Sunday, April 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Andrew Julian Aviles
Due to personal experience, I know that his mother and father must be having a difficult time surrounding this day. If they happen on this place, they'll know someone thought of them and Andy and wishes them some light and peace for their boy and their remaining children.
He would be 23 years old on April 24, 2007. Just the thought of a man that young missing a birthday ....
But, it's STILL his birthday. Happy Birthday AJ Aviles !
And because his parents are advocates of ending this illegal war and bringing peace to Americans again .... I want to remind you WHY:That's Norma Aviles and Oscar kissing their 18 year-old son's remains goodbye for the last time.
And then:Because it's dated September 2006, because there are numerous others like it. Because it's such a journey for Norma and Oscar Aviles physically and emotionally and mentally and because it's something I would do. Same color, even.
Much love to your family. I deeply regret the death of your handsome young son, Andy and especially realize how sad it must make you that the reason is so WRONG.
People, WE have the POWER to stop this war. PLEASE PLEASE do something every single day to end this tragic misdirection of American resources and the needless sacrifice of our brave men and women.
Andy --- well, he should still be here. It's WRONG.
When BUSH came to Tampa FDOT took down Andy's memorial so that shrub did not have to see the effects of his fucked up war for oil.
Make him see it. Write. Call. Protest. Go to City Council and County Commission and take up an effort for impeachment. He has to go. No more wasting time, blood or love. We have to reclaim our country. The world is watching us.
Please help.
Posted by
Vox Populi
4/22/2007 08:42:00 PM
Officer with Mental Condition SHOOTS 15 year old
Apparently, there are branches of CopWatch in many locales. This is America LIVE under King George Bush.
WTF ????
To serve and protect.
What was an officer with a mental condition doing on a S.W.A.T. Team???
I guess I have good reason to be upset. These things are covered up in Tampa. Way covered up. AND, if someone IS murdered it may or may not show up in stats.
Posted by
Vox Populi
4/22/2007 08:12:00 PM
Labels: cleared of any wrongdoing
What Tampa Needs Apparently
Because I have observed them (the Tampa Cops) to make lists. I have observed they and the firefighters of Tampa harassing those who stand up for peace and sanity in this world ... yknow most of the activists --- it's a CALLING. They're sure not being paid .... (one who was present on the side of the peace-wagers when the Tampa Firemen did their drive-by for the Bayshore Patriots who were situated on the opposite side of Bayshore Blvd was Andrew Julian Avile's mother, surely a proud moment). Sure, and likely none of their kids were just killed in Iraq but that's by design. Assholes.
Norma Aviles and her husband Oscar advocate for the end of the war as should any person with any sanity be doing. The Firemen of Tampa and the Police of Tampa should have and SHOULD respect that.
I KNOW that they (Tampa Cops) had a dishonest and misleading and bogus file on at least four people and on further thought I realize that's THE ONLY FOUR PEOPLE whose records I have ever closely investigated. One of these was published in the Tampa Tribune ... the other were occasions I found myself facing something I kind of stumbled on.
SO --- that's ONE HUNDRED PERCENT WRONG on every file I have ever ever ever seen. I don't have great faith that the next four I see would be any better. It's kind of hard to believe in what basically IS a random sampling ... one is a stranger, one a juvenile, one an old and dear friend and one a new and dear friend. EVERY ONE of them has erroneous information in the Tampa Police Dept. files. Whoops we'll have to make that FIVE. I just remembered another one. Five of five had erroneous info. or damaging or reputation-smearing.
Watch on here til you get to the seventy year old nun and what she is listed as.
Then relate this to what happened to a Tampa resident the other night. THEN relate THAT to what was done to Terry Neal.
WTF might the Tampa police NOW have on file about this gentleman and this family????
I'm going to find out.
You'll learn with me.
As I said, it's not the last you'll hear of it.
HOW DARE AN ARMED CIVIL SERVANT ABUSE THE PUBLIC TRUST, FAKE A CALL TO 911 and FUCK WITH A CITIZEN OF TAMPA???????????????????????????? Maybe I take special exception to this because so many guilty-red-face city/county employees have harassed my family while their mobbish counterparts harass other loved ones from their jobs.
And the companies that win GREAT NEW BUSINESS awards run my ass off the interstate. Yeah, maybe that's why this insult to someone's integrity and the defaming of his character makes me so determined to .... we'll just see about that.
The difference between peace-wagers and the Bayshore Patriots is that
a. Bush will never confer one of his dubious awards on one of us.
b. We support the troops like they do but we insist that the troops come home NOW and ALIVE. NOW. That's the difference. I've talked with many of them; they're good decent people way different than the ones who get the press.
Yknow this IS an illegal war and Bush LIED the Congress into it.
What else is there to say???
Don't trust the cops. (der)
Realize that the Tampa Firemen do NOT respect a family's loss.
Posted by
Vox Populi
4/22/2007 07:32:00 PM
Vox was Here
No, it really WASN'T me but I am in love with the ideals of whomever it was.
Thanks from the voxie one and family of those who love everyone.
It's the ONLY ONLY rule.
Which is WHY even though I recognize the fact that you whore out your children in your awful pursuits I still love and hug them while barely containing the mirth that half your family leaps to a vehicle to apprehend me and send your stupid messages. Well --- DUH. I hope you realize how expensive this is going to be. And one day, I hope you realize that your children never had a childhood, needed something you didn't have to give them and sadness and self-loathing shines from their not-at-all self-confident eyes. False posturing is always very obvious to persons of integrity. We feel like we just need to hug the person. And, it helps to cover up the laughter some.
Oh, and .... I think that even in smarmy ol Tampa there may not be enough mob attorneys around when your dumb asses get called to answer up. You'll each need your own. Nah, there probably ARE enough mob attorneys but THINK... they travel with YOU -- how smart can they be??
Not to be rude or anything ... seriously, sometimes some of you are interesting to talk to ..... nothing too complicated .. BUT ... I figured something out. You don't know HOW to stop. You can't fathom it. Therefore, you continue to plod on ... same ol same ol. Every day dragging your chains around the same ol way thinking you have some support. Hey, ya ever notice how no one else shows up witnessed or on video except for you and your kid(s)?
Yep. Recover from your delusions. Do you REALLY THINK that they will step up and confess? LOL !!! Or is part of your training to be prepared to go to prison for whatever the master wants.
Face cards.
LOL !!!
Keep up the goose-stepping. But, let your children off the hook. That kid doesn't look so good and (s)he used to be so beautiful. Stop whoring out your children. Have some balls about you.
Get yourself a big dump truck and run me off the road. That's manly, isn't it?
LOL !!
Please leave your children out of your smarmy lifestyle. Even John Gotti managed to be a decent parent in some respects. Mario Puzo pictified the Godfather as a decent, loving father and grandfather.
Have some self-respect and allow your children to have some. It's too late for their innocence but they can regain their self-respect.
And that one kid would maybe lose his tics. His elder has shown up in places he probably should not have been seen and therefore I respect him a tad. But, the kid pays the price because he is control-freaked on. Actually, both those kids do. Let em up. Be men and women and leave your children free from walking in your smelly shit. okay, I'm done with you for the week.
Posted by
Vox Populi
4/22/2007 03:12:00 PM
Obviously, not enough people know Edna
What really happened??
Even for people in the deepest denial ... where is the big raging fire that should be surrounding this unlucky woman waving her last at us; whose tragic ending made it possible for us all to know the truth.
And, when activists STRIVE to expose these truths they are treated to what Mark Frankenberg experienced the other night. Not to mention hanging around other activists who receive the same/similar treatment and regular intimidation surrounding their property in a highly lucrative area.
Am I the NEXT Edna??
Maybe. They've already threatened to burn my house down, blow it up ... run me off the road and bother with my loved ones. They have surrounded me with big nasty dumptrucks, firetrucks, cops, sheriffs ... run me off the road with several different semis .... their talents know no beginning nor end. They have harassed loved ones from jobs. There is such a long list and so many encounters now with County and City thugs and their various private and tax-payer-provided vehicles that I am considering moving it to a separate blog in order to keep this one more interesting. This is the high price you pay for speaking the truth. The high price you pay for not rolling over, playing dead and handing over anything some elite-poser-thug-cbi-jha-thl-etc...wants. The smaller tolls are doled out from idiots left and right but that's like .... not worth time. Not even amusing and sad when you juxtapose me with them. I have to remain silent because it's just exhausting to .... think of all they would have to learn JUST TO BE ON THE LEVEL to exchange repartee' with. And, I'm not really sure that decency CAN be taught. Not at these ripe old ages of these ladies/gents.
OH there are TWO HUGE exceptions to this whom I owe comments and time to way big time (sorry I've been so darn busy) Mark Spence at Tampa Pirates ... a loyal friend and a guy whom I agree with ... more often than I would have expected. That whole hating verizon thing we share is .... warm and fuzzy. (and more) And Media Lizzy who ... well, she captivates me, frankly. She's really NOT just a hubba hubba cheerleader for the dark side but an incisive chick who tells the truth as she sees it and ... well, on reading her blog I'm always compelled to read more. And not in self-defense. I've been too busy to hold up my side of the discussion but NEVER FEAR, I'll drag the left back over your way and spar dutifully with you as soon as I possibly can. Good comments, sorry for lack of participation. I'm on my way to 'on it.' Good food, art festival, sticking up for friends, interviews, paperwork, EEK. Tampa is a hub of activity for some. LOL !!!
I was thinking of Edna today and how if anyone deserves the truth to be told and how if ANYONE would want someone to be safe in their pursuit to reveal the truth it would be Edna.
Of course, there will be the heartless bitches to argue with that but ... hey, I don't give a darn, anyway.
You'll have to take a number and get in line.
Service available whenever I relax enough to consider your needs. It's kinda hard considering how you consider MINE. Not at all.....
As a woman, some women deeply offend me. I think there should be a hyphen in the middle of them .... wo-men. Or wom-en. Because they are not REAL women. Laura Bush tops the list. The rest of you clutching your greasy lil numbers waiting your turn impatiently. You make me want to hurl.
But, I have cool things on my mind today so BUZZZZ OFF. HAHA That's for the rest of you, too.
Hey, I am considering cleaning up the blog. The language has taken a complete life of it's own. But, I probably won't.
Posted by
Vox Populi
4/22/2007 02:28:00 PM
Labels: Waving from the 1st Tower but to WHOM? no one came to help ....
How Intimidation works when you are a Teacher.....
Smiles, greetings - how dare she?
A teacher's complaints about another might make you laugh. Not superintendent Wilcox.
By Thomas C. Tobin
Published March 26, 2007
AND this doesn't even really INCLUDE what they do to children every day. Ask your child. Find out. Watch these people. There are no heroes jockying for TRUE HERO. There are a FEW heroes among an increasingly wretched crowd. Elia is importing all the teachers from her home state. And other places. Try to get a job as a teacher with the wrong last name and Tampa as your home-town. Ask any of a dozen of my friends. And, administration at every school I've walked into is a science in intimidation. Each classroom designed to bully any child who doesn't FIT exactly. If this isn't happening to your child well, good for you --- apparently you married well. Although that's not really saying much in Tampa. My boyfriend thinks all my old friends are gangsters. What should he expect?? I grew up in Tampa. Where all the mob kids become teachers or cops or firemen or auxiliary sheriffs or sheriffs .... I KNOW most of them. I know everyone in Elia's office.
Fuck a bunch of illiterates teaching your kids. Ask for MORE. You won't get it but at least you won't appear stupid. Lee DeCesare always sticks up for teachers which makes me very proud --- but there are not as many real teachers as there used to be. Look around. We are being jacked by a bunch of thuggish posers. I've never seen so many wackjobs in schools in my life.
Oh and yes, this lady is being intimidated. If this other bitch posing as a teacher can get rid of the decent one then another of the posers can have access to your child's mind. A person doesn't have to shove you down to intimidate you. Some of them just climb in their big shiny red vehicles and drive around you repeatedly and some put on pencil skirts and shake their ta-tas at your kid all day. Seriously, you can PICK out the teachers in Hillsborough Cty schools by the slutty way they dress these days. NOT all of them. But the ones who don't dress like sluts know exactly what I am talking about. Yeah. It's a school house. Go work for Joe if you've a yen. Our kids might find you eventually. Meantime, keep your boobs to yourself and cover your asses.
OH and please note how quickly the intimidater was able to convince the Dept. of Professional Standards that she had done nothing wrong. Decent teachers are OUT NUMBERED. When decent teachers speak out they are called on Elia's carpet (here in Hillsborough Cty.) and FORCED to defend their rights to free speech and/or they are defamed publicly and privately. THIS is the first thing that a decent teacher pointed out to me about a certain local blogger's outspokenness. The decent teacher could not understand why the decent teacher had been called to the carpet and why said local blogger seemed to rail away with no problem. yeah ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
LARGO - A day after the terrible event, a letter arrived in the front office at Walsingham Elementary School.
