I fear I digress. Today will be 5 grand and I purposely walked through that shit at least 12 times today so that I now have a license to say anything the fuck I please. And drag you and your skanks all through it. I find you pathetic. Not a bad-looking guy but your taste in cars, women and liifestyle is for SHIT. Too bad.
You and that other little Puerto Rican pussy (god love the decent puerto ricans come snatch these nappy bitches up and show them how to be men and women)... might be interested in this case moving through the Supreme Court just now.
UPDATE: I forgot the link.. I'm in a bit of a hurry. Unlike you .. my life only revolves around doing what I'm here for not fucking with people and trying to poison them as you do. H-LIM and peterface, you might want to take note of the fact that the woman who was on the receiving end was NOT EVEN HURT. That's not the case with my family. WE have damages ... so there ya have it. You're fucked. Six years times HUNDREDS OF COUNTS!!! You guys feel pretty confident but that's cause you have bad information. AND, listen up: She was spraying toxins (JUST LIKE YOU) on the other woman's doorknobs, fence, car handles, engine (HEY JUST LIKE YOU) so .. it's not some big mystery now .. it's IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE LAND. (maybe you should talk to your son now about doing your time for you asshole)
It's not the Federal issue you're after ... and since I really wonder about your reading and comprehension ability I'll kinda spell it out .. the cunt got SIX YEARS SIX YEARS for tampering with mail (how many times do I have Don on video doing that?? LOL and still have the mail) and guess what/ All the newspapers you fucked with .. and guess what?? Still have them .. and some other stuff and such we'll just leave to the qt right now .... I don't know how many hundreds of shots and video of you complete fucktwits tampering with vehicle, animals and air ... so that spells ATTEMPTED MURDER. She got six years FOR ONE COUNT of applying toxins and tampering with mail. ONE COUNT. What would TWO HUNDRED COUNTS BRING?? LMAO !! It's double life
Will you have your son do it for you again??
So ... I can only imagine what you stupid ass motherfuckers will be on the hook for ...you realize that is the other element of the RICO, correct?? Yup. And w/ Mr. Keller (LOL ON THAT CONDO SHIT THANKS BOXERS YOU IZ BITCHIN !!!!)
Boxers iz bitchin.
Thanks, bro.
And, as an added enhancement you've done fucked wid justisssss.
Anyway, GOD knows what I'll decide to talk about next.
But, you earned it ...
Why do you think I was smiling???
I'm not a dumb cunt like you.
I like free licenses to gab on and on and on ... so many deal-breakers.
You gotta be so stupid.
You know I'm pissed and you just know how much being stupid pisses me off.
So I'm like double pissed. I hate stupid.
You colored my world with stupid
And you can tell your stupid friend Chrissy ummmm that she's so fucking up. I don't even have the heart to cuss her goddamn dumbass out anymore.
Laters ...
I'm kinda busy right now but I'll come across something soonest.
Meantime .. keep packin the crack and stealin shit.
You goin need the cheddar.....
Seein as fat ass lost his bar card ...OUCHIE