........... as long as it applies to SOMEONE ELSE.
Sunny over at Smashed Frog and Sinfonian over at Blast Off the Florida Progressive Blog
did muy excellente' in their commentary concerning same so I won't digress. And Sunny has tons of good links ... but something else caught MY self-centered eye. (LOL)
O, I did some more reading on RICO and Anti-Slapp and realized how important these two laws are over and over again. NOW, if only one could find a judge and jury in Tampa FL. I'm tellin' you, I thought they'd go easy on the drug guy from South America when I saw his jury was all bikers (yeah they WERE, yeah I didn't ask them, yeah I know a biker when I see one especially if they are wearing their uniforms..... and they were) but they slapped the guy with 40 years. (aside to my biker fans and I know you max computer experts are reading --- do you guys ever realize you're wearing a UNIFORM??? for god's sake)
Which cemented my belief that the bikers are running Tampa (got rid of some competition for forty years, eh guys???) and have been for some time now. They bought off or killed anyone who would have stood in their way and that includes the Sheriff and the TPD. Oh, and the top law enforcement officer, as well.
The Tampa Tribune painted these pictures of how there were no bikers and the mob history is soooooo in our past, and I'm kinda wondering --- do all these 'reporters' live in a DUNGEON ??? Then they finally wake up and hear all these loud-ass bikes roaring around .... (LOL) and write an article about the bikers.
Any old hoooooooooo A LOT of these bikers ARE cops or sheriffs now. They ARE attorneys or own attorneys. And then we have Mark Lunsford and Jesse's riders who are allowed to threaten lives of people and not one peep from our vauntificated law enforcement.
So, if one place needs to be SLAPPED with a RICO act lawsuit it is Tampa FL who has fucked over more people than any place I can think of. And, it's scary to realize that you have no protection. Your "protection" is bought and paid for by the inmates running the asylum. LOL. South Tampa and other places buy their own security. You know, technically, I'm not sure this is legal. I came across this case where this guy crashed the gates at Culbreath Isle and damned if that gate is UNConstitutional. It's against the law to block a public road or to demand or inquire of citizens thereon.
Which explains why all the private road jaw-flapping in New Tampa. Heads up, folks. This is going to get UN-pretty. Get ready for it or learn to live UNDER it.
Anyway, and the same folks who brought so much amusement with the slashed tires and such are also (besides being related to Tampa Firemen) related to Bikers. Not the good ones, eh?? So, it's interesting how it all ties up together by way of stealing property, lives, folks disappearing, car-wrecked, accidents dropped off, limo licenses, wreckers .... city employees, county employees, selective code enforcement, code enforcement loyalty to bikers. You name it.
Tampa, you're turning out to be a real gnarly place. Clean up and fly right. Or ELSE.
Oh and by the way --- read the below carefully --- that arson thingy --- and then be sure to watch out real good for the happiness of the JT's. Your life could depend on it. Not HIS. Yours. That's a LONG time to wear one pair of tennis-shoes for the man.
Racketeering activity means:
Any act or threat involving gambling, murder, kidnapping, arson, robbery, bribery, extortion, dealing in obscene matter, or dealing in a controlled substance or listed chemical (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act), which is chargeable under State law and punishable by imprisonment for more than one year;
Any act which is indictable under a wide variety of specific provisions of title 18 of the United States Code relating to bribery, counterfeiting, theft, embezzlement, fraud, obscene matter, obstruction of justice, slavery, racketeering, gambling, money laundering, commission of murder-for-hire, etc.
Any act which is indictable under title 29, United States Code, section 186 (dealing with restrictions on payments and loans to labor organizations) or section 501 (c) (relating to embezzlement from union funds),
Any offense involving fraud connected with a case under title 11 (except a case under section 157 of this title), fraud in the sale of securities, or the felonious manufacture, importation, receiving, concealment, buying, selling, or otherwise dealing in a controlled substance or listed chemical (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act), punishable under any law of the United States,
Any act which is indictable under the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act,
Any act which is indictable under the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 274 (relating to bringing in and harboring certain aliens), section 277 (relating to aiding or assisting certain aliens to enter the United States), or section 278 (relating to importation of alien for immoral purpose) if the act indictable under such section of such Act was committed for the purpose of financial gain, or
Any act that is indictable under any provision listed in section 2332b (g)(5)(B);
Pattern of racketeering activity requires at least two acts of racketeering activity, one of which occurred after the effective date of this chapter and the last of which occurred within ten years (excluding any period of imprisonment) after the commission of a prior act of racketeering activity; The Supreme Court has instructed federal courts to follow the continuity plus relationship test in order to determine whether the facts of a specific case give rise to an established pattern. Predicate acts are related if they "have the same or similar purposes, results, participants, victims, or methods of commission, or otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated events." H.J. Inc. v. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Continuity is both a closed and open ended concept, referring to either a closed period of conduct, or to past conduct that by its nature projects into the future with a threat of repetitio
Where RICO laws might be applied
Although some of the RICO predicate acts are extortion and blackmail, one of the most successful applications of the RICO laws has been the ability to indict or sanction individuals for their behavior and actions committed against witnesses and victims in alleged retaliation or retribution for cooperating with law enforcement or intelligence agencies.
The RICO laws can be alleged in cases where civil lawsuits or criminal charges are brought against individuals or corporations in retaliation for said individuals or corporations working with law enforcement, or against individuals or corporations who have sued or filed criminal charges against a defendant.
Anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) laws can be applied in an attempt to curb alleged abuses of the legal system by individuals or corporations who utilize the courts as a weapon to retaliate against whistle blowers, victims, or to silence another's speech. RICO could be alleged if it can be shown that lawyers and/or their clients conspired and collaborated to concoct fictitious legal complaints solely in retribution and retaliation for themselves having been brought before the courts.
These laws also apply to victims of clergy abuse where statute of limitations has run out.
I'm not trying to be mean or anything but there does exist quite the quite the quite the quite the HUGE PILE of documentation of bikers bothering me and then their friends on the TPD, back to the bikers, the Firemen and the TPD and yet again a THIRD time .... this is all meant to be extremely intimidating but combined with other things it has really just annoyed me. But, now, the gloves being in the mud with the pigs and all .........................
Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Bill Nelson 202 224 5274
Kathy Castor 202 225 3576
Mel Martinez 202224 3041
Send a letter to the St.Pete Times
I don't care what you talk about but keep sending letters until they publish one. They're very selective with WHOM they publish because I see the same names over and over. Don't let a few people speak for ALL of us.
And call your congressman and talk to her of Inherent Contempt. Do it. And hug everyone you can reach.
North Jersey JUST DOIN it.
Headlights to Impeach
Turn them ON. PlEaSe ! Help a country out here. Also, click the link to sign the petition. Takes three seconds.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll
Click Here
Bush Business (two states moving to convene grand juries)
Email your Congressman
Court of Impeachment and War Crimes
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
Stop Organized Stalking
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
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Technorati Tags: magical sheep, Truckspy rawks, shaggy sheep, SUVs