Slopping the pigs of Tampa
well, imagine that. Took fifteen minutes for kevin beckner to use the SAD deaths of officers kocab and curtis and THE INHOUSE (MUMFORD AND DELGADO AND KELLER AND TOME gang) murder HIT of Officer Mike Roberts to suck some more money up and buy some votes, too.
Stay tuned. We've got a pictorial of the STALKING PIGS this is slopping.
Hillsborough commissioners approve fund for families of fallen police, firefighters
By Nicole Hutcheson, Times Staff Writer In Print: Thursday, September 2, 2010
TAMPA — The families of police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty will get up to $100,000 under a new county program.
Hillsborough County commissioners unanimously approved the First Responders Fallen Heroes Fund on Wednesday.
"We're looking at providing immediate sustenance for surviving families to honor the sacrifice their loved one has made for our community," said Commissioner Kevin Beckner, who spearheaded the creation of the fund.
Beckner is particularly interested in quickly making money available to families of first responders who are killed.
"It can sometimes take 45 to 60 days before people even see a check, especially with insurance policies," Beckner said.
First responders, including police officers, firefighters and paramedics in the county and its three cities, would be eligible for the benefit.
The county would allocate $200,000 annually for the fund. The money would be moved from a reserve fund that is normally used for emergencies to the county's operating budget. If the money isn't used, it would go back to the reserve fund and be reallocated the following fiscal year.
No more than $1 million could be allocated each year.
Payments are expected to be made to beneficiaries within 30 days of a death, Beckner said.
"I don't want people to be confused that we're sacrificing services or jeopardizing somebody's employment," he said. "This is coming from funds for catastrophic events and there's plenty there."
The county's reserve fund has a balance of $36.3 million, Beckner said.
Commissioner Jim Norman stressed the importance of getting financial support from the county's cities: Tampa, Temple Terrace and Plant City.
"I really do passionately think there needs to be a legal structure where everyone steps up for these families involving all municipalities," Norman said.
None of the three cities have committed funds to the county's fallen heroes fund yet.
"We are in the process of finalizing our annual budget, and funding for that project isn't immediately available," said Temple Terrace spokesman Mike Dunn, adding that they would like to hear more about the idea from Beckner.
Private funds also will be raised for the county's fallen heroes program and county employees will be able to contribute automatically from their paychecks.
A virtual memorial tribute is also in the works for those killed in the line of duty. The names of those killed since 1885 along with their pictures, obituaries and eulogies would be included. The site is currently under construction.
As it stands now, beneficiaries of first responders killed in the line of duty are entitled to a combination of public and union funds. Children generally receive money for college, funeral expenses are covered and a portion of the officer's pension is paid to the family. The Florida Police Benevolent Association also pays $30,000 to the families of its members who are killed in the line of duty. Private money can also play a big role.
In the most recent case, more than $300,000 was collected through fundraising for the families of slain Tampa Officers David Curtis and Jeffrey Kocab. Each widow also qualified for more than $700,000 in government, union and pension money.
Nicole Hutcheson can be reached at or (813) 226-3405.[Last modified: Sep 01, 2010 11:42 PM] Click here for reuse options! Copyright 2010 St. Petersburg Times
There are 7 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
sidney wrote:
Good thing that the annuities for the families of the fallen were listed. Gilding the lilly in this case and far too much. But hey, we support illegitimate kids, tons from one idiot, so what's another few hundred thousand?
Sep 1, 2010 12:27 PM
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mytwocents wrote:
Maybe this is something the unions of those that "sacrifice for their community" should consider doing instead of the county.
Many of these are paid well, enjoy great benefits, pensions, free programs, etc., etc.,
Sep 1, 2010 2:05 PM
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vennboy wrote:
i hope beckner and norman each give up a house and a car for this fund. When my father was murdered we just sat and waited. My mother alone with FOUR OF US. That's all I'm saying. Was my father less a hero? As well, look for more officers to be killed. They're buying the families in advance. If you fail to see my meaning please check what U.S. soldiers' families get now.
Sep 1, 2010 2:44 PM
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Tampa605 wrote:
Putting money in a fund for families that will already be well taken care of through good insurance policies, perpetual state retirement benefits, healthcare for life, and other community funds, while laying people off...sounds ridiculous to me. I am thankful for everything the police do for us but for example the two widows of the TPD officers who recently died will each see over $600,000 from insurance and other community funds PLUS free health insurance and state retirement benefits for life.
Sep 1, 2010 5:15 PM
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somethingtosay wrote:
Beckner is buying votes for 2012; He is as pathetic as the rest of them. One term is more than enough. Why enrich someone who is already taken care of while taking food out of the mouths of others. Not one deputy or firefighter was in the audience to cheer him on, because they know how excessive this is.
Sep 1, 2010 8:59 PM
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mattgordonmd wrote:
I can see some short-term assistance in re: bill paying and such. The union-negotiated life insurance policies, pensions, etc., are far more generous than the vast majority of people receive.
Sep 2, 2010 12:20 AM
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firemanarsonisspenceroberts wrote:
My family will enjoy that one hundred grand. almost as much as i snuck out the back door.
Sep 2, 2010 12:58 AM
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