"Dear Bill ..."
Bill Nordmark is the principal.
"On Monday, 9-18-06, while I was doing my daily morning bus duty by the media center, I was assaulted by Jan Owen! I was standing still, monitoring the students as they were going to breakfast. I complimented the students on their good behavior. ... Then as Jan Owen came walking by me - she hit me with a large brown envelope striking the right side of my face, neck and top of my shoulder.
"I was appalled by her attack and unprofessional behavior! Immediately I said, 'Excuse me?' Jan just stared blankly at me - saying nothing. Then I said, 'Don't ever touch my body.'
"This was a deliberate, physically hostile attack on me."
The letter was signed by Diane Murphy, one of Owen's fellow teachers at Walsingham. That day, she complained to the school district's Office of Professional Standards, which investigates employee misbehavior.
In OPS case 31967, there's no gripe left behind.
- - -
The professional standards office entered two offenses on Owen's record: "Problem with Colleagues" and "Harassment/Non-Student."
It turned out that three teachers had witnessed the episode between Murphy and Owen, both veteran educators in their mid 50s.
One said Owen "gently brushed" an envelope across Murphy's shoulder as she said "Good morning." Another said Owen "lightly touched" Murphy. "Very harmless," she said.
The third witness said Murphy and Owen both seemed startled by what happened.
The OPS told the principal to tell Owen to write an apology to Murphy. Case closed.
- - -
Instead of apologizing, Owen wrote a letter saying she was upset that such a small matter had generated a disciplinary file.
She explained that she had merely raised her hand to say "Good morning" and touched Murphy with the envelope. She recalled saying she was sorry. It had been an accident.
Murphy said that the harassment continued. In a letter to the principal in October, she chronicled five weeks of outrages:
- Five times when Owen parked in her space or parked too close to her car.
- A time when "Jan Owen's shirt sleeve brushed across me as I was standing against my doorway."
- A morning when Owen walked toward her in the hallway, "staring at me with a huge smile on her face. I just ignored her and went into my room."
- Owen displaying a bumper sticker on her car so Murphy would see it. It quoted the French philosopher Voltaire: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
Later, Owen would say the bumper sticker had been on her car for years. It was her comment on a different war.
The one in Iraq.
- - -
By February - five months after the envelope incident - Owen had convinced the professional standards office that she hadn't harassed anybody. But she was still upset that the offense, problem with colleagues, remained on file.
She complained to the School Board, which forwarded the matter to superintendent Clayton Wilcox, who asked his staff attorney to look into it. Last week, the attorney gave Wilcox a four-page summary with 11 pages of background material.
Wilcox wondered why an envelope attack in September would be on his desk in March - why it would be on his desk at all. "No private firm would put up with this kind of stuff," he said testily.
The superintendent often talks about urgency, and about "Nero fiddling while Rome burns."
The way he sees it, Walsingham Elementary is Rome, and it's on fire. The school has an A grade from the state. But about half the children are from poor families. Sixty percent of Walsingham's large population of Hispanic students tested below grade level in reading.
The district recently surveyed the Walsingham staff about the school's climate. Teachers groused about favoritism and inconsistency from management, about cliques and negative e-mails. They talked about having to "fight for everything."
One anonymous person had a helpful suggestion. It's what they always tell the kids: "Everyone needs to be nice to each other."
Thomas C. Tobin can be reached at 727 893-8923 and
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[Last modified March 26, 2007, 07:52:55]
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Comments on this article
by Anne 04/08/07 09:55 AM
ps do not post previously sent email sent on Sunday My father will be very mad at me
by Anne 04/08/07 09:39 AM
I am a child of a former employee at Walsingham, I also went there myself. I am intimate with the atmosphere at that school and I can tell you that from an outsiders view these accusations will seem trite. However, Jan Owens uses intimidation tactics
by gnusomethingwouldhappen 04/05/07 10:58 PM
Unfortunately this article has done nothing to remedy the deplorable situation at Walsigham. If anything, it has gotten worse. It's like World War III. The area supt. came in and didn't address the problems. Wilcox, where are you??????????????????
by gnusomethingwouldhappen 04/05/07 10:54 PM
Having worked at Walsingham for many years I knew something would happen. The administration pits staff against one another to keep discord going in the school. We work in a climate of fear bred by incompetence in the main office. HELP!!!
by M.W. 03/30/07 07:46 AM
This situation is out of hand! Teachers are there for the students. They should be the number one priority.Shame on all of you!
by Nancy 03/29/07 06:58 PM
I teach at Walsingham, and this is not a true representation of our school Please do not judge us on the actions of others.
by mike 03/29/07 01:28 PM
simple solution more new rules which seems to be what we do in the U S now. 1. No envelope swinging 2. no smiling 3. No speaking 4. No bumper stickers there you go all fixed.
by mikey 03/29/07 09:41 AM
To an outsider, its clear that ineffective management allowed this to fester. Shame on you, Pricipal!!
by Diane 03/29/07 08:07 AM
I nthink Murphy needs some hormones. She's obviously an unbalanced person. Not the best example for kids-making such a big deal out of nothing. She has also created an unnecessary blot on another teacher's record. See a doctor!
by Jim 03/29/07 07:27 AM
I find it very interesting that people involved in local stories often post comments. Sometimes using their real names and sometimes not, all readers of these comments should realize that.
by -Sad Parent 03/29/07 07:21 AM
These are the kind of immature employees that make me think I now know what is wrong with Florida's schools.
by Sal 03/29/07 07:17 AM
I blame their parents, clearly these ladies were not raised right.
by Robert 03/29/07 06:33 AM
Very unprofessional, on the petty actions of the teachers and on the slow reaction by the school board. All parties should be ashamed by their actions and lack of action.
by S 03/28/07 08:03 PM
It's symptomatic of MANY problems that have been brewing at Walsingahm for years. The administration sets the tone. Enough said!
by S 03/27/07 12:55 PM
Sounds like 2 3rd graders. You want to be treated like a professional, then act like a professional!
by Jan 03/27/07 09:52 AM
When I gave Mr. Tobin my OPS file, I was not interested in judging a teacher, a principal, or the superintendent. People are not the problem. Written guidelines should have been made when OPS originated. Hopefully written bylaws will now be made.
by MacK 03/27/07 09:41 AM
sad that this had to be taken to a level that requires that OPS step in. The principal should have called both into conference. The principal failed to do his job. Go back in your office Bill... throw away the candy dish. Do your job.
by Wayne 03/26/07 06:49 PM
Why is this in the paper? I thought personnel matters were supposed to remain confidential. Even if not, it sounds like this person needs psychiatric counseling, not public ridicule. And mental illness is caused by teacher tenure????
by cogitator 03/26/07 06:12 PM
Why would Murphy think the Voltaire quote applied to her, unless she was trying to make people believe absurdities? Maybe Murphy needs to write, "I will not sweat the small stuff" a thousand times. Why couldn't the principal handle this? Pitiful.
by dan 03/26/07 04:00 PM
Neither teacher sounds very professional. Do they give grades for teachers? THIS is the product of a tenure system gone bad; the rotten fruit spoils the whole bushel!!
by Paul 03/26/07 03:05 PM
Since the teachers are now acting like little school children maybe they shoud meet in the playground after school to settle this once and for all. Does Murphy realize how idiotic she sounds? Just more fodder for Leno from the Fla. school system. :)
by G 03/26/07 03:02 PM
If Murphy has more than those complaints then I could dtake those seriously as passive aggressive behavior, but w/o some reason can you? Either way the thinking in PCS is CYA all the way. It's sad and explains a lot of burn out.
by Laurien 03/26/07 02:48 PM
I worked with these two ladies a long time ago. I bet the truth is somewhere in the middle. Most likely, neither is completely without fault. Both are smart educators who are better than this.
by L 03/26/07 02:28 PM
My daughter works in Pinellas Countyschool syatem, with all the good energy these teachers need to give the children, this incident is ridiculous, really!
by Debbie 03/26/07 02:13 PM
DIANE MURPHY,grow up or ship out,maybe u should take lessons from your students about being a tattle tale
by Butch 03/26/07 10:03 AM
Sounds like Diane Murphy is an idiot and shouldn't be around impressionable school age children. Maybe its time to retire.
by concernedparent 03/26/07 10:02 AM
Diane Murphy needs to get a life! Florida public schools already have enough challenges without adding this ridiculous paranoid behavior to the list!!!
by Jason A. 03/26/07 09:43 AM
Sounds like Murphy needs to grow up and quite making a mountain out of a mole hill! She needs to stick to teaching kids instead of acting like one.
by Cindy 03/26/07 09:34 AM
If this is the way teachers are behaving, how can we expect students to do any better! Teachers should set the standard, not lower it!!
by Darren 03/26/07 07:56 AM
These folks are "teaching " our kids...thats scary!
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Posted by
Vox Populi
4/22/2007 01:52:00 PM
Labels: One example .....
Blanks and Charges
However -- (you knew this was coming, right??) -- I'm willing to disclose same for a fee. In fact, I'm going to disclose some of this in a book which will definitely be for sale very soon but if you'd like to know if your name or some similar aspect that identifies your smarmy and illegal acts towards me and my family have been mentioned I'd be happy to negotiate a fee with you. For the record, save your pennies if I've known you longer than thirty years. Out of respect for you and your family I'll leave your names out. Out of respect for you and your family I have remained silent. Apparently this same respect was not inbred in you. That's a pity but you and yours are safe with me. The ones who took it upon themselves to do your bidding against an innocent family are wide open just like they've left MY family wide open. Herewith I refer to my extended family and network many of whom are currently suffering at your hands. Be on notice.
Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008

Blast Off's Huggy Bear Pic Challenge
A Nation in DISTRESS
In my living room watching;
but I am not laughing ....
..... risk something, take back what's yours
say something that you know they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before ....
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In their living room laughing like,
"what did he say?"
Fight the Good Fight
Reverend William Sloane Coffin
......" And I dare you to ask for a lot, I dare you to hold fast to your ideals and to expound them as publicly and as fearlessly as Martin Luther King and Bill Coffin and Betty Friedan and those dozens of grandmothers arrested a few weeks ago for protesting the war in Iraq."
Francine du Plessix Gray
vox dictionary

Not every man really lives.
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...... Martin Luther King, Jr.
Vox Talk
Patience is NOT a virtue.
It is concentrated strength.
