
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

So ... here go some photos

You do see that bit of sticker up in the window? That's my oil-change sticker from the former mechanic. It's kinda nice in a way because RIGHT PAST IT maybe a few feet (no -- LESS!!!) you can see that firetruck looming on me. Yes, the pic is VERY clear and yes I cropped it. Why? Because I am NOT a bitch --- I am a person who is being pushed and pushed and I like DO NOT LIKE being pushed. This is just the first picture there from my camera. (this year) This goes on ALL THE TIME. This isn't even a picture worth sharing but I don't want to take the impact off the rest of them.

It's staying right here until the poisonous shit being sprayed ON MY CAR .. STOPS.

And, everything else, TOO. E V E R Y T H I N G >>> E L S E !!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I think someone better get the job back. Mistake and all, I guess. Same over with Flyboy.

Don't try to pretend you know nothing about it. Don't try it. I can put all of you in the same family right on TOP of me. And you don't really want to open that door. In fact, there is video of you AT my door.

You are making assaults on my health and on the well-being of people that I love. Stop it.

Oh, for anyone who missed that it's also easy to see the billboard there ... denoting motion on the streets or highway. Yes. This is dangerous.

One day I am living in my home. Some very strange shit happens. I think.

I remember.

The harassment grows beyond ignoring it.

Girl finds blog. Warns nicely, asks nicely. Asks nicely. Asks nicely. During this process city/county employees stalk around, approach blogger, make threats, stalk blogger (pre-blogging stalking, too)

You won't really like at all my next little plan.

Perhaps you should come up with a new one.


It's NOT just these guys. They used to get right up next to my car and get very close to me and turn on the sirens very abruptly. I'm in my own world ALL of the time. Then someone pointed this out to me --- unable to deny it I purchased a video camera.

Oh, guess where?

Yes, at NAZI lil Tarjay.

Once that was purchased and I took a trip to DC and taped and taped THEIR assholes following me around ... I returned home to muted but continuing following.

And the extended stalking my family and harassing my family; my personal prophets with their stories (wack jobs on the loose) Love notes on my car. Ya wanna see those?

I realize there is plenty else they can do.

There is also plenty else for me to do.

and dump-truck man is in half-stealth

He does seem pretty confident that nothing will happen to him as a result of him stalking and harassing me on the interstate.

Could someone explain WHY to me????????????????????


They have done so much damage to my car and then THIS shit with county/city vehicles and one other thing that finally lit the fuse and I filed a federal lawsuit. No -- two.


It's your move, now.


Yep, I'm still stuck on stupid.

Amor Vincit Omnia.


laughing and laughing and laughing - for the ages.

I do reprint some stuff in entirety because I want to be sure people get the gestalt. This is a dual tribute of sorts to John Winters who had such an impact on local peeps that didn't escape even me though I don't watch TV. And to Daniel Ruth who saw it and who more than once has graced my day with his presence of mind in my heart. (and when I wrote him shrieking quietly about neil bush, silverado and neil's educational software thievery in FL .... why, Mr. Wonderful Ruth wrote me a column the very next day) Was I impressed? Oh hell, yeah. I almost broke up with my boyfriend because he said Daniel Ruth got on his nerves. HAHA.
(well I considered it because I knew something was definitely wrong at that point .. hehe)

Anyway, I hope lots of people go say goodbye to John ... I could never bring myself to go near the place, myself .... God speed and love ......

A Life Full Of Promise Ended Far Too Soon
Skip directly to the full story.

Published: Apr 10, 2007

If you are a spiritual person, you have to believe John Winter is in a sunnier place - no more clouds, no more storms, no more tropical depressions.

Later today a very good man, a very funny man, a very talented man and yes, a very troubled man, will be laid to rest.

It's been an odd, uncomfortable few days around this place we share with News Channel 8, where Winter, 39, plied his trade as a meteorologist for 13 years.

The theme song for "M.A.S.H." says: "suicide is painless," which may be a cute line, but it is a dreadful lie.

After Winter's self-inflicted fatal gunshot last week, he left behind a family and friends and an entire community in no small amount of distress.

