A little bit of looking took me to a site that shows directions (very thorough) and also a form for direct commenting to the FCC concerning these ridiculous proposals to tamper with Democracy in America in folding our free press into one big conglomerating-monopolistic-CENSOR MACHINE ...
I'm not sure you really need the directions. Like me, you probably have a TON to say. Yknow it's a govmint site, they're very thorough. (they're here to help, yknow?)
The FCC hearings are a little tough to attend and they're stacked against the public. But, PLEASE go if you planned to. Go in force !! The"hand=chosen" commenters look stacked to me. NOT ALL but many. I read an email from a friend in memphis who attended and he said that the first two hours of comments was taken up by charitable orgs who did not even talk about media. Basically a filibustering team. The Republican Party is GREAT at planting 'citizens' to lie and mislead. (sorry Republican friends!!! I'm sure you feel the same way!)
With this and the Postal Rates increasing for small mags and independent mailers, freedom of thought and spreading it around would just about be over.
I guess everyone knows that Western Union no longer does telegrams, either.
Think of your ease of communication with your cell-phone. Now, think what you'd fall back to if your cell phone lost service. Yeah. That would be bad. It would be so easy to cut you off from your family and the rest of the world.
They're NOT DONE trying to steal the Internet. They're attacking Public Television and possibly succeeded in moving it to a higher (pay per) # channel. As well, Internet Radio is under attack.
At each of these links is a way for you to help prevent your beloved America from slipping into fascism. America is not a country. America is a DREAM. AN IDEA. Baby, it's YOU AND ME. We're all we've got. This is it. Please help.
What step in Fascism is this?? Yeah. It sure is.
# 8 CONTROL THE PRESS (folks, it's happening FAST!!) (and view with DEEP SUSPICION anyone who is supportive of this, remember their names now and forever and pass them on to your children, they are part of a fascist regime) (SEE THE COMMENTS, as well as the article)
And here's ANOTHER EXCELLENT reason to avoid losing a free press. It sure would make it that much easier to cover up your child's murder. It's easy enough for law-enforcement to get away with murder ....
Anyway, SAY YOUR PIECE to the FCC Don't let these people convince you that newspapers are arcane. If the shit hits the fan you will be heavily reliant on any little bit of info available. Yep. The lousy old newsprint. I've been in love with newsprint for too long for some asshole to take it from me. Been reading it since I was four yrs. old. Started with the stock market page. Yeah, I did.
There are idiots and good people on the panels. But, we're not reliant upon them. Don't let this young guy who was on Bush's transition team in 2000 whom Bush named the head of the FCC when Colin Powell's son failed to push through these same changes ----- DON'T LET HIM SUBVERT THE CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which guarantees the right to a FREE PRESS.
I won't link you up with the Bill of Rights. If you don't know them by now, I'm not sure why you'd be interested in reading me. LOL !! Please help. Don't stand by. If you don't want to help ask around. Get the smartest people you know to drop a line. It's really important.