So, it's totally time to break out the video. I now have succinct, definitive proof (the rest of it is ON FIYAH but it will be a lengthy edited dvd including some other activity) that the Tampa Police Dept. is tracking my blog and working with those in the other icky branch of law the boys with the big red trucks to text around my whereabouts and actions and then in cooperation with a band of thieves which includes themselves, they set out daily to intimidate and harass me.
It needs to go to court and it's going to have to. And get bounced from judge to judge until one with an ethic pops up. Last time the judge I was assigned to --- the lawyers in her courtroom started surrounding me when I was at the club and mouthing all these things about Judge K. and etc. Of course, to let me know that the case would be going nowhere. LOL. We'll just see about that. I think I'll try it in the court of YOUTUBE, then.
You may recall that on the 18th I blogged about these idjits all piled up on me who put me in fear for the safety of my children. Not for small reason, mind you. But to tell you all of that would be to reveal things of a rather personal nature and you know when you're being stalked --- privacy is the deal. I have witnesses to almost all of this behavior and there's so much documentation of it that wheeling it in and out of the courtroom every day will be the work of ten men.
NOT EVEN THE WORST threat was burning my house down. Imagine that. Then the threatened break-ins, then that again. Anyway --- it's starting to look like (about two years ago) as though this one polees man and his family, friends, associates and etc .... have a personal vendetta against my family. Now, going back some time this could have serious implications for these folks because a lot of my family have died rather untimely, mysterious deaths. Yes, they have.
So, when I was driving to my office today, who is there to greet me at Swann and MacDill?? That's right. Luckily I was videotaping and caught him in all his glory. So --- not three hours later I was sitting outside on the sidewalk steps to the office and first came by the firefreaks ---- THEN when they were sure they had my attention --- in to a vacant lot across the way rolled the fine Officer H+++. There is already documentation of various threats he has lodged towards my family and since I'm so big and scary he brought along a friend. It was kinda funny because he wasn't sure he had my attention so he kept moving his car --- moved it about three times to different angles. I got up to walk across the fast-food parking lot where I generally leave my vehicle and here comes his friend 928 zooming up on me. This is scary stuff, folks. So I entered the restaurant hoping for a better view out of the sun so I could see what I was taping but the place was way crowded so I passed on through and came out the back. TONS OF TRAFFIC this guy had to go through just to make me feel caught in the middle of he and his buddy. I walked up the walk to the office and taped him and LO and BEHOLD --- he had backed in and was right next to my car. My car -- out of all the cars on the way to the joint --- he parked next to mine.
And never got out of his car. So, he wasn't there on a call, I videotaped him. It didn't look like he was in the car but the guy next to him on the other side was staring into the car so I think he was in there the whole time, which was under three minutes. I taped him from a distance parked next to my car making a whole big deal that he was there.
The thing is, if you're keeping up with the story. HOW MANY people in how many places are texting my activities?? This could be one of two scenarios or maybe another. I KNOW that my phone is tapped and regularly listened to by some folks who I happen to know pretty well from a number of years ago. They're realtors and real-estate speculators and ex-employees of Verizon. So, it could just be that my boyfriend called and they knew I'd be walking outside to talk to him. OR --- there could be someone in the office across the way who texts or it could be as simple as someone in my office or someone at the firehouse (right next door) --- When my boyfriend and I first started talking about this scenario he was already fairly convinced because wherever we walked in and around ANYWHERE here came a cop or a fireman. No matter which county. We'd buy some salads and go sit by the water --- next thing you know -- big emergency. AL-WAYS. It was pretty obvious unless you're oblivious like me. An eleven year old, friend of the family, pointed it out to me, see? He said, "why are those fire trucks coming right up next to our car and turning the sirens on??" ... h mmmmm I said (as you may remember) and then I started paying attention. Bought a video camera for the purpose of Camp Democracy ---- went to Camp Democracy and videotaped THEIR firefreaks all over me. Honestly even other people were starting to stare.
My boyfriend says, "are you RICH?"
I said, "YES, I am," after a few moments thought. At first I laughed and said no but then quickly corrected this to Yes Yes, I AM.
Then he went in to denial. I gotta hand it to him. He's the coolest dude I've ever known in some ways and he's so hot that I can't consider getting too mad at him --- (although I should NEVER admit that) so we started discussing how this was fucking crazy. Yeah, dude, it IS but I'm not the crazy one.
Okay, who is crazy? Some pretty little girl going about her life or two big thugs in their cop cars racing through traffic on the dime and dot to be sure to surround her and make her feel intimidated. I don't.
I do NOT feel intimidated by you.
Not intimidated.
You don't want the story told?? You know what to do. I told you to get my shit back. ALL OF IT. EVERY BIT OF IT. NOW. And then back the fuck up off of me and leave me alone. Because if I am found dead anywhere, the facts point straight at YOU and a few others and I've watched the scrambling to change cell-phone #'s so ... whatever. Didja forget about those pesky records that the phone co. has????? Alot of eyes are on you now. And, if I don't have my stuff back in ONE WEEK ALL OF IT I will be in federal court before the end of august. Mark it.
Quite by accident my boyfriend discovered something that was the very beginning of MY knowledge of this pig's involvement in my life and family. He answered my cell-phone one day and the story came out. This particular involvement goes back documented for going on two years and before that to his entire family. That's not my fault, that's his own. He and his little felon relatives who roared up to my house one day and offered to buy it like it was an ice-cream cone. By the way --- it's never been for sale. I was on the phone at the time and my best friend who is an RN would be an excellent witness to the yelling and threats which ensued on what was a peaceful afternoon building a fence until his family showed up and wouldn't leave until finally I had to call the police.