That's the thing about local television. With a press on the remote, you decide whom to invite into your home.

Rightly or not, fairly or not, Winter became more than just a nice young man who told you about the weather. That was almost the least of his duties.

Extended Family
For thousands of television viewers, Winter was their friend, in a sense a part of an extended family and most certainly an intrinsic piece of the community's daily rituals and habits of life.

And so when it is part of your unspoken job description to be a professional comfort to your audience, the tragic, dark, violent end of Winter's life becomes all the more jarring, all the more unsettling.

You would be hard-pressed to find anyone in this region who upon meeting Winter, even in passing, didn't come away from the moment feeling better for the experience.

That makes his death all the more frustrating, all the more vexing, all the more maddening.

It is probably understandable to feel a bit of anger toward Winter. With so many people in his life who cared for him, loved him, why didn't he allow himself to be embraced, to be saved from himself?

Such is the mystery of suicide. Why? Will we ever truly know?

Early Stages
Ironically, in the days before his death, the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay had begun developing a program to more closely work with the human resource departments of area businesses on providing information on identifying potential suicidal traits among employees as well as training and counseling.

The project is in its earliest stages, but perhaps Winter's death will serve as a catalyst to speed the effort.

After a private funeral today, a memorial service is scheduled for 4 p.m. at Hyde Park United Methodist Church, 500 W. Platt St.

How do you remember a young life so full of promise, brought to such a stunning, horrific end?

There will be many powerful tributes to Winter, about his professionalism, his community work with the Rough Riders, his annual Christmas teddy bear drives, his work with animal shelters.

There's this, too:

On the air on the last night of his life - before the demons paid their final visit - as Winter was about to take his place at the anchor desk, the floor crew had nicely positioned a fake piece of dog poo-poo on the meteorologist's chair for him to sit on.

And the last image the public ever saw of this gentle man was of him laughing and laughing and laughing - for the ages.


Opening up hidden cases
Published April 10, 2007


Credit should go to Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice R. Fred Lewis for jumping on the issue of hidden cases and secret dockets when it first emerged in the media last year. Lewis told the Miami Herald that when he learned that cases were being removed from the public docket, essentially wiping away any trace of their existence, he "almost swallowed" his tongue. Then he took action. The results are a set of new rules issued Thursday for civil cases that will curb the practice of hiding cases and make it harder to seal court records from public view.

Much about the changes are to be applauded. The new rules establish a needed statewide standard for handling requests that court records be sealed. And they assert a strong presumption of openness. But ultimately they don't go far enough in protecting the right of public access.

The good news is that the rules, unanimously adopted by the Florida Supreme Court after input from a wide range of legal professionals, state unequivocally that removal from public view of all information that indicates a case existed is prohibited. Civil cases can no longer just disappear from the docket. There has to be at least a case number or docket number retained and available to the public. That way, if someone wants to challenge the confidentiality of the case, it can be found.

As to sealing documents within court cases, the court makes clear that Florida has a long and abiding commitment to keeping records accessible to the public and that the new rules are intended to further transparency and openness.

Having a public hearing before case records are sealed is the best way to balance the interests of the parties and those of the public. But the new rules only require a public hearing when sealing motions are contested by one party. In cases where the civil litigants all agree to seal the records, there is no prior notice or hearing required, although a judge can still order one.

This is concerning. Civil litigants often have an interest in trying to keep the public from knowing the details of a dispute in a messy divorce, for instance. In fact, it was an effort to pry open the divorce records of former Senate President Dempsey Barron that helped to establish the principle that Floridians should have access to court records, even embarrassing ones. When the parties agree to secrecy and present a united front to the judge, there is a legitimate worry that the interests of the public to access won't be strongly advocated.

The court suggests that the judge will act in the public interest and police these sealing requests. The rules now require specific written findings when an order to seal documents is issued, which should encourage judges not to grant secrecy without a valid basis. Still, it is not the same as having a representative of the public in the courtroom.

