

wait for it.

Wait for it ...

wait for it ..

yeah, the freezer.


Like the seventh time in a row .....

I'm talkin with the man in the mirror .. i'm askin him to change his ways .....

and no message could have been any clearer .. if ya want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make that change...

Yeah, couldn't have had michae's NEWLY ENRICHED after they stole his fortune voice exhorting blacks and whites together with Oprabama trying to drive the apartheid racism train through America.

I sincerely hope you motherfuckers are happy with whom you crawled in bed.

You disgust me.

I'll miss you Michael. You had a special place in my heart.

If you start feeling sleepy or head achey or can't breathe .. get the fuck up and find some fresh air.

Some cunt can walk by you even two feet away and foul your air. EVER FARTHER. When I was on a lunch date with a friend of mine at the st pete pier some greaser from land o lakes blvd (and here greaser is NOT an ethnic term so shove it) walked by three times and he was at least fifteen feet away from an intimate lunch and a few seconds later you could hardly breathe.

Smiled his little vampire fucking smile at us.

Didn't die for him, either.


When I do die ... you'll be EVEN MORE FUCKED. (but I'll outlive you! I assure you)

And you'll hear me laughing INSIDE YOUR HEAD SO FUCKING LONG you will wish YOU were dead.

Put that on your goddamn, murdering chart.


Ooooh hooo hurry sundown .. the gypsies cried.....

Irish Republican Army Tampa

Move IN with

murder on his mind.

They'll try to start ANY shit with anyone because their sentences are handed down a bit different .... if ya feel me....

huh. Started over a parking place over to WOOD streeet too. LOL. Kid ended up dead in the doorway ... EYEWITNESS GIRLFIRIEND and a JUDGE in TAMPA who took the EXTRAORDINARY MEASURE of ... EMBARRASSING THE ATTORNEY and throwing out a jury decision of GUILT.

Ya see what I'm sayin?

Along those same lines we have friends of friends of firends of THE OTHER IRA (known as the sicilians) shooting at people and then discoering they are related to the OTHER IRA known as the Tampa Firemen and sicilians.

Now, i patiently took the time to display how we are related to all of these factions which of course casued their sham of how we are rats and undercover cops and enemies of this and that and non confederates and raging yankees NONE OF WHICH IS TRUE AND AL OF WHICH IS FUCKING STUP:ID and STILL the fucking with continued.

As anticipated.

I don't have much parley with fucking idiots and that's what I consider most of this.

I just wanted to run them out of excuses and LIES LIES LIES (tampa fireman's nephew ratting out his best friend PLUS THE GROW HOUSES OF POEPLE HE"D KNOWN FOR YEARS cause he konws his pussy ass would be no good in prison) and show them for exactly what they ARE"

SNITCHING ASSHOLES. LIARS AND PIGS who will say ANYTHING and DO ANYTHING to steal from peple and fuck with them and bash old ladies over the head ... FUCK UP TODDLERS, STALK CHILDREN, and try to run over anyone they perceive to be weaker than themselves.


Oh and speaking of the tampa fireman's nephew ....he. Somehow he's got his best frien'ds sister or girlfriend STILL STALKING MY COUSIN P79 3SJ along with grace of the block ... (hey andy) sometimes on foot. while his best friend ushers him into prison.

AND .. same gang different player ...

remember eddie james ivey??? Beaten to death fifteen feet from the tampa firemen ?? always open window beaten to death in front of a tampa paramedic??'s house??

Well, now the guy that P793SJ and CO live with ... (same gang) lured a pizzaman to the OTHER HOUSE my cousin says is ALWAYS SURROUNDED by paramedic trucks and adjacent to the same open windows?? AND ROBBED HIM. And ran past ALL THOSE FIREMEN. (but the point IS this was NOT a vacant house but a house next door to and owned by TAMPA FIRE PARAMDICS. Now you know the cops and firemen ALL know each other... what is the prolblem with making THE CONNECTION TO GGNS AND MURDER

Incidentally, there is a young black fireman in that hood someone needsa take a LONG LOOK AT. AND examine his relationship to fred wright's stalkers. The CB clubbers who stalk citizens.

the dude is AN ASSHOLE. the young black fireman. Which, if I don't miss my guess makes ALL the black firemen in tampa either assholes OR stranglers OR cellpone store burglars. WHAT A SLAVE. Set yourself FREE, brother.....
you ai't got to do what you are told ALL DAY.

yer a good lookin guy. make something of yourself.

My great grandfahter had SHIT put in his lunchpail so that your grandfather could work NEXT TO HIM. YOU WOE ME. Not the goddamn crackheads your're in bed with

Michael Jackson must have FOUGHT for his life. The LA fire dpt MURDER MEDICS worked on himf for forty five MINUTES before they transported him. FORTY FIVE MINUTES WHAT THE FUCK??????

SOunds like david rosenbaum... only TOO MUCH attention rather than leaving him dead on tdying on the sidewalk claiming they did not konw who he was..

The job of a murder medic is to stabilize and TRANSPORT. If they can't stabilize they must GO GO GO GO ... they fucking KILLED HIM.
Part of their bag of tricks probably includes coma inducement ... it's very hard to detect a pulse in that case .... or some other heart slowing or speeding drug... DO NOT FALL FOR IT. Don't let those murdering bastards NEAR YOU or anyone you know.
I love how jermaine jumped up. I think jermaine was always a little jealous ...

and I'm out. voxers are on vacation starting yesterday... maybe some rought reports....

X47 3YX
install whatever for the ho

N544IN attaching illegal tags tangerine car stalks me fouir nights a week ... those are dealer tags. go fukc yourself. Is that what suspended attorneys DO/?? sell cars???
among other stuff.\\

why not just leave me alone?? you have limited choices. you know it. i know it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jumping on Casket Runners

Whew ..... I'm chewing nails PISSED. PISSED. PISSED.

I hardly ever get that mad. In fact I've NEVER been mad enough (or lost control enough despite you motherfuckers' spraying your angry shit in my car and all over my yeard and such like today .... WHATEVA LOSING AIN'T EASY IS IT?? you get used to it) ... to fuck up a TODDLER or get any children (that I was FATHER TO) in a headlock, chokehold bashemup contest on FATHER'S DAY.... nope never...
but today I'm pissed.

Action pissed.

I read Steve Otto's column on Phyllis Busansky and though I've only had occasion to konw her briefly I realized this chick was COOL while I was still crawlin under the table crackin cat turds for candy (the republicans'll get THAT one)


HOW MANY LAW ENFORCEMENT PEOPLE ARE VYING FOR THIS JOB RIGHT BEFORE THE WOMAN OH IS she actually even declared yknow DEAD??? ANd right behind their sheriff buddies in A HOTEL NOTHER COUNTY having a MYSTERIOUS LONG TIME BUT UNNAMED PHYSICCIAN sign off on a myriad of health problems Death certificate when NO known health problems existed......

Mark Ober.

David Gee.

Both have loyal soldiers BUCKING FOR THE PRIZE.

Huh. Isn't that interesting? Because the reason why they became their respective titles THIS LAST TERM was because buddy freddyCO and XO helped them change the date for others to qualify to run for the respective offices of SHERIFF AND YKNOW STATE'S ATTORNEY. (and judges I DEMAND THAT ALL YOU FREAKS WHO THINK I'M BARKING TOO LOUD READ THAT ARTICLE we're stuck with these people who FUCK OVER OTHER PEOPLE BECAUSE EVERYONE WHO ACTS LIKE A CHICKENSHIT ALLOWS IT OR PROFITS FROM IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

To my way of thinking you might as well draw a chalk arrow RIGHT TO THOSE OFFICES when you're drawing the diagram of WHO DUN IT???? WHODUNIT???


Murdering a MOTHER and a GRANDMOTHER to take control of a sham shanty lil dump, the middle of trafficking USA.

CHarlie wells.......

and his protegees.

One by one they're killing ANYONE who could, is or MAY get in their way ....


That's how we got Debra Clark ...
and ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC SOE also died in Florida and was replaced with a republican. Probably a sheriff, TOO.


I swear to god I'm asking for the fucking job.