I knew something was very strange at the time because the slit throat one pulled one of the cops off to the side and the scenario changed (let them know he was in the family no doubt) and then the other cop .... well, I'll save that one. LOL.
Then these people showed up next door to my boyfriend at the time, swarmed his hood, followed us to the beach ... this was mild stuff. After awhile I started noticing the things around the car and the house and then thinking back I realized other things.
Yes, this big fat PIG would really like me to shut up.
And I would really like to.
How bout you and Officer Noyes go convince the little lady and the really cool guy to return my belongings ??
And then you keep your biker scum buddies away from my home and vehicle and everything that belongs to everyone else I love, too.
Don't forget --- I can wrap you up tight with them.
I'm not trying to threaten anyone. I am the one who has been threatened and stalked. I have evidence of collusion between the Sheriff the TPD the bikers and known gang members and half the city Admin. This is big stuff.
But why does some cop think he can get away with intimidating me?????
You know why?? Because MOST of them are in on it. Lots of them, anyway. I read the history of the Tampa Police Dept and realized how all this worked out and how they gradually got south tampa and other places under control. THEIR control. Not stopping crime. Just covering for the ones who bring them profit. When you think about and then come to the realization of how much manpower goes in to stalking my family and I and harassing and intimidating us and then realize that we're NOT the only ones. We're not. I know others. It's class action and it's RICO.
They have involved city and county employees at every level. You'd think at some point one of them would say, 'maybe we should just pay her what her property is worth.'.. .. uh uh. That's when I realized it was personal. With women involved. Even other women with children. Spawning that kind of mind should be a crime. But, to be fair --- maybe the kids will not be inhuman.
How many people do you think it takes to track me all day and all night long? How many people involved in getting this guy to the corner where I would be (magical!!!) and then setting up with his other buddy during the LONE THREE MINUTES I was outside ... hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Where was he lurking and what were we paying him for during those three hours????
My boyfriend's real denial seems to stem from the manpower involved. This is the WHOLE POINT. The 'man' power is already in place. It's built in to the infrastructure of the city. The cops, the firemen, the sheriffs, many of the city and county employees participate in this activity. For instance, the code enforcer's excuse was that he has a 'challenged' child -- therefore three generations of his family owe their allegiance to doing WHATEVER the city wants. (he's black, I won't say anything about the specter of slavery because it's white and black in this scenario) I walked downtown one day when this all began (to my absolute knowledge, I am aware that it was going on beforehand after much thought AND I can also pinpoint the very moment of inception of the worst stuff jealous bitch) and a lady came out of a bank bldg where she worked and under the guise of putting stuff in her trunk told me I'd better be careful walking around downtown. So --- this structure is well in place. Don't be in denial. Sure as I'm talking about it now someone else will start to experience it. The people I have met are not bloggers --- they are families, lots of them are struggling, ALL of them have had their property attacked. One has an electric fence. I tried to tell her how little good that would do they'd just bop over it and cut the current. I closely observe some of the folks around me and I'm noting the symptoms. Brown spots, thinning hair, shuffling gaits, red faces, exhaustion, dark circles (dark circles DO NOT mean exhaustion by the way --- simple explanation means that your blood is moving sluggishly too slow to clear the dead red blood cells away and under your eyes that is easily seen yeah yeah nursing 101) This is due to the water piped to some homes and due to the pesticides and poisonous gases used around people's homes. This is ON PURPOSE. They're having a cleansing of Tampa for the mob to move in. Wells have been poisoned, as well. Also, I have been poisoned at numerous local restaurants and two bars and one private home. I still have two of the glasses used AND the fingerprints. When I talk, I am not making things up.
So, it would really be smarter --- if the city --- instead of hiring eminent domain attorneys and okaying homeless shelters down the block (LOL!!!!! Metro ministries LOL !!!! They are the biggest scum-cons around, collect THIS) and sending around those cops who can barely fit into XXXX uniforms, and wasting all the spit from the Ohio bikers (hey tina) and ..... oh my god .... ALL OF IT. That's the boyfriend's other problem: how much money it must cost. It's not costing anyone anything except for the taxpayer. That's the simple beauty. All of these people are collecting salaries that I help to pay so that they can stalk and intimidate my family and othrs.
It WOULD be smarter if they would just stop before I file the multi million dollar lawsuit AND still own my property.... but they think they can get one of their smart ass city attorneys to just scam me off and then a paid off federal judge to toss it out like they did with barbra orban.... but I'll be liking to see them toss out HOURS of very clear dvd and tape. Maybe they should have had me go tap the poor folks who they claimed hurt their own baby. The Aisenbergs. At least my stuff is clear and lucid.
They've also sent some other city notices that magically go in to another bin for awhile because they can't do one thing while another is still in effect. I HAVE to laugh. They are so anxious to fuck me over that they have made so many glaring mistakes that if they'd just ... stop being so anxious to fuck me over they'd ... well, they might be better off.
And, it's SAD. It's just plain SAD.
Meantime ..... they need to see if these guys can pass physicals and test them all for steroids.
What are they --- baseball players or cops???
I know they thought that I would try to report the little maggots they send around who then take back off to Liberty New York. But why would I do that, neighbor??
I have bigger fish to fry.