Another concern about the new rules is that once an order to seal documents is entered, anyone who wants to challenge the order has the burden of proving that it was inappropriately issued. The burden of proof should always be on the party seeking confidentiality.

When parties engage Florida's court system to resolve disputes, the public has a right to know. The new rules help to ensure that interest is protected, just not quite well enough.

[Last modified April 9, 2007, 21:23:25]

I still see room for abuse here. Especially with all the JEB appointees still smarming around ....

Safety of Animals?? My ASS !!

UPDATE: Grandma wins !! Lots of us called and emailed and SPCA lost again. Think they'll learn something?? HELL NO THEY ARE COUNTY EMPLOYEES. GOD to those who aren't aware. In Hillsborough they will lure you over there and then murder your beloved animals while you are enroute. Yep. They sure did. Fuckers. These Pinellas folks are the same folks who insist that the ladies birds were ill-kept even though she had experts testify on her behalf. SPCA statement was: 'we know that she is mistreating those birds and we intend to take them from her'. (this despite the fact that their dumb ASSES had just lost in court and been proven to be idiots with no knowledge of bird-keeping whatsoever....

I used to think that anyone working in Animal CONTROL(at least they are honest about what they DO) would have to be good-hearted because there are few obvious benefits. But, they are enjoying many kickbacks via those whom it BENEFITS to have others without their protective animals and saddened over loss of pets. Had plenty of this in my family. THEY are the animals ... housing the beautiful souls of some helpless creatures. My dogs might be mutt-y but they are AWESOME. Full of CHARACTER and LIFE. Once they get them at the pound they do something to them. Poor dogs are f'd up for life. And you have to love them, anyway. It's not their fault. I'm just going to hate on these people for as long as I want because they are on the RICO list of people who have bothered me in my attempt to live peacefully.

OH AND BACK TO THE UPDATE: GRANNY WINS !!! LOVE YA GRANNY !! Now, I'll see what we can do to help your boy. It's not his fault, either.

And this:

This is a sickening story but typical of the new people that some of our Mayors have embraced and welcomed in to our fair communities.

Slashing tents of homeless.

FORCING a Grandma to give up beloved pets because of question of their safety.

I'm thrilled to bits that SPCA's first thought was to run out and get these pets. It's too bad that there's no one in FL who will run out and get this young boy and help him.

DCF and SPCA --- our government agencies are HERE TO HELP.


Two Cool Places

First of all, Thanks to Wayne Garcia who in his morning roundup (and perhaps by design, but that's okay) leads me to some places --- this time a very cool one
Sign up for TOPIX to keep Mike Deeson covering what's REALLY UP. Currently he's uncovering Paul Catoe's under the cabbage leaf activities at TAMPA Visitors and Convention Bureau and apparently Paul's wife Margaret is busily and hotly defending him(paul). It's a stitch. I like murph. And me. LOL !! And whomever else calls a spade a spade ....

Okay, now THIS ONE I can't vouch for personally but Mark over at American Wisdom (just say no to fascism) said he used to catch this program when he was trucking and that it's pretty good. The whole concept cracks me and everyone else I mention it to UP.

But, it's a very serious and brutal subject and the only reason it cracks me up is the whole 'back in your face'-ness of it. They've been kicking us around HARD for a long time now. Not me so much as others but now me. And someone has to be next. Maybe you or someone you love.

Send your stories to them ! I'm sure you'll be hearing about Tampa a lot on there because I have a helluva lot to tell ...

It's a radio show out of Toronto called BadCopNoDonut ...

Well, dang it all I'm still looking for the url I was all friendly with last night.(in case I don't find it for you there are a jillion indymedia links and podcasts but I'm looking for the original one of the show)

Oh and the above link was the one to the show. And the others shows available elsewhere in the U.S.

And this guy is spewing truth ...

This guy is helping ...

This guy is always catching my eye ....

Apparently they are creating all sorts of controversy (and probably being STALKED TOO)and that can only be a good thing.....

We don't need no damn police state. Let's stop enabling these guys and gals. They are all shaving and waxing now and I talk to people in other parts of the world who say their 'cops' are doing the same thing. What is UP with that?? Why do they feel the need to look as scary as they are now? Why did all this start with DUBYA??