NO ONE understands the value of DEMOCRACY in Tampa like I DO.

Fuck I'll even let the republicans vote BUT JUST ONCE.

(oh and be sure to check out the below post about a fireman going on vacation who took his dogs to the basement TIED THEM UP [HOW SPORTING OF HIM} and shot them USING ELEVEN BULLETS FOR TWO DOGS) fucking sadist. I'm working on links and I'm pissed off so who knows/???? I'm so pissed OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

It's good. I think better when I'm angry.


These guys are SUCH friggin liars PLEASE follow the link and watch the video. does this look like one smug ASSHOLE??? AND MURDERING DOGS?? evaluate the mental health of someone who would tie up two dogs SHOOT THEM and then throw them in a dumpster??? My doggie is laying right here, yelled at, fed, happy and yelled at some more sometimes. BUT NOT SHOT DEAD. And loved. GOOD LORD.

Just go look at him.

A veteran firefighter ...

OF course.

Hope he never has kids ...

Mark Sanford the lil hottie

Toldya this dude was human.

Hope he and John Edwards start a new club of HOT DUDES who got sidelined by HAMBURGER and still have plenty to offer.

No insult to Elizabeth or Jenny.

Why eat hamburger when you have steak at home????

I mean .. yknow .. the occasional whopper .... wid cheese.

Okay, now the seed is planted.


CHARLIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to apply.

I am.

This should make A LOT of people named ... SHIT THEIR PANTS.

L O L.

Not with the shitting again....

would that be some rich shit or WHAT?

I am SURE I am AT LEAST as good at ducking subpoenas as BUDDY FREDDY.

ANd, I make a meaner omelette .....

Mark .. don't let those south american hotti4es drive your train off the track but this is how I can tell he's a democrat at heart.

a. he likes ACTUAL SEX with a real woman.

b. he likes the outdoors as a REAL HUMAN.

He's OURS.

I want to be Supervisor of Elections

I might be the only one with integrity who could survive the fucking job.

Having met all the trix, already.

Don't get your panties in a wad bad boys and girls .... I'm sure you've got more stupid shit to dish...


I swear to god I'm going to apply.

I'll race ya down there, Lee Nelson ...............

charlie crist and phyllis busansky

Governor Crist,

If you want to fix things... name a DEMOCRAT (A REAL ONE not craig latimer or any other damned questionable ex or current LEO people) to replace Phyllis Busansky.

The people of Hillsborough County OVERWHELMINGLY elected a Democrat. A REAL AND GOOD Democrat.

Yes, I realize that other democrats??? spent a LOT of time tearing down buddy freddy and krews so they could slip in there and then Phyllis waltzed away with the prize.

AND, Hillsborough County would have straightened out in her hands and who konws WHAT ALL she was uncovering dating BACK TO THE YEAR 1999?????????????????????????????????????????????? WHO KNOWS???

But ... that's an oar not in the water anymore.

Don't try to pass off some slimeball on us.

Certainly NO ONE SO FAR is acceptable.

And most definitely NOT a friend of YOUR FRIEND, maryEllen Elia.

NO ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now ... give us as good as we had.

That's not really possible but give us someone Democratic in smell NOT involved with the current democratic bunch of assholes posing as democrats in tampa and make it RIGHT.

Thank you.

Sorry Phyllis.

It's VERY fucked up but Charlie can fix it best he can.

And, here's my fervent encouragement that he DO SO.



What about Phyllis' husband or her son???

pay back a black ho

Everywhere I go today a brand new on the scene, grinning, friendly black person ... and the chair or couch or surface where I would sit ... SAME AS THE ICY FEEL SHIT that probably killed Phyllis Busansky.

Please don't think I attribute this to blacks. Nope. It's a power, decency THANG.

So they can go fuck themselves. But I will say this: Lots and lots of people with access to hotel rooms are black and lots of black people can't seem to get their heads around the fact that they're furthering the ambition of those they think they are destroying.

AND, the same for white people.

Who participated TOO and who can go fuck themselvses. L O L>

Interesting that Phyllis was from Connecticutt. Now, who ELSE is on that list of folks who might have lived in Florida?? Moved to CT? Came back about twenty years ago?? AND ARE STILL FUCKING AROUND WITH MY FAMILY?????


I R A T.

Yeah, if she was one of hers ... better to take out the death attorney-scab (la intimidator) than a foxy lady like phyllis.


Anyway ... I'm watching your shell crack.

Not that it was much of one to begin with.

He will ALWAYS choose ME which will be to your detriment.

All that and if you woulda just been a nice shamrock we coulda been fast friends and allllll..........

WHO do YOU trust??

L O L.


Favor Factory 2008 quick look at your congress person and WHERE they send your money and who gives them money frequently the same names on both lists. Have a look.
suggested email signature: NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA
may have read this email without warning,
warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or
legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection
save to call for the impeachment of the current President.
ERACISM: ALL colors with love and respect.

"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.

Tampa Firemen and Other Firemen Fire Brigade: NeoNazis

Follow along with Tampa Stalking HERE.

The DOCUMENTED TRUTH about Masons and Shriners (part of it )

I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.

Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)

Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)

... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.

Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.

Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
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**Please circulate widely to friends and on social-networking sites**

June 25: Nationwide Protests Demand Accountability

Tens of thousands of people have sent letters calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor, and for the indictment and prosecution of Bush-era officials. On this Thursday, June 25, the movement for prosecution and accountability will hold coordinated demonstrations in cities around the country, including Washington, D.C.; San Francisco, CA; Pasadena, CA; Thousand Oaks, CA; Boston, MA; Salt Lake City, UT; Seattle, WA; Portland, OR; Las Vegas, NV; Honolulu, HI; Tampa, FL; Philadelphia, PA; and Anchorage, AK. More than 40 organizations are working together for these actions.This movement is growing with your commitment, sacrifice and support. Please make a donation today.
In Washington, D.C., the demonstration will begin at John Marshall Park (501 Pennsylvania Ave. NW) at 11:00 a.m. with a rally followed by a march to the Justice Department. Among the speakers at the D.C. rally will be constitutional rights lawyer Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, co-founder of the Partnership for Civil Justice, speaking on behalf of and organizers are working to build the demonstrations, making placards, handing out leaflets, calling the media and carrying out many other tasks. People are traveling long distances to make their voices heard. If you can't participate, you can show your support for the Indict Bush movement by making a generous contribution.People all over the country are saying loud and clear: No One Is Above the Law! Join us today.
Please Donate TodayPlease help us continue this work with a generous donation. The truth is coming out and the pressure is building, but we can’t do it without your contribution. Please click this link to donate today.
--From all of us at


Favor Factory 2008 quick look at your congress person and WHERE they send your money and who gives them money frequently the same names on both lists. Have a look.
suggested email signature: NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA
may have read this email without warning,
warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or
legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection
save to call for the impeachment of the current President.
ERACISM: ALL colors with love and respect.

"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.

Tampa Firemen and Other Firemen Fire Brigade: NeoNazis

Follow along with Tampa Stalking HERE.

The DOCUMENTED TRUTH about Masons and Shriners (part of it )

I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.

Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)

Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)

... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.

Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.

Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dear South Carolina Governor

Please come back a Democrat committed to real life issues and peace.

You seemed like a nice man on Jon Stewart.

Meantime, that lil lord fauntleroy in your office WANTS YO JOB.

Hope all is well.

Phyllis Busansky WAS MURDERED

So, is THIS ONE going to hit close enough home that whoever is LEFT OUT THERE will bother to investigate? Depending on whose jurisdiction it is ... let's go see ...

Hmm, I know NOTHING about him but it wouldn't take long and considering that EVERYTHIGN ABOUT st augustine was redone ... it's not even st augustine anymore I'd say he's just run of the mill charlie wells protegee .... Moving on to the St Augustine Police Dept ...

yeah, the problems crop up IMMEDIATELY.

