Do I LOOK Illegal??
Dude we're ALL IMMIGRANTS. Idiot. Target gangers. They really truly ARE easy to spot.
You know they are beating the fuck out of people, shooting cops, best friends with cops, carting meth around, intimidating and shooting people.. .covered with gang tats. You know.... George, Jeb and Pam's folks.
DO I LOOK ILLEGAL? Get the t-shirt....
(leave it to arizona who once voted in MLK day long enough to get the superbowl and then voted it back out ROFL)
And screw the NFL for ignoring that. Are you ready to HATE FOOTBALL??? I've got a head start...
It is racial persecution. It is institutionalized discrimination. It is a direct and blatant attack on the Latino community. The bill signed into law this week by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is a major setback in the fight for equality and civil rights. Your appearance, your clothes, your language, your location, your activities or anything that may trigger suspicion is now grounds for detention. So in response to this heinous bill, we decided to send the Arizona governor and the state legislature a challenge: Answer this question - Do I Look "Illegal"? Latino or not, let us stand together and fight back against these forces of racism. We have produced T-shirts to tell the Arizona government that we will not stand idle as they trump the basic civil rights of any minority. Your contribution of $15 will not only get you one of the T-Shirts but will also allow Brave New Foundation's Cuéntame to produce a series of videos and actions that will expose the Arizona government for their attempt to institutionalize a Latino persecution.
GET THE T-SHIRT TODAY!We have also launched a pledge to boycott the state of Arizona until this law is stricken down. Sign the petition today and tell Arizona that you boycott intolerance and persecution. We are fed up and are ready to fight back! Are you with us? ¡Hasta Pronto! Axel Caballero, Ofelia Yañez and the Cuéntame team If you haven't already, please become a Cuéntame connection by clicking the LIKE button on top of the page. Building strong numbers is the most effective way to push back against this unjust law.