And why do I sometimes feel that some of our Democrats are on the sell-out wagon, as well?

Signing away the hard-won rights of the American people.

Of course, I'm just jealous of their wax jobs. My eyebrows and such are natural. Theirs are so metro and F R E A K Y !!!

And, I KNOW I'm not the only who noticed this.


Fortify WHAT?? Everything will be fine .... Bill Posey

Is it just me (I know it's not) or is this AS STUPID as it sounds?

Oh and I should mention that I think all this hurricane crap is MORE FEAR like the rest of the stuff since the Bush Regime took over.

Fortifying Residences Called Key To Woes

By KEVIN BEGOS The Tampa Tribune

TALLAHASSEE - Florida's property insurance crisis won't be solved unless large numbers of Floridians invest in strengthening their homes against hurricane damage, the chairman of the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee warned Monday.

If people don't make those investments "it's just a matter of time before this state is devastated," said Sen. Bill Posey, R-Rockledge.

Posey said the current combination of a shaky insurance market, a weak real estate market and the many homes that haven't been fortified to stand up to hurricanes creates the economic potential for "pretty much a perfect storm" that could seriously hurt Florida.

"On the other hand, if the people of this state make a commitment to harden their properties, … the hurricanes will not be a major threat. The losses could be predictably much lower, and that's the only way the hurricane crisis is going to get solved, is when everybody in this state takes some personal responsibility for hardening their property," Posey said.

He's offering a sort of tough love approach to help people get there.

Posey's bill proposes lowering the grants available under the state's $250 million My Safe Florida Home program, passed last year. Although each homeowner would receive less money, the money will go further and help more people. If Posey's legislation becomes law:

•The maximum grant would be $2,500, rather than the current $5,000

•Grants would be limited to strengthening shutters, doors and bracing gable ends - not for roofing.

•Grants would be limited to homestead properties valued at $300,000 or less rather than $500,000 or less, and the homes must be in coastal high wind areas.

Posey's warning makes sense, said Guy Marvin, president of the Florida Insurance Council. But it may not be enough to solve the current crisis.

"I think it will help, but whether it is a big enough first step to stabilize the market is questionable because there are so many other factors involved," Marvin said. Among them: the damage to infrastructure from a hurricane.

If big storms do hit Florida this year, a new round of losses for insurers would make Florida even less attractive for business.

Posey said that's where home hardening, or mitigation, could make a big difference statewide. Whenever a storm hits, a structure would be far more likely to survive.

Rocky Scott, a spokesman for state-run Citizens Property Insurance Corp., said that "anything that helps mitigation, we're for."

Posey's bill passed his committee unanimously Monday.

Another insurance bill attracted an unusual spectator: Gov. Charlie Crist stood in the back of the room and praised legislation that would let Citizens - already the largest insurer in the state - compete on equal footing with private companies.

Past legislation allowed homeowners to switch to Citizens if a private insurer's rate was more than 25 percent higher. The new bill from Sen. Rudy Garcia, R-Hialeah, would let people make the switch for a 15 percent difference. The bill passed 8-1.

"I'm very pleased with what the committee did today," Crist said. "There are people throughout the state that need insurance premium relief."

Reporter Catherine Dolinski contributed to this story. Reporter Kevin Begos can be reached at (850) 222-8382 or

I guess if we don't make these errrrrr 'investments' in our homes maybe we'll have to leave >???? I'm getting the strong hints in that direction. (LOL!!!)

I guess I'll get some strong ski ropes and tie em off to some of those rock-climbing pin thingies in the yard. Few of them thrown over the house should do it.

Oh and the area of Rockledge was one of the FIRST and WORST of this regime ....