I've stayed at hotels and experienced really bad, life-threatening problems with the air quality, having to open the doors repeatedly and the windows (IF YOU CAN) and even had to leave the room the air was so bad and you could not breathe. At a Sleep Inn in Georgia they actually laid down NEW CARPET with gaseous stuff you could actually SEE emanating from the carpet .. you could VIDEO IT the fumes were so strong. I left for a few minutes to find the grocery store offloading all of their frozen goods into a freezer truck (can't EAT!!!) and went back and my companions were passed out on tbe beds. THIS was the second room we had requested. The first I didn't notice the double carpet but you could tell; you could literally video the fumes rising in the sunlight. They're smart asses about it, too, putting shit all in the furniture (how many people have died in their beds, on a couch or sitting in their easy chair???? HOW MANY HOW MANY???) add Phyllis Busansky to the list. MURDERED. They kept us waiting for the second room long enough to put the nasty carpet in it. So, they can just roll it up and carry it away to a maintenance room. They used to put the same shit on the carpet in our homes. Everywhere you'd sit. Computer, tv watching, edge of bed... when we pulled up the carpet you could see the stains in every spot. Didn't hit me at first.

They put shit in the pillow cases and the bedding.


GET A REAL CHEMIST not some scumbag.

This woman was MURDERED.

There is nothing that will EVER come out about this that will convince me otherwise.

This woman was murdered the same way Lawton Chiles was murdered.


Oh and UPS has upgraded their harassment to roaring by my car alarm to set it off (they got this from their friends at the fire hole dept) and then roaring back by when I step out the door.


Any chain of events following this will reveal ....

Monday, June 22, 2009

F U C K Brian Blair the killer BEE

AND, further, fuck some whore who puts her HUSBAND before her children.


When your place in life and your steroid'd up professional BUZZER are more important than your children it's little wonder what yall set loose on the world then that grow up to be the scumbags I'm dealing with TODAY.


Happy Father's Day, kids.

Too bad. Again they look like nice kids.

You motherfuckers covering up for each other BEFORE A CHILD will have your day.

It's coming.

Brian lives around the corner (throw a rock) from the Tampa Firman's stalking, trafficking, hitting old ladies over the head, nephew.

Wonder how THAT connection worked out down to the kangaroo court.

Check out cherryl davis. NO ACTION on the whore who beat up a toddler.

See? When bush stole the white house usns got to work and found us a NEW MAN and did other, productive things ...

When Obama got elected these assholes went FRIGGING SCHIZO.

Probably he's under pressure from knowing that his crimes are about to be raked out into the open.

Interesting that his bestest buddy is a FORMER TAMPA POLICE DETECTIVE NOW INVESTIGATING ALL KINDS OF SHIT for whomever .....



This time: ON FATHER'S DAY.

AND, it's not the first time out of the box for Brian Blair.

Go read the comments at the tampa trib. FUNNIER N SHIT talking about his fellow commishes.

Hey Brian... how's that lawsuit about beckner ruining your reputation workin out for you???


You piece of abusive, scumbag SHIT.

Maybe I'm I R A N I A N

To my mind .. you get some ILLEGAL MOTHERFUCKER (COUGH COUGH GEORGE GEORGE) slithering in to your Presidential house ... you have this same slick dick on tv mouthing off about how everything is JUST FINE as jon stewart cuts to scenes of fires and explosions and rioting in the street.

FUN AND GAMES HAVE ENDED IN IRAN ... now they're FUCKING SHOOTING PEOPLE IN THE STREET because this guy who admits having the ballot boxes STUFFED will NOT cede to a new HONEST election.

Now, who does THAT remind you of??

Same thing should have gone on in America !!! (not the violence, please Lord) but the vocal protesting and pitch forks in the street (standard protest phase for all you blog stalkers we're a peaceful bunch here)

People all over the place bouncing the Iranians an internet connection as this dirty bastard cracks down on these poor people.

Now, Obama doesn't really see the problem here.


Translated to ...


Get the President you want.

People want to go about hings peacefully but every now and then a prick like this comes along and they need to end up in a bunker with a gun to their head.

I'm sorry for the Iranian people.

May they be stronger and last longer and hang in there for THE RIGHT PRESIDENT than the people of Mexico did.

Maybe France or Canada will step in to help.



This superpower is shrugging ......

what say you?

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yeah ... UMMM BULLSHIT !! Firemen !!!

Everyone's catching on to your theft and arson !!

I'm sure that's MY fault just like it's MY fault that Cherryl Davis, wife of Tmapa PARAMEDIC CHAD CHARLES DAVIS pounded on her three year old while he OBVIOUSLY covered up for her.

OH, tell Mr. Hurricane over on the bay to STFU too. L M A O. No problem, mon.

AND .... THAT last line in the article?

That's the EXACT SAME THING your other lying moron said in the last article.

Who's writing this crap???


When you dumped those trees on our house and burned the others to the ground you didn't even bother using lightning or 'storms' as an excuse.

You must really have HATED my Grandfather, huh??


Did he make you feel really bad about yourselves???


But doubtful.

Just messin with the status quo.

No, don't strike my house with your 'lightning' and don't saw the tree AGAIN so it falls JUST SO AGAIN> Making that the FIFTH TIME in two years? OR SEVENTH? Truth to tell I've lost track. Thank god for video and photographic evidence and yknow ... RECEIPTS.


You do exactly jackshit.

Oh and your pensions??? L M A O. How much is thirty MILLION split a few thousand ways?????


Cause I'd venture to say that's exactly where that misspent money is.

I knew yall were running out of jack.

I'm watching you swirl the drain as your crack habits price you out of the market of fine homes... hello that was the plan.

NOW, whose side are you on??



O Train in a Jumble of ..... WRONG HEADEDNESS


b. means obama HAS lost his mind


d. they just shafted us another NINETY SEVEN BILLION

e, firemen, you corrupt pieces of draggin the dead around for how many years now whenever one of you gets in trouble or beats their kid to within an inch of their innnocent life while the other one covers up for it: DRY UP.

f. tampa cops on the take: L O L. Hope it's worth alla dat.

g. Maybe that REALLY IS why you became cops in your monopoly game style of life.

h. if you played fair you'd be homeless. I DO SEE THAT.

i. which explains why you cheat like slitherin bandits.

j. good luck wid dat.

k. they've hauled some dirty motherfuckers out of some much bigger dumps than you aspire to slither up and down the driveway of .

l. did you know that you could get MORE for your souls?

m. gotta go.

n. as usual, kiss my ass.



q. HELP ME: Darlin' maybe I WILL but you can't offer to help ME unless you know what I want and you ain't got a clue. FIND OUT. Also .. this sham stuff you've tacked to the wall and down to 800 means exactly jackshit ... you can't pretend that a bunch of SHAM(NOT)POW is something that you are helping me with anymore. If I had to call this one I'd say you went about this all wrong.

r. maybe I'll consult for you ... like picking a jury; I think it requires some expertise yall just don't HAVE to choose the 'fuck with' plan for some 'fuck withables'

s. maybe SOME people shouldn't be fucked with at all.

t. jasons LOVE your random black folks ...


v. so you're fucked again.

w. do you NEVER grow tired of this stupidity??

X. triple dee .. NOT hitting em down the baseline ....

y. or maybe you just ARE that fucking stupid.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Perfect Color for you

Dear Jasons, Did NO ONE ever tell you and the Colins and Bobbers and spouses of the world that it's not nice to follow people around and threaten and steal from them???

Even murder them and drug their family members on video???

Your brother and you certainly have some splainin to do loosey !

Monday, June 15, 2009

Jerry and the MMA and the WildCATS


listen, you da prophet.

You tell me what's going to happen when you think you got me where you want me and then suddenly realize .....

You're barking up the wrong tree.

Anyway .. I see a lot of fighters but no warriors.

WHERE are your warriors???????

I see your child-beaters, manipulating whores, bought prosecutors, public defenders, judges ... garbagemen bikers... SLUTS.. LOL. I see you pimping out your children. Generally it hurts my eyes.

Anyway .. you keep having at it all you want.

Like I said...



your fat boy on lock.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Through the Bobbers with Colin TWO

Control is a big thing with the bobbers and colin ... I have noticed for awhile that they like to try to control a person. Through their family is a B I G G I E. Control when you drive, where you go and etc.... this is not as difficult as you, at first blush, might think.

Say you have a younger family member .... you know young people are easy to manipulate and some people have practiced for a LONG TIME.

