Gone Like the Wind: The High Price of Doing The Right Thing
This sounds like Tampa .... (and that makes me very very sad)
Gone Like the Wind: The High Price of Doing The Right Thing
How to steal property from people and make it look like you are not even an interested party. Has this gone on since July 15, 1877?
This sounds like Tampa .... (and that makes me very very sad)
Gone Like the Wind: The High Price of Doing The Right Thing
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/31/2007 11:14:00 PM
Labels: Tampa et. al. ...enough to go around but a few want it all ....
I guess Charlie can keep denying the EX-felon right to their civil rights(looks like he probably will [keep denying them], anyway) as long as he keeps bolstering my property value .... (this is me at my sarcastic worst!!) He copied Jim Davis' campaign promise to restore civil rights for felons and PROMISED to restore same.
For those with memory deficit --- JEB signed an executive order to declare martial law FOUR DAYS BEFORE Sept. 11, 2001. No one had to give him permission. Charlie could and said he might restore felon voting rights in the same fashion. NO ONE has to give him permission.
But, he's all up on this gambling stuff so hang on felons, maybe I can buy your rights back here pretty soon ...... (at least with all the damn money I'll have I can buy some influence LOL LOL LOL)
Here's the scoop.
Ain't it amazin' how WWCD has all this beautiful time to sit down with the gambling interests but what he did with the Black Caucus was to avert their eyes towards FAMU????
Just sayin ....
Once the Seminoles have it ALL; the white dudes will get it all. It's very cool how that works. What's sauce for the goose .....
Personally, if I were the Seminoles I would have held out for a better deal.
If anyone deserves to be compensated it is the North American Native Americans.
Among others ...
As gambling becomes more and more a part of our Florida lifestyle may I repeat one additional time: I hope you are all very very happy with whom you share your covers. Wouldn't be my choice.
And, I love you.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/31/2007 01:25:00 PM
Labels: fries with that wager? Bush education dovetail crist gambling
I have noticed the same thing CONSTANTLY. I try to make it a habit to at least glance at eight major papers across the country daily. (in self-defense, not because I feel it's even slightly newsy) Even though their stories are community-related; the fear mechanism is still startling in it's similarity each time. Seattle is talking about the same 'scary shit' as Freep, as Chicago, as Phoenix, as AJC as Tampa ... take your pick. Media control. Scaring us into a police state.
I believe that all of this is helping to impel us towards the police state. I observe many events/concrete/mortar which steer my thinking in this direction. The Tampa Tribune is very guilty of this. (i.e. revisiting the gainesville murders during the mentions of impeachment of bush; there was no Gainesville anniversary or birthday involved, nothing new whatsoever)And it wasn't anything to do with Danny Rolling who was not executed til some time later ... ((((Manny, Mario)))
Just fear. Then they get some more thug cops who will end up being the ones that WE need protection from. They and those 'neighbors' whom you think of as quite odd now: they're the jailers.
And, it's coming faster than can be believed. To a neighborhood near you.
I've done some interesting reading and viewing on how Paris (the one in France) was redesigned by the monster King (our own monster king doing our own dirty work here)... many Parisians believe that the entire purpose for this design was to deter the citizens from rioting. (by widening the boulevards making it easier for the authori-eyes to drive people back and giving people no ability to ambush them) Apparently Paris has always been the site of cool people keeping it on the real side. Good enough.
I see this same stuff around Tampa (and probably throughout Florida/NewnitedStates in a thrice). For instance, when you are irritated by those stupid parking lot enclosures (you know the dangerous ones that send you back out into Kenndey (Tampa spelling) Blvd merely to maneuver into the next parking lot. Then, places (read HOLES) like WalMart and Home Depot and Lowe's when they come to an area they TAKE IT OVER. Calls to mind the same thing. It's more CONTROL. Notice the big nasty THREE of that. Any entity/corporation that moves in and exerts that much control --- shop elsewhere. This is just a great post, but you can figure out which stores to stay out of ....
HoMeLaNd CoNtRoL
Has anyone noticed those huge walls along the interstate towards NorthTampa? I just saw them for the first time a few months back but I read the vicious battle from the Cty towards the neighbors who did NOT want these hideous things. Seminole Heights seem to have fought this wall successfully but in these JEBO666 times, I bet it will be back around. Plus, Seminole Heights got tricked into some pretty impressively depressing walls under the guise of 'setting their neighborhood apart.' (thanks to the NEW PEOPLE and to others' weaknesses. DONT BE WEAK.) I see the same unbelievably high WALL surrounding Ybor City and other places. Go look. Then tell me, if you will how hard it would be for twenty cops or so to herd an entire POPULATION down one of these things to a waiting Haliburton 'immigrant' holding pen. hmmmmm. Seems there's also some in lovely Cheval (an area admittedly I am happy to avoid) They kept that interstate clogged up so no one could really watch what they were doing and there is no one left in YBOR who wants to fight it; most there are part of the problem now. (sorry to those of you who are not, I'm not oblivious that there are some souls left there) ... Anyhooooo .... now this big ass wall is there that you couldn't scale without BAT CLANKS and WTF?? Don't bother with the 'traffic-calming, noise-deadening drivel, mmmkay?)
These people aren't protecting us; they are CONTROLLING us and they hate people like us for pointing it out to you.
The walls went up contrary to the wishes of the people (and they ARE ugly and they DO block the sun) and the corporation (owned by WHO KNOWS? triumphed over human beings) Why were these walls so important? Who gives a shit what's good for people's ears? Since when? The same thing with that same area when they tried to talk the neighborhood into building a big wall to block off the XXX businesses that your COUNTY govmint ok'd for the children in that neighborhood.
In Nazi Germany this would be known as ghetto building. They just about have all the walls up. Why can't you see it? Please go look. Please go look and tell yourself the truth. It's very ominous when you compare the two .... (and you should) They won't even need the barbed wire. The walls are to keep us in not to keep noise OUT. People should look at this stuff and see the big picture. I've got a ticket out. I want you to find one, too. Don't let them scare you into inaction.
Hasn't anyone else noticed how many times they advise citizens to stay inside because of this or that murderer, knifist, rapist ... what have you ?? GO OUT on those nights and see the shit they are hauling down the interstate and highways. yep.
This is an invisible invasion and people have to wake up. Up is down. White is Black. Your neighbor is no such animal. That new guy is a fucking freak. Just the way he feels.
And, finally --- on to a great post.
Pensacola Beach Blog: All Fear, All the Time
Oh in case anyone missed it .. Hubbard and FDOT are part and parcel of the REGIME change here in what's left of Florida. I don't have to go on into the nitty gritty here. You drive these roads; you watch the death and destruction just like me. We're giving MILLIONS to Republican-run parties. NO agenda there, I'm sure.
On my fridge there's a cool Florida magnet and underneath it someone (who -- who could this be??) wrote SUCKS NOW
This is true. IF we work long and hard there are still a few tiny pockets left. We have to look at the big picture. We have to stop these people from stealing Florida and our lovely lifestyles.
Or, at least get your tix the hell out of here if my base suspicions prove to be correct. Things are not looking good but I don't want to do my own version of fear. I'm not afraid. I'm standing right up and looking them in the eye. Do the same but plan for the worse.
And don't look into the abyss for too long.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/31/2007 11:47:00 AM
Labels: towards the police state .....
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