- Albert Einstein
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- scott gonzalez murdering tampa fireman (4)
- stupid shit (4)
- suspicious deaths (4)
- tampa fireman SHOOTER FOR MIKE KELLER (4)
- tampa firemen CHICGO BOYS (4)
- tampa police officer murdered. (4)
- "this administration is so fucking illegal" Brothers to the core (3)
- ... what was that I heard about a police state?????????? (3)
- 6210 eaglebrook tampa fl from thieves to whores we have it all... just like mitchell (3)
- A.N.S.W.E.R. Act now to stop war and end racism (3)
- Blackwater DOWN DOWN DOWN (3)
- Charlie Crist do the right thing. (3)
- Harrison Kowiak another suspicious death (3)
- Hillsborough County in the business of THEFT. Of Property. (3)
- IMPEACH OR IMPRISON I'll take what I can get for him (3)
- In Memory of Raymond Lemme and Michael Runyon (3)
- John Edwards Campaign to END the war please help (3)
- John Nirenberg David Swanson IMPEACHMENT (3)
- Kathy Castor COMMITTED to ending the Iraq War (3)
- Kevin White Can't tell the truth about a few thousand bucks (3)
- Mayors in jail selective busting (3)
- Obama 2012 (3)
- Sept 11 2001 STOP LYING (3)
- Sunday Peace Blogging (3)
- Tampa Crime Stats what a SINKING JOKE (3)
- Tampa Firemen LOSERS continue stalking (3)
- Tampa fire Rescue stalkers murderers thieves (3)
- This Buddy system fails voters again (3)
- UPS STALKER JERRY DUPREE (among others) (3)
- and if you're not part of the solution ...................Shawn R. McMillan (3)
- and stalking dealer tags (3)
- another one dead in Tampa first-responder custody (3)
- fasting for impeachment (3)
- firemen murderers thieve stalkers DRUNKS (3)
- florida watch NEW PORT RICHEY silent holocaust (3)
- florida watch POLK COUNTY silent holocaust (3)
- from Tampas Beautiful Back DOOR (3)
- gang box tampa fire dept (3)
- grids of Tampa and St Pete with the help of WALMART (3)
- hard questions for obama (3)
- help DON SIEGELMAN (3)
- hitler and bush (3)
- jillian lacey rivers (3)
- john yoo WAR CRMINAL (3)
- jose tome peter claudio tampa pussies and stalkers (3)
- maybe going downtown julie and jason State Is Investigating Car Dealer's Donations To Council Candidate (3)
- metro ministries CRACK Cheeleading CRACK Squad (3)
- mike keller city of tampa stalker (3)
- mike keller mitchell avenue stalker (3)
- mike keller stalker and pimp (3)
- mike keller tampa stalker (3)
- nader 2012 (3)
- pam iorio tainted water tampa (3)
- peeling back the sewer covers ........ (3)
- stupid shit Oprah and Obama and AHNULD (3)
- tampa firemen arsonists stalkers swine (3)
- tampa firemen coverup arson murder (3)
- 1000 sails approaching sent here in my name ..... (2)
- 911 TRUTH (2)
- Allyson Marie Faulk tampa murder (2)
- Anberlin It's the Choices IMPEACHMENT (2)
- Arf Arf Arf good dogs ...... (2)
- BP doing the gush ON PURPOSE (2)
- BetrayUSREPORT Lydia Vickers Tallahassee (2)
- Biden tries to end the war defends the veterans (2)
- Bill OReilly WORST PERSON of the WORLD yeah he is (2)
- Bob ONeill (2)
- Breast Feeding (2)
- Bruce Jones Jax Spence Roberts Tampa (2)
- Bush Bible of LIES by Robert Wexler IMPEACH (2)
- Bush and Cheney: THE LIE TO CONGRESS that killed our people (2)
- Bush and the Black folks lies lies lies (2)
- CHERRYL DAVIS her husband a firefighter covered up for her (2)
- Can members of Tampa City Govt influence the Federal Court system? Tell me it isn't so ...........HAHA (2)
- Checking Downtown Tampa's REAL reality by Tampas Back Door (2)
- Cheney Impeachment Momentum GROWS (2)
- Come and Take it Enertainment (2)
- Corrupt Tampa Cops and Corrupt Tampa Firemen CAR WRECK THREATS (2)
- Criminal element does not fear prosecution in Tampa FL (2)
- Deputy Scott Bierwiler florida watch silent holocaust hernando county (2)
- Fed Up in Hernando County (2)
- Fire Brigade Jumping through Flames at me (2)
- Franklin Delano Floyd WELL CONNECTED MURDERER (2)
- Fuck the Torturing President-Diablo (2)
- How the FreeMasons took CONTROL of TAMPA moved the headquarters ... (2)
- I miss you and I remember and I'm happy THANK YOU (2)
- Impeach National Solidarity (2)
- Iran Iraq the Surge Wexler (2)
- Ireland is the strongest voice for human rights within the EU (2)
- Irish Republican Army Central Tactical Tampa (2)
- Ivette Perez Claudio IN BED with Sheriff David Gee and GANG FAG JOSE TOME (2)
- J kane and the stalking sheriff (2)
- Joe Stines BACK AT IT .... will he never stop???? (2)
- Joe Stines Pam Charlie Rubio Baker (2)
- John Edwards putting a FACE back in the White House (2)
- John Nirenberg (2)
- Julie Brown linked to trash ads on John Dingfelder (2)
- Keep that crap to yourself (2)
- Kevin White Roaming Fingers (2)
- Lee deCesare tell him like it is and he whines and tells her to go home (2)
- Mark Weaver Obama Neocon blogtalk radio (2)
- Maya Angelou for Hillary Clinton (2)
- Mayor Rick Baker and City of St Pete still kicking the homeless around (2)
- Miami .... fix your cops (2)
- Michael Keller pussy of the SPRANGS (2)
- Michael Santos Scott Overbeck (2)
- Michelle Obama ARRIVES (2)
- Mike Keller (2)
- Mike Roberts (2)
- Nadler Swanson Spisak .... ITMFA (2)
- New Hampshire for John Edwards (2)
- Oakland California Police (2)
- Obama WAR MONGER (2)
- Obama disappointment (yo big surprise) (2)
- Obama sounds just like BUSH (2)
- Pam Iorio employer of SCUM (2)
- Pam Iorio's DREAM the riverwalk (2)
- Peace On EARTH (2)
- Pete Paolillo Hernando County Fireman here in Tampa (2)
- Robert O'Neill current US attorney. lifetime stalker future inmate (2)
- Robert ONeill DOJ cocaine dealing friends (2)
- South Tampa Echoes in New York or vice versa (2)
- Stalking me just confirms what I know .. YOU NEED WHAT I HAVE (2)
- Stupid Human Tricks (2)
- Tales of Shuneekwa (2)
- Tampa Cops Tampa Firemen Pinellas SAME PASCO SAME (2)
- Tampa Fire Rescue covers up exploded meth lab (2)
- Tampa Fire Rescue looking for recruits?? (2)
- Tampa Firefighter Interrupted (2)
- Tampa Police Dept please stop following my family around for no reason AT ALL (2)
- Tampa and Pinellas Fire Depts. Near Hit and Runs (2)
- Tampa bay Stalking capital of America (2)
- Tampa fire Rescue AND TPD stalkers murderers thieves (2)
- The Spence Defense like George Lewis .. (2)
- Theft goes on but let's talk about it (2)
- This should be great for his campaign LOL 911 TRUTH (2)
- Thought Crimes Sentence Tampa .. Judge Chet Tharpe (2)
- Train to nowhere (2)
- WAR INC (2)
- Wikipedia = WIK=BUSH=IPEDIA (2)
- a big corey taylor FUCK YOU (2)
- a dream and a belief in the people of our Country (2)
- action alert (2)
- alive with the glory of love .................. (2)
- another selective bust by Hillsborough Tampa sheriff (2)
- bhutto assassinated MUSHarraff shocked.?? (2)
- bouncy trouncy trouncy .... wid a capital G (2)
- city of tampa pigs in pigs in pig sauce topped with pig (2)
- coldplay (2)
- condosleeza (2)
- cops as criminals ... all too common ... something else we share with chicago (2)
- crazy tampa bitches (2)
- creative loafing ........ (2)
- don't dump me sis (2)
- facebook go fuck yourself (2)
- fascism you can vote for ... (2)
- faux financial crisis floats selective defense (2)
- firefighters as spies (2)
- florida watch (2)
- florida watch alachua silent holocaust (2)
- florida watch hillsborough pasco hernando pinellas silent holocaust (2)
- florida watch hillsborough pasco silent holocaust (2)
- florida watch manatee silent holocaust (2)
- florida watch pinellas the silent holocaust (2)
- florida watch silent holocaust (2)
- for Sarah Rinaldi and Chris Schwartz two MURDER VICTIMS (2)
- four green fields PLUS SOLDIERS OF MCELROY (2)
- fries with that wager? Bush education dovetail crist gambling (2)
- fuck war (2)
- fuck you pam iorio you fucking whore (2)
- gardasil rearing it's ugly head (2)
- grids of Tampa and St Pete (2)
- have that individual (s) locked up for the safety of those around them. (2)
- impeachment AND FREE FREE SPEECH (2)
- jacksonville daniel foote tampa spence roberts (2)
- kangaroo justice in tampa (2)
- karen mccallister SPT THOUGHT POLICE (2)
- kickbacks with insurance benefit Tampa first responders pensions (2)
- love everyone and try to be smarter and live longer (2)
- man made diseases (2)
- marke wolfe stalker and judge (2)
- mary ellen elia smuggling trafficking gambling (2)
- mike keller 2005 dove into the water of extortion as regards my family (2)
- mike keller city of tampa stalker using children (2)
- mike keller equals stalker SHIT (2)
- or biker or mason or ... mayor or judge. LOL (2)
- paper trail UP YO ASS qtip farmer klem-co (2)
- personal from me forebears (2)
- revelations of criminal acts top down in Tampa starting now .... (2)
- scott gonzalez stephen baxley (2)
- seminole florida fireman stalker (2)
- sheriff and his arsonist friends (2)
- stalker Horatio Street Tampa FL (2)
- suicide scandal YMCA FOSTER CARE (2)
- support me at the troxblog if you would ... (2)
- tampa firefighter whore wife (2)
- tampa fireman gay porn on your time (2)
- tampa firemen COCAINE (2)
- tampa firemen FBI (2)
- tampa firemen and other scumbags (2)
- tampa new york dirty jerz LATIN KING STALKERS (2)
- tampa scumbags (2)
- tampa scumbags and firemen and MASONS AND OSCARNOTS and JUDGE WANNABES and confederates (2)
- tampa scumbags and firemen and OSCARNOTS (2)
- tampa stalkers (2)
- tampa stalking capital of america (2)
- the FISA flood (2)
- the career path of a Hillsborough County Sheriff (2)
- towards the police state ..... (2)
- windy charneco jack ciucio the heroin diaries (2)
- won't be silenced ............................ (2)
- you tellin me I can't do that because I'm not BLACK? (2)
- "I really haven't found a place here I'm comfortable with." (1)
- .. and now they are back in stealth mode ... (1)
- ... and it's still being ignored by local media and lots of bloggers (1)
- ... and this is exactly why we needed Joe Redner (1)
- ... bad bad move (1)
- ... because THIS was coming down .... (1)
- ... this will probably bleed over into pinellas (1)
- ... to keep the roll in droll (1)
- ... what it will finally come down to .... (1)
- ... what the people said ............ (1)
- .... all colors with love and respect ... (1)
- .... ooops sorry (1)
- ........... and one of those I was to protect has fallen." (1)
- ..and disappointed ... unnecessary swiping (1)
- 000 soldiers have been wounded (1)
- 0bama 2008 2009 2010 2011 .... (1)
- 100 million dollars worth of marijuana plants (1)
- 17 words (1)
- 2/3 majority easy as PIE (1)
- 2008 (1)
- 2009 (1)
- 2nd amendment rights ENSHRINED (1)
- 80 towns including the motor city home of JC (1)
- :Paul Newman (1)
- A Power Governments Cannot Suppress (1)
- A firefighter I can get behind .. (1)
- A huge salute to one of the TRUE Americans of our time (1)
- A plastic bag on a monument (1)
- AMERICA 2008 (1)
- AND a double rainbow..... (1)
- AND he'll get his full pension (on you by they way) (1)
- AND paper trail NOT a paper ballot .... (1)
- AND the Masons (1)
- Abuse and Criminal Acts Were Systematic (1)
- African Americans doing their part how bout the rest yall?? (1)
- Aids Victims are Floridians TOO (1)
- Air France (1)
- Airborne Toxic Event Acoustic (1)
- Alabama massacre (1)
- All Hail to the Roaches in our Bay (1)
- Allyson Marie Faulk (1)
- Amanda Marcotte (1)
- Amanda Terkel THINK PROGRESS (1)
- America a closing society (1)
- American Citizens at heart (1)
- American to the last breath and ability .... (1)
- Ammon and cont..saga of HIT MAN MURDER of Mike Roberts Tampa Police (1)
- Amy Bishop Alabama Professor Murderess (1)
- An open letter in continuum... LOL (1)
- And he's NOT a progressive so MOVE ON CHENEY (1)
- And the more I see the less I like (1)
- And walked right around the corner just outta my sight (1)
- Andrew Wakefield (1)