UPDATE Here's some funny as shit stuff I missed: I LOVE Jimmy the BEST !!!! (after a reread i can't make up my mind but jimmy is def. funny. As well, I see that Sen. Posey must have weighed in ...)

by Reggie 04/10/07 08:25 AM
Hardening homes is money well spent? I spent thousands on hurricane windows and doors. Allstate deducted a little over 100 dollars last year and this year they are cancelling my policy. We still have massive rate increases and policy cancellations.
by Lisa 04/10/07 08:08 AM
Why would anybody in a coastal community not have shutters? That was the first thing we bought when we moved here. It should be required for everybody.
by John 04/10/07 08:06 AM
This is much like treating of an accident victim who has massive tissue and blood loss, with Bactine Spray at a cost of $2500 a bottle.
by Robert 04/10/07 07:20 AM
Reading this story is just scary to the average homeowner. So many people running around with mostly ideas that make no sense. It's obious the blind are leading the blind in Tallahassee.
by Brian 04/10/07 07:05 AM
This is a good step.Living in the areas most vulnerable to hurricanes should not cost everyone. This idea should probably extend farther inland and to lower cost homes. Hurricane winds cause damage throughout the entire stare.
by JT 04/10/07 07:03 AM
So the window shutter lobby is gaining strength! Good idea but why stop at 300k on the coast? And why wait for permit need hurricanes don't. All property needs to be hardened.There were inland areas that had as much or more destruction as coastal did
by Jimmy 04/10/07 05:57 AM
"If the people of this state make a commitment to harden their property to the best of their abilities, hurricanes will not be a major threat and the hurricane crisis will be solved." Sen. Posey really said this? What kind of shutters would do this?

by Kim 04/10/07 12:49 AM
Ah! Government in the eye again. I called to have shutters put on and they wanted about a thousand per window. So that would have cost me $9,000. Shutters will not keep my roof on, now will it?

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Writes First Book at 96 ---

BRICK, N.J. — Into his 90s, decimated by the loss of his beloved wife, and alone at night with the memories of a rough and sad childhood spent battling an alcoholic father and vicious anti-Semitism, Harry Bernstein decided to write.

What started out as almost a form of therapy eventually turned into a book called “The Invisible Wall’’ that chronicles his childhood in a northern England mill town and — considering that it wasn’t published until he was 96 — serves as an inspiration for aspiring authors.

Bernstein began writing “The Invisible Wall’’ when he was 93 as a way to deal with his memories and the loneliness he felt after his wife of almost seven decades, Ruby, passed away from leukemia in 2002.

“I didn’t know what the heck to do with myself. ... You know when you get into your 90s like I am, there’s nowhere else to think except the past. There’s no future to think about. There’s very little present, .............

It's so awesome to me because this is exactly the reason why my family left England. Only my family would have lived on the opposite side of the wall. My Grandfather loved EVERYONE (or he let me, anyway) and in the life where I knew him he would never have participated in something like this but my Grandma would tell me stories of how things were in England. (not so civilized as they'd have you believe, like everywhere, eh?)

I often wonder what my beloved, vital Grandfather would have done with TRUE old age. He died so young. He'd only be a few years shy of this man's age and he was totally kicking right up to the last possible second his light went out.

Girls would ask me, "WHO is that?" "He's so handsome."

He really REALLY was. This man was catching the ladies' eyes into his eighties; a classically strong, handsome face. It's okay, he lives inside of me and like most of my family, we're way more than pretty faces thanks to him.

So, anyway it was cool to think about this man and (because I read so fast) at first I missed that he was from England ... and then that fact got me thinking.

Also --- through time and currently, many people who emigrate drag these same problems with them.

I'm an immigrant and so are you. I gave my heart to America. How about YOU? If you did -- what are you doing to help her balance herself again? If you do nothing else, I implore you --- at least love everyone. It's the only solid rule to live by. It's hard but it will keep you real. (yep, it's been awhile had to mention it again, get in my quota for the light side)

Would the facists among us please send your fascism back home to the old country??


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Blanks and Charges

Okay, tell me if this sounds mercenary. I'm leaving out names and identities for now, and even some words to protect those who frankly don't deserve protection but having never been a RAT (like some) I just don't feel good about spilling people's filthy sides of their lives onto the WWW...

