another sword for the light
Here ya go.
Instead of just letting them steal the old folks' licenses with this one (my grandpa DROVE until he was 85 and could out-run you, me or anyone) send them the names of all the drivers for Tampa Fire Rescue who have almost murdered FIVE PEOPLE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, including their own family AND MINE.
And, when you see those gangers going down the road weaving in and out of traffic and such .. what the hell, write that plate down and send it in.
mo money mo money mo money ...
Read on....
Tampa Fire Rescue otherwise known as the PUBIC HAIR GANGERS has resumed racing by mu cousin's house whenever they open the door or step outside.
This can only be accomplished with gang assistance.
So, you see how they are pulled around on a leash?? Like stupid fucking playground bullies.
SO, I guess one of the pube-hair-yanking idiots from fourteen has landed by his property.
Because they had been relatively calm other than parking OUT IN THE STREET ON HIS KNOWN DRIVING SCHEDULE.
I feel QUITE SURE that is against the law ... but just wait til enough of it piles up.
Where's old 700 been?
Yanking out his pubic hair with Officer Fajita???
Is that bad nerves or celebratory?
At least yall can still go to Y-BORE. LMAO.
Pedro, maybe you should become a firefighter/EMT ...
oh shit, that's right. .. you can't. You're not allowed in Y-BORE.
BUT your criminal, thieving, intimidating lifestyle suits you up for the job and yknow the other family attributes.
Go for it dude.
Gitchoo a lil step ladder to reach that big ol truck.
And you TOO can play TOUCH A FIREMAN DAY