PDA's Impeachment Working Group
My GOD we've earned a name. I was RIGHT. This IS getting done. Waste your time how you will and I'll waste mine in my own fashion.
In the end, everything will be okay. If it's not okay it's just not OVER yet.
I am a proud member of the PDA Impeachment Working Group. You should be, too.
To: Members of PDA’s Impeachment Working Group
Subject: Impeachment or Impunity? (Pass this on!)
If you’ve been reading our front page, you know that fifteen members of Congress have now endorsed impeachment, and this week on Bill Moyers’ Journal on PBS, a stunning case for impeachment was made to their viewers by PDA’s friend and ally, John Nichols of The Nation, and Bruce Fein, an internationally recognized scholar on Constitutional law.
The list of support for impeachment is growing and it’s more important than ever to keep the pressure on your Congress member to uphold their sworn duty to protect and defend the Constitution.
Please contact your member of Congress and demand support for H Res. 333, Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Richard B. Cheney.
Please forward widely.
Yours in the movement,
Tim Carpenter,
PDA National Director
The lie was dead
And damned, and truth stood up instead.
Robert Browning
I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Bill Nelson 202 224 5274
Kathy Castor 202 225 3576
Mel Martinez 202224 3041
Send a letter to the St.Pete Times
I don't care what you talk about but keep sending letters until they publish one. They're very selective with WHOM they publish because I see the same names over and over. Don't let a few people speak for ALL of us.
And call your congressman and talk to her of Inherent Contempt. Do it. And hug everyone you can reach.
North Jersey JUST DOIN it.
Headlights to Impeach
Turn them ON. PlEaSe ! Help a country out here. Also, click the link to sign the petition. Takes three seconds.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll
Click Here
Bush Business (two states moving to convene grand juries)
Email your Congressman
Court of Impeachment and War Crimes
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
Stop Organized Stalking
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
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Technorati Tags: magical sheep, Truckspy rawks, shaggy sheep, SUVs