However -- (you knew this was coming, right??) -- I'm willing to disclose same for a fee. In fact, I'm going to disclose some of this in a book which will definitely be for sale very soon but if you'd like to know if your name or some similar aspect that identifies your smarmy and illegal acts towards me and my family have been mentioned I'd be happy to negotiate a fee with you. For the record, save your pennies if I've known you longer than thirty years. Out of respect for you and your family I'll leave your names out. Out of respect for you and your family I have remained silent. Apparently this same respect was not inbred in you. That's a pity but you and yours are safe with me. The ones who took it upon themselves to do your bidding against an innocent family are wide open just like they've left MY family wide open. Herewith I refer to my extended family and network many of whom are currently suffering at your hands. Be on notice.

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008
Blast Off's Huggy Bear Pic Challenge

A Nation in DISTRESS

A Nation in DISTRESS


In my living room watching;
but I am not laughing ....

..... risk something, take back what's yours
say something that you know they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before ....
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day

In their living room laughing like,

"what did he say?"

Fight the Good Fight

" .... courage is humankind's cardinal virtue, because ''it makes all other virtues possible."
Reverend William Sloane Coffin

......" And I dare you to ask for a lot, I dare you to hold fast to your ideals and to expound them as publicly and as fearlessly as Martin Luther King and Bill Coffin and Betty Friedan and those dozens of grandmothers arrested a few weeks ago for protesting the war in Iraq."

Francine du Plessix Gray


MainSTREAMMedia=Bush Propaganda Machine

vox dictionary
Never Mistake Kindness for Weakness
I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires. Kahlil Gibran

Sept15 button
Every man dies.

Not every man really lives.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...... Martin Luther King, Jr.
[PDA - Progressive Democrats of America - Stand Up. Take Action. Vote.]

Vox Talk

Contrary to popular belief:

Patience is NOT a virtue.

It is concentrated strength.
"The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service."

- Albert Einstein
"Only those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly" – Robert Kennedy
"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation…want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Frederick Douglass, 1857
Tis nobler to lose honor to save the lives of men than it is to gain honor by taking them.

~David Borenstein

You cannot win a War on Terrorism. It’s like having a war on jealousy.

~David Cross

Blog Roll Me ~~~



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Fight Child Protective Services False Accusations

Fighting Child Protective Services False Accusations
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About Me

I was born a citizen of the world and have remained such but along with that: I'm a long time Tampa resident. Mixed bag at that as I've seen life here from nearly all angles and while somewhere in there I became slightly indoctrinated, I'm not too proud of the way people have taken over this city and run it with an iron fist for all but some. This city is working hard on creating just two classes. Thems and them dont's and they are working hard to shove some families down into the gutter for reasons known only to them. Some might be as petty as jealousy, some might be politically motivated, some might just be stupid and all are wrong. I want to believe we can get better but that would entail some stuff that I have no control over. I only can control myself and my reactions to what occurs.

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Ybor City Stogie

Ybor City Stogie

Voice of Freedom

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To Whom it may concern: The contents of this web-page reflect the opinions and experiences of the authors. No contents here are fodder for legal use or purposes. This is a fiction or non-fiction story unfolding and as such all references are held for editing and any references to persons or entities living or dead are merely coincidental and should not be construed as proof or material for legal purposes.


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In other words: read it, enjoy it ... copy it, paste it, distribute it widely.

Don't construe it as anything but what it is: the opinion and experiences of a novelist on the way ... anything that IS true can be proven. Anything that's not true --- well, that's my opinion and yours, isn't it?

My blog is worth 27,092.28.
How much is your blog worth?

My apologies

Addendum: Please check back to older posts as I am constantly updating them as I have more time to delve into the interesting subjects. I thought that comments were automatically enabled. I apologize for the inability to comment. I was able to comment but that's because I'm the author (duh) Now, everyone can comment. It's a free for all. Hey, as well, if you'd like to publish to this blog it'd be cool if you were like-minded but if you're not that's okay too -- just email me and I'll add your email to the list of publishers to this blog. Tampas Back Door Ways (OR)