Where you'll be, what time you'll leave, your route, your day ... pretty much at the mercy of chauffeuring around people you are responsible for.

Now, when a person has many ummm favors owed to them it makes it pretty easy to get those whom owe the favors to harass others so that it's NOT directly connected to the bobbers. Or Colin.

Such as .. you know .. having the cops do it... or a judge... or a code enforcer (hello mike) and/or know ... the M/M ocps LOL.

Spraying toxins in the area you'll drive into. I just don't get it. One time their own family stood in this stuff for awhile. They believe this will make YOU believe that they are ... yknow, victims. TOO.

Love your long hair ... (A)

Anyway ... I know a family here locally, been here for GENARATIONS and then the Gonzmarts are probably treated with about as much respect by Colin and the Bobbers as my family is.



Anyway ... control freaks are dangerous.

Some are vicious.

I always kinda liked the concept and heard (biased report) that the fella had a good heart.

Evidence of that I have not seen.

Evidence of the TROJAN HORSE he has pushed into Tampa, that I have.

Yes, also HOW does someone have utilities in their name and appear NOWHERE in public records??

Where did the biker import the copbuddy crew from???

Dirty Jerx?? that should be jerz but I liked it that way, too.

Later, control freak....

Interesting connection I made today to D-three.

I'm sure you're all up on that....


prollly c C D

and the whole gas can thing AGAIN.

AND more from NUMBER ONE today ...that's the downtown connection.....

OH and yea .. here's a big one they like to try to murder you naturally so what they will do is fuck with something in your yard. Your natural inclination will be to go fix this thing. DON'T DO IT.

Sprayed with something that gets in your skin, hair and lungs... kinda a good buzz but not a very healthy one.

It's okay .. I'm going to put the sexual predator in prison cause I have his SLANKY son on videotape harassing me, leaping in my yard and HE is the ONE IN THE HOOD with the tools and the tunneling capabilities to do the things he does.

Will be hard to look at the little girls from there won't it Mr. Sexual Predator????

What kind of deal you got going with the M/M cops that they dangle so many children there for you to do your THANG with ...

Sounds pretty sick.

Favor Factory 2008 quick look at your congress person and WHERE they send your money and who gives them money frequently the same names on both lists. Have a look.
suggested email signature: NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA
may have read this email without warning,
warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or
legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection
save to call for the impeachment of the current President.
ERACISM: ALL colors with love and respect.

"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.

Tampa Firemen and Other Firemen Fire Brigade: NeoNazis

Follow along with Tampa Stalking HERE.

The DOCUMENTED TRUTH about Masons and Shriners (part of it )

I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.

Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)

Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)

... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.

Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.

Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
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Covering up for your wife beating up your baby Tampa Fireman

This link LAST NIGHT AT FOUR AM still led to the record where Chad Charles Davis, Tampa Firefighter whose wife beat their toddler to smithereens (third marriage for both I think)

had REPEAT VIOLENCE injunction filed against him BY HIS OWN FAMILY (probably his parents) on 6 9 09 the day BEFORE wifey was arresetd for blacking her baby's eye and smacking the baby so hard her ring showed up as an image embedded in the baby's sweet cheek AND hitting her so hard in the mouth that the baby couldn't close her mouth from swelling.

SO, he not only covered up for his wife .. had PAST domestic violence injunctions filed against him and then RATTED OUT HIS WIFE, someone down at the courthouse PURPOSELY changed the link to cover UP FOR HIM .....

AND, it's not the first time for either one of them.

Cherryl (PLEASE NOTE DOUBLE LETTERS USED IN NAME FOR NO REASON) Tuggles, Barnett Davis was arrested for battery touch and strike and had her arrest records DISAPPEARED /// sound familiar OR WHAT?? Those fire type people always get their records DISAPPEARED. AND she still owes the money but AGAIN, someone down at the courthouse claims this was a NON PROSECUTED case even though she was arrested twice for it. Once for the action, again for not appearing ... I'm sure she wasn't guilty.

So, this baby is placed with DAD who has a record of violence against his family and covering up for his wife (he's a PARAMEDIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

AND, someone down at the courthouse is covering up for both of them.

Now, gee .. WHO could that BE???

Maybe someone related to this guy??? (a sheriff or a cop in car 544) This is the guy who protects my cousin's neighbor from REPEAT VIOLENCE INJUNCTIONS even though the guy SHOT AT HIM. AND, SAME JUDGE denied his petition for protection as let firefighter CHAD off the hook.

AND, hmmm who DID lose those records????

AND he must be employed at station 13 because he or one of his buddies nearly ran me off the interstate as I entered yesterday ... very good clear pics and video.



Does anyone EVER think this is a little FUCKING WRONG???

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that VERY SIMILAR TO the Tampa Fireman's Nephew's CONSPIRACY< ARMED> drug trafficking with GUN case, none of these cases of Fireman TODD are linked together. So, rather than a mistake this is obviously a ploy to disguise the person's entire record from the public DESPITE the fact this is ILLEGAL.
It's MORE than odd that firemen's arrest records and other PENAL records disappear. It's a PATTERN. There is no law preventing this or keeping it confidential. Criminal records are PUBLIC RECORD.

Does anyone think that MAYBE it's because they're out committing crimes of terror and domestic violence and stalking citizens and their little connections down to the courthouse are the judges and secretaries and clerks with TIES TO GAMBLING and other vices who ILLEGALLY give them immunity and hide their crimes (even when a BABY'S LIFE is at stake) so that these guys will in exchange terrorize the trusting public????

So, a guy who covered up for his wife beating up their baby has a guy down at the courthouse obscuring his records for him. TWO DIFFERENT violence injuntions were attempted against him ....

So, now it's NOT JUST MY FAMILY who is being terrorized but AN INNOCENT CHILD who was left with this 'father' firefighter. SAFE!! Not so much.

I've blogged before that they turn this on their wives and family. Of course. It's covered many places how they terrorize their families. So, at first I thought that Cherryl was perhaps a victim herself but past records would indicate she has a problem keeping her hands off of other people....


So, now they're not just terrorizing other people FOR the elite, WITH THE BIKERS AND CARNIES (see tampa fireman's nephew and familyco) BUT they are beating up TINY LITTLE BABIES and having it HIDDEN FOR THEM.

So.... whoever reads all this, leaves my family FUCKED and now a tiny child FUCKED.


Firefighter's wife charged with abuseHer husband, Chad Davis, is a lieutenant and paramedic with Tampa Fire Rescue. TFR spokesperson Bill Wade said the 7-year veteran has custody of his ... - Cached - Similar -
Firefighter's wife charged with abuse | Florida BlogDavis told officers the injuries were from the child falling, police said. Her husband, Chad Davis, is a lieutenant and paramedic with Tampa Fire Rescue. ... - Cached - Similar -
THE WEEKLY VICE: Sherryl Davis - Firefighter's Wife Jailed On ...According to Tampa police, Davis' firefighter husband brought the little girl to St. ... Police stressed that Davis' husband, Chad, was not involved in the ... - Cached - Similar -
Mom who said 3-year-old fell is charged with felony child abuse ...Jun 12, 2009 ... Tampa Fire Rescue Capt. Bill Wade confirmed that Lt. Chad Davis has been with the department for almost seven years and was off duty ... - Cached - Similar -
Cherryl Davis Beat Up Her Toddler - The Dreamin' Demon - 2 visits - 3:25amAlthough if my children can one day look at me the way that Chad and his .... I live in Tampa and these firemen AND their wives for the most ... - Cached - Similar -

NOT good news about Sonia Sotomayor

Statistically, her record could even support the argument that she's conservative on education issues. An analysis conducted by Zirkel found that of 26 decisions on "regular education," Judge Sotomayor ruled in favor of school districts 83 percent of the time. She ruled in favor of districts 58 percent of the time on her 13 special-education cases.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Through the Bobbers with Colin ...

OR .. what does Colin want with me?

I went through the list of my assets (remarkably slim as .... on paper and such; fat in the range and places unseen and alla that) ANYWAY ....

starting long about Gasparilla of .... say .... 2008 .... (still have the text messages !!! I'm a saver .... LOL)

I would have made this through the woods but it's more like a swamp with bobbers.