- Ann Hildebrand Republican with a vengeance (1)
- Another Chance for P E A C E (1)
- Another shot over the bow?? (1)
- Answer me and Donald That ... Can you?? (1)
- Anthony Angel Delgado piece of shit with ellen (1)
- Anthony Weeks another dead bicyclist Tampa (1)
- April griffin fat lying thug (1)
- Arizona concealed weapons (1)
- Ask them to uphold their oath of office NOW (1)
- Asshole bleaching and net roots awards (1)
- Awesome Blog (1)
- Azalea Bulldogs (1)
- Azalea Bulldogs STILL AN ITEM READ THIS (1)
- BOYCOTT TARGET til they stop it ............... (1)
- Back with a BANG (1)
- Barack BOCK BOCK (1)
- Barbara Boxer for President.... (1)
- Bayonet Point (1)
- Baywalk Danger to blacks and poor..... St Pete (1)
- Benazir Bhutto (1)
- Better living through chemicals (1)
- Bhutto (1)
- Bhutto not protected as requested. (1)
- Biden Cheney (1)
- Bill Hicks Truth Provacoteur EXtraordinaire (1)
- Bill Nelson is a CO SPONSOR YAY (1)
- wasting our precious time (1)
- Bob Dylan (1)
- Bob Lyons Minstry of Murderers and stuff...... (1)
- Bobby DeLaughter (1)
- Brattleboro VT Patriots (1)
- Brave New Films (1)
- Brevard and Hillsborough SAME FABRIC (1)
- Brian Sterner (1)
- British Reject List (1)
- Brooke Astor philanthropist human (1)
- Bruce Cockburn (1)
- Bush Knocked Down the Towers (1)
- Bush Pakistan and other Fascists (1)
- Bush Tampa Social Security BRILLIANCE (1)
- Bush Years (1)
- Bush and Conyers Common Ground (1)
- Bush and Mush beans PAKISTAN PRESIDENTE (1)
- Bush has no policy... (1)
- Bush is coming in my backyard (1)
- Bush so played it and played it (1)
- Bush will Decide(r) what is an emergency (1)
- Bush will HAVE to become President (1)
- Bush's War on ... WHAT?? Killing thousands (1)
- CHARLIE????? (1)
- CHarlie .. what GIVES??? VOTE NO NO NO NO NO (1)
- CI Oprah (1)
- Call Charlie and ask him to sign an executive order (1)
- Call it what it is — the departure of a person who forgot that he works for (1)
- Call tomORROW (1)
- Call your REP NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW (1)
- Calling out bush on the lies (1)
- Can't Kill the Spirit (1)
- Canada has always been OUR FRIEND (1)
- CaptainRuss runs his mouth and helps me THANKS CAP (1)
- Carlos Musteliel Thomas Baker (1)
- Carly Fiorina Barbara Boxer (1)
- Carry ON. (1)
- Castor for Congress (1)
- Castor's record worse than Wynn's...... if you read. (1)
- Chalk Days Makin it Happen (1)
- Charley Reese on BUSH and the MIDEAST DEBACLE (1)
- Charlie Crist Dem Primary (1)
- Charlie Crist The People's Governor Today (1)
- Charlie Crist is RIGHT not unfair (1)
- Charlie how about the voter rights for ex felons?? (1)
- Chicago shows us how it's done will we heed?? (1)
- Chief of Police (1)
- China --- like Tampa --- only with destiny .... or something .. (1)
- China Blogging and Baja (1)
- Chinese Miners send good wishes (1)
- Christmas 2009 (1)
- Christopher Dodd TRIUMPH over TELECOMS (1)
- Clinton still ahead. (1)
- Color Blind would be one to aim for .. hint hint. (1)
- Comparetto files (1)
- Congressional Oversight (1)
- Connecticut gas plant explosion (1)
- Conyers schedules hearings re:abuse of clemency (1)
- Council for a Livable World (1)
- Covering the Tampa Mayoral Race .. hell someone HAS TO (1)
- Crist Weddking (1)
- Critical vote on special interest influence (1)
- Crystal (1)
- DATA MINING Jew Spotting (1)
- DC cop brings gun to snowball fight Detective Baylor (1)
- DCF and HIllsborough Sheriff STRIKE AGAIN (1)
- DNA is a false defense and offense (1)
- DOCKOS SUCK and so do cueballs ..................... (1)
- DUH (1)
- Daddy to sons it's all about controlling YOU and ME (1)
- Dancing with the Stars. (1)
- Daniel Ellsberg (1)
- Daniel Ruth NEEDS A NEW SHOW TOO (1)
- Darron Derrick TSA TAMPA FL Becky Akers (1)
- Dave Aronberg GET SMARTER WILLYA?? (1)
- David Halberstam the best and the brightest (1)
- David Segal BULLSHIT ARTIST (1)
- DeLand firefighter child pornographer (1)
- Debra Hollis drastic times --- drastic measures (1)
- Declare it NOW .... ITMFA (1)
- Democratic Party dance with them what brung ya (1)
- Democratic Unity (1)
- Dennis Kucinich has BALLS and integrity (1)
- Detroit Police shoot seven year old THROUGH A WINDOW AND LIE (1)
- Dick Cheney was NOT almost assassinated (1)
- Directed Energy high power microwave (1)
- Director (1)
- Dirty Tampa Cops (1)
- Dishonesty has gutted the last patriotic holiday that means something (1)
- Don't Tase me Bro (1)
- Don't believe it. I've been handed the check (1)
- Don't let petraeus parrot the white house (1)
- Don't question my authority or put me in the box (1)
- Donate for Tim Johnson Campaign (1)
- Dude Lowe (1)
- Ed Dickau The Precinct Master Gave me the NOD (1)
- Edna Cintron (1)
- Edna St. Vincent Millay (1)
- Edward Cutolo (1)
- Edwards Kucinich (1)
- Edwards Pulls Ahead of Clinton (1)
- Edwards says it best again (1)
- Edwards supporters like JEWELS (1)
- Elia Lennard Wilcox (1)
- Elizabeth Edwards WOULD at least DO something (1)
- Ellen Gedalius LOVES PAM IORIO (1)
- Elvis (1)
- Emergency Television As you can contribute online (1)
- End US Occupation of Iraq Conference Call (1)
- Enough Said? Seems not ......... (1)
- Eric Holder KNOCK IT OFF (1)
- Everybody knows Cohen (1)
- Everyone knows or IS an artist SUPPORT THEM (1)
- FDLE eyeballs Tampa Police Dept ... LOL (1)
- FOR LOVE (1)
- FUCK BP (1)
- FUCK the Senate (1)
- Faux local advertisers give them a ringy-dingy (1)
- Finding the Brownshirts in Tampa and other places (1)
- Fired because they refused to go on witch-hunts against Democrats (1)
- Firefighters work to sink Giuiliani campaign (1)
- First Responders are NOT heroes (1)
- Flori Duh marches on (1)
- Florida -- the next Las Vegas (1)
- Florida ..... I'm going to miss you ..... but not THIS you (1)
- Florida Chads (1)
- Florida Paramedics job description (1)
- Florida's Future. Thanks JEB and Charlie (1)
- Floridas Reps GET WITH THE PROGRAM (1)
- For Immediate Release (1)
- Frankie Bentley MURDER (1)
- Franklin Roosevelt loved a good fight .. ME TOO (1)
- Free Internet for ALL of America GRAB IT (1)
- Free Press Action (1)
- Free Rides to D.C. Get on the bus .... (1)
- From New Orleans with love about what they've got left (1)
- From under the mushroom of Pampa (1)
- Fuck El Diablo Torture boy (1)
- GAZA (1)
- Gabby Giffords victim of Republican LUNACY (1)
- Gardasil and the Evil Sluts (1)
- Generals against Bush and Gonzo activities (1)
- George Bush WAR CRIMINAL (1)
- George Sodini (1)
- Get that DIRTY BOY CLEAN (1)
- Get the Motor City Man in GEAR (1)
- Glenn Beck is a piece of shit (1)
- Gloria Stuart Titanic (1)
- God Bless This Mess (1)
- Gonzmart family traditions (1)
- Good now you're not going to see him (1)
- Goodbye George ---- so long --- good riddance (1)
- Goodling Aisenberg Cohen Santos (1)
- Gore and Bush GORE LOOKS THRILLED (1)
- Grasping at Straws to make new laws ............. (1)
- Grow your own dope losers (1)
- Guantanamo (1)
- Guilty for what happened to America .. the OTHER white meat (1)
- HDTV the new SPY (1)
- Haircuts or healthcare? (1)
- Happy Birthday to Ed. Dickau (1)
- Happy New Year (1)
- Happy New Year WORLD (1)
- Happy St Patty (1)
- Harvard Students Burn American Flag (1)
- Hats off to Mr. Greenwald and Co. (1)
- He had a fast war (1)
- He is destroying the DREAM OF AMERICA. STOP HIM (1)
- He just won't let me go ... (1)
- Helen Thomas IS RIGHT (1)
- Help Restore ADA (1)
- Help stop an attack on Iran --- P L E A S E (1)
- Henry Rollins is so hot .... I could eat him with a spoon.... (1)
- Hey ATT --- FUCK OFF GO Pearl Jam (1)
- Hillsborough Dems (1)
- Hockenberry BLASTS NBC AND GE (1)
- Hot Producer (1)
- House Judiciary Committee HEAT IT UP (1)
- How cool is dat??? (1)
- How to Disappear Completely ........................... (1)
- How to recall the commissioners (1)
- Hoyer killing THE DREAM (1)
- Human Genitalia or Pipe Fittings? More from Bush (1)
- Hussey and Iowa's first lady talk up John Edwards (1)
- I Dare You ...... (1)
- I KNOW you'll be back (1)
- I am what I am (1)
- I can't stop smiling today (1)
- I don't belong to you and you don't belong to me (1)
- I feel rich (1)
- I feel so much better now ........ after my fukitol (1)
- I finally did.’ (1)
- I got yer intelligent design (1)
- I had no idea this is the man who helped rid us of STRAIGHT (1)
- I love this .... (1)
- I may be speechless for awhile now ............. (1)
- I smell FEAR in the house of the KING of America (1)
- I still don't get parts of it .. the WHY part (1)
- I want other guys' wives to get the same air time ... step up and demand it (1)
- I wonder if he can confess to lying to Congress??? (1)
- I'd be driving myself .... (1)
- I'll never apologize for my authority (1)
- I'm so sick of this ... DO SOMETHING ... (1)
- ICE finally gets off their complicit asses (1)
- ITMFA (1)
- Ian Kallen takes care of business THANK YOU (1)
- If I could only LOSE my PESKY soul (1)
- Illinois governor blagojevich (1)
- Impeach that MFer already (1)
- Impeach the laughing Chimp already (1)
- Impeaching the Cabal -- several steps closer (1)
- Impeachment Begins TODAY (1)
- Impeachment Driving the Bus (1)
- Impeachment Summer begins this Spring .... (1)
- Impeachment backbone (1)
- Impeachment by State does NOT need a Governor to sign (1)
- Impeachment for GEORGE not GONZO oh brother (1)
- Inherit the wind Dennehy Plummer (1)
- Institute for Peace and Justice (1)
- Internal Affairs Detectives ARE big fat fricking liars liars liars and crooks. Yes (1)
- Intimidating another frightened family... (1)
- Invisible Invasion (1)
- Iorio Obama bow (1)
- Iran (1)
- Iran Iraq the Surge Wexler IMPEACHMENT (1)
- Iris DeMent and 88.5 and Censoring Tampa FL (1)
- Is SOON but not this second ... (1)
- Is World War III scheduled to begin on April 6th? (1)
- Is the Tampa Tribune in the news business or NOT? (1)
- Isn't it WONDERFUL?? Thanks new people (1)
- It was an even greater day to be a Republican (1)
- It's Time Mr. President (1)
- It's on US (1)
- Ivette P Clau (1)
- James Darrell Mason TAMPA SNITCH (1)
- James Raskin American University (1)
- Jamie Geer and Tampa Fire Station ELEVEN (1)
- Jane Castor (1)
- Jane Castor HIT SQUADS on citizens (1)
- Jeb Bush Lehman lies lies and more lies ELIA (1)
- Jeb and George and Dubya and Blackwater LOVE CONNECTION (1)
- Jeff Kottkamp edits himself clean (1)
- Jefferson High Scott Gonzalez and tampa firefighter trainig (1)
- Jenna Namack MANATEE COUNTY (1)
- Jennifer Howe another white trash carny on the Tampa news scene (1)
- Jersey Girls Sometimes get it RIGHT like these ladies (1)
- Jessica Sierra Pam Iorio Tampa (1)
- Jim Smith Power Lunch NO KIDDING (1)
- Jimmy Carter keeps TELLIN IT (1)
- Joanne ... go fuck yourself (1)
- John Conyers supports Impeachment (1)
- John Edwards NATURAL APPEAL (1)
- John Edwards a CLASS ACT thank you sir (1)
- John Edwards challenges the pReznit AND the nation ... (1)
- John Edwards is THE ONE (1)
- John Edwards is THE ONE ROCKS LA (1)
- John F. Kennedy Jr. Fifty years gone by (1)
- John Winter ... was really cool ... (1)
- Jordan Valdez (1)
- Jr. (1)
- Kagro X so bright I gotta wear shades. (1)
- Karen Hughes BUH BYE (1)
- Karl has left the table nuts bolts (1)
- Katherine Harris and Family and Me (1)
- Kathy Castor sits on the board (1)
- Katrina Florida Minneapolis ..... iraq afghanistan new york (1)
- Katrina in Florida Remodeling by Fire (1)
- Kent State (1)
- Kim Rollick Donnini Tampa FL new stalker on the block (1)
- King of the Blogs not happening via Technorati (1)
- Krauthammer the sleaze bag ON WHEELS (1)
- LIsa Daugaard Public Defender HUMANE JUSTICE (1)
- LMAO ... buh bye Bush regime .... (1)
- Leahy against Lieberman (1)
- Legos on the set of Zorro here in Tampa (1)
- Leslie Nielsen AIRPLANE (1)
