The light comes on FINALLY
The biggest issue I have with OPTIONAL cosmetic surgery is this kind of thing where someone else (WHO WHO ??) decides what is normal?? What the hell ??

This statement in this article drove me crazy.
'I think people just want to feel normal. That's what plastic surgery is about,' said Antell, who has seen a definite increase in the past 10 years. 'They're embarrassed to go to the beach, they're embarrassed to go the gym.' (I consider this to be unethical for a plastic surgeon to make this statement)
And, it's really sickening when you think about it. Outie belly buttons and all kinds of stuff are perfectly normal. Perfectly normal. AND, if we had seen 'models' or 'media-types' or maybe even a 'trusted public servant LOL' with an outie that would make it more acceptable??? More normal?
This guy, who stands to profit LARGE from some guy or lady's feelings of inadequacy or need to 'feel normal' pisses me off to both profit from it and to hold it up as perfectly NORMAL that you NEED plastic surgery to 'be normal'.
AND, he'd be the last plastic surgeon I would see. I know a plastic surgeon very well. I watched to see if once he picked up 'the laser' he would begin to appraise women or men and hint to them that he could 'work wonders' for them. He never has. Whenever he sees me he comments on how nice my skin looks and how great of shape I am in. He's awesome as a human being and a medical person. You know all it would take for some women would be a slender little remark about how they could be 'perfect' or 'normal' and they'd be under the knife. And, I find that very sad.
And you have to wonder -- are plastic surgeons 'noticing' a trend with people wanting to 'fix' their belly buttons or are they ENACTING a trend and ENABLING one?? hmmmmmmmmm
I spent the night with my BFF back when she had her breasts enlarged to help her around and to listen to her moan and such. They're perfect. I understand this isn't always the case; nipples being set off to the side and such. Don't laugh. She showed me the before and after pics and I kinda understood. But, I still had to wonder at her mom who had the same 'concavity' ... why the hell didn't she just teach my best friend to be comfortable 'in her skin??' My best friend is so beautiful. Inside and out.
This 'malady of the mind' kept my BFF from relationships and the fun stuff for ages. She was very self-conscious but because of prolonged access I was able to discern that her body was beautiful but her mom passed her own lack of love for HER body on to her daughter.
People sometimes have to remove scars or tattoos or 'fix up' other things that may happen to 'mar' their bodies. Heck, I enjoyed seeing my BFF buy her little strappy tops and show off 'her new girls' whenever she wanted.
I should add that some years later she had trouble: one leaked, they always felt cold (yep I touched them -- sure did damnit they were cute) she had a bad kind, they started feeling tough or some such so she had to go have the whole thing redone at some expense. Ahhhhhhh, she drove her merc. or her 'vette there; no big deal to her but ... to me, I can't justify that when any person suffers and I am off buying boobs. (TWICE!!) I do understand she had no choice.(the 2nd time) She also had a few minor and not so minor occurrences with cancer and I have to wonder if the leaking caused that. No cancer in her family, beforehand.
Men (and probably some ladies but they never let on lol) have always paid homage to 'my girls'. I dated a guy who bought things for them so he could still surprise me with sweet nothings after I accused him of attempting to buy my affection. (secretly I very much love thoughtful, artful listening or artsy doodads) He did not buy me sexual things, but normal, every-day cool gifts and to make me laugh he would say, "this is for the girls" and it was kinda funny. The girls got furs, rugs, heavy gold heart necklaces, long weekends here and there ..... he spoiled them) We're still great friends to this day and every now and then he buys me something 'for the girls'. Flowers, candy, baubles ... ya gotta laugh. I never really wore the furs; fur (and rabbit and mohair) makes my eyes feel like they have gunk in them but if my minks could talk ..... (they've BEEN PLACES) they've even been a few places I probably would have enjoyed but didn't make it to. That's a whole blog. I did used to drag them around to keep the peace and show appreciation. They are a slithery pain in the ass. But, I DID appreciate them because then my friends could borrow them and look slinky and stuff.
But, here's my point:
Please don't pass your self-esteem issues on to your daughters or sons so that one day they seek out a guy like this plastic surgeon who tells them what the hell 'normal' is.
Frankly, I think my girls are NOT all that but others seem quite entranced with them. What the hell? They've been around awhile now and I've befriended them. Be comfortable with yourself.
Honest. You're probably beautiful.
You're DEFINITELY NORMAL. If you don't think so come on by and I'll give you a free voxer evaluation. For free. Honest.
Normal is not defined by a plastic surgeon or a guy on the beach.
Beauty truly really truly IS in the eye of the beholder.
Ask the girls.
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Technorati Tags plastic surgery
Technorati Tags: lack of ethics, the girls, mink mohair , keepin it real and personal