Anyway .. starting with Gasparilla of last year and then working our way through Westshore Mall, most of Robinson, part of Plant and way more of the mob than I even recognize so rein your egos in fellas. Honest no one gives a shit.

THIS will definitely be an ongoing series as accompanied on youtube and with some private lab results of


I want yall to figure out WITH US ... what in the world Colin through the Bobbers could want with us .....

AND, in order to ... yknow .... keep this interesting we're probably going to have to drag Borders on Dale Mabry through the clubhouse.

I LOVE how they get together to keep all of my family busy on the same night. Been cataloguing this one for awhile ...

Anyway .. through the bobbers with Colin and ... ummmm SP .. darlin ... I'm trying hard to leave you out of this. HARD. Why not just .. yknow??? STAND UP FOR WHAT'S RIGHT FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE.

I do know this: PRIOR to February of 2008 I only had a vague, smiling idea of who this person was.

AND NOW .. it's crawled so far into my life that if I go to the bathroom I check behind the door to see if he's there.

Or she.


Quick run through public records will tell you that there are an almost infinite number of colins and bobbers in tampa.

Or not.

Don't want anyone to take this personally.

Incidentally, when THE PIGS murder someone in your family they like to forever take that date and FUCK WITH YOU AROUND IT. Because they know what they have done and yeah, they sit home at their keyboards playing with themselves as they attempt to one up you in their psychotic little flea flickin minds.

So, what that does then is reveal WHO along the way had something to do with those who murdered your famliy member.

AND, now we got us a megaphone ...

And, we're not afraid to use it.

Oh and anyway ... there is a sex offender in that family. THE WORST KIND. A second generation .............

Porn through MUSIC CDs

About five minutes ago a VERY YOUNG person in our family attempted to install a music cd as instructed by the music teacher who also provided THE BOOK WITH THE CD.

It claimed you needed a connection to the internet so the CHILD did turn on the Interet.

UP POPPED THE MOST UNSPEAKABLE PORN. NOT CHILD PORN but chicks licking each other and open holes .. the whole nine yards.

I HOPE that I don't trace this motherfucking cd back to educatioal systems endorsed by CLAYTON and Maryellen .... and then to houses all over Hillsborough County where people have been hauled out for PORNOGRAPHY and had their reputations ruined.

Or enhanced in Hillsborough County. Possessing PORN is like playing with bubbles compared to the fucking shit that goes on HERE.

Anyway .. would be interesting to rake through the arrests for child porn and see how many of these folks had kids who were also taking music lessons .


oh and ... here's another interesting thing... over the past several days the parents of this CHILD also reported that their mouses wouldn't react well and that when they tried to click the thing would RUN.

So, I'm wondering what the BRIGHTHOUSE TECH IN THE STREET AND THE VERIZON PROPERTY THIEVES have to do with all of this.

AND, probably I'm GOING to find out.

Now ee also have Julie Brown's people who have called this same child's cellphone.

And her husband with the trash fliers they LIED ABOUT.

So .. putting the whole picture together:


connections that keep you shooting

Hey .. incidentally the whole fireman family is awesome... go check chad out. No time for the link ... he was charged with repeat violence 6 9 2009. Wifey FINALLY arrested the next day. They had to FORCE HIM to either fess up or RAT HER OUT. His OWN PARENTS had to force him.

Good for you, parents. IF ONLY you knew what else he was up to with his firefighter buddies.

They don't pay their rent. Probably a crack issue.

Speaking of crack .... is the connection to COP 544 anything to do with how a guy can shoot at, stalk a family and then HAVE NO PROBLEMS? Anything to do with how a sexual predator can roam the streets right next to children LEERING and have no problem??

Just checking.

More on this another time.

Long haired whore and the cop.

That's new.

Too bad ya can't cover up for Cherryl anymore. Her cover is pretty much blown.

HOW do these folks end up in the nicest homes AND UNABLE to spell or write???

I think she's friends with that little YA5LK.

Back to you fireman's nephew .....


Dear Wyoming and Wisconsin and 3163930

Right proud you manage to keep your so smart fingers off the cellphone keypad.

Now, on to my family ....

I guess you think you're very smart still.

But, we can do A LOT of talking if you keep fucking around .... about the drug houses with direct ties to the Tampa Police Dept AND the other boy on Wisconsin ...

AND THEN from the other boy on Wisconsin straight to the Judge's chambers and Irish Republican Army Tampa.

Actually the connection to Irish Republican Army Tampa is a little closer. huh?

So, you YMCA whore running your gang so smart with your firefighter daddy . ... maybe you should consider this ...

Because when the talking starts you'll be the first one to be dragged into it. Along with other wisconsin.

Also ... your connections to The Tampa Fireman's Nephew with his sleeping with his daughter buddy and his seven years of probation are NOT OPAQUE ... so you murderous little whores might want to consider that.

So, that pretty much has the whole ball rolling.

Mess with us ::: GET HOSED.

Yeah ... and don't think that J won't be interested in THAT story.

Ya see, people that have BURIED people over you being a mean, nasty BUNCH OF WHORES really are NOT your friends.

But they are MY friends.

This will be the last time I'll give you the option to crawl away.

I warned you about the cellphone when I could have gotten you into a lot of trouble. Don't always expect kind treatment.

Here's the deal: I can smell you pussy ass pigs. STUPID has a STINK to it.

It's all over you ...

You don't have to get on your cellphone to send messages assuming everyone else is as stupid as you are.

I've talked to you, remember???

I think you and A should go back to spending your time following me around with your silly little gang of murderers because making YOUR PLANS is a total waste of time.

Soooo clever.

Is Janie and fake body part slut helping you?

I kinda see that.

L O L.

And, back to the halls of maryEllen Elia ....

Dear maryEllen, it didn't help ONE BIT that you and Rex made the big show about carney fighting and yanking the charter .... I found the funding.

Also .. it didn't CHANGE anything ...

Incidentally for all you brilliant minds.

WHEN did homeless people get SUCH NICE CARS???

L M A O.

So, you laugh all you want. We'll SEE who has the last laugh .....

Believe it or not even though you fuckheads have infiltrated until you've made a mockery of EVERYTHING ... there are many cops and MANY PEOPLE who STILL CARE that you are leaving a trail of bodies ....

So you keep laughing behind his back .... and we'll draw out the whole picture......

you wastin all this time .. you should have been MAKING FRIENDS and SAVING YOUR MONEY ...

Ima need it, right?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hey Stalking Firemen !!!

Wow. Here's a WHOLE SLEW of people who need some of your 'special treatment' .. OR do they not OWN THE MOST VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR GODDAMN DEATH TRAP LANDGRAB???????

Anyway .. oh and they called your wife a C U N T. Now, why didn't I think of that???

So, hope you have enough gas to get your fucking deathbox stalking ass to wherever this blog full of honest folks are ...

Yeah, fireman rescue boy HOW DID YOU MISS that your baby was having the SHIT beat out of her??? Too busy hammering on that ???

Or ummm whatever ...

Anyway .. I told you to back off my family ...

imagine the stress it would alleviate if you would.

And, tell that fat fucker to keep his crack dealing stalking radio men off us, too.

So .. finally, you didn't want to get blamed so you took the poor baby to the hospital .... then tried to keep her out of trouble..

Quite rightly we all want to know ..... HOW LONG DID YOU COVER UP FOR HER ???????

And, of course, the brotherhood of corruption is THICKER than the love for a child ....

So, what's that make the rest of your family???

Hope your south tampa digs are worth alla that .....

Oh and you stalk US around like you're the SPECIAL ONES but NO ONE I KNOW or am related to has EVER put their hands on ANOTHER PERSON never mind a HELPLESS CHILD.

But you folks murder people in their homes and steal their wallets in the backs of emergency care deathboxes so .... not much is expected.


Ya THINK????

"The mechanisms that are responsible for establishing accountability have lost their credibility within the country, and there's a lack of trust in them," retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez said in an interview on CNN's "Newsroom" Tuesday

fed up in hernando BULLETIN

If you're still reading here ....