- Let Serious Lewis find an independent auditor (1)
- Let me help sell your home ------ (1)
- Lex Salisbury Animal Keeper who shouldn't (1)
- Liberal Bloggers asked to help out (1)
- Lies and the LIARS that tell them (1)
- Lincoln (1)
- Lions for Lambs ALL THAT AND MORE (1)
- Local Papers DO NOT COVER NEWS WTF (1)
- Lying you to vaccination.......... (1)
- MOVE ON GO TO HELL and allla that (1)
- Mademoiselle Pussy Cat has left the bag ............ (1)
- Make the calls don't let it rest (1)
- Make your day COUNT Yolanda King (1)
- Makes me proud and is one of the reasons I looked there (1)
- Man who recorded own meth addiction dies (1)
- Marie Tillman speaks for first time -- since -- (1)
- Mariella Smith Tampa--Hillsborough FL SAYS IT (1)
- Mark Ober NEXT BIG THANG and friends at 97X (1)
- Mark Ober Thief and SLIP SHOD (at best) Prosecutor (1)
- Marlene Sokol Bill Sokol Bill Varian .... SPT covering up for gangs TPD protecting gangs (1)
- Masons and the Prison Industry (1)
- Mattresses at the curb and gettin away with murder in Tampa FL (1)
- McDonough Elia Lennard Wilcox (1)
- Me and Neil and Rolling Stone and American Wisdom (1)
- Meet John Edwards (1)
- Melton and Adrien Jenkins Where Scott and his Spawn will be some day (1)
- Members of the Military take action with John Edwards (1)
- Miam Cops burn the Constitution (1)
- Michael Franti (1)
- Michael Jackson (1)
- Michael Keller hard to believe he's this stupid but he is (1)
- Michelle Obama COVER OF VOGUE (1)
- Michelle Obama Obesity of children Malia Sasha (1)
- Michelle Patrick not ringing too true either (1)
- Mike Deeson (1)
- Mike Keller he'll keep a GOOD EYE OUT FOR YOUR PROPERTY (1)
- Minnesota Louisiana and New York Thank Bush (1)
- Miss America 2009 (1)
- Mitt Romney (1)
- Mommy (1)
- Monica Sierra BOLTS (1)
- More thievery and chicanery. Seminole represents (1)
- Moscow suicide bombings (1)
- Mother's Day 2008 (1)
- Move on doesn't MOVE ANYTHING BUT BULLSHIT (1)
- Move on will ya help the UMPS?? (1)
- Murder in Iraq (1)
- My fellow Americans .... an interesting condition ... (1)
- Myra from North Carolina ITMFA (1)
- NARAL (1)
- NBC General Electric (1)
- NBC General Electric MURDERING DEMOCRACY (1)
- NIN says F U to the dear leader George Bush (1)
- NO retroactive immunity (1)
- NOT another theme car. park (1)
- NOT nineteen more months no no no no no no (1)
- Nadine Smith is a VERY small woman what's up with this? (1)
- Nancy drags another corpse to the closet and shrugs (1)
- National Mall Masons try to steal free speech along with your freedom (1)
- National Park Service NAZIS strike again (1)
- Nationalism by FireMen Fascists. (1)
- Neo Nazis in Red ladies in red. (1)
- New Hampshire Political Office Bomb Threat (1)
- New Orleans RISING murder rate (1)
- New Orleans destroys housing (1)
- New Voice at Vox (1)
- New York Swastika (1)
- Newt and me (1)
- Nicholas Kristof UBER UNJOURNALISM (1)
- Niemoller effect neo (1)
- Nixon Clinton Bush Nixon Clinton DICKdickdick (1)
- No Mistake from Voxers (1)
- No more side trips for me ---- but you go on doing what you do best. (1)
- No president can force Congress to authorize and appropriate any money at al (1)
- No response to 911 leads to DEATH (1)
- Not HERE (1)
- Not enough but something. (1)
- Not gonna panic and start running FUCK THAT (1)
- Not what you've come to expect from me .............. hehe (1)
- Nothing human is alien to me --- Karl Marx (1)
- Now help get Darth OUT OF there ... Please PLEASE (1)
- Noyes Tampa Police Dept. Officer Noyes (disgruntled) (1)
- Nugent and Cronies (1)
- OO Train of Racism handing out FREE TICKETS (1)
- OR RECALL the Hillsborough COunty Commissioners (1)
- ORR DCF Health and Human Services Refugee Employment (1)
- Obama Biden 2012 (1)
- Obama Brass Balls ready to LIE AGAIN. (1)
- Obama Howard Dean TRAITORS (1)
- Obama Lobbyists (1)
- Obama Score Card (1)
- Obama have you lost YO mind??? (1)
- Obama making some bad choices (1)
- Obama's Katrina ... UMM NOT (1)
- Ober 13th slipshod criminal prosecutor and employer of THIEVES protector of criminals (1)
- Officer H+++ and Officer 928 (1)
- Oh MAN This made my green eyes feel better and greener .. BYE GEORGE (1)
- Old Beer Can Statue of Liberty ... (1)
- On Sept. 15 (1)
- One Year Anniversary Belated. (1)
- One example ..... (1)
- One good question that we should explore (1)
- One of their relatives hung my dog yesterday (1)
- Opening up Hidden Cases THIS was DANGEROUS (1)
- Oppose Mukasey (1)
- Or maybe it's just the naivete of someone with a kind heart (1)
- Oral sex or the law?? (1)
- Osama been forgotten making plans.... (1)
- Oscar Grant Oakland train platform murder.... (1)
- Others also ... bloggers extraordinaire .... (1)
- Our Chance to get RID of them from OUR WhiteHouse (1)
- Out of Iraq TimeTable Anti Nuke Legislation (1)
- P E A C E (1)
- PIGS on Patrol and on the Fire Payroll (1)
- PLEASE Stand Up and Be Counted Kathy Castor (1)
- Pakistan Mexoco etc... BUSH CRONIES (1)
- Pakistan a sign of things to come.... (1)
- Palin : Thank God (1)
- Pam Bondi Dog Thief slash idiot general (1)
- Pam Bondi does the right thing.... gives the dog back already (1)
- Pam IORIO does Pampa over hard and leaking (1)
- Pam Iorio For Senate of NOWHERE (1)
- Pam Iorio Making the cuts but WHY NOW???? (1)
- Pam Iorio Nazi heir apparent (1)
- Pam does Pampa over hard and leaking (1)
- Paris Falls -- New Orleans and Tampa follow suit (1)
- Part One of the Series (1)
- Pasco Sheriff ON THE LAM WITH WIFEY (1)
- Patricia Verdugo vs Pinochet (1)
- Patriot of America Politician when it MEANT something (1)
- Paul Jon Burge Mumford TPD (1)
- Pay Back IS a BITCH ..... (1)
- Peace Love Hope (1)
- Pearls and swine bereft of me ... it's gonna feel so empty without me..... (1)
- Pell (1)
- Pelosi UNBAR the gate babe (1)
- Pelosi grows a pair?? Doubtful (1)
- Pentagon Papers Daneil Ellsberg (1)
- Perhaps an American after all ... (1)
- Peter Claudio Jose Xavier TOME IVETTE PEREZ CLAUDIO (1)
- Peter Jennings (1)
- Peter Tracy (1)
- Pictures of the War Wounded while the Pentagon makes plans to bomb Iraq (1)
- Pinellas Remodelling by F I R E (1)
- Pinellas Stalker given one more reprieve. (1)
- Pinellas county homeless victimized again (1)
- Pinellas fire stalker and voyeur (1)
- Pinellas school board members for intelligent design (1)
- Playing With Us and With People's Lives (1)
- Please Call Bill Nelson He CAN do this (1)
- Please Take Action (1)
- Please help them (1)
- Please plan something for March 17th... thank you.... (1)
- Police and Protestors clash in New Orleans (1)
- Poynter Rolling in his grave (1)
- Pray for the fallen heroes (1)
- President Obama (1)
- Principal taken down by the the brave Tampa Police Dept. (1)
- Progressive Democrats (1)
- Pubic Hair Pulling (1)
- Pushing Rope on TOP (1)
- Pushing the (NEW) FAUX WAR (1)
- RALPH NADER 2012 (1)
- REAL DEMS in '08 (1)
- RFID chips up your ass next or now (1)
- RFK. (1)
- Ray Seaman Florida Progressive Coalition (1)
- Recall the Commissioners if you must (1)
- Recycled news from Tampa Tribune instead of Mayoral election (1)
- Remembering Jack (1)
- Remike (1)
- Republicans on a Democratic Cabinet. OH MY GOD (1)
- Resist in March (1)
- Richard Nugent has a say .... (1)
- Richard Rothfuss EVICTIONS (1)
- Ricky Baker takes the dances from the old folks (1)
- Right --about that bridge across the atlantic .... (1)
- Rise and fall of the third reich (1)
- Rise up Rally BIG ONE (1)
- Robber Baron of Medicaid.and the helpless (1)
- Robert Greenwald (1)
- Robert O'Neill corruption of the DOJ (1)
- Robert Wexler Florida Rep calls for IMPEACHMENT (1)
- Rock Star or Liar?? liah liah (1)
- Rocky Anderson vs Sean Hannity LIVE (1)
- Ron Howard glorifying HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES (1)
- Ron Paul False Populist False Prophet PLAIN FALSE (1)
- Rosenquist world-renowned artist. (1)
- Rove don't need no damn oath (1)
- Roy Scheider JAWS ANTI WAR (1)
- RuDY Giuliani does the NEO CON (1)
- Rubio and Crist (1)
- Rudy wants to be yo nanny --- that's what (1)
- Rumsfeld on the lam well YAY (1)
- Russ Feingold pushes Censure I'll push Peaches (1)
- Russian Road SIde Oddity (1)
- Ryan Phillippe ..... you MY HOME BOY baby (1)
- SAVE public access (1)
- SMU does not want bush library (1)
- SO -- WHICH IS IT (1)
- Sam Farr rounds it up to 15 (1)
- Samantha Ward Al Suarez ties to DCF AND MURDER (1)
- Same as Bush Same as Burma Same as GA. Same as ..... (1)
- Santa Clara County Judge Greg Ward WORST JUDGE EVER (1)
- Saying goodbye to the criminal cabal (1)
- Scalia Benedict Arnold of America. (1)
- Scrub good reptilian swine (1)
- Sea World whale death brancheau (1)
- Secret Spy Rooms ATT tech TELLS ALL (1)
- Senator Mary Landrieu PHONE TARGETED (1)
- Sept 15th (1)
- Serj Tankian (1)
- Serpico Lamplighters (1)
- Shot Dog in it's own yard ?????????? (1)
- Shut UP ... that's the TURTLES (1)
- Shut UP Shut UP Shut UP (1)
- Sister of a Tampa Fireman (1)
- Sit INS for Impeachment (1)
- Six in the Romney family that we can see (1)
- Sixto White House Aide RESIGNS. (1)
- Smile More Love Everyone PEACE (1)
- Snow Patrol (1)
- So com and the Israeli link to Sept 11 2001 (1)
- Someone ELSE 2012 (1)
- Somethin Bitchin this way comes (1)
- Son 43?? (1)
- Sounds like some more new condos on the way .... (1)
- South Carolina Governor (1)
- Spill Canvas (1)
- Spitzer STAY PUT (1)
- Spying on Americans IS ILLEGAL (1)
- St Pete Times BY THUGS FOR THUGS (1)
- Stalker from SEPSI (1)
- Standing up for Constitutional Rights (1)
- Starting from the wrong end ..... system of legalized bribery (1)
- State's filings were way up in February over last year. (1)
- Steve Gilliard (1)
- Stick yer fucking symbolic gestures ... (1)
- Still better than Blackwater (1)
- Stop Rupert from controlling the news that would be FUCKED (1)
- Stop spending our money frivolously (1)
- Stopping not in some peoples' vernacular (1)
- Stripes Towing Drunk Lady in Wagon (1)
- Subpoenas Flying Obstruction of Justice for Gonzo (1)
- Sunday Impeachment Blogging (1)
- Sunstar paramedics DEATH BOX DRIVERS REDUX (1)
- Support him with a click (1)
- Supreme Court (1)
- Supreme Court Dictatorship under Roberts (1)
- Susannah York They Shoot Horses Don't They (1)
- Syria is ATTACKED (1)
- TAMPA FL (1)
- THIS reminds me of the Tampa Police Dept. (1)
- TPD ignores Felonies .... all in the mumford family ... (1)
- TPD strikes again (1)
- TV cameras can't PAN anymore ? (1)
- Tail Rank also goes mobile (1)
- Tampa (1)
- Tampa ... you just get better all the time (1)
- Tampa .... I barely know ya ............ (1)
- Tampa .... america's next wanker (1)
- Tampa Bay Media SLUTS for yellow journalism (1)
- Tampa Bloggers .... they tried to censor us but FAILED (1)
- Tampa COPS JANEY GET your corrupt ho off me (1)
- Tampa City Council SCARED but at LEAST the election is being COVERED .... thanks ellen (1)
- Tampa Dating China (1)
- Tampa FIremen Pasco Firemen Pinellas Firemen SAME BOOTS (1)
- Tampa Fire Dept endorses Bob Buckhorn. LMAO (1)
- Tampa Fire Rescue Tom Forward (1)
- Tampa Fire Rescue buys hotwheels on your time (1)
- Tampa Fire Truck victory laps tell the story ..... (1)
- Tampa Florida EXTORTION RING (1)
- Tampa Mason Brian follows my family to MOTOWN (1)
- Tampa Nazis IRA Tampa Nuremburg Ending wished upoin you (1)
- Tampa New Orleans Detroit: THIEVES for Mayors... (1)
- Tampa OUT OF CONTROL with intimidation of citizens (1)
- Tampa Pinellas firemen proceed leisurely towards burning car (1)
- Tampa Port Authority Intimidates long time tenant for Jeb's project (1)
- Tampa Ricans come get these POS (1)
- Tampa States attorneys discussing clients in the open (1)
- Tampa Water POISONING (1)
- Tampa and Pinellas Fire Depts. STALKERS Near Hit and Runs (1)
