Modern Day Anne Frank
Sometimes it strikes me how much and how NAUSEATINGLY Tampa has changed for some of us.
Perhaps the most sickening are those who sit by disengenuously smiling and denying while perfectly aware of the truth. What I've learned: It will be on your doorstep sure enough when you turn your back on another. Not my rule. I'd never even heard of Niemoller when I learned that. I don't make the rules, I'm just here playing the game like everyone else. With some advantages, just like each of us has some advantages ...
And because I woke up one morning with a dawning awareness of a sickening cascade of criminal activity which is completely overwhelming I suddenly realized today that my family and other loved ones and friends are having the Anne Frank lifestyle. Although I can't take the credit for all of this because I know this crosses the spectrum and I have found other victims (including some you TOO see every day which makes me sick of you) I DO know that some in my life have experienced harassment and danger which can be attributed to me. Because I am not the right 'name'. LOL. Thanks, Ms. Martinez, I got a good laugh out of that and to think how many times I have defended you ......
The boyfriend and old boyfriends have related incidents that happened way before I knew he existed. I've witnessed things happening to others and I can lead you to them directly and total strangers have related different events to me that I know are directly correlated to the same Nazi-ish army of people whose goal seems to be to clean Florida out for the new mob, the gambling mob.
The whole fuckin mob of Jerz and New York Pa and Ohio and a few other places that are glad to be rid of them. AND, they've imported some --- there are victims of human trafficking sitting right next to me many days, there are those here who owe their citizenship or the pending citizenship of their friends, family or selves to acts committed against other human beings ordered up by some PTB in Tampa and other places.
I used to kinda joke and say that I was a white girl living the black experience (which may somewhat explain my anger when people try to make it a COLOR thing instead of the hate for humanity thing it REALLY IS.)
I own one of the most valuable pieces of real estate in TAMPA FL. For this reason, I am being stalked by County and City employees and others of their relatives. I videotape this frantic activity which is going to make it extremely difficult for these assholes to fight these charges in a RICO action. The last several days they have come after my family with renewed ferocity.
Believing that they have turned us into helpless victims.
The cops work with the firethieves work with the sheriffs work with the judges work with the garden clubs, the school boards the county and city elected officials right up to and INCLUDING da Mayor. Oh and have I mentioned code enforcement and the growth and development dept????
They seem to think they are winning.
Folks, I'd gently ask you to rethink what winning "IS".
Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank (June 12, 1929 – early March 1945) was a Jewish girl who wrote a diary while in hiding with her family and four friends in Amsterdam during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. She died in NINETEEN FORTY FIVE she was not quite sixteen years old ---- her words LIVE ON AND INSPIRE THE WORLD and with each passing day grow stronger and ring louder.
WHO WON ????????????
WHO WON???????????????
If you think I'm feeling sorry for myself then you have not been reading. My family has been murdered, my animals have been murdered. I KNOW who did these things. My life is probably in danger. These lowlives continually insert themselves into my loved ones' lives to endanger, harass and HURT them. The people one would call for help are those who are perpetrating these crimes. This chain of contempt and criminality goes straight from Tampa to the White-ish House. Do I know some ethical people between here and there? Oh yeah.
It's really incredible that America is believed to be a civilixed nation. The Wild West was more civilized. There a person could just stay up, wait for the lil crackhead to come by with the spray can and .... OH yeah, that's right we CAN DO THAT thanks to jebby .. stand your ground and SHOOT.
Florida is a frigging cat shit box run by bikers and miscreants and other criminals. Every now and then they raise their ugly heads and you see them steal openly or murder openly. But, most of the time, it's more like what they are doing to MY family and loved ones. Sneak stealth attacks, picking up little boys by the backpack to see if you can get a reaction from Mama, oh yeah just not what your fucking flea brain was expecting, huh? Real manly-biker-west/port/south tampa stuff, isn't it??? Pedophiles sent in after your children, bosses at work fucking with your family. WoW. Impressive group, aren't they? EX-firemen talking about how his old buds the Tampa firemen are 'off the chain'. Well, DUH. Who'd want them ON a chain?? Jaysus. WAY GONE are the days of the sexy firemen. The young guys look like scared prisoners and the others look like the dealin scam/killers they ARE.
WHO WILL WIN????????????
Boss, I gotta know --- did a lot of planning go into this?????
I've done some poking around --- I'm not seeing much talking about the ones who MURDERED Anne Frank but I see the young Ms. Frank ENSHRINED every WHERE.