SEE what I mean about the double letters in the name???? CHERRYL LYNN DAVIS.

Told to me personally. *BY one of the whore mamas)

Crops up ALL the time.

Check out what the whore did to her baby OR someone else's baby and they kept her address CONFIDENTIAL. NEW LINK ... hmm changed booking number in an hour of so???

I can forgive a LOT of things ... I even try to understand why the motherfuckers STALK US but after what happened today ... I'm ALL OUT of understanding.

I will NEVER EVER understand nor excuse someone putting their hands on an innocent child in anger, an elderly person, a helpless person or a helpless animal.

During the investigation the doctors determined the abrasions on her cheek were consistent with patterns from a butterfly shaped ring worn by the suspect.

The bitch will probably get charges dropped.

She looks familiar.

If I'm not mistaken they had her SKANK ASS out on the road collecting with the boots. I know for a FACT it wasn't a firefighter.




She beat the holy shit out of a tiny baby barely walking.

And someone bailed her ass out.

Living in a home stolen from a dead person more than likely.......

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

NEVER poisoned at Newk's

which is probably part of the reason why Jack's dead....... rare one in a million blood disease MY ASS>

That physician should be INVESTIGATED.

Yeah .. he hung on so long ....


I'm sure people will be poisoned at whatever slithers in to replace Newk's.

Price of being an ethical man in Tampa FL.

High cost of divorce.

Reaping what you sow ....

One time or another it will be someone that YOU love.

Oh plane falling out of the water ... steel exec on board.

1 plus ONE equals ... bodies littering the ocean ..... not sure if I updated that post .....

Chrysler finally making me sad ..





Minarets ... what do these signify???

FIND OUT and then you'll have your answer. Someone told me this a long time ago but I was blissfully stoned ......

On life.

And still am.

Shitty restaurants in tampa that will poison you THREE



How could I FORGET???

The firemen wive's stalking site STARBUCKS GANDY AND HIMES. L O L.

Borders Dale Mabry and I 275. NOT ALWAYS. Select employees.

More later.

Wow you all treat some of your rich people LIKE SHIT in Tampa....

What are we doing THIS week?? Showing NO FEAR?

Whatever ....

You just haven't figured out YET what you fucked up and did (AGAIN !!!!)

Jason dude I was lookin for your ass. You'll hear me laughing on video .. I was like that MMA sonofabiscuit except for his random thugs has disappeared (which is TELLING) and RIGHT when I said that .. on video .... HERE YOU WERE all up and down my block.

L M A O.

Like stupid, ugly monkies on a leash.

Or in a cage over to Microstar home of the child porn star creator ..

WHY kill yourself ??? GET A FLORIDA BAR CARD

I don't understand why nor half believe that Howard Rosenthal tried to off himself .... hasn't he HEARD OF THE SOUTH TEXAS SCHOOL OF LAW???

Why, you can attend this fan fan institution or really ANYWHERE in some places of texas and then steal WAY MORE THAN THIS FROM A DEAD WOMAN, get your license suspended for TWO LOUSY YEARS ... NEVER GET ARRESTED and not even face felony charges.. it's TRUE.

You can even kill your partner if you like. And cause numerous other motorcycle deaths..


I DARE YOU MOTHERFUCKER. You have NO IDEA what comes next ....

AND if you like you can help scumbag stalkers STEAL HOMES from the taxpayers ... finally though what happens is you PUT YOUR ASS in the way of some thieving charities and your skank stealing thieving murdering fucked up LYING (why LIE????? what a shithead... you could have just TALKED TO ME DUMBASS) and anyway ... .... with Mr. F Cruz you steal, pillage, cheat the government with Mel what R an ethic martinez and alla that...


The IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY TAMPA is all in a wad. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Yeah maybe you shoulda thought of that before you FUCKING DRUGGED A MINOR ON VIDEO. again, I have ears you have a mouth ... WTF??

Nope some more pushing, threatening and whatever..... again .. you have NO IDEA what comes next but I assure you ... I'm not walking in fear or looking over MY shoulder for a bunch of fuckhead whores pimping out THEIR OWN DAUGHTERS AND TEACHING THEM TO DRUG THEIR ALLEGED FRIENDS.

Anyway .. Howard, if you recover .. just go to law school. Fuck a bunch of worrying about being charged for shit ....
Probably they'll find out that Howard is right-handed and the bullet entered from the left....
BUT this fear newspapering will drag it out for as long as possible.

Yeah ... go fuck yourself...
I have to laugh at you falling apart at the seams and still fucking with me.
I'd have set me down like a piece of boiling SHIT a very long fucking time ago.
You MOST DEF should NOT have killed him.
And, ms KC ... again... I have ears... you have a megaphone ... what is UP wid dis craziness??

Whatchoo want girl??

Just tell me.

And save the random black people (not kc) trying to figure out JUST WHAT IT IS I DO.
L M A O.
One thing for sure: It ain't RATTING OUT A BUNCH OF GROW HOUSES so my ass gets seven years probation instead of P R I S O N.
I got the phone #'s right ready.
All that boldness.

Sometimes you almost swallow yourself NOT laughing at you stupid bitches.
But you keep those lil gits leaping in the yard, asshole.

Cause THAT is SO the smart thing to do.
If I want I'll buy a motorcycle and drive that around for 100 years.

And, your fat ass knows that as well as I do.
You are fucking PIMPS.

Speaking of which ... all that I refer to is a TROJAN HORSE in America.

Don't get bored.



Wow you can fill up a place with losers, dumptruck *jason's hauling a road and fuck with my family.

BUT you can't even mind your own backyard you so fuckin worried about me...

Droppin 60 grand offa garbage trucks in pinellas and another thirty offa coleman garbage route.

SO >>> you go right on with your program.

Better get your priorities straight ...

you all fuckin wid me and I'm a big tooth rat but you can't BLAME ME for your fuckin crackheads droppin cash like it's a fucking candy wrapper...

fuckin idiots.

You could hire me as a consultant and be done with it you been using my BRAIN as CAULK for YEARS but you ain't man enough to admit it...

Which cracks me up and makes my dick hard.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Irish Republican Army Tampa


I'm about to expand on this.

L M A O.

Wassamatta, do those restaurants belong to YOUR friends????

That cop??

Those cops???

Lemme go find out.

L O L.

New Tampa PO PO coming soon

UPDATE: Mr. Tome .. I forgot to tell you: stalking with children. NOT EVEN NEW. In fact, that's like the, what?? EIGHTH TIME FOR YOU. STALKING WITH CHILDREN IS NO DOUBT A DOZEN FELONIES. ouchie. BUT you'll be the one does well in prison. You're young .. it's yo THANG.

Soon as these guys get off trial for stealing I mean .. ummm losing thirty pounds THIRTY POUNDS>>?> cops get ALL the good dope .. on the way to the evidence room they'll be on YO block in Tampa.

That's the state's problem the defense attorney says... NOT REALLY ... it's the guy's problem who got the dope stolen from him and is in prison for same (But less LOL) and it's the community's problem cause they can't even deal their dope in peace and expect the PO PO to do what they are paid for while they're busy divvying up pounds and dope.

Just take the badge off and go about stealing the usual way.

THIS is why I would have liked IRAT had they not hooked themselves up with what passes for Tampa Justice. L O FUCKING L. i don't have time to laugh that hard today.

Things to do.


Pretty bad when your own hood cuzzin will go rat you out. Reminds me of the Tampa Fireman's nephew...

All dressed up to GO AWAY.

Mine for the time being...

oooohhh did I see him with a key the other day by my car????

Monday, June 8, 2009

Shitty Tampa Restaurants where they will poison your food cont...

I had this erran thought that many of these restaurants are probably owned by ex-firemen and their families OR the new people ... (same) Anyway ... I've eaten in restaurants pretty much all my life off and on. I also believe that tampering with food SOLD IN GROCERY STORES is occurring currently and will occur apace as time passes.

I made the mistake of RETURNING tampered with water to Albertson's. Kept one; returned two.