- Tampa et. al. ...enough to go around but a few want it all .... (1)
- Tampa firefighters DOMESTIC TERRORISTS (1)
- Tampa getting away with MURDER (1)
- Tampa is just unbelievable all around (1)
- Tampa should look further north than chicago LOL (1)
- Tampa tops in the Country for Nazi activity (1)
- Tampa what has the color orange done to YOU?? (1)
- Tampa's Training Grounds (1)
- Tar Baby Romney says his business went VERY well (1)
- Tarpon Springs makes Tampa look like SHIT (1)
- Tell someone your truth today (1)
- Ten quick points of comparison very succinct evidence nazi amerika (1)
- Thailand Red Shirts (1)
- Thank YOU Barbara Lee (1)
- Thank You Ms. Woolsey Come ON Nadler (1)
- Thanks John you were GREAT TO WATCH (1)
- That's the LAST word (1)
- The Americans are HERE.. (1)
- The Green Party has filled up with THUGS (1)
- The OTHER Granholm Tampa Connection (1)
- The Road Warrior (1)
- The Secret Government (1)
- The Tampa Tribune (1)
- The Tide is Turning: Impeachment Breakfast (1)
- The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina (1)
- The guy who out-lawed Pam Bondi and friends (1)
- The inmates are totally running the asylum ... (1)
- The lessons Tampa took from Chicago during all those trips .. (1)
- The walker John Kelly and violent hoods from county line road (1)
- They need my house pretty BAD (1)
- They really ARE on the way out the skids ... tars and feathers... (1)
- Thinking of Minnesota (1)
- This Republic is in DEEP SHIT Secession would be beautiful (1)
- This is a BUSH war a GOP war (1)
- This is pretty funny .... but sad at the same time desperation (1)
- This is very serious --- all the same war whoops are being made -- please help (1)
- This should make Baker and Iorio PROUD and give them ideas (1)
- Three Grand ...................THANKS LOSERS (1)
- Three Grand or SIX from special effects....THANKS LOSERS (1)
- Ties to Bush Family known by McCaskill (1)
- Time Magazine and Putin (1)
- Timing Timing Timing yall have the timing of a MAN (bad) (1)
- Tina Maiorana another victim of maryEllen Elia??? MURDERS RAMPANT IN HILLSBOROUGH SCHOOLS (1)
- To GOOD Citizens (1)
- Tommy Lee Jones comes down HARD (1)
- Tommy? (1)
- Tony Romo keep going UP (1)
- Tony Snow - Job (1)
- Toxics in vehicle and yard BE AWARE (1)
- Toxics in vehicle and yard BE AWARE TOXIC TAP WATER (1)
- Trent Pupello (1)
- Truth is something we should be interested in ... (1)
- Tucker Carlson Classless Maroon (1)
- Two DOWN two to go (1)
- Two big endorsements. (1)
- University of Ottowa ROCKS Francois Houle (1)
- Updating the FOIA needs to be done (1)
- VINOY (1)
- Verizon (1)
- Vermont's 3rd largest newspaper TELLS IT (1)
- Veterans History Project (1)
- WEXLER (1)
- WHO is Jim Madden????? (1)
- WTF is it NOW (1)
- War Tax Boycott (1)
- War commentary there's ANOTHER war going on .... (1)
- War is a racket: Smedley Butler (1)
- Wasserman CASTOR PELOSI (1)
- Wasserman Schultz falling DOWN ON DEMOCRATS (1)
- Waving from the 1st Tower but to WHOM? no one came to help .... (1)
- Waxman's searchable database of lies included (1)
- Wayne Gilchrest Maryland (1)
- We DO know who they ARE (1)
- We authorized NONE OF THIS (1)
- We'll See Who Laughs LAST (1)
- We're All in this Together (1)
- Welcome to 1984 (1)
- Welcome to George Bush's America (1)
- Wexler Ashcroft IMPEACHMENT (1)
- What a DICK BUSH IS (1)
- What God recommends (1)
- What the Constitution says about Iraq (Iran Pakistan North Korea Afghanistan .....) ...... (1)
- When Suicide is MURDER Bush Brothers (1)
- When did DRAMA become the Truth? Ask Dana Perino (1)
- Where is the Tampa Trib Criminal and Political Reporter???? (1)
- Where was the Tampa Tribune on this??Fire official accused of fleeing accident TWICE (1)
- Who is going to investigate this? (1)
- Who'll Stop the Rain????????????/ (1)
- Whoring out your Children (1)
- William Kristol And War Propaganda (1)
- With NO Michael Landon anymore (1)
- Words fail me ......... I'm so sorry for your family ..... (1)
- Working for Change (1)
- Write the Governor for those who have no voice now (1)
- Writer -- Robert Boris (1)
- Written in stone to flashed on a USB it's all legal .. (1)
- YO4YQ Tampa Fire Stalker Gandy and Himes THREE TIMES or more (1)
- Ya7Lz D989hz (1)
- Yahoo feeds bullshit to the masses FIREMEN TOO (1)
- Yep (1)
- Yes John is for ALL HUMAN RIGHTS (1)
- You GO bloggers ...... Thank you to the Evil Sluts (1)
- You are NOT ALONE (1)
- You can WRITE the FCC easy as pie save our press (1)
- You should check out this GREAT service .... (1)
- a WORLD thing ........................ (1)
- a bit bunchy I hear (1)
- a celebration of Amerika or a Presidential Coup. (1)
- a lead ROLE IN A CAGE (1)
- a perfect tool made for this purpose (1)
- a petition to sign against faux hosting the debates (1)
- a quiet sign for all to live by .... a little message for us (1)
- a rainbow shining over us....... (1)
- a rare photo of king george bush ............. (1)
- a steady moral compass Eliot Rosewater (1)
- abortion rights (1)
- about Jim Gilliam (1)
- activist arrest anarcy absolution that will never come (1)
- adoptive parent wants OFF THE HOOK (1)
- al suarez ties to matterhorn murder (1)
- all the bolita players coming together or WHAT?? (1)
- all the photo-ops in the world do not conceal the truth (1)
- all these kids all these people ... it makes me so sad (1)
- all yall and yer shiny ragtops ... whoo hoooo (1)
- allstate and felon rights and everything VOTE NO (1)
- amazing order of articles again .... (1)
- amazing shit (1)
- an explanation ..... makes sense ....Tampa Firemen Integrity Loyalty Trust Honesty .. hmmmm yeah I don't really THINK so (1)
- an open letter to BOB BUTTERWORTH (1)
- anarchy in tampa (1)
- and I speak for thousands .................. (1)
- and I'll raise you one TRUTH (1)
- and LIES about Mukasey (1)
- and NO I am not this much a romantic ... hehe (1)
- and a dead Michael Landon (1)
- and a reminder about the cow whisperers .... (1)
- and an infamous woman or two (1)
- and away we went (1)
- and called the gestapo (1)
- and credit is due please go have a LOUD laugh (1)
- and everyone else can walk this bridge of unity .... (1)
- and for this one .... they DO deserve it for sure (1)
- and idiot freakin presidents and others (1)
- and it never fades away .............. (1)
- and never seems to learn ..... wazzup wid dat? (1)
- and on insurance TOO I'm looking hard and not seeing anything ..... (1)
- and part of june too. (1)
- and that's ME ... I love my little house and I'll need the money .. weregeld........ weregeld (1)
- and the beat goes on ............. (1)
- and the firemen/crooks who run things (1)
- and the high cost of never admitting the mistake (1)
- and their messages (1)
- and to mr. vrroom vrroom on himes -- you are cute you could have actual choices why be YOU?? (1)
- and we are losing our republic (1)
- and wondering why the 'jewish' don't?? (1)
- another "doctor" and OUR sheriff profiting from people in dire straits (1)
- another photo op gone awry (1)
- another thing joe redner and I have in common ... (1)
- another vote scheduled (1)
- answers from the peanut gallery. (1)
- any Kennedy 2012 (1)
- approximately 21 (1)
- are the ratings sagging over there (1)
- are these Thing II and Thing III IV V VI VII etc..... (1)
- arson causes more than a few fires in Florida (1)
- art mcneil jeb bush ASSHOLE JUDGE (1)
- as assholes go these guys win the prize (1)
- asking for peace and offering a lively discussion .... (1)
- at least it was a girl .......... (sorry) (1)
- awwwwwwwwwww dick is hurtin ....(sure he is) (1)
- baby .... (1)
- baby ...... (1)
- baby stomped to death... (1)
- baggy sweat pants and the officer with a strap (1)
- be sure they're DEMOCRATS (1)
- be yourself and yourself is love (1)
- beaten sexually abused paraded naked (1)
- beaumont street stalkers (1)
- because he thinks he can (1)
- because how else would there be a real life (1)
- because there are always at LEAST THREE sides ... (1)
- become a free press activist (1)
- bi partisan effort suppor S. 2332 (1)
- big f'ing deal on the Army changes. TELL THE TRUTH (1)
- blackwater Wikileaks Documents Prove Torture (1)
- blackwater indictments bogus (1)
- blocking my blog AGAIN what is this the TENTH TIME?? (1)
- blog staying screwed for now (1)
- blue eyes (1)
- brain cancer colon cancer wheelchairs WHAT THE FUCK EVER (1)
- brothers and sisters (1)
- buh bye Dickdickdick BuhBye Orge (1)
- buh bye gonzo and DickDickDick (1)
- bullshit medicine (1)
- bummer (1)
- bunch of old white dudes (1)
- bush copies me again (1)
- bush v gore and torture (1)
- but NOT in a good OR NICE way.... (1)
- but Tampa right out FRONT doing us proud .... (1)
- but great units fix them (1)
- but it's the comments I want you to read ..... (1)
- can't beat em? BAN EM Rick Baker does NOT HEART the homeless (1)
- can't pick which progressive TO BE this is the only ONE (1)
- careers on the line IMPEACHMENT (1)
- catholic church takeover bid EVERY CHURCH (1)
- cause the poor can't afford to become one ...... (1)
- cengage learning sampson or lener lerner is deceased rothfuss (1)
- character issues at the courthouse and the firehouse (1)
- charges dropped against posada (1)
- check for updates (1)
- check impeachment ........... IMPEACHMENT (1)
- checking the vernacular again ............ (1)
- chris artigas (1)
- chris cornell stripped... yeah that's the way .... (1)
- cindy roberts and mike roberts GANG HIT on Tampa Police Officer (1)
- city of tampa sanctions gangs (1)
- cleaning it up with a hose (1)
- cleared of any wrongdoing (1)
- clinton (1)
- coal miners west virginia (1)
- colin breen krewe in port and south tampa ROBERT E ONEILL (1)
- coming soon to an Amerika near you (1)
- common sense prevails somewhat (1)
- completely empty libraries TAMPA FLORIDA (1)
- cool buds and tasty waves .... fuck them put a fork in them (1)
- cool shit that happens to me (1)
- cop intimidation all over the place (1)
- cotton candy for the open records carnival (1)
- courage (1)
- crass and galling crass and galling crass and galling crass and galling crass and galling (1)
- create some revenue for amnesty international (1)
- crumpled paper bag .. preznit??? NOOOOOOOOOOOO (1)
- curtailing the overtly oppressive government (1)
- cut you out back in 2000 dontcha know (1)
- danger again to social security with nominee Biggs ... (1)
- daniel sleet tampa latino king judge (1)
- dealer tags coming (1)
- deddy babs george jebby and neil and sundry (1)
- deported never charged (1)
- development gambling and DEVELOPMENT SINS (1)
- did YOU write the book of love ........................... (1)
- diebold murders democracy (1)
- different schools together Pete Paolillo and Donnie James (1)
- disappeared witness Dawn Marie Gibson (1)
- do i look illegal arizona boycott (1)
- do not pass go do not collect 200.00 FUCKERS (1)
- do the right thing Chertoff (1)
- do they HONESTLY think anyone GIVES A FUCK? (1)
- do you think we're stupid (1)
- don't bury the truth (1)
- don't dream it's over (1)
- don't let it happen (1)
- drew rashbaum douchebag anti american (1)
- drug cartels (1)
- dumber than katie couric acts CBS (1)
- dylan Pulitzer (1)
- early primary suits the GOP ... well (1)
- earn THIS (1)
- eight grand never lifted a finger (1)
- eighteen years too late ............. (1)
- elizabeth marshall living in a police state (1)
- emerging from the sunroof murder of bhutto (1)
- eminem my fave black man (1)
- en mi hacienda la paraÃso (1)
- enjoy the backdraft (1)
- equality RULES (1)
- everyone in the ssa offices are latino almost (1)
- explosion unexplained TWO SHERIFFS (1)
- fallen down house and senate (1)
- feudal lords from little boys (1)
- filtering by Hillsborough County against free speech (1)