Of course, one of them did slither into YOUR White-ish House but everyone knows how that went down.
Amazingly enough this selection of a 'pResident' can also be attributed to THE PROMINENT FLORIDA FAMILY whom I know personally have come out of their way to hurt and even murder the young in my family (and my beloved uncle oh a car wreck, NOT another car wreck goddamnit) and to steal from us. Did you really think I would go after the losers you employ?? LOL !!!! Why would I do that?
Better riding around in a truck sprayed with poison than consorting with murderous, criminal pedophiles.
Payback's a whore on your sister.
Oh --- those who keep perping when they should be standing down ---- well hell, they konw what this is about. They spray this nasty poisonous, sticky, eekey frickin stuff on the gate handle, the bed of my boyfriend's truck, any other place they think you might touch (mailbox, car door handles, gear shift, dashboard, console, radio, locks, house door knobs, plants, stair railings ..... in general there is some stuff they use that may not need direct contact with anything but that sprayed liberally 'KILLS' the oxygenated portion of the air and in enclosed areas creates it's own poisonous breeze. Think pesticides or poison gases. Could be two different or more than two different products. With my old boyfriend once these two freaks came and sprayed an area we were walking through at a public park --- it has a sweet odor which should be an indicator that it is being used, part of a detection system to avoid poisoning .... These kids were real nice looking, too. Damn shame. Anyway, if you suspect that you get angry quicker than you used to don't blame it on your BP, check to see if you have other symptoms --- maybe someone is trying to steal your property through worsening your health and threatening your family.
I've noticed things like sticky hands (just use the germ-x), burnt feeling eyes and face from the car, anger and confusion from the sticky spray, skin glowing (recovering Catholics DO NOT sweat).... and, though some of this is beyond proof, certainly it should be recognized that circumstantial evidence has landed some in prison for LIFE PLUS even when there was no body to prove the murder. Oh an from the sticky stuff --- also sore throats. It can effect your hearing temporarily and your eyesight due to drying. Profusive amounts of BOTTLED WATER --- tons of eyedrops, petroleum jelly is a neutralizer ... use your common sense.
WHO"S WINNING?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Just checkin..
It takes just a few seconds to apply this to your car seats and car engine and/or radiator and then it envelops you as you drive. An easy solution is to drive a bit and then pull over and let it burn away ----
Anyone who finds this beyond belief --- OH YEAH, I'm the one with the vivid imagination. LOL> All I do is sit around and make things up, see how far I can fetch and blame the firemen because everywhere I go there THEY ARE. Maybe I should just stay still and save the county some money.. LOL.
Some might say ==== SELL YOUR HOUSE.
There's absolutely NO guarantee that any of this would cease.
Anyway, it's quite informative.
I may be the first backwards-infiltrator of gang activity spanning from Tampa to Maine and even in to Canada.
And, I am not even acquainted with the word fear.
I can barely spell it.
I think it's time to return my belongings and stand down.
It's been four fucking years. You've gotten exactly NOWHERE.
I know you're set on winning. I'm not set on winning. I'm set on NOT LOSING.
Think that one through and let's see what you can come up with cause I'm really bout done fuckin around.
I feel a certain responsibility to protect those who I see around me with the same symptoms whose water would also be found to be poisoned. AND their air. And their homes ATTACKED by Tampa's gang members.
Stand back folks. NEXT WEEK we got the videotape of what they've done to my home in two years and then poisoned the air in the yard trying to make it IMpossible to work in and then sent the gd maggoty thieving gangster code inpectors by.
Sorry guys.
By now someone in EVERY state of America has your #. Pay ME.
Return my belongings and we'll call it a day.
Not cool.
Oh, and I'm starting the book.
What would you do if you woke up one day and realized that half of your family had been killed?? Turns out it's ONE HELL of a story which no one has ever told. Me and the coffee house just got married and kissed naive goodbye for awhile. He'll be back.
The feeling of lamb's wool always comforts me; it's the last thing I touched on the handsome old man's bed before I kissed him goodbye. "are you ashamed honey? does it bother you to have to do this??" (always honest, never faltered)
"No, Grandpa, I'm glad to be able to help you, you're my best friend." Two jobs trying to save the mind from boredom --- keep the world in place --- wouldn't have missed the late night brights for all the world.
Didja have your ears on??
Yeah, that's what I thought. Sorry ya missed that. I still have the lamb's wool. Despite your best efforts.
I know you murdered him. Water under the bridge.
Now it's ME. And it's on.