Mistake?? Well it was obvious when you opened the cap (oh and here let's insert the fact that NO ONE should HAVE TO BUY BOTTLED WATER; in Tampa if you're alive or don't live in South Pampa you're paying for water THREE TIMES!!!! and still have to be careful) .. anyway when you open the cap the fumes came directly up into your nose... some type of noxious something added in there.

The 2008 Florida Statutes
View Entire Chapter
859.01 Poisoning food or water.--Whoever introduces, adds, or mingles any poison, bacterium, radioactive material, virus, or chemical compound with food, drink, medicine, or any product designed to be ingested, consumed, or applied to the body with intent to kill or injure another person, or willfully poisons or introduces, adds, or mingles any bacterium, radioactive material, virus, or chemical compound into any spring, well, or reservoir of water with such intent, commits a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
History.--s. 4, ch. 1637, 1868; RS 2658; GS 3587; RGS 5515; CGL 7675; s. 1078, ch. 71-136; s. 1, ch. 2001-358.

Wendy's on Neptune

The big bar that overlooks the hilarious harbor in Ybor-iffic central (the baywalk twin) poisoned or visine-d my drink. I'll get the name of it eventually ... Jack something??? You can walk directly across the street to Muvico from it.

ANY house in Lake Padgett Estates. (hey g.)

Mc Donald's on Florida Ave (DOH)

The pizza place outside Jannus landing.


HUNGRY HOWIE's on Waters and Armenia (although that was when the Tampa Fireman's nephew's partner in crime worked there so there were other times NOT POISONED)

Rick's on Davis Island. (deserves a second mention although IMO what happened next was funny)

AND, let's not forget the Irish Republican Army, Tampa and the IAD Tampa Police Dept.

Twice. So, that's TWO first degree felonies once you hop over their obscene AND CORRUPT CONNECTIONS in every downtown office.

IRAT just don't know how to quit.
OH .... Tacqueria on Howard.

And, the big big dude who used to work there ....
AFTER it was sold.



That's all for now.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Everything just falls apart

Sometimes ya just get lucky.

I'm pretty lucky. I have riches beyond compare and I live right around da block from the Biker Mao Zedung.

BUT, the best thing is ... I have music.

Here's lookin at ya mousey.

I'm aiming to put Mousey in prison. Mousey's scurrying around tossing up his scurrilous connections and no doubt giving some head under the black robes.

So, there's that.

Now, you might think... what AN ASSHOLE. Who wants to put someone in prison??

To know me is to love me.

So, you do the math.

Who's the asshole?

Does this mean the next judge will be Jennifer Gabbard???

Maybe Mousey can work something out there .... yknow ...

Let's go to Gaza, America !!!

If you can't go, please send my friend David Swanson some money. I'd LOVE to go but it's probably not in the cards. But .. someday.

Join a Convoy to Gaza By David Swanson

Kevin Ovenden contacted me. He works with British MP George Galloway -- yes, this hero. Ovenden is currently in the United States helping to put together a convoy of, hopefully, hundreds of vehicles and people to bring medical aid to the besieged people of Gaza. Americans are invited to take part. Please contact Kevin and join the convoy yourself. Here's what he says about the trip:
We will fly out from the US to Cairo on July 4 (message being that Palestinian independence is as worthy as US independence) where we will cohere the convoy, aid and vehicles and head off aiming to enter Gaza on July 12.

We organized a similar operation from Britain in February - driving for 23 days with 107 vehicles, 255 people and approx $2 million worth of aid through France and Spain, and then across the Maghreb. Support for the convoy is already taking off.
Ron Kovic is the co-leader of the convoy alongside George. As in Britain, the climate post the December/January offensive against the people of Gaza has turned markedly. There is a renewed confidence around this issue - notwithstanding the shocking verdict and sentencing in the retrial of the Holy Land Foundation people.
We are taking strictly medical aid and have gone to great lengths to meet the stringent requirements of the US authorities on charitable contacts with organizations operating in Gaza. We want the convoy to show the world - particularly the Middle East - a different face of the US, that something other than the US Marine Corps can come from these shores.

We hope that it will play a part in continuing to shift US public opinion on the issues surrounding Israel/Palestine and the wider region. A changed public opinion is a precondition for a changed and more just foreign policy. We also hope that the sight of many hundreds of US citizens bringing aid to the people of Gaza will have an impact throughout the Arab and Muslim worlds - demonstrating that the US population is not congruent with the policies pursued for the last eight years and longer. That can only be of benefit to all those who want the US to be seen to play a different role in the world.
It would be possible for you to fly in to Cairo on 11/12 July, meet up with the convoy, enter Gaza and be back on a flight to the US on Thursday 16 July. There is, naturally, a great deal of support for the initiative among particularly the Arab and Muslim communities in the US.

But we want the convoy to reflect also the breadth of US support for justice for the Palestinians. So American figures who are widely known in the US or abroad will have a disporportionate impact.
The convoy delegates are leaving from JFK on July 4 to Cairo and thence, a week later to Gaza. Given the pressures of time some people will be flying out on the weekend of July 11 and 12 to join us on the final push to the Rafah crossing - scheduled for July 12 or 13.

You can find further information about the US convoy at and on the British at

Best wishes, Kevin Ovenden 312 493 4630

I encourage you to contact Kevin and inquire about taking part. The cost of a plane ticket, a hotel for two nights in Egypt, and other expenses is required. I told Ovenden I'd like to go if I can raise the money. If you'd like to read, hear, and see my reports from Gaza at please go to that site and contribute. If $2,000 comes in, I'll go. If that total isn't reached, I'll use your contributions in our work for peace and justice. You can also contribute to the convoy at Please also read this article:
Don't Carp, Organize: Our Convoy to Gaza By GEORGE GALLOWAY, CounterPunch "Where is the ummah; where is this Arab world they tell us about in school.” Those words will forever remain etched on my brain. They were spoken by a 10 year old girl in a bombed out ruin in Gaza in March. She had lost almost her entire family in the 22-day Israeli bombardment earlier this year.