- finally they ask THE question .. well DUH IMPEACH (1)
- fire at evidence storage facility ................ (1)
- firefighter murders apace. (1)
- firefighter's fucktastic arrest (1)
- firefighters violate civil rights of a democrat (1)
- firemen on steroids (1)
- firemen who stalk citizens (1)
- first American casualty in Iraq : TRUTH (1)
- flexible ... elasticity a quality I never considered in my snow (1)
- flood BUSH OUT (1)
- florida joins the rest in a laughable 'apology' to blacks (1)
- florida watch CITRUS HILLSBOROUGH silent holocaust (1)
- florida watch LEON COUNTY silent holocaust (1)
- florida watch LEON the silent holocaust (1)
- florida watch PINELLAS the silent holocaust (1)
- for God's sake (1)
- for Molly Ivin.... keeping the drumbeat (1)
- for me (1)
- for the boy who lost and loses (1)
- for this and for silverado and for talking about your dad .... THANKS (1)
- forcing a put up or shut up (1)
- foreclosure act all fucked up (1)
- forman tome keller diaz gonzalez and claudio (1)
- former banker fails to sheer the sheep (1)
- four four four four four aye aye aye aye aye (1)
- freedom of speech RULES ON THIS BLOG (1)
- friendship trail bridge (1)
- from Creative Loafing Fire Em (1)
- from Deep Something (1)
- from a mere 10 yards or so away. (1)
- from our almost President (1)
- from the Raised in the woods series ......................... (1)
- from the trib ... comments trump the writing (1)
- fuck Y O U Tampa Natives. assholes. (1)
- fuck ahnuld (1)
- fuck the sheriffs TOO (1)
- funny shit actually typed (1)
- gambling ties to the US ATTORNEY's OFFICe (1)
- gang box tampa fire dept Series I Volume I (1)
- ganja making idiots of all of us ... but not the right way ... (1)
- gated communities THE HIGH SHERIFF WANTS IN (1)
- geez ... what will it take to stop these guys and gals?? (1)
- geez doesn't the FBI have enough to do???? (1)
- george bush tells someone to COME CLEAN????? (1)
- george jones (1)
- get in line one of you is next ..... (1)
- get on the bandwagon ... soon it'll be THE place to be. (1)
- get your stories straight guys.... (1)
- ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowllll (1)
- git em outta there (1)
- give peace a chance (1)
- give them a whirl .... (1)
- go lick yourself (1)
- go write a caption .. it's a stitch (1)
- good for dogs bad for humans ...... can homeless dogs eat here??? (1)
- good one (1)
- google antitrust bomb (1)
- got ya to look (1)
- granddaughter of the union man LOVING THIS (1)
- grandma but no scary story ................ (1)
- green zone matt damon (1)
- guys.... (1)
- handcuffs moving closer to reality (1)
- hard rockin ova to da track (1)
- hard to trust in anything ... left wing broken long ago (1)
- harry taylor vs george SHRUB-slumpy (1)
- has nothing to do with alcohol (1)
- have that individual locked up for the safety of those around them. (1)
- have to hold him accountable (1)
- help him stop the bastard ................ (1)
- help keep Jeb from the White House (1)
- help me get that m*****fucker out of office (1)
- help us get free INTERNET. Purty PLEASE?? (1)
- highlight of things to come (1)
- hope this works the way it's supposed to ..... (1)
- hope you can see the humor in this (1)
- how many murders in the diaz homes???? (1)
- how the Tampa Police altered my plans (1)
- how to disappear abe by GEORGE BUSH (1)
- how to realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly be free (1)
- huggy bear picture challenge (1)
- huh... lol (1)
- i can't imagine WHY (1)
- i'm going to claim aggressive behavior and long time dispute (1)
- i'm still walkin on holy water ......... (1)
- if he repeats it will we believe it ? Gonzalez (1)
- if it doesn't stop. (1)
- if so then sign up somewhere here (1)
- if they had a beach i'd move there and look what charlie crist does .... dang (1)
- if you read for yourself ... the big plan NWO (1)
- ignoring the voice of the people who said NO NO NO (1)
- impeach the mother ****** already (1)
- important books to read (1)
- in a pee yellow bridal gown that's some's bush (1)
- in loving respect and memory...... i miss you (1)
- in the dark of night move by post office ... HELP STOP THEM (1)
- in the these guys are utter asses category (1)
- injustice anywhere is a threat to justice EVERYWHERE (1)
- innocent people in the crossfire (1)
- instead ... the settling continues .... (1)
- instead of protecting the public from abusive officers (1)
- instead of war chests he's talking TRUTH .. I LIKE THAT (1)
- interviewed by zack de la rocha ..... (1)
- intimidating them young and out of the gate ... (1)
- is for HATERS (1)
- is this the masonic eye? Thank you to David Love (1)
- it IS a bumper sticker for pete's sake. (1)
- it will look great on me (1)
- it's a put on ... (1)
- it's against the LAW of HIGH PRICES (1)
- it's all coming out now ............ (1)
- it's for EVERYONE (1)
- it's going to work Bush is OVER OVER OVER (1)
- it's gonna happen have YOUR name on the list (1)
- it's more than crack sales it's THEFT AND TAXPAYER FRAUD (1)
- it's not enough that they are THERE now they can't even access US (1)
- it's right on time baby. (1)
- it's so constant .................. (1)
- it's so heavy ................... (1)
- it's soooooooo MOB (1)
- italians BLOCK MILITARY BASE (1)
- jack and jill driving the race war train (1)
- jacob christiano what lasts (1)
- jane harman (1)
- janet zink reports THIS. LOL (1)
- jason isbell .... (1)
- jason sending his grammy after me (1)
- jasons ........................ (1)
- jasons hauling tampa fl (1)
- jeb 666 still affecting us all (1)
- jeff long george driver another arson (1)
- jesus shows up ??? (1)
- jimmy carter hospitalized (1)
- joel surnow asshole incorporated (1)
- john davidson interviews johnny and june (1)
- join the rest of the Americans fighting the good fight (1)
- jose gonzalez ARDEN....STALKER AND BOXER (1)
- jose tome brian marshall SCUMBAG NEIGHBORS (1)
- jose tome fakes robberies third or fourth now (1)
- jose tome tampa stalker friend of firemen YA5LK (1)
- jose xavier tome and krewe tampa stalkers and thieves (1)
- joseph anthony granda HCC YMCA (1)
- just another brick in the wallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll (1)
- kanye west (1)
- kanye west NOT the jackass here (1)
- karen bowers boss of yo boss (1)
- katherine durkin robinson WAR MONGERING CUNT. (1)
- keep your eyes open for the CHANGE ARTIST (1)
- keeping people divided (1)
- keller and co pimpin the university oakwoods (1)
- keller and wiggins meth house explosion 8418 arden (1)
- keller tome sokol faedo ober ..... on and on and on (1)
- kerik friend of tampa firemen (1)
- kidnapping seems mighty suspicious like other things (1)
- kwame pam and rick the mayors maligned (1)
- la la la la la la la la la la (1)
- la vida cimarron david byrne (1)
- lack of oversight CRITICAL (1)
- largest demonstration in over twenty years (1)
- latest on the primaries ................... HERE (1)
- learn it with me (1)
- leave it far behind and never look back. (1)
- lee bercaw tampa police department (1)
- lee drury decesare on torture (1)
- lee pallardy walker middle school rape and COT scammer (1)
- lerner sampson rothfuss evictiosn someone told me not to call people cunts but my grandpa taught me to call a spade a spade. CUNT ! (1)
- let the bush truth ring out BUSH F IN LEADERSHIP (1)
- let your pants hang low (1)
- let's carry the wood (1)
- let's go SAY HEY Mr. Preznit (1)
- let's grab them for everyone before verizon GETS EM (1)
- let's pick up the peace (1)
- lies lies and MORE LIES (1)
- lies to congress (1)
- life in the cereal box of florida ...... (1)
- like he's here but then he isn't ..... (1)
- like John F Kennedy was (1)
- like frogs in a slowly heated pot ............. (1)
- limbaugh (1)
- liner notes don mclean pete seeger (1)
- little rock nine (1)
- living inside of tampa's walls (1)
- living like lords and we are paying fo their CRIMES (1)
- lizard weird santa monica police (1)
- look past the end of your noses and LIVE and LOVE (1)
- lots of 'moms' out there with missing or no children (1)
- love love love love love (1)
- loving Hughie Thomasson (1)
- lowest denominator (1)
- making a google bomb out of JFK (1)
- man ... (1)
- man. It's an embarrassment (1)
- manufactured financial crises of Florida (1)
- marc ash piece of shit .. (1)
- mark felt DEEPTHROAT (1)
- mark ober (1)
- mark sanford (1)
- marke wolfe stalker and Tampa judge (1)
- maryEllen Elia RECALL HER (1)
- maxine waters HERO OF A PEACEFUL NATION (1)
- maybe going downtown julie and jason (1)
- mcclellan from HERO TO ZERO (1)
- meanderings and things that make me kinda sick of the playground bullies that the county and city employ (1)
- media all disconfigured. (1)
- mel what r an ethic martinez (1)
- meningitis scare or bullshit she's gone and that's sad (1)
- metropolitan ministries. (1)
- michael keller stalker and pimp (1)
- mike keller friends of aggravated stalkers and shooters (1)
- mike keller tampa firemen LANDLORDS of aggravated stalkers and shooters (1)
- mike keller tampa stalker and pimp (1)
- mike kellers meth lab blew up. LOLLLLL (1)
- minors to marriage L O L ... sorry losers. (1)
- minus a few ..... (1)
- mitt the mutt pays to be puffed (1)
- mo calls mo letters (1)
- mona vie SCARY (1)
- moody blues (1)
- mop the floor with them (1)
- more coverups from the corrupt fire people (1)
- more meth lab problems at 8418 arden ave tampa fl (1)
- more robinson whores (1)
- mosi tampa fire dept freaks (1)
- mukasey (1)
- murder club tampa fl (1)
- murderers (1)
- murders (1)
- must read on waterboarding (1)
- my ass on his hard times OR his ass MADE my hard times (1)
- my latest American hero (1)
- myths propagated by DC (yeah more) (1)
- never stopped urging the city and the people forward (1)
- no I was relieved to see him ... Norman-Vacha (1)
- no caption no fucking excuse for this al arian (1)
- no honestly some of us have NO buried racism LOL (1)
- no priors for the thought crime (1)
- nose bag and all ..... jeebus forgive him .... (1)
- not just ON the table -- dining out with us THANK MURTHA (1)
- not just Tampa but statewide arson redeveloping (1)
- not just adopted ones. (1)
- not productive work (1)
- not so much (1)
- not so much the way you planned. (1)
- now ......... (1)
- now that you have a few minutes (1)
- obama 2009 (1)
- obama cabinet (1)
- obama death plot not so much (1)
- obama get your shit together baby (1)
- obama have you lost yo mind?? (1)
- obama stop the illegal wars (1)
- obama voter apathy (1)
- of Cheney (1)
- of Dick Cheney ..... can george veto this? LOL (1)
- of course (1)
- of mine (1)
- olbermann- (1)
- old hippie blog (1)
- on my windshield (1)
- on the way to a murder (1)
- one click to protect net neutrality NOW please (1)
- one down two no THREE more to go (1)
- one more down ... LOL buh bye george and dickdickdick (1)
- one more person I hope to meet in Washington (1)
- or .... me and charles manson (1)
- or ..... sue me if you can catch me ................. (1)
- outlaws and then henry paul the florida guitar army (1)
- paper ballots and emergency funding for states (1)
- pasco ... you know..... (1)
- pasco fire rescue STRANGLER (1)
- pat frank clerk of circuit court hillsborough (1)
- patti labelle (1)
- paul mpaul mumford TPD (1)
- paul mumford TPD (1)
- paul mumford tpd and who is THAT LAST NAME (1)
- paul newman and me something further in common (1)
- perhaps? (1)
- permanently stamping one's class on one's birth certificate (1)
- personal cessna love (1)
- personal chrish cornell (1)
- personal hit men (1)
- personal justin timberlake (1)
- personal lex salisbury. (1)
- planting porn on peoples' computers (1)
- please help stop endless war (1)
