so, that's working out real nice, so far ............................
P.A.M. is back. I mean Pam. LOL... not sure what that has to do with THE ATTORNEY FIRED FOR REPORTING STALKING AT COLLEGE WHERE SHE WAS A LAW PROFESSOR. (by the homeless whom pam moved ILLEGALLY CLOSE to the biker who sometimes uses them for his stalking .... ) among other things. Well in order to find out WHY it was illegal you should define illegal as SNEAKY AND ILLEGAL and then you'll get somewhere.... oh and view my files on the matter safely copied and documented here there and EVERYWHERE. (thanks for playin ... did ya get my note yet??? SO WORTH FIFTEEN BUCKS... ROFL)
Pam Iorio reminds me of my time in Lawrenceville NJ the dirtiest fuckin town this side of nawlins.
I mean bham.
I swear to god one day (maybe thursdaY) I'm going to drive down mabry lookin for a place to pump my own gas and pam iorio will be standing by EVERY PUMP. With her hand out.
(you ever been to lawrenceville? Don't go after dark. ROFL.. I mean if you're a chickenshit. I go where I want. I roll wit gangs....)
She wants me to pay a toll to drive through the public park she does. Or at least come out wid a dub. The cops protecting the druggers. VIVA LA MEXICO. Deal your fuckin dope and take your chance LIKE THE REAL PEOPLE. NOPE the cops done took over the goddamn drug trafficking and the cops are the bikers are the cops are the bikers are the cops are the bikers ... love to see PAM in leathers...
AND she wants to steal my fucking house.
She and maryEllen Elia make the perfect partners IN CRIME AND GRIME.
Pam, don't tell me that IVETTE is your homegirl while you denied JESSICA SIERRA after she got arrested for clocking someone over the head with a glass???
People wanna DO all this shit to me and mine and others ... but they want it to be hush hush.
I can't figure out WHO is the top lawdog .. pam or mark.
BOTH went to bada bing bada bing ... KING HIGH SCHOOL (with pam bondi-barbie) AND bada bing mark one ups pam with that south texas law school bird cage paper....
BUT neither of them can afford to buy a fucking cop WID A BRAIN.
All that money in dope and still.....
And paperthin ....

fifteen bucks if you can guess what's that white thing to the right there??
Better guess you fucking PIG SHIT BASTARD: How many of those (less than five thousand more than five hundred) do you think that I can provide ???YOUR ASS STANDING THERE WREAKING FUCKING STUPID SHIT.
Because .. yeah ...
Nothing seems to make you see the writing on the wall. I SEE florida. I just don't CARE. Because someone is coming over the pike for your skank ass. Or maybe he's already here.
And he will get you in prison and you will then be staying there.
Do you have holes in your pockets??
Pocket pool