The second time she spoke, it was to the back of my head. I had to turn away; what answer could you give her? While Hugo Chavez expelled the Israeli ambassador to Venezuela, the leaders of the Arab League, with a handful of exceptions, spent those murderous weeks in December and January scarcely summoning even the synthetic indignation that has so often attended previous bloody episodes in the Palestinian tragedy. But that was not so of public opinion, not only in the Muslim world, but mobilized on the streets of Western capitals. In Britain, over 100,000 people took to the streets and night after night we blockaded the Israeli embassy. Above all, the Gaza onslaught produced in the US an unprecedented outpouring.
There have, for sure, been protests before, but this has turned out to be more than an ephemeral release of impotent rage. Something is changing. That has become more and more apparent to me over the last two months as I’ve spoken on Palestine at packed meetings and fundraisers across the US. The opinion polls in January showed a plurality of Americans against the Israeli onslaught. It may not have been a surprise to those of us who witnessed Ariel Sharon’s leveling of Beirut in the late summer of 1982, but the sight of white phosphorous – which forms a gaseous cloud – being used against civilians in Gaza stunned the senses of millions or people who had up to that point been led to believe that it was somehow the Palestinians who were occupying Israeli land rather than the other way round. Seasoned activists in the Palestinian cause confirm that there is now a window of opportunity to take this case beyond the ghetto and into the mainstream of political life – in the US and in Britain, which between them bear the heaviest responsibility for the suffering in Palestine: the US as the cashier for Israeli colonization; Britain, as the author of the tragedy in 1917, when a leader of one people, British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour (an anti-Semite), gave to the purported leaders of another people, the Zionist movement, the land belonging to a third people, the Palestinians. And all without asking any of the people, which even by the standards of British imperialism is quite a triumph. How then to bring to the cause of Palestine the kind of political movement that helped shatter apartheid, between the hammer of the ANC resistance and the anvil of international solidarity? This is the question that has led to me flitting backwards and forwards across the Atlantic, between lectures and fundraisers here, and the unfolding of an extraordinary political crisis at home. It was the question we asked ourselves as we marched past the Israeli embassy on those cold days in January. The demonstrations were important. Anyone who doubts that should listen to those living under siege whose capacity to resist was strengthened every time they saw those protests on Al Jazeera and Press TV. But they were not enough, nor were the speeches, though they too have their place. It is actions that speak louder than words. That’s why on January 10 I announced at the big London demonstration that I would be leading a convoy of humanitarian aid from Britain to Gaza. We decided to head off just five weeks later and to go through a difficult route – down to Spain, cross to Morocco and then driving across the Maghreb. We hoped to take a dozen or so vehicles. In the end, we left Hyde Park on February14 with 107 vehicles, 255 people and around $2 million of aid. Some 23 days and 5,500 miles later we entered Gaza. And now, we’re doing it all again, this time from the US. On July 4, the Vietnam vet Ron Kovic, myself and hundreds of US citizens will fly out from JFK to Cairo where we will form up a convoy of hundreds of vehicles carrying medical aid and head into Gaza. We will be in Egypt exactly one month to the day from when President Obama delivered his historic speech offering a new and more egalitarian relationship between the US and the Muslim world. And that speech makes it all the more imperative that anyone and everyone gets on board this convoy. For Obama’s speech, like his election campaign and presidency, can be looked at two ways. There were the expressions of general support for Israel and continuity in foreign policy which it would be naïve not to expect from any US president. How easy it would be to slump into the cynical and knowing snorting that has been such an unappealing trait of too much of the left for far too long. Because at the same time, his skilful appeal for a more respectful East-West dialogue opens up many roads for friends of Palestine and the Arab cause. If you doubt that, look at the frenzied reaction of the Israeli right who, in their usual understated way, are likening opposition to the settlement program to genocidal murder. Our case is that Obama is right to identify that if the US wants to drain the swamp of hatred against it, then it needs a radical change in policy. The road he marked out in Cairo points in the right direction. But he stopped short. Literally. The road leads a couple of hundred dusty desert miles further from the Nile Delta, across the Sinai and to the Rafah crossing into Gaza. Hence the convoy, whose aims are manifold. First, it is to take much-needed aid to a people subsisting under siege. We are a link in the supply chain that others who have sent delegations to Gaza have also helped establish. Second, it is to take people – lots of American people. No one should underestimate the impact that will have on the Palestinian people. It was emphasized by our hosts in March that the presence of so many Britishers was even more valuable than the aid we brought. It meant hundreds of people going back as ambassadors for Palestine in towns and cities across the country. For the people of the Gaza Strip it was proof positive, in front of their very eyes, that they had not been forgotten. Third, it is to contribute to the mighty process of changing US public opinion on this issue. And where public opinion changes, public policy follows – even if the mechanism is complex and difficult. The eight dark years of the Bush era saw, in effect, the criminalization of solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Whole organization, Muslim and Arab, were closed down, their leaders disappeared and deported or imprisoned, witness the appalling trial and verdict of the Holy Land Foundation organizers. This convoy is about ending that. We want a cross-section of US society, including prominent figures, to take part and demonstrate that this is no longer a no go area; that Palestine is the issue and nobody is going to turn us around. In Gaza, Ron Kovic will hand over wheelchairs to Palestinian amputees. That’s the image the world’s media will carry. Let the rabid supporters of the Netanyahu-Lieberman regime raise their voices against that. That’s a public relations battle we should relish. There’s no point passively bewailing what this presidency might be failing to do. If we make an impact in July and beyond, it can help shift the balance, throwing the die-hard defenders of Israeli aggression on the defensive and making it more politically attractive for President Obama to move further down the dusty road. In a sense George W Bush had an excuse for the mayhem he unleashed: he was a complete and utter imbecile. Barack Obama does not have that excuse. He’s highly intelligent and cultured. He met the sorely missed Edward Said. He doesn’t just know who the President of Pakistan is, he can pronounce the name of the country. If the new sentiment for Palestine in this country is roused and made politically effective, there will be no excuse for anyone not to do the right thing. Go to for information on the US to Gaza convoy or phone 773 226 2742 George Galloway is the Respect Party Member of Parliament for Bethnal Green and Bow.
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David Swanson is the author of the upcoming book "Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union" by Seven Stories Press. You can pre-order it for a discount price at
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Blanks and Charges

Okay, tell me if this sounds mercenary. I'm leaving out names and identities for now, and even some words to protect those who frankly don't deserve protection but having never been a RAT (like some) I just don't feel good about spilling people's filthy sides of their lives onto the WWW...

However -- (you knew this was coming, right??) -- I'm willing to disclose same for a fee. In fact, I'm going to disclose some of this in a book which will definitely be for sale very soon but if you'd like to know if your name or some similar aspect that identifies your smarmy and illegal acts towards me and my family have been mentioned I'd be happy to negotiate a fee with you. For the record, save your pennies if I've known you longer than thirty years. Out of respect for you and your family I'll leave your names out. Out of respect for you and your family I have remained silent. Apparently this same respect was not inbred in you. That's a pity but you and yours are safe with me. The ones who took it upon themselves to do your bidding against an innocent family are wide open just like they've left MY family wide open. Herewith I refer to my extended family and network many of whom are currently suffering at your hands. Be on notice.

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008
Blast Off's Huggy Bear Pic Challenge

A Nation in DISTRESS

A Nation in DISTRESS


In my living room watching;
but I am not laughing ....

..... risk something, take back what's yours
say something that you know they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before ....
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day

In their living room laughing like,

"what did he say?"

Fight the Good Fight

" .... courage is humankind's cardinal virtue, because ''it makes all other virtues possible."
Reverend William Sloane Coffin

......" And I dare you to ask for a lot, I dare you to hold fast to your ideals and to expound them as publicly and as fearlessly as Martin Luther King and Bill Coffin and Betty Friedan and those dozens of grandmothers arrested a few weeks ago for protesting the war in Iraq."

Francine du Plessix Gray


MainSTREAMMedia=Bush Propaganda Machine

vox dictionary
Never Mistake Kindness for Weakness
I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires. Kahlil Gibran

Sept15 button
Every man dies.

Not every man really lives.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...... Martin Luther King, Jr.
[PDA - Progressive Democrats of America - Stand Up. Take Action. Vote.]

Vox Talk

Contrary to popular belief:

Patience is NOT a virtue.

It is concentrated strength.
"The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service."

- Albert Einstein
"Only those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly" – Robert Kennedy
"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation…want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Frederick Douglass, 1857
Tis nobler to lose honor to save the lives of men than it is to gain honor by taking them.

~David Borenstein

You cannot win a War on Terrorism. It’s like having a war on jealousy.

~David Cross

Blog Roll Me ~~~



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Fight Child Protective Services False Accusations

Fighting Child Protective Services False Accusations
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About Me

I was born a citizen of the world and have remained such but along with that: I'm a long time Tampa resident. Mixed bag at that as I've seen life here from nearly all angles and while somewhere in there I became slightly indoctrinated, I'm not too proud of the way people have taken over this city and run it with an iron fist for all but some. This city is working hard on creating just two classes. Thems and them dont's and they are working hard to shove some families down into the gutter for reasons known only to them. Some might be as petty as jealousy, some might be politically motivated, some might just be stupid and all are wrong. I want to believe we can get better but that would entail some stuff that I have no control over. I only can control myself and my reactions to what occurs.

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To Whom it may concern: The contents of this web-page reflect the opinions and experiences of the authors. No contents here are fodder for legal use or purposes. This is a fiction or non-fiction story unfolding and as such all references are held for editing and any references to persons or entities living or dead are merely coincidental and should not be construed as proof or material for legal purposes.


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In other words: read it, enjoy it ... copy it, paste it, distribute it widely.

Don't construe it as anything but what it is: the opinion and experiences of a novelist on the way ... anything that IS true can be proven. Anything that's not true --- well, that's my opinion and yours, isn't it?

My blog is worth 27,092.28.
How much is your blog worth?

My apologies

Addendum: Please check back to older posts as I am constantly updating them as I have more time to delve into the interesting subjects. I thought that comments were automatically enabled. I apologize for the inability to comment. I was able to comment but that's because I'm the author (duh) Now, everyone can comment. It's a free for all. Hey, as well, if you'd like to publish to this blog it'd be cool if you were like-minded but if you're not that's okay too -- just email me and I'll add your email to the list of publishers to this blog. Tampas Back Door Ways (OR)