- please email the Senators and help to preserve PEG as it is. (1)
- ponderings .... (1)
- president or a SHERIFF???? (1)
- pressure's getting to ya (1)
- primary colors of TERROR or CIVL UNREST (1)
- probably did this wrong but i love that word joost (1)
- proof of impending martial law from the WhiteHouse (1)
- proven to be the REALITY Kevin and Pat Tillman (1)
- put it on a tshirt silly world (1)
- putting the fix on the benches .... (1)
- racist ANTI WOMAN (1)
- random gunfire (1)
- random gunfire wanted for those on the list (1)
- read the 10 steps you can't stay in de-nile .. It's HERE (1)
- read the Tampa Tribune to find out why (1)
- recognizing the Dixie Chicks Neil Young and Green Day (1)
- red bird keeping me on the ups (1)
- relax don't do it frankie going to the hoosegow. (1)
- remember it's just different from what YOU'VE seen ..... (1)
- remembering mansfield and nixon (1)
- reptile nation (1)
- retired as a colonel (1)
- rick baker pam iorio HIDE THEM (1)
- rid ourselves of one onus (1)
- righteous babes stickin it to the man (1)
- roaring across the shores of our collective American heart. (1)
- rolling stone (1)
- rufus wainright does leo cohen (1)
- rulez schmoolz (1)
- running out of actors faces looking familiar (1)
- russian spies in st pete (1)
- sandra prince ralph lupton (1)
- sarah palin resigns. (1)
- saratoga springs crybaby and fabricator (1)
- sayonara sucker (1)
- school board ARRESTS (1)
- scientology shooting (1)
- scotteeeeeeeee (1)
- scrape ya right OUT your house just like NOLA (1)
- sean penn mark ruffalo (1)
- seeds of hatred (1)
- segue to the war on terror from the war on drugs (1)
- segues into juvenile harassment and stalking now (1)
- serious people holding a debate give it the time (1)
- service is great here in pampa (1)
- set it down (1)
- setting my own agenda aside for a few hours .... hehe (1)
- sexist bathroom graffiti (1)
- sexual predator laws (1)
- shawn mcmillan tarpon springs MURDERED (1)
- sheriffs website photos of stalkers removed (1)
- shit that sticks tampa fire rescue (1)
- shootout at school board meeting (1)
- should be more than pawns in some asshole's passion play (1)
- shut that camera OFF boys and girls (1)
- sickening (1)
- sign sign everywhere a sign blocking out the scenery (1)
- signing death warrants .... (1)
- sluts raising sluts IRA and KELLER Tampa FL (1)
- snitch society in full force now (1)
- so much for the progressive on the Tampa City Council (1)
- so sue me. save me a few bucks .... (1)
- some integrity brought to bear (1)
- someone else on Tampa Fire Rescue (1)
- someone to help keep the 'records' straight .... (1)
- someone to look up to (1)
- something priceless or you could be a waste of time (1)
- spokeswoman for nappy headed hos (1)
- st pat college (1)
- stalkers fetal alcohol baby (1)
- stalking in orlando but I ignored you I was having FUN LOL (1)
- stand up for public broadcasting (1)
- stand while you can. (1)
- starbucks and guns (1)
- stayin up with harry reid (1)
- still puzzled by WHO decided what was normal ....... (1)
- still the same ................... (1)
- stogie (1)
- stopped at the borders to Canada (1)
- studs terkel (1)
- stupid shit people actually say to me (1)
- stupid stalking shit (1)
- sunroof murder III (1)
- sunroof murder V (1)
- sunroof murder VI (1)
- supporting Oscar and Norma and AJ Aviles and family and friends (1)
- suspicious deaths Jennifer Ellis Seitz Winter Haven FLORIDA (1)
- ta- DA ---- Keith Olbermann (1)
- take me out to the movies (1)
- take the train take the bus walk but GO (1)
- talk to the state dept .... Ted Kennedy (1)
- tampa courthouse woes coming (1)
- tampa fire inspectorl oses gun. (1)
- tampa fire pigs (1)
- tampa fire rescue PARAMEDIC DICK DISPLAY (1)
- tampa fire rescue car wreck threats (1)
- tampa fire scumbags and rapists and violators. (1)
- tampa fireman redact prostitute's public records. (1)
- tampa firemans nephew (1)
- tampa firemen are STALKERS (1)
- tampa firemen brighthouse GENIUSES (1)
- tampa firemen exposing citizens to benzene (1)
- tampa firemen nolle prosse nope just disappear the charges. (1)
- tampa firemen porn (1)
- tampa firemen tampa masons TPD (1)
- tampa firemen turn their backs on a man being murdered (1)
- tampa gangstalking capital of america (1)
- tampa lakeland fireman sex offender (1)
- tampa light rail by pam iorio (1)
- tampa losers still cheating their way to "wins" (1)
- tampa loses another contest (1)
- tampa love for the masses (1)
- tampa police corrupt motherfuckers dirty pigs (1)
- tampa police officer murdered (1)
- tampa police protecting crack houses (1)
- tampa snitches and murderers. (1)
- tampa stalkers and sluts (1)
- tampa stalkers more pictures soon (1)
- tampa train to nowhere pays us THE BIG BUCKS (1)
- tamps scumbags (1)
- tattoos tatttoos taattttooooosssssss (1)
- tell (1)
- testicle crushing (1)
- testing (1)
- texas CAGE MATCHES (1)
- thanks for mentioning it (1)
- thanks for the love .... and the intimidation it's swell (1)
- thanks to Target and LOOK a custom paint job (1)
- that's TOOO MANY statistically they're in a hurry (1)
- that's me okay (1)
- that's my new slogan OR under the sewer cover of Tampa (1)
- that's right the dirty fucking hippies (1)
- that's where it came from (1)
- the GOP and Tiffany's (1)
- the NEW CAMELOT (1)
- the NEW FLU rides hard and goes away wet. LOL (1)
- the big guns (1)
- the common thread with A TWISTED TWIST (1)
- the continuing saga .............. (1)
- the edwards effect (1)
- the fire down below works out fine for pam iorio (1)
- the last turning point (1)
- the lie of the Tampa Democrats (1)
- the measure of all things (1)
- the mystery NEEEDS to matter (1)
- the mystery thickens and thins ... (1)
- the ones from 'friends' are the best (1)
- the only option of the tampa police dept .. ARREST (1)
- the plot thickens .... and now it's more than money ..... (1)
- the public owes a debt of gratitude (1)
- the push continues for impeachment (1)
- the resident makes us all a little sicker ... he can't recall (1)
- the reward for covering up crime in Florida (1)
- the same old same old ..............fucked by football (1)
- the tale of seven sergeants or higher......... (1)
- the teh the teh the teh teh teh teh teh teh teh teh (1)
- the tiny happy faces captured my thoughts for days .... (1)
- the usual exciting Saturday threats ........... (1)
- the voxers step into thin millionaire air YEEHAW (1)
- the whole story is SOOO MOB. (1)
- there's a LOT we can do about it (1)
- they DO likes their BOMBS (1)
- they have it ALL going on ........... (1)
- they wet themselves when I pay attention to them ... (1)
- things are only as important as I want them to be (1)
- third degree felonies by the DUMP TRUCK LOAD (1)
- third degree felony. (1)
- this endless war .....with symbolic withdrawals ... (1)
- this loneliness won't leave me alone .... watchin the tide roll away .......... (1)
- thought I'd catch yall up (1)
- thought police checking a woman's books (1)
- tick tock tick tock tick tock (1)
- tinted windows DONT HIDE YOUR SHAME FIREMEN (1)
- todd burchardt tampa fire rescue (1)
- toll road to stupidity on jeb (1)
- tommy forgione piece of shit of michael keller krewe (1)
- too stunned to label (1)
- trouble with the coppers imminent apparently (1)
- truly really truly BUH BYE DICK (1)
- trying to give retroactive immunity to telecoms (1)
- trying to make me homeless and hungry with my lil ones (1)
- two recent pleas for the homeless (1)
- ultrasound abortion bill (1)
- undisclosed location stripped of all authority (1)
- unregulated market pipe dream (1)
- urbanski iorio lynch (1)
- velvet revolution (1)
- virgo text says it all about the new residents (1)
- vote the bums out NOT ENOUGH (1)
- vox populi multifipicates (1)
- vroom vroom vroom (1)
- vs the tainted water in Tampa FL (1)
- walter cronkite (1)
- war profiteers (1)
- was I raped or was that just a friendly pat-down? (1)
- wax moustaches on freaks (1)
- we got it now pay attention to the next step. LOL (1)
- we make it hotter (1)
- we'd all love to see the plan ..................j/k contact the FCC (1)
- we'll get together ... have a few laughs (1)
- we're coming through (1)
- we're just getting started (1)
- we've got the ball RUN WITH IT (1)
- wet foot dry foot idiocy rules (1)
- what a freaking moron (1)
- what a waste of beautiful man-flesh (1)
- what are this guy's creds for fucking up tampa after living here 12 years??? (1)
- what could have gone wrong ?? (1)
- what is aspergers NOT what the Tampa Trib says for sure (1)
- what led up to us losing JFK (1)
- what people will drag the flag into (1)
- what's YOUR gimmick bitches??? (1)
- what's a a a a ???? (1)
- when it smells like murder Michael Scott Niesen (1)
- when you're lookin for the ground there it is (1)
- where are all the violent guys allowed why biker vigilantes???? (1)
- where does Mary Alvarez HANG OUT??? predators like ants ... (1)
- where truth will never matter ..... (1)
- where'd you guys GO man??????????? Tampa Firemen (1)
- white tennis shoes .. so in VOGUE. stalkers ..... (1)
- who can't keep his hoods away from my vehicle (1)
- who tried too (1)
- whores of carrollwood and their daughters meet the south tampa whores (1)
- why I don't disclose online (1)
- why americans need to keep PROTESTING AND PROTESTING (1)
- why are people putting up with this shit??? (1)
- will the circle be unbroken by and by ....... (1)
- with a big HUGE BUTT KISSING of Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio (1)
- with a little help from the NEW YORK TIMES buh bye Cheney (1)
- with a word from the Minister of Rants (1)
- women's rights (1)
- won't taste the same without me .................. (1)
- wonder what Tampa will get (1)
- work on them while they're home (1)
- working for the hugest perverter of rule of law EVER (1)
- working with turkeys ...... (1)
- worth a look .. I like Biden ... (1)
- ya gotta wonder (1)
- yeah he do ... here's his tag (1)
- yeehaw cowboy george impeachment (1)
- yes ... the last pressing issue of Florida .... (1)
- yknow?? .... (1)
- you help me and i'll help you (1)
- you should read this every now and then (1)
- you tube exists for this ............... (1)
- you would never believe it if you didn't see it (1)
- you'll SOON find out (1)
- you'll have to read to find out ............. (1)
- zen comix and personal (1)
- ~~~~~~ONE MILLION THINGS are RIGHT ~~~~~~~~ (1)
About Me
- Vox Populi
- I was born a citizen of the world and have remained such but along with that: I'm a long time Tampa resident. Mixed bag at that as I've seen life here from nearly all angles and while somewhere in there I became slightly indoctrinated, I'm not too proud of the way people have taken over this city and run it with an iron fist for all but some. This city is working hard on creating just two classes. Thems and them dont's and they are working hard to shove some families down into the gutter for reasons known only to them. Some might be as petty as jealousy, some might be politically motivated, some might just be stupid and all are wrong. I want to believe we can get better but that would entail some stuff that I have no control over. I only can control myself and my reactions to what occurs.
Must See Places
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Voice of Freedom

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In other words: read it, enjoy it ... copy it, paste it, distribute it widely.
Don't construe it as anything but what it is: the opinion and experiences of a novelist on the way ... anything that IS true can be proven. Anything that's not true --- well, that's my opinion and